Don’t Be a Kept Man

Chapter 155: army


The shopping mall is six stories high, and the clothing area, beauty area, and movie city have everything. It is not difficult to see the prosperity before the end of the world, but now it is empty and dead, only the dark bloodstains meandering forward on the white ceramic floor tiles, submerging into the darkness.

Pei Ran climbed the stairs and searched every floor, and found that there were no high-level zombies, only a dozen T1s. It was not difficult to solve. He took Qu Yan to the clothing area on the fourth floor. Go for a walk and change your dirty clothes.

Compared with his particular attention, Qu Yan was more casual, and only changed into a black sweater, perhaps because of the special physique of the psychic. With shallow scars, at first glance, it is a gloomy and beautiful boy.

"Tsk, how old are you, wearing so dark."

Pei Ran was wearing a black casual shirt, with his back against the counter, his temperament tended to mature, and he was obviously better able to control this color than Qu Yan.

Qu Yan approached Pei Ran, tiptoed around his neck, and whispered in his ear, "Twenty years old."

He went to school two years later than others.

Pei Ran didn't pay attention to him, raised his hand and picked out a black hoodie with English letters, compared the size on Qu Yan, and motioned him to put it on: "I really don't see it, it's not too thin, I think Where are you seventeen or eighteen?"

Qu Yan lifted the hem of the sweater, revealing a cold white waistline, then took it off and put on the sweater. The scary scars on his body flashed past, and they were hidden under the clothes again.

Seeing this, Pei Ran paused for a while, then nodded with a smile: "It's pretty."

He looked at Qu Yan, and then reached out and stroked his side face. His fingertips were warm and dry, and he praised in a low voice, "People look good too."

Qu Yan was obviously very happy when he heard the words, and the mole under his eyes was a little more confusing. He held Pei Ran's hand on his face, lowered his eyes and rubbed it lightly, then raised his head and asked, "Do you like it? look like?"

"It's the way I like it," Pei Ran asked him to lean his back against the counter, then put his hands on his sides, half-truth, "If this was before the end of the world, I would definitely throw money to death and send a car. Sending houses and flowers, I have to catch you."

Qu Yan asked with great interest: "I got it, and then what?"

Pei Ran said as a matter of course: "If you catch up, just be my target. We can both go to a school, but your grades must be very good, and my grades must be very poor. At that time, maybe I will find you to copy homework every day, and I will still find you in exams. You want answers."

"Then during the evening self-study, I will take you to skip class, drive a sports car to the streets, go to the video game city to play games, go to the night market to drink and have a skewer, and play whatever the excitement is."

He was beaming, and he said it as if, really...

Qu Yan didn't know what he was thinking, so he slowly pulled down his neck and licked his lips with the tip of his tongue. Express the unspeakable emotions in your heart.


The smell of blood filled the air instantly, Pei Ran's eyes widened, he pushed Qu Yan away in a conditioned reflex, jumped his feet in pain, like a cat with fried fur, and roared in disbelief and aggrieved: "Why are you biting me!"

Qu Yan was pushed aside, and his lower back slammed on the edge of the counter. He lowered his head and smiled. Pale fingertips brushed lightly on his lips, wiping away the trace of blood: "I'm happy..."

Biting for pleasure? If you are not happy, do you have to kill

Pei Ran took out a bottle of mineral water from the space and squatted on the ground to rinse his mouth. He didn't want to speak because of the pain. Even Qu Yan came over to show him the injury, but was pushed away.

Qu Yan rarely had any gloomy emotions. He tilted his head and stared at Pei Ran, his eyes were dark, and he obediently admitted his mistake: "I was wrong."

It's good to have no heart or lungs, don't take anything to heart, Pei Ran took two sips of water, stretched his face over, pointed to the wound on his lower lip and showed Qu Yan: "I told you last time not to bite anymore. People, you still bite, you see, it's all bleeding... Is it a dog?"

Qu Yan: "No, it's a snake."

"No wonder it's so annoying," Pei Ran got up from the ground and pulled Qu Yan up by the way, "Until I get better, don't kiss you, don't kiss me either."

Qu Yan looked at him, his dark bangs covered his eyes and did not speak.

Pei Ran: "Did you hear that?"

Qu Yan: "Oh."

It seemed that there were only the two of them in the whole mall, and even the slightest words could cause echoes. Anyway, Pei Ran was not in a hurry, and he walked slowly one by one. When he needed it, he put in the space. Toiletries, books, sundries, everything, Qu Yan even saw He picked up a set of college entrance examination papers at the bookstore.

Qu Yan drew a circle on his back with his fingertips, trying to please him: "If you don't know how, I can teach you."

"No," Pei Ran said, "this is for you."

After all, there is a long way to go, and I need to do something to pass the time. No matter how hard you are, you can’t suffer your children. No matter how poor you are, you can’t be poor in education.

Qu Yan: "..."

He sat on the desk and looked at Pei Ran with his cheeks raised, trying to tell him that a real scholar is not afraid of doing problems.

The door of the library was wide open, and a gust of wind suddenly swept in from the outside, rolled up the papers scattered on the ground, and turned around, Qu Yan seemed to have sensed it, glanced outside without a trace, and then jumped off the desk.

