Domineering Male God Rely on Me

Chapter 70: A Weibo


Lin Ye looked at the first sentence on the email, propose

Does it mean that you still want to get married

What a trouble!

It’s not as long as she stays by her side, and when the time comes, two people get married as a matter of course. Why is it so complicated


No wonder it is said that women are the most difficult creatures, so...

What is surprising is that Lin Ye did not close the document, but patiently continued to read it.

—The choice of marriage proposal scene is very important. It must be romantic. You can choose a higher-end restaurant or a place that your girlfriend likes. The important thing is to make your girlfriend happy, and more importantly, you have to be sincere. Moved, then accept.

Lin Ye frowned, is it romantic

Is the island romantic enough that time


Could it be said that Lin Ye hasn't paid his sincere heart

If you are not sincere to her, I have been thinking of her in my heart for the past five years.

But now that sincerity and romance are all there, why didn't you see her being touched

"Really, what are these things, messy!"

… It must be clear that women are sensitive animals and at the same time very emotional. If she does not feel sincere, she will never give herself to the other party easily.

Yep? sincere? If I can’t feel sincere after doing this, it can only be said that Mickey’s heart is too cold-blooded and numb...

… All women hope that the other person can give themselves a sense of security, and they must make her believe that you love her very much, rather than just talking about it. You must be willing to spend money for her, but you must not make her feel that you are too vulgar. Women are disgusted with the direct giving of money from men.

Ha ha…

Lin Ye sneered when he saw this.

If you said that you didn't love her, how could you do so many things, and how could you think of trying to deal with the old fellow Mihaod because of her beating women regardless of the public.

Lin Ye felt that the previous content was really not very good, but when he saw the latter sentence, he only felt it caught his heart, thinking that the most important thing he lacks now is money.

The island that was built before was bought at a high price, the purpose is to make her like it.

Lin Ye continued to look down by sliding the mouse.

… If you have done all of this and she still refuses to marry you, then…

There is only one most important reason: she doesn't love you at all!

Lin Ye's face suddenly turned cold when he saw it, and his whole body was exuding cold air.


He closed the notebook directly and felt a little headache.

At this time, Mickey's room was very quiet, but she just couldn't sleep, she felt very confused, and there seemed to be some noise in her ears, but she had no choice but to sit up from her sex...

At this time, she suddenly discovered that her life was like a pet in a cage. Without the permission of the owner, she had lost even the most basic freedom, and she was even worse than a pet.

Thinking about it, I turned around and took out my phone, and habitually opened Weibo to read the news updates of my friends above, and found that they seemed to be quiet too...

Mickey tapped the phone screen to type a line, and then tap send.

… My heart is so annoying now, will anyone chat with me

She now needs to find someone to chat with to divert her attention, even if a stranger comes to chat with a few words at this time.

Lin Ye was leaning on a chair to rest. Suddenly the phone on the side rang, frowned and took the phone over. He saw a reminder from Weibo that a person named Qi posted a Weibo update, and clicked on the screen. Choose View.

… Qi: My heart is so annoying right now, is anyone chatting with me

Lin Ye frowned, upset? Is it because of what happened just now

Click on the phone screen to type a line of reply:

What is upsetting you

He knew that Mickey didn't know that this was his Weibo account.

On the other side, Mickey was leaning on the head of the bed and immediately opened Weibo when she heard the phone prompt.

It was a comment on Weibo, but when I clicked it, I found an unfamiliar name.

… What is upsetting you

Looking at this unfamiliar name, Mickey clicked on and entered the other party's Weibo page, but found that there was nothing on it, not even personal information, even the profile picture was blank!

At first, she thought it was an advertisement or a spam account for harassment, but now it does not look like it.

Thinking about it, Mickey replied,'It's nothing, it's just that I'm in a bad mood. '

Lin Ye is in a bad mood looking at the message sent on the phone

Just because I kissed her forcibly, and then she was in a bad mood

Frowning and typing a few more words and pressing the send button.

… If you are in a bad mood, think of more happy things!

Lin Ye couldn't comfort people, and he had never comforted people, so he didn't know how to comfort Mickey who was upset now.

This time, Lin Ye hadn't waited for Mickey's reply for a long time. Could it be that she was asleep

Thinking about this, Lin Ye threw the phone aside anxiously!

I glanced at the laptop on the desk, reopened it, and continued to read the emails I just received!

At the end of the email, I didn't talk about how to make my girlfriend like it, but introduced some characteristic hotels and tourist attractions in the city, and some gifts that are especially popular with girls.

Famous brand perfume

Mickey doesn't like this, she has never smelled perfume before!

Cosmetics, she doesn't wear makeup, it seems to be of little use to her like perfume.

There are also some high-heeled shoes, skirts, designer bags, necklaces and rings, etc. Lin Ye feels that these items are very difficult for Mickey to be interested.

After reading the content of the e-mail, he felt that these were useless, at least for Mickey.

Glancing at the phone on the table, there was no sound. This seemed to be the first time he was waiting for news from the other party so eagerly.

Is it really asleep

I picked up the phone and clicked on Mickey's Weibo homepage to enter, and looked at her avatar. The avatar was a selfie of Mickey without makeup, but she looked very beautiful. She smiled very sweetly on the photo. , He has never seen it before!

Lin Ye looked at these Weibos, as if he could imagine Mickey's expressions when he was happy and complaining...

When he saw a Weibo with pictures posted by Mickey, his face immediately became difficult to look at.

It was posted at the beginning of the year. There are only four words on Weibo. If you only read a few words, there is no problem. The problem is that picture, which makes him feel very bad. ()