Don’t Be a Kept Man

Chapter 162: Zombie King


While everyone was watching the movement upstairs, they observed the situation below. At this moment, Xiaomi suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed: "No, Captain, we are surrounded!"

Looking out through the ventilation windows of the building, there are actually zombies densely under the building. They are unbelievably quiet, they don't even make any roars, they move slowly, enclosing the building in the center circle, and there are more in all directions. The zombies are coming here, most of them are T3.

Tao Xiran's face turned pale instantly. It turned out that they had fallen into a huge trap from the very beginning. The zombies on the first and second floors were just bait. There was no time to think too much. She made a decisive decision and said sharply: "Quickly withdraw. !"

The members of the seventh team rushed downstairs immediately, preparing to tear open an exit from the zombie tide. Most of them were second-order abilities, the highest of which was only the third-order junior. Facing the sudden T3 zombie group, the urge to curse mother All have.

The Tang knife in Tao Xiran's hand danced with only an afterimage, and barely made a way, but then the exit was blocked by the endless stream of zombies in front of him, and he couldn't help but get angry: "Damn! It's not that there are no high-level zombies here. Why, how come there are so many T3s! Quickly use the communicator to send a distress signal to the base!"

Xiaomi sweated in a hurry: "Can't send it out, the signal seems to be blocked!"

Looking around, they were surrounded by towering icy buildings, and the distant floors were submerged in a leaden mist, like an invisible black hole, slowly swallowing the shadow-covered place, and they could see all the people or people. things, but not a ray of sunlight.

There seemed to be a behemoth entrenched on it, condescending, watching them with the eyes of ants.

Tao Xi then regretted it.

Maybe she shouldn't take this mission.

The Tang knife in her hand had already rolled its blade, and her body was covered in blood. She kicked away the zombies in front of her and started to attack with supernatural powers. For a group of copper-skinned and iron-boned zombies, it doesn't have much effect.

Pei Ran did not rush down with them, but turned around and ran upstairs. The third floor did not have the expected group of zombies, but was completely empty, so quiet that he could hear echoes. He called out Qu Yan's name a few times. But he didn't get any response, so he could only continue to run quickly to the fourth floor.

In the late autumn weather, there was a cold sweat on the back.

Pei Ran always thought that Qu Yan was the protagonist, who would not be injured or die, but he didn't know when he started to realize that the other party was just an ordinary person.

The thin skeleton is covered with a layer of scarred flesh and blood, crawling out of the abyss with a muddy body, the twisted and broken childhood memories of the first half of life, plus a pair of gloomy eyes, can be assembled into this lifeless but alive song in front of him. Inkstone.

Pei Ran's inattentive brain clearly remembers every moment when he was weak and powerless. He was dragged by Zhou Cangming to the toilet cubicle to cry in pain and despair. He was surprised when he heard that he liked him, and his back suddenly turned pale when the glass shards were embedded in it. The look on his face, the look of sleeping exhausted after a night of hunting zombies...

When the end of the world broke out, Qu Yan was about to graduate from high school.

Now it's just a student who hasn't even stepped into the university gate.

As the stairs crossed, and the floors gradually increased, Pei Ran could no longer count how high he had climbed. figure.

One of the two of them was running up, and the other was running down quickly. If Pei Ran hadn't stopped in time, the collision would have been tragic.

Qu Yan probably didn't expect Pei Ran to come looking for him, his dark eyes lit up for a moment, and then he jumped into his arms. Pei Ran didn't stand still, he subconsciously hugged him, staggered back a few steps, and finally bumped hard. on the wall.

"Fuck," Pei Ran said weakly for the first time, feeling that he hated iron for not becoming steel, "If you don't come down, I'll have to die halfway."

This building is the tallest building in City Z, with a total of 121 floors, and it can crawl people to death.

"I was wrong."

Qu Yan smiled and kissed him, then pulled Pei Ran down, not mentioning what happened to him just now, and the besieging zombies under the building seemed to have lost control, and became chaotic in an instant. , roaring one after another.

Tao Xiran and his teammates formed a back-to-back circle. After a long time of supernatural power fighting, they couldn't get the crystal nucleus to replenish, which made their muscles start to twitch abnormally and slightly. Pei Ran hurried down to the first floor, just in time to see a new wave of zombies rushing towards them, and hit a purple power grid with his backhand. , directly opening a small exit.