Pei Ran was still picking out books, and Qu Yan turned to his back and said, "I'll go out, call me if you have anything, don't go upstairs."

Pei Ran glanced at him, then nodded: "Come back soon."

No one knows how high Qu Yan's mental strength is now. Pei Ran only knows that during this time, he would hunt and kill zombies on a large scale in the vicinity every night while he was asleep. It was clean, but the strong bloody smell could not be hidden.

Martial arts originated from killing techniques in troubled times. Perhaps only by continuous killing can we adapt to this world faster.

Pei Ran wasn't too worried about Qu Yan's accident. He picked out the book he wanted, and then walked downstairs according to his words. Who ever wanted to go to the second floor, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside, in the quiet shopping mall. very obvious inside.

Pei Ran stopped, squatted down, and covered himself with the baffle of the elevator handrail. From his angle, he saw a dozen people suddenly enter the mall. Ten of them were wearing military uniforms with guns in their hands. A few were dressed in ordinary clothes, but Pei Ran could faintly sense that they might be power users.

The soldier at the head was very cautious. He carefully observed the surrounding situation, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, but Pei Ran just tugged at the shoelace, and suddenly a sharp rebuke came from his ear: "Who! Come out!"

The dark barrel of the gun was already aimed at half of his exposed head, Pei Ran paused, knowing that he had been discovered, then slowly raised his hand and stood up from the elevator: "Don't shoot, I'm a human being. ."

His body is too clean, and his handsome appearance makes people's eyes shine. There is a long-haired woman in the team below: "So you are a survivor, we thought it was a zombie."

Seeing this, the leading soldier put down his gun, his eyes were not as piercing as before, but he was still full of doubts and asked sharply: "Are you a survivor? Alone?"

Pei Ran leaned against the elevator handrail and pointed to it: "Ah, no, my friend is also there, he is better, we escaped from X city by car, not long after we entered the mall, and found that there were no zombies in it, we just I changed my clothes and ate something."

It also explains why he is so clean.

Hearing the words, the soldier gestured to his brothers and abilities to go upstairs to search, then saluted and said to Pei Ran: "Hello, comrade, my name is Leng Feng, the South has now established a survivor base, and we are following the instructions of our superiors. Come out and search for survivors, and you can leave with us later."

Pei Ran actually didn't know where the base was. He only knew that he kept going south. He was lucky to meet the army. "That's great. We don't know where to go. I'm really bothering you."

When Leng Feng heard the words, he thought of something and said, "Where's your friend?"

Just as Pei Ran was about to say it, a faint bloody smell suddenly came from behind him, and then his right hand was clenched by a familiar force, and Qu Yan's low, hoarse and laughing voice sounded in his ear: "Yeah, so there are other people here. Woolen cloth."

Pei Ran turned around and saw a drop of blood on his collar, which was not very obvious, and tucked it for him without any trace, and then pointedly said: "We are very lucky, we met the search and rescue team, and we can talk to them later. Go together."

Leng Feng glanced over their holding hands, inexplicably felt that these two were a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange, he saw that Qu Yan was a little young and thin, so he couldn't help asking: "You have not been wounded on your body. The traces of the zombies' scratches, you need to do a physical examination before entering the base."

Qu Yan shook his head, indicating no.

Pei Ran also said no.

Leng Feng stared at the obvious wound on his lips and did not speak. Pei Ran smiled helplessly: "Even if a zombie bites me, it is impossible to bite this place."

That's true.

"Excuse me, you wait here."

Leng Feng looked back a little embarrassedly, and then followed upstairs to collect supplies. Pei Ran was just glad that he hadn't wiped out all the inventory, otherwise people would have been suspicious. Qu Yan suddenly approached his ear and whispered, "There are six upstairs. stranger."

This number is a bit scary. After all, the end of the world has only just begun, but the human body in the army is of high physical quality, and the chance of awakening supernatural powers is also greater than others.

He said, quietly closed his eyes and felt it: "One water element, three space elements, one fire element, and one ice element."

Qu Yan's mental power can detect fluctuations in supernatural powers, and there may be a few zombies hidden on the top floor. Some of them have used supernatural powers, and the frequency of the fluctuations has been passed on.

So Pei Ran watched Qu Yan use his mental power to copy the water and fire elements. The water element was a small ball of water, and the fire element was a cluster of blue flames, which didn't seem to be very powerful. , Qu Yan seemed to be a little disgusted, and with a palm closed, he said, "There is no attack power."

After speaking, he gave Pei Ran a small hug: "Your lightning element is the most powerful."

Pei Ran was delighted: "Very good, there is water to wash your face and bathe, so you don't have to waste mineral water all the time."

While they were talking, a group of people led by Leng Feng had already collected the supplies and came down. Qu Yan also stopped his voice at the right time.

Leng Feng frowned slightly, his expression a little weird, he hesitated to look at Pei Ran: "When you came, didn't you find any powerful zombies?"

Pei Ran said, "We just went up to the third floor and haven't gone to other places yet, what happened?"

Leng Feng looked at them and shook his head thoughtfully: "Nothing."

What he didn't say was that there was a zombie on the sixth floor, which was initially estimated to be a rare high-level T4. What was even more frightening was that the crystal nucleus in the brain was hollowed out by someone.