Don’t Be a Kept Man

Chapter 160: nurture you


Along the way, he hunted and killed many low-level zombies, and there were still some first-level crystal cores left in the space. Pei Ran thought that renting a house in the central area should not be cheap, so he exchanged all of them for contribution points, about one thousand or more.

The housing stock is in the hands of the base, and correspondingly, there will be similar real estate agents. Most of them are ordinary people without awakening abilities, but because they are eating public meals, they look decent, so Pei Ran went to the reception desk to ask. Now, someone will be in charge soon.

"There is just a vacant room on the fourth floor above. The price is the same. It is 300 contribution points a month. Water and electricity are calculated separately. If you live in it, you need to pay three months' rent at one time."

The person receiving the reception was a middle-aged aunt, who looked a little indifferent, and spoke with a faint piercing feeling. Pei Ran went to the vacant room on the fourth floor and found that it looked like a hotel room, with one bedroom and one bathroom, not spacious.

Pei Ran asked, "Is there any other room?"

The aunt turned slightly to the side, the keys around her waist rattled, her eyelids were drooping, her voice was a little thick, like someone who was used to smoking, with the smell of smoke that had accumulated over the years: "Don't look at it, they are all the same size, It's all these years, do you still want to live in a big villa?"

Pei Ran didn't quarrel with her. After all, the creature like aunt was quite scary in his memory. He turned his head to look at Qu Yan, and found that the other party had been silent like air from beginning to end. He just followed him and asked aloud. Said: "Is this room okay? If it is okay, I'll rent it."

Qu Yan nodded. Anyway, he never objected to what Pei Ran said.

The two went downstairs to pay the fee, went through the formalities again, simply ate something, and went around for most of the day.

The room was clean, there was no dust, and there were matching quilts. It could be seen that someone had cleaned it every day. Pei Ranfeng had been sleeping in the open for a few months, and when he saw the big bed in the room, he finally felt that he had lived a life like a human being, lying on it. I don't want to move.

Qu Yan sat on the sofa beside him, resting his chin with his hands, quietly watching Pei Ran roll on the bed, the dim sunlight filtered in through the gaps in the curtains, and cast a beam of light in the room, hitting Qu Yan impartially. On the top of his head, he squinted slightly, a ray of sunlight poured from the tips of his hair, and then slid down his eyelashes. The pale skin was filled with a jade-like warmth, but it still looked cold and hard to get close to.

Dust has nowhere to hide in such light.

Pei Ran was lying on the bed, comfortably not wanting to get up. He looked at the ceiling, pulled the sheets, remembered that Kari's contribution points were less than 100, and sighed without a trace: "No more crystal cores."

Going out to kill zombies was a last resort, but now that there is space to eat, drink, and houses, who would want to go out

He turned over and looked at Qu Yan sideways, with half of his arms hanging by the bedside, he hooked his hand and asked with a smile, "Will you take care of me?"

Before Qu Yan could answer, the system rang: [Ding, no. 】

Pei Ran covered his face silently, almost annoying it to death: "I didn't ask you, what are you talking about."

When he was irritable, his arms suddenly sank, his chin touched a piece of delicate and cool skin, Qu Yan lay in his arms at some point, and said seriously, "Okay, I'll take care of you."

Although Pei Ran had guessed that he would answer like this, he was still very happy. He stretched his palms along the hem of Qu Yan's clothes, rubbed his tailbone lightly, and said to himself, "Hey, My biggest dream when I was a child was to eat and wait to die, and now my biggest dream is to eat and wait to die.”

Qu Yan was a little itchy because of his teasing, but he didn't do anything to avoid it. Instead, he slid down slightly and let Pei Ran's hand go completely into his clothes. Maybe this represented intimacy, maybe because of lack of security, for no reason. Yes, he loves the physical contact.

Qu Yan's gentle appearance is full of spikes, but if necessary, he can be as soft as a puddle of water, because of his initiative, this simple appeasement action has changed a bit unconsciously. Pei Ran suddenly remembered that in the original novel, if he followed the original trajectory, Qu Yan would become the ruler of the Southern Base in the future, but this half-year-old boy in front of him didn't look like much.

"You squint for a while, I'll take a shower."

Pei Ran was still not very enlightened about matters between men. He saw that the trouser legs were slightly muddy, so he took a set of clean clothes and was going to take a shower, so the ambiguous temperature that was gradually rising in the room suddenly dropped again.

Qu Yan looked at his figure disappearing behind the door. For the first time, he felt that the man was too stupid, and it was not a good thing. There are more strands of sharpness, making people dare not look directly.

