Don’t Be a Kept Man

Chapter 159: Remember the world without gunpowder before


The team led by Leng Feng at the beginning did not belong to the same faction as those power users. One was to search for survivors, and the other was to reserve supplies according to the above order. They are all cultivated by the top management of the base, no matter which one is damaged, it is a huge loss.

Xiaobing learned that Pei Ran was going to enter the base, and the military doctor who happened to be in charge of the inspection was an acquaintance, so he walked directly through the back door and led them to the body testing area.

"Check if there are any wounds and you can go in. There are residential areas in the base, and the rent of utilities and electricity must be exchanged for contribution points. There is a lobby for posting tasks in the central area. After completing tasks, you can get contribution points. Now there are many power users who have already Spontaneously form a team to go out to hunt zombies, if you don’t want to do a task, you can exchange it with crystal cores.”

Xiaobing asked a comrade to help him issue the number plate, worried that Pei Ran would not understand, dutifully explained the rules of the base for him, and accompanied him the whole time, which saved some trivial troubles.

Pei Ran was a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Xiaobing's face is immature, probably still a recruit, and he said honestly: "What should be done, Captain Leng has gone to a meeting, if he is here, I will thank you even more, none of our brothers have awakened abilities, if you hadn't shot If you help, you may be sacrificed, comrade, thank you for saving us."

His last words were very solemn, and he even raised his hand to give a standard military salute.

Now that water resources are in short supply, they have no awakening abilities, and their life is not easy. Pei Ran saw Xiaobing's lips were white and chapped and his voice was hoarse. He asked Qu Yan to help carry the backpack, and then took a bottle of mineral water and stuffed it into Xiaobing's arms: "It's hard work, drink a bottle of water, don't dislike it."

Xiaobing was stunned for a moment, and was about to reject it. Who would have thought that it was not over yet, his arms sank, and five bottles of water fell. He was startled and said anxiously: "No no no, water resources are scarce now, you have just entered the base, There are many places to use, don't give it to me... "

The space was messy, and Pei Ran grabbed it casually, using the cover of the backpack to tug at it, and then put some snacks in a plastic bag for him, the stupid son of the living landlord: "It's okay, I think there are more over there. Soldiers on guard, share it with your comrades."

Xiao Bing really didn't expect Pei Ran to be so generous. Now whoever has something to eat should not hide it, so as not to be missed by people with bad intentions, he is both grateful and uneasy, and eager to return it to him, but Pei Ran pulls it early. With Qu Yan he left.

The female military doctor next to her saw Xiao Bing standing dumbfoundedly holding a bunch of things, at a loss, as if she was holding a bomb, and couldn't help laughing: "Hey, that handsome guy I met you just now, why did I give you so much water?"

Although the base distributes a certain amount of water every day, it is just a small pot, which is not enough to drink, and everyone casts envious glances for a while.

Xiao Bing's face was sweaty: "No, didn't our team encounter a zombie tide last night? He was the one who saved us. I wanted to help him get acquainted with the base environment, but they gave him so many things directly. , I have no face to accept it, the captain knows that I have to kill me... "

The female military doctor suddenly heard the words: "Oh, he is the lightning-type power user that your captain said, I said how well you bring someone over to jump in the queue, since he gave it to you, just keep it, next time people encounter difficulties , you can help me back."

The soldier was still hesitant.

The female military doctor bowed her head to make a record and shook her head: "The recruits are just too timid, they are not lightly bullied by Leng Feng, their minds are all confused, they are thunder-type abilities, and they will be recruited by the leaders in the future. I can't get enough of you to eat."

Xiaobing thought about it too, so he had to accept it, put the snack bag on her table, and said with a blushing face: "That comrade asked me to separate the things from my comrades, I'll take the water, and give these small snacks to you girls."

Most of the military doctors in charge of testing were girls. They were still working hard just now. Hearing that, they looked over and said with great surprise, "Oh my God, did they even give you snacks?"

"Xiao Cen, you are so kind, next time you cold captain punish you, we will definitely help you to intercede!"

"That's it!"

The base is currently in a state of polarization. It looks like a small city inside. Those with strength and abilities live in the central area. Some ordinary people who can’t afford to rent a house live in the outer circle. They buy a tent and set up camp directly on the grass. Densely packed with colorful tents, it is overcrowded.

But no matter what adversity they are in, smart people can always find the most suitable way to survive. As soon as Pei Ran and Qu Yan walked into the base, they immediately attracted countless attention. A teenage boy was squatting on the side of the road. The quickest response, upon seeing this, he rushed over like a small cannonball.

