Don’t Be a Kept Man

Chapter 165: system


The space station has three thousand worlds, suspended in the vast universe. The interstellar executive is the highest authority here. When the return period arrives, countless light spheres will be concentrated here to accept the performance evaluation.

System 008 used the last remaining energy to open the time-space tunnel, and quietly slipped into the space station like a thief, where there were more than ten translucent light curtain windows, and countless small light balls twittered. A long line.

There are many more balls this year, tall, short, fat and thin.

No. 008 dazzled his eyes, floated slowly, and finally stopped in front of the window of the soft meal area system. A small pink ball in front of him seemed to turn around, and when he saw it, he said excitedly: [008, how much have you accomplished? a world? 】

008 thought about it: [Seven... ]

The pink ball shook his body, and said proudly: [I have completed ten of them]

008 praised aloud: [Wow, it's amazing]

I don't know when there was a purple light ball in the back, and interjected: [What's so amazing, 001 has completed fifteen worlds, this year's first place must be it]

008 If you have a mouth, you must be surprised now: [How did it do it, fifteen hosts, it's amazing~]

The pink ball took a step forward, and the light curtain window automatically scanned it: [What's the big deal, four of the fifteen hosts died, of course, fast, I can also change it]

No. 008 followed the scanning port and floated into the classroom with the pink ball: [How did you die? 】

Small pink fairway: [Deducting the life value will kill you! 】

very scary!

No. 008 didn't make a sound. I found a corner and stayed quietly inside. It didn't take long for the originally empty classroom to be filled with balls of light. The crisp sound of the heel hitting the ground made it quiet.

A tall woman stood outside the door, with long wavy curly hair up to her waist, gorgeous eyebrows, like a rose with thorns, and the medal on her shoulder was also a pattern of roses around a sword. She stepped into the classroom on high heels. , like a strict teacher.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again. All sixty-three systems are here, right?"

The beautiful Danfeng eyes of the interstellar executive glanced at the pile of light balls below, and finally nodded with a smile: "Very good, everything is here, then the points will be distributed now. If there is a calculation error, please remember to remind me."

With her words, all the balls of light couldn't help but get nervous.

"System 001, a total of fifteen screens have been completed, of which four hosts failed to pass the test, and one hundred and thirty points were awarded."

"System No. 002, a total of eight interfaces have been completed, and one of the hosts failed to pass the level, and seventy-five points were awarded."

As the serial number moved back, system 008 was about to die of fright. It hid in the corner like a scumbag, watching the academic masters get their transcripts.

"System 009, a total of eleven interfaces have been completed. Two of the hosts failed to pass the test, and 100 points were awarded."

Unexpectedly, the interstellar executive skipped it directly. No. 008 was relieved at first when he heard the words, and then he was even more nervous, because every time he counted one, he would leave. Before he knew it, it was the only one left in the entire classroom. one.

The interstellar executive closed his brain, and finally looked at the ball in the corner that was so nervous that it hit the wall, and shook his head helplessly: "008, come here."

Ah, found out...

System 008 slowly drifted past and quietly landed in front of the interstellar executive, and the light around him dimmed.

"008, you have completed a total of seven interfaces, and all seven hosts have successfully passed the level, but you have leaked the accumulated mission energy, and the points can only be reset to zero."

The executive's voice was sighed.

System 008 moved his body: [It's okay, I'll come back next year]

The executive said nothing, stretched out his slender hand, and then held it in the palm of his hand, with a distant voice: "008, you must know that there are not so many hosts in the world that can be bound, and not all of them can be rescued."

After she finished speaking, she walked out of the classroom. There was an empty corridor outside. The whole body was made of a translucent glass cover. When she looked up, she could see the stars in the sky. The laser scanned back and forth on the executive officer and successfully unlocked the enclosed space. Only a slight sound was heard. With a bang, the mechanical door split into two and slowly opened from the middle.

This door 008 is not unfamiliar. Every time they put a new world bound host, they are selected from it.

The interstellar executive said softly: "008, you are not suitable for the system anymore."

An intelligent system that already has human emotions,

It is no longer suitable for the system.

Learn to be a person, maybe better.

The executive entered the code name of 008 in the light-screen search bar in front of him, and then a small world popped up with a human man's face fixed on it. For some reason, 008 couldn't see his facial features clearly.

[Lord Executive Officer, do you need 008 to bind this soft fanboy? 】

I don't know where this sentence touched the woman's laughter. The executive couldn't hold back a chuckle. She pinched 008's body, her fingertips felt as soft as jelly, and whispered, "008, I'll ask you to do it again. Are you okay?"

"Go to the human world, experience the same life as them, and live well this time..."

Although the executive officer was inquiring, he didn't wait for 008 to answer, he directly cast it into the small world with his mental power. When the light blue light disappeared, the window in front of him was quietly closed, and the surroundings were silent. As if nothing had happened.

The starry sky is vast, only the heaven and the earth last forever.

But only those who have experienced it will know that the endless life is torture, and it is much better than this to be a human being for a lifetime and to go through hardships.