Don’t Be a Kept Man

Chapter 170: There are seven stories in his heart


Shen You didn't like his embarrassed appearance. Cold sweat dripped from his neck. He looked like he was scooping up from the water. Even his hair was wet into strands. I don't know if it was an illusion. sizing him up.

He closed his eyes, buried his face in his knees, and wanted to leave, but the cramps in his stomach made him unable to stand up.

Pain is the only thing that can slow down time. It's only a few minutes, but it's like a lifetime. Suffering is like a lingering delay.

Shen You thought, he shouldn't have come out today.

This is a sultry season, but it seems that Shen You can never get used to the perennial pain, and people can't adapt to the scorching sun that comes to the city every year as scheduled, unable to change, and can only be forced to bear it.

A tall figure shuttled through the crowd rapidly. He was very fast, but not a drop of the hot water in his hand was spilled. Finally, he stopped abruptly in front of the bench by the roadside, his body leaned forward due to inertia, and his hands The plastic bag with the medicine on it rattled, and there was the sound of the capsule colliding slightly.

"Take your medicine, is that so?"

Gu Lai's meticulous hair was messed up. It was obvious that he was running very fast just now. At this moment, it hung down from both sides in a mess, but his breath was still steady and his voice was still quiet. When Shen You heard this voice, his tense figure suddenly loosened. He raised his head with his knees, and suddenly there was a sense of relief.

Gu Lai squatted down in front of him, then unscrewed the medicine bottle in an orderly manner, lowered his head and quickly glanced at the instructions, poured out two capsules, put them in Shen You's palm, and handed him a disposable cup with hot water in his hand.

He is very attentive and always knows exactly what others need.

Shen You clenched the medicine in his hand, and then swallowed it with the water in the cup. Gu Lai looked at his slightly moving Adam's apple, his eyes full of seriousness, and asked, "Are you feeling better now?"

Damn, how could there be a medicine that works so fast, and it's not an elixir.

Shen You's face was expressionless, his right hand still clutched his abdomen tightly, and then he hummed inexplicably from his nose, with a stinky face that looked a little tugged.

Gu Lai was relieved, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He nodded and said, "Then you sit down for a while, and I'll drive the car over."

After he finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the road. It happened to be the green light at this time. There was a whole neon night behind him. Finally, he was submerged in the rolling traffic. The billboard on the top kept changing. Shen You stared at his back. After looking at it for a long time, a thin layer of light and shadow fell from the tip of the nose. The profile of the handsome face was clearly defined, but it was difficult to hide the sharpness. After a while, he lightly looked away.

Gu Lai slowly parked the car on the side of the road, helped Shen You to sit in the co-pilot, then went around to the side and got into the car. In the dim space, his eyes swept across him like a dragonfly.

Shen Youhui made a mistake and fastened his seat belt rudely.

Gu Lai felt that he seemed a little angry, but he didn't understand why he was angry, so he could only keep silent, minimize his presence, and remained silent all the way.

Shen You leaned his head against the car window, thinking that it was because of taking medicine, his brows stretched slightly, but he couldn't hide the tiredness, and the vehicle was running smoothly, and he fell into a light sleep.

It was 9:40 in the evening, and the movie was about halfway through. Gu Lai slowly parked his car at the door of Shen You's house, trying to wake him up, but when he saw that Shen You was in a drowsy sleep, he stretched out his hand inexplicably. In mid-air, after hesitating for a moment, I took it back.

Had a bit of a bad day today.

Gu Lai took out an orange candy from his pocket and thought about it.

The structure and system of human beings are different. When he becomes a human, there will be more in his brain, but it is not pure in the end, but it looks nondescript.

Gu Lai knew everything, but he didn't understand anything. He didn't understand why Shen You was angry, and he didn't know how to calm him down. The taste of orange soda burst on the tip of his tongue, making people frown.

Shen You's mental state is very poor. He only falls asleep for a few hours a day. Although the night was quiet and there was no noise, he woke up not long after, and opened his eyes in a daze, and what he saw was the reflection on the windshield. A flood of dim yellow streetlights poured out.

He slowly gathered his thoughts, looked around, and realized that this was the door of his house, while Gu Lai was sitting beside him, quietly and silently, his handsome face was dipped in the shadows, and he didn't know how long he had been sitting. .

Shen You subconsciously turned on the phone and found that it was already three o'clock in the morning. There was a stunned look on his face, and Gu Lai was also attracted by the slight sound he made. He tilted his head and looked, his eyebrows were a bit deep: " you're awake?"

Shen You didn't know what to say, he was thinking, could the other party have been sitting here for five or six hours

"I'm sorry, I didn't call you when I saw you fell asleep," Gu Lai grabbed his long arm and handed him the medicine he bought from the back seat, exhorting, "The clerk said this is stomach medicine, and if you have stomach problems, you need to eat on time. , can't drink."

Really sat here for five or six hours.

Shen You took a deep look at Gu Lai, his long and narrow eyes were still sharp, with a little scrutiny and evaluation, but he didn't take the medicine. After a while, he stretched out his hand to open the car door, and his figure quickly disappeared into the vast darkness.

The world is like a circle. Many years ago, people met at this end, then went their separate ways, went in opposite directions, and met again at the other end.

When Gu Lai came home at night, Yu Xi hadn't slept yet, and across a wall, she could faintly hear the booming electronic music next door. Her routine was reversed. But with little success, play how you want to play.

Gu Lai actually doesn't need sleep. He falls asleep at nine o'clock every night, just because other humans do the same, but now it's almost dawn, it doesn't seem to make sense to sleep or not. After a moment of hesitation, he rings Yu Xi's door.