Pei Ran was frightened once just now. Seeing this, it looked like his tail had been trampled. The conditioned reflex went directly to hide behind Qu Yan, but the child was quite measured. When he ran in front of them, he stopped the car in time and lifted a With a face the size of a slap, he first looked at Qu Yan, who had an indifferent expression, and then at Pei Ran, who was "excessively frightened". Like reciting lines, he gathered up his courage and stumbled: "Brother, are the first. Next time, you can ask me if there is anything you don't understand... Only one crystal nucleus will be accepted."

Qu Yan stared at him for a moment, then turned his head to look aside, there was no pity or sadness in his eyes, he didn't seem interested in children, and said coldly, "The clingy kid..."

Pei Ran said, "You are more clingy than him."

Qu Yan: "..."

Seeing that they didn't speak, the child subconsciously clenched the corners of his clothes, and summoned his courage to say again: "The core can be exchanged for contribution points, and the contribution points require an ID card, which must be processed in the power hall in the central area. I can… I can help lead the way. "

After speaking, he carefully stretched out a finger and said, "As long as there is one crystal nucleus, you can eat it."

Pei Ran walked out from behind Qu Yan and saw many adults squatting on the side of the road.

Hearing this, the child finally laughed, and hurriedly led the way in front of him, running up and down, looking back from time to time to see if Pei Ran and the others were following.

Pei Ran leaned on Qu Yan's shoulder. Seeing that the child was only ten years old, he couldn't help asking a few questions on the way: "Child, what's your name, where are your parents?"

The child replied earnestly: "My name is Ding Sihao, my father was killed by zombies, and my mother earns contribution points by doing hygiene at the base. She is sick these days and can't work. I want to earn contribution points to change the medicine for my mother to eat."

Although the clothes on his body are a little dirty, the fabrics are good, and his family is expected to be good before the end of the world.

Pei Ran asked, "Who taught you how to earn crystal cores?"

The child grabbed the corner of his clothes and said, "Those uncles and aunts taught me... They knew that my mother was sick, so they helped me. Aunt Chen said that you were wearing clean clothes and had never seen you at the base. It must be a new superhuman. Let me Showing you the way, you can earn crystal cores."

Pei Ran was full of admiration: "It's really smart."

While talking, we had reached the hall of supernatural powers. There were people coming and going, and there was an endless stream of people who came to go through the formalities. Ding Sihao led them to a machine, and explained like a little adult: "Go to the front desk and enter your identity information. , and then receive the contribution card, this card is very important and cannot be lost, everyone must do a power test."

Pei Ran nodded, Yiyan and Qu Yan walked to the front desk and entered their fingerprints and identity information under the instructions of the staff.

"Hello, please put your hand on the measuring instrument. Your ability information will be recorded here."

There is a half-human-high machine in the hall of abilities, which looks a bit like a printer from the outside, but is connected to many translucent data cables. Pei Ran knew that this was an ability test. Under the watchful eyes of the staff, he put his hand in, and a blue light appeared. After sweeping, there was a slight sense of electric current, and then the display screen lit up, a lightning symbol appeared, and a fluorescent number 3 appeared.

Seeing this, the staff's expression changed, and then smiled and handed over the contribution card and a leaflet, and said in a respectful tone: "Three-level thunder system, the mission hall of the base will release many missions, you can form a team with others, Get high contribution points."

Pei Ran knew what his level was, and was not surprised. He was just curious about Qu Yan, and eagerly pulled him to the instrument: "Quick, quick, test your level, you must be higher than me."

Qu Yan glanced at him with a smile, then put his hand in, a blue light flashed, and a simplified pattern of the brain appeared on the screen, followed by the number 4.

The staff was really shocked. I didn't expect to encounter two masters of supernatural abilities today, and they handed over the contribution cards with a more cordial attitude: "Hello, the supernatural powers are spiritual, level 4."

Pei Ran was stunned for a moment. He always felt that Qu Yan should be more than 4th grade, which is not in line with the treatment of the protagonist. He raised his eyebrows slightly, tilted his head and whispered in his ear: "You only have 4th grade?"

Qu Yan blew a light breath in his ear, teasing him with a half-smile, "Of course..."

more than.

The machine in the middle is nothing more than distinguishing the level by the strength of the power fluctuations. As long as Qu Yan controls the activity of his mental power, the instrument cannot detect it. He won't completely expose his cards.