After an unknown amount of time, he chuckled, got up from the bed, opened the bathroom door, and squeezed directly into the too cramped environment. At that time, Pei Ran had just rinsed his hair and was stunned when he saw him: "What's wrong?"

The water splashed everywhere, and the thin clothes on Qu Yan's body were quickly wetted, sticking tightly to his body, the transparent water droplets fell down his pale side face, and finally rolled down the delicate and slender collarbone into the placket, lining the His pale face was inexplicably cold and a little confusing.

Pei Ran couldn't help but take a second look: "You want to wash? I'll let it go to you."

As he was about to leave, Qu Yan pulled him directly, leaning against him against the tiled wall of the bathroom, the water rushing down, the mist filled the air, and the vision of the two of them became a little blurry.

The air was silent for a moment.

Pei Ran suddenly seemed to understand what he meant, but inexplicably didn't know what to do. Qu Yan looked at him deeply, pushed up all his wet hair, raised his head and kissed Pei Ran, the first kiss fell on him. On his lips, the second kiss landed on his Adam's apple, the third kiss landed on his chest, and then down, Qu Yan knelt on the ground...

Such a scene seems familiar.

When they were trapped in the small underground warehouse, in the bathroom, Qu Yan also knelt down in front of him numbly, with blood dripping on his face, doing things that were as humble as dust.

Subconsciously, Pei Ran didn't want him to continue, so he reached out and pulled him off the ground: "Don't do this."

Qu Yan's light-colored lips turned darker at this time, a kind of delicate red, he frowned slightly, his fingertips clasped Pei Ran's arms, looked paranoid, and said softly in confusion, "Why..."

"Don't you like me..."

"Why don't you touch me..."

They have already knelt down to the ground, is this okay

In Qu Yan's opinion, this kind of thing is disgusting. When he was young, he watched the mother who was a prostitute and the guests lingering in clouds and rain, surrounded by the smell of smoke, and the cries of joy were like a rotten hand, the palm of which was tightly clasped in debauchery.

If that woman hadn't died.

If that woman is still alive.

She will sell her son at a high price, after all, a handsome and clean teenager will always be very attractive to customers.

Fortunately she died.

Qu Yan wrapped around Pei Ran's neck and whispered in his ear, as if he could read people's hearts: "I know you don't like men, but you said you like me..."

He pressed against Pei Ran somewhere, then slowly slid down, his knees touched the ground again, and looked up at him: "I only do this to know?"

Only Pei Ran would not make him feel sick.

Although the two were already close enough, Qu Yan still felt that it was not enough. His possessiveness was deeper than the fusion of bone and blood, stronger than swallowing. The desire was like an endless abyss, which would never be filled.

"Don't do that."

Seeing this, Pei Ran finally got out of the complicated question of "do I like men or women?". He pulled Qu Yan up again, turned off the shower with his backhand, and walked out of the bathroom with the thin boy in his arms, leaning over on the bed. .

The two of them were soaked with water, dripping on the sheets, dyed with light or deep marks. Pei Ran's jaw line was clear, and the line was sexy when viewed from the side. His Adam's apple moved, and then he leaned over A kiss fell on Qu Yan's lips, silently comforting the young man whose emotions were always uncertain.

Qu Yan was like a drug addict. He breathed out with satisfaction as if he finally got the antidote, and returned to his usual obedient appearance. He wrapped around Pei Ran's waist and his voice was ambiguous and hoarse: "Kiss me..."

Pei Ran bit him lightly with the tip of his teeth, indicating that he was kissing.

Qu Yan asked again, "Do you like me?"

"I like it," Pei Ran answered seriously, then stopped and looked at him, "Then do you like me?"

Qu Yan did not speak, but dragged his hand and slowly landed on his back. There were three new wounds there, which were left to protect Pei Ran when he was besieged by high-level zombies.

At that time, they were staying in an abandoned hotel. They didn't want to attract three T4s. Qu Yan couldn't control them completely. The balcony on the second floor became the only exit. He looked at him and said, "Don't be afraid, it doesn't hurt."

Then Pei Ran really didn't feel any pain, because Qu Yan was under him, but three pieces of broken glass were stuck in his back.

Only Qu Yan felt the pain.

Pei Ran kept these three injuries in mind. He stroked the edge of the scab, leaned over and gently licked it with the tip of his tongue. With love and distress, Qu Yan shivered sensitively, and then hugged Pei Ran tightly, feeling Holding his body temperature, he breathed softly in his ear: "Don't ask me if I like you or not, you just need to know that in this life, I will only be willing to be injured for you alone, that's enough..."

"I will always protect you."