Yu Xi turned off the stereo, and pulled the door open a small slit in her nightgown. She took off her makeup, her eyebrows were a little darker than in the daytime, and she wore a rabbit ear headband with her ears drooping down. Seeing that it was Gu Lai, she was irritable. Scratching his hair, he said incredulously, "Brother, it's past three o'clock in the morning, what are you doing at night? Want to date me?"

"No, I..." Gu Lai organized the language, and said with some embarrassment, "I have something I want to ask you, is it convenient?"

Yu Xi has nothing to do every day, except for dating, which is just to make trouble for himself Now, I have nothing to say about my studies."

Her home was a mess, there were leftover takeaway boxes on the table, the kitchen sink was full of unwashed dishes, and the dressing table was full of luxury cosmetics. A leather bag and limited-edition jewelry, all sold to buy a suite.

Yu Xi didn't like sitting on the sofa, so she sat cross-legged directly on the fluffy carpet, Gu Lai also sat down on the ground when he saw it, and the two looked at each other across the white coffee table.

Yu Xi raised his chin and said with great interest, "Speak, what do you want to ask."

"I seem to have done something wrong today..."

When Gu said this, he unconsciously rubbed his knees with the palm of his hand. With a bit of daze, he narrated in a low voice what happened in the movie theater today, and then asked, "What should I do?"

After hearing this, Yu Xi's expression became subtle in an instant, she gave him a thumbs up, and said with emotion: "Brother dei, you are amazing, these two boats are not easy to step on."

She had no impression of Shen You, she only thought that when Gu Lai had an ambiguous date with his new target, he was still entangled with his ex, Yang Mian, and the three of them collided and rolled over together.

Gu Lai seriously denied: "I don't have two boats with my feet."

Yu Xi didn't care, she spread her hands and said, "It's okay to step on it, otherwise it will capsize. If you only step on one, it is destined to be overturned, but if you step on a few more, you don't have to worry about it, you won't be able to overturn it."

Typical scumbag remarks.

Gu Lai stopped talking. He lowered his head and didn't know how to express his feelings to Yu Xi. After a long time, he lightly hammered his head with his hand and finally said, "I'm a bad person..."

"You have to know how to choose in life, you can't please everyone, you know?" Yu Xi got up, took out two cans of cold beer from the refrigerator and handed them to him, "Can I ask why you continue to entangle with Yang Mian? Qing? You obviously don't like him, and in the end it's only yourself who is troubled."

Hearing this, Gu Lai raised his eyes and vaguely felt that he had caught something, but he was not very clear. He said awkwardly, "He said he wanted to be friends with me, so..."

"So you didn't have the heart to refuse and agreed, right? No wonder Shen You was so angry with you," Yu Xi was drinking beer in a heroic manner. He raised his head and drank it in one breath. Commenting, "Tsk tsk tsk, the central air conditioner is really terrible."

Gu Lai thought, it turned out that Shen You was angry with himself.

His slender fingertips were unconsciously tucked into his knees: "How should I... How can I calm him down?"

Yu Xi said, "Breaking clean with Yang Mian, you have to learn to refuse and understand, never hurt the important for the sake of the unimportant."

Gu Lai raised his eyes in confusion, "But Yang Mian and I are friends."

"Do you know what a friend is?" Yu Xi had figured it out, but Gu Lai's mind wasn't very good right now, "A friend is not something you can do with just a few words, you need to help each other and care for each other, Yang Mian said that he wants to be with you. As friends, are you really friends?"

Yu Xi said: "Perfect is just a word. The ancients said that you can't have both. Now Yang Mian and Shen You, you can only choose one of the two, because they are natural enemies in a certain sense. There's no way to coexist, you understand?"

Gu Lai was silent, as if thinking about something.

Yu Xi clenched her hands into fists and stretched out in front of him: "If the left hand represents Yang Mian and the right hand represents Shen You, which of the two do you think is more important to you?"

Gu Lai asked back, "Heart?"

Yu Xi nodded: "Yes, heart."

Gu Lai raised his hand and tapped her right fist lightly.

"It's not over," Yu Xi spread out her hands, her palms empty, "When you thought Shen You was more important, you already made a choice, and since you made a choice, you have to give up."

So the problem is back to square one.

Gu Lai didn't think about why his friends could only choose one of the two, and continued to ask, "Then how can I make Shen You happy?"

Yu Xi pouted and rolled his eyes: "Brother, don't live so humble, okay, if he is angry, he will be angry, you don't have to, he is used to him, only others make me happy, why should I let him When others are happy, you are the center of your life.”

"It's the center, but not the only one."

Gu Lai didn't know what to think, the frost-like facial features suddenly became distant under the light of the living room, so distant that it seemed to span countless time and space: "Everyone who comes to the world must learn to accept and tolerate some things, and some people are willing to Giving, some people take every step of the way, but the material is conserved, how much you take, you have to give back, and how much you pay, you will get as much..."

He has met seven human beings, and he has seven stories in his heart.

The lifespan of the system is endless. In a short period of time, he has experienced the lives of seven people, and he has also watched their lives. Maybe it is only a short stay in his memory bank, and he will soon forget it, but a momentary stop is also worth cherishing.

They used to be selfish and indifferent, seeking shortcuts, but in the end they learned to give instead of taking.

Yu Xi was indifferent: "Yes, you gave your sincerity, and then you reap the damage."

A good spoonful of poisonous chicken soup.

Gu Lai: "..."