There were a lot of people in the hall. When testing the power just now, many people noticed the two of them. All kinds of eyes gathered at once, and even a hot beauty came over and invited them to join the power. Team, but was declined by Pei Ran.

"Okay, I live at 306 on the third floor of District A. My surname is Tao, Tao Xiran. Squad No. 7 is my team. If you change your mind, you can come to me at any time."

The woman had a forthright personality, and was not unhappy when she was rejected. She said goodbye to them with a smile.

Pei Ran now has a partner, and he doesn't have to worry about it, but it doesn't prevent him from simply appreciating beautiful women. Tao Xiran's eyes are gorgeous, and it is really eye-catching to see in this gray world.

Qu Yan noticed his gaze, raised his hand and squeezed Pei Ran's chin, forcing him to look at himself, and asked meaningfully, "Does it look good..."

Qu Yan likes to wear black clothes. His complexion is paler than others. Zhang Li's eyebrows and eyes suddenly sharpen. The light-colored fingertips are lined with the dark-colored sleeves.

Pei Ran said absentmindedly, "It's pretty."

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed Qu Yan's wrist with a smile, and added, "But it's not as good-looking as you are."

Qu Yan didn't say anything, just hooked his lips in confusion, he let go of Pei Ran's chin, lowered his eyes and gently rubbed the reddish marks on it with his fingertips, which was gentle, but his voice was thick and cold: "Don't watch it next time, or I'll be angry, you know..."

When he gets angry, he doesn't know what to do.

Hearing this, Pei Ran held his face with his hands in surprise, squeezed him into a fleshy look, and said, "Hey? You're still angry, let me tell you, it's not angry, it's jealous. ."

Qu Yan: "..."

Ding Sihao has been squatting and waiting at the door of the magic hall. He was bored, picked up a stone, wrote English letters on the ground, and was serious. He didn't like going to school before and played games every day in class, but now he really wants to sit in the classroom. go with.

The window of the classroom can block the smoke, and the writing on the blackboard is peaceful.

A shadow suddenly fell over his head, Ding Sihao raised his head subconsciously, but when he saw Pei Ran and the others, he immediately stood up from the ground.

It was the first time that Pei Ran saw someone who was rougher than himself, and he said happily, "You little boy, you're going to bury your head in the ground. You won't know when we run away."

Ding Sihao blinked, his eyes were pure, and he looked at him blankly, not knowing what to say.

Pei Ran fumbled for a moment in his pocket and gave him a crystal nucleus: "Here."

Ding Sihao's eyes lit up, he took it carefully with both hands, and then bowed to him: "Thank you brother."

Pei Ran did not leave immediately, but leaned down in front of him and asked, "What's wrong with your mother?"

Ding Sihao pursed his lips and said, "Fever."

Fever, fortunately, not serious, if you have a disease that requires surgery, it will be really fatal in the last days.

Medicines are scarce now, even if you have contribution points, you can't buy them. Basically, there is no market for them. Pei Ran swept a pharmacy before, and the stock of commonly used medicines was not very large. After hesitating for a while, he took out a plate of antipyretics. That kind of delicately packaged special medicine, there are only two small pills per plate.

"Child, go back and feed your mother, hide it in your pocket, don't let anyone steal it, you know?"

Ding Sihao's heart was pounding, he clenched the tablet tightly, and said with wide eyes, "I... I don't have a crystal nucleus to exchange."

Pei Ran saw a few English words at his feet and couldn't help but smile.

sun, bird, flower.

Sun, birds, flowers.

"No need to change, go back."

Pei Ran didn't think that this little brat was dirty. He patted the back of his head and dragged Qu Yan away. He planned to go to the exchange hall to exchange some contribution points and rent a house.

Qu Yan sometimes felt that Pei Ran was a bad guy, but he wasn't so annoying. He lowered his head, looked at the elongated shadows of the two and said, "No matter how generous you are, you will be targeted."

Pei Ran didn't care, he hooked Qu Yan's neck and wrapped the person in his arms, still in high spirits, his light-colored pupils shone under the sun's rays: "What are you afraid of, I have you to protect me."

Anyone who opposes the protagonist will not end well.

Now the protagonist is his person = the person who opposes him will not end well.

There's nothing wrong with this relationship, and it's quite pleasing.

Pei Ran didn't care what was given out.

Although food and medicine are scarce, isn't human beings such a creature, they help each other, they have good and bad, and in this long life, no one can be alone.