The seven o'clock team subconsciously looked back and saw that it was Pei Ran and Qu Yan. They couldn't help but look surprised. At this time, another blue-violet power grid with the thickness of a tail finger was blocking them. A three-person exit.

Pei Ran said, "Quickly rush out!"

The members of the seventh team reacted and hurriedly ran towards the military card by the roadside. Xiaomi didn't know that this was the result of Qu Yan's secret assistance, and his heart was full of dogs: "Damn, this thunder-type ability is too much. Mom is crazy!"

Ten of their team members hacked for half an hour and they didn't find a way out. Pei Ran killed more than half of them with just two power shots.

"Don't talk nonsense, get in the car now!"

Tao Xiran jumped into the carriage in twos and threes, quickly counted the number of team members, and when Pei Ran and Qu Yan came up, he said to the team members who were driving: "Hurry up!"

After he finished speaking, he took out a grenade from the corner of the carriage and threw it directly at the group of zombies that were chasing behind. He heard a loud bang, and the dust flew up, which made the eardrums hurt.

Pei Ran covered Qu Yan's ears as early as the first time, and then immediately buried his body. After the aftermath of the explosion passed, he raised his head, buzzing in his ears, and dizziness in front of his eyes.

The other team members were not much better. They were all paralyzed in the carriage, tired like a dead dog. Tao Xiran gasped, her gorgeous face was covered in blood, and she slowly slid down with her back against the guardrail, unable to hold back the explosion. In a foul language: "Fuck his grandma, my mother almost explained there today."

Pei Ran took out a wet tissue from his bag, wiped his face, rolled up his cuffs, and slowly wiped his palms. When the knuckles of his hands were clean again, he looked back and saw the towering building. The cloud building gradually turned into a small black spot as the distance went away, until it could no longer be seen.

It used to be the highest landmark building in Z City, and it is also the honor of Z City.

Qu Yan was also looking at that place, but it was a little more meaningful. After a while, he withdrew his gaze in despair and turned to look at Pei Ran, only to see mud marks on the other's fair face, obviously not wiped clean.

Qu Yan was familiar with his cleanliness and stinky beauty, and took out a pack of wet tissues from his backpack. Seeing this, Pei Ran tilted his head slightly, brought his face up, and when he was completely wiped off, he leaned directly on his shoulder.

Pei Ran asked him in a low voice, "What's going on above the building..."

Qu Yan smiled, kissed his forehead, and said silently, "Go back and tell you."

Team Seven: Cold Face.jpg

The car was driving at high speed, but the streets were empty, as if the zombies in the whole city were gathered in one place, Xiaomi asked hesitantly, "Captain, do you want to report today's affairs to the base?"

Tao Xiran was paralyzed on the ground and didn't move, looking a little irritable: "I report a bird, the task has not been completed, shame!"

Knowing that she was troublesome, Xiaomi persuaded her in a low voice: "Don't you think it's strange, when we entered the building, there was nothing unusual around, and there are usually so many T3s, it's good to meet two or three. There are more than fifty of them today!"

When everyone heard the words, they all fell into contemplation. Only Pei Ran lowered his head and counted the nuclei, while Qu Yan rested on his lap and closed his eyes.

The rental house is not very safe. All the crystal cores Qu Yan dug last night were kept in the space by Pei Ran. At this time, using the cover of his sleeve, Pei Ran stuffed a handful of crystal cores into his palm. Ask him to replenish his abilities, and more than 400 will be used up in an instant. It can be seen that the situation above the building is not optimistic, otherwise Qu Yan's mental power will not be depleted so much.

Half an hour later, the military vehicle arrived at the base. When Tao Xiran jumped out of the vehicle directly, his legs softened and he almost fell into a dog and eat shit. Seeing this, Pei Ran gave up those handsome moves, and got out of the vehicle very cautiously while clinging to the railings.

Tao Xiran: "..."

Pei Ran helped Qu Yan down, and then smiled embarrassedly at Tao Xiran: "It's always right to be cautious."

Tao Xiran wiped his face casually with his sleeve: "Be careful, my mother was tricked by someone to take on the task and almost took her life in it. Thank you today, but I have something to do with the base leader. Next time I have a chance, I will invite you to dinner. ."

"What a big deal."

Pei Ran waved his hand and refused. After saying goodbye to Tao Xiran and the others, he went to the front desk to exchange all the crystal cores for contribution points and fully charged the water and electricity bills, but it would not last a few days.