I like this word, for Qu Yan, it is too weak and too pale to describe his heart.

But he cherished the weak and pale love that Pei Ran gave him.

When Pei Ran stroked him, Qu Yan seemed to be crying, but there were only fine beads of sweat on his face, and there were no tears in the corners of his eyes. With the pleasure of extinction.

"Qu Yan..."

Pei Ran read his name in a low voice, with more unspeakable emotions than before. He kissed every corner of Qu Yan's body, and his warm temper finally brought some ruthlessness that wanted to devour people.

Qu Yan bit his earlobe, his voice shattered under the impact, and he said intermittently: "You know... I am pitiful..."

He has never seen the light or tasted the sweetness. A little liking for other people's charity will be a treasure. As long as he is a little better to him, he is willing to hold his whole heart out.

How sad.

How pitiful.

Poor worm that grows in stinky gutters.

Qu Yan continued to speak, words that only he could understand: "I thought I was not a pitiful creature, but it turns out I am..."

Pei Ran held his face, met his eyes, and whispered, "You're not."

"I'm here, so you're not."

The night was getting dark. After cleaning, the people lying on the bed hugged each other tightly, and no one let go. Qu Yan leaned on Pei Ran's body, with his eyes closed, his expression was rare and peaceful, and there were three hideous wounds on his back. The dark interior gradually blurred, and finally disappeared into darkness.

They will always accompany him faithfully until the end of his life, without hatred, without quarrel, silently lying on his back, quietly.

Pei Ran's nerves were too tense for the past few days, and he suddenly relaxed, and the sleepiness came like a tide. He didn't notice that the person in his arms quietly dressed and left the room.

The base's guards at night are very tight. The searchlights swept through every corner closely, not letting go of any place. From time to time, the roar of cars rang out. It was the supernatural team returning from the task. No one noticed the thinness in the secret night. figure.

The crystal core can improve abilities, but this is only for beginners.

Only in the juncture of life and death, will there be greater improvement.

In the wilderness not far from the base, a small group of zombies gradually gathered, but they just lingered in the same place and did not roar. They were quiet and obedient, so they did not attract attention.

Qu Yan silently mobilized more zombies, squeezing his mental power to the extreme, and the supernatural powers in his body were running faster and faster. There is no end in sight.

Qu Yan wore a baseball cap, and most of his face was in the shadows. He tilted his head and looked at the group of zombies in the distance, as if he was dubbing the next good show. He moved his lips silently and spit out a word: "boom… "

As if to respond to his words, under the night, the zombies suddenly burst open, blood and flesh splattered, and all kinds of human tissues fell on the lawn, making a rustling sound, making people wonder if they had fallen. rainstorm.

Qu Yan was surrounded by a stench of blood. He didn't care whether the terrifying scene in front of him would attract the attention of others. Instead, he walked up to him in a good mood and used his mental power to control the crystal nucleus in the pile of flesh and blood to float in the sky. , and then packed it into a carry-on backpack.

Pei Ran woke up the next morning. There was always a tiny light flashing between his half-opened and half-closed eyelids, which made his eyes hurt. He frowned and sat up, opened his sleepy eyes, and saw A bed of nuclei…

One bed…


This kind of thing has a radiance comparable to that of a diamond. At this moment, it was washed cleanly by someone, and all of it was spread on the bed, reflecting the sunlight that penetrated through the gaps in the curtains, dazzling like a galaxy of silver sand.

Pei Ran was in a state of confusion when a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "Do you like it?"

Qu Yan lay beside the bed, stretched out his hand and piled up the spoils of last night, and then pushed all of them to Pei Ran: "All for you."

His brows lost a hint of gloom, and he lay quietly beside the bed, as if waiting for a compliment. Pei Ran was silent for a moment, and couldn't help but wiped his face and asked, "Did you dig it? When?"

Qu Yan said, "Last night."

Pei Ran sat on the bed, feeling like a roller coaster ride one after another, from shock to surprise, from surprise to calm, and finally staring at Qu Yan's dark and soft top of hair, he didn't know what to say anymore.

Pei Ran put on his clothes casually, his hair was a little messy, and he had a decadent and handsome feeling. He got out of bed, pulled Qu Yan from the ground into his arms, and laughed and said, "After sleeping with me, I can still Go out to kill zombies, your physical strength is very good."

Qu Yan didn't know whether he understood or didn't understand. Seeing Pei Ran hugging him, his expression became visibly happy. He threw himself into his arms and rubbed his chin, "I'll support you."

The system is pervasive, like a ghost: [Promise me, don't take it]

Pei Ran: "..."