Going upstairs and entering the room, Pei Ran rarely did not rush to clean up, but sat quietly on the sofa with Qu Yan for a while, and then asked, "Are there any powerful zombies on the building?"

Qu Yan didn't answer immediately, but took out a very high-purity T5 crystal core from his pocket and handed it to him, then said: "There is a T6 zombie on it, it has evolved spiritual abilities, and it can control the same kind, see. It seems that there is no difference between getting up and people..."

He leaned lazily in Pei Ran's arms, his legs folded randomly on the armrest of the sofa, and he was relaxed, as if he had no idea how shocking what he said. Pei Ran subconsciously clenched the crystal core and asked in surprise. : "You killed that T6?!"

Qu Yan poked at Pei Ran's cuff with his fingertips, looking a little unwilling. After a while, he shook his head and said, "No."

When he went up, the zombie was devouring the same kind of crystal nucleus. Qu Yan dealt with a few T4s and a T5 on the side. Worrying about Pei Ran downstairs, he left without further entanglement, and the T6 didn't seem to be Wishing to meet Qu Yan, but did not pursue.

"It doesn't matter if you don't, people are the most important."

Pei Ran thought a lot in an instant, but felt that it was useless to think too much. In this world, it's enough to protect himself. He rubbed the inkstone's head: "Hungry or not, eat something."

Before they arrived at the base, they swept through many supermarkets and gas stations along the way. The supplies were enough for two people. Pei Ran took out a bag of instant noodles and habitually checked the production date. a bag.

The two men were not meticulous either. The two soaked a bowl of noodles and hurriedly dealt with the meal. Pei Ran was still thinking about when to go out again. Today, he was escaping for his life, and he didn't care much about digging for crystal cores, but Qu Yan seemed to see his thoughts and whispered in his ear: "This paragraph Don't go out on time, it's dangerous."

He didn't speak in such a serious tone. Pei Ran naturally didn't refuse to listen, but he was inevitably a little panicked. After reading the book for a while, and seeing that it was getting dark, he took Qu Yan into the bathroom to take a shower. come out.

With damp water vapor on their bodies, the two of them fell heavily between the beds, and their souls were lost for a while. Pei Ran didn't want to hurt Qu Yan last time, and kept restraining it. In the end, he didn't realize it and gave him the opportunity to slip out. Killing zombies, this time I made up my mind not to spare him.

Qu Yan's whole body was tense, and his upper body was lifted weakly, like a fish out of water. Sweat mixed with tears, and most of his hair was soaked. He hummed softly, and finally buried his face between the pillows, only breathing. .

Pei Ran kept moving, fished him out of the pillow, put half of his white fingertips between his lips and teeth, kneaded his lower lip, and his amber eyes clearly reflected his face. Interestedly asked: "Do you still have the strength?"

Qu Yan's eyes were scattered, and he couldn't gather even a trace of his senses. Hearing the words, he was barely able to focus. He looked at the handsome face with a smile above, and panted with a smile: "No... I'm running out of strength..."

Pei Ran stroked his slightly trembling legs, making sure it was the truth, so he buried his face in his shoulder and neck in that position, and asked after a while, "Are you comfortable?"

Qu Yan felt that Pei Ran's hands were very beautiful and could not find any flaws. He squeezed them and played with them for a while, pressing them close to his face, and then said in a hoarse voice, "Comfortable..."

He was rarely shy, and was always generous in the face of Pei Ran's manipulation.

Pei Ran wiped the end of his red eyes: "It's good to be comfortable."

This kind of thing naturally both people can enjoy the best.

In the following month, Pei Ran did not leave the base for half a step, but he could vaguely feel that the situation outside was not very optimistic. Many ability teams went out after taking over the task, and they came back every time. The team members are not bad. Team No. 3 was ambushed by a zombie wave half a month ago, and the entire army was wiped out.

The top management of the base also began to move frequently. While sending researchers to deploy newly developed power grids and power arrays near the base, they began to recruit a large number of power users. Pei Ran and Qu Yan were also found twice, but he They were all vaguely rejected.

If he couldn't get out of the base, it meant that he couldn't kill zombies. Pei Ran couldn't sit and eat, and finally set up a street stall outside the central area to sell the food that was about to expire in the space.

In the increasingly harsh environment, only those who store food, have never seen one that sells it out, and even the store at the base only sells a single item such as mineral water. Pei Ran's move can be described as strange.