Don’t Be a Kept Man

Chapter 171: Deliver porridge


Gu Lai didn't bother Yu Xi for a long time, he sat down for a while and then left. He saw that the sky was already breaking and he didn't sleep. He went to the kitchen to make his own breakfast. The ingredients in the refrigerator were surprisingly rich, not like a single male living environment. .

Turning on the phone and adjusting to the food tutorial, Gu Lai carefully followed the teacher inside to learn how to make breakfast, in an orderly manner, without the panic of a novice. He always has an inexplicable obsession with food, and even plans to save enough money in the future to open a restaurant of his own.

"After the water boils, add the washed rice, and then add 10 grams of peanut oil, so that the porridge will not taste too bland. After boiling again, stir the bottom of the pot..."

Gu Lai's memory is very good, and he remembered all the process in one go. He lowered his head and cut the thin shredded pork evenly, at a fast speed, then added seasonings to marinate one by one, and then stirred the casserole with great patience. The porridge is soaked until the rice grains bloom and the oil becomes sticky and fragrant, then the ginger shredded eggs are put in, and finally the lean meat and chopped green onions are added.

The soft and glutinous rice porridge was mixed with the aroma of meat, and the taste filled the whole room. Gu Lai smiled and was very satisfied with his work. After adjusting the taste, he poured a big bowl and ate it clean in a moment.

There was a lot left in the casserole, Gu Lai thought about it, put a bowl in the lunch box, walked to the next door and knocked on Yu Xi's door, she was probably just about to go to bed, and her tone became irritable when she heard the movement: "Who is who? Ah! It's early in the morning to keep people from sleeping!"

Yu Xi walked quickly to the door and was about to start scolding, when she saw Gu Lai who was well groomed standing at the door of her house with a lunch box in her hand, she swallowed when she said it, she has always had a high tolerance for handsome guys: "It's you Ah, what's the matter?"

"I made some porridge, do you want to eat it?"

Gu said as he opened the lid of the box, the aroma of preserved egg and lean meat porridge wafted out, and it was adorned with chopped green onion sesame oil, which was really tempting.

Seeing this, Yu Xi subconsciously swallowed her saliva, feeling strangely hungry. She took the lunch box and smelled it, and found that the rice porridge was thick enough, and it was definitely not a roadside takeout with water. of?"

"Well, try it. Eating in the morning is good for your body."

Gu Lai was still rushing to work, and after speaking, he looked down at the watch on his hand: "After eating, remember to wash the lunch box, and I will come to get it at night."

Yu Xi is the most troublesome to wash the dishes: "Oh..."

Gu Lai did not regard brick-moving as a long-term career. He wanted to learn more knowledge in a limited time. He drove directly to work today, and planned to go to the supermarket after get off work, and then buy a few books by the way.

A blue thermal bucket was quietly placed in the driver's seat, Gu Lai took a detour, then drove the car to the gate of Shen Youjia Community, and sent him a message: [I brought you some porridge and put it in the security booth , if you haven't had breakfast, you can try it. 】

Gu Lai opened the car door and got out of the car, and put the porridge bucket in the security booth. The uncle on duty inside was very talkative, so he let him put it there after a few questions.

Shen You didn't sleep at all when he came home in the early morning. The moment his phone vibrated, he turned on the screen. After seeing Gu Lai's news, he got up from the bed by conditioned reflex, and then he opened the curtains and looked outside—

Of course, nothing can be seen, only the water fountain landscape pool in the middle can be seen.

Shen You hesitated for a moment, then put on some clothes and went downstairs. The uncle in the security booth asked, "Is his surname Shen? A young man brought you a meal just now."

Shen You responded: "Where are the others?"

The uncle handed him the thermal bucket: "Just left."

Shen You originally thought that Gu Lai's delivery would be something like takeout, but he didn't expect it to be a porridge bucket. He put one hand in his pocket and walked back slowly, no one could guess what he was thinking.

Ke Jing called him in the morning: "You haven't grown hair at home these few days. Come out and gather together. It's like a yellow flower girl. You don't go outside the door."

It is said to go out to get together, it is nothing more than racing, drinking and going to nightclubs. They are still young and have no worries about food and clothing. After their desires are satisfied, they have no pursuit of life. They instinctively look for excitement.

"No," Shen You glanced at the empty porridge bucket on the table, then got up and threw the porridge bowl into the sink, "Stomach pain, I can't drink."

Ke Jing was a little disappointed: "It's fine if you don't drink it. It's boring to play with Lao Tang and me every day."

Shen You held the mobile phone in one hand and picked clothes from the closet in the other: "Look for someone else, didn't He Fan come back from abroad some time ago, today's company shareholders meeting, the old man asked me to go too."

Shen You's relationship with his family was a little stiff. When he came out of the closet, he broke up. He moved out by himself, and only went back to see it during the holidays.

Ke Jing also didn't know what to say: "Your old man frowned when he saw you, how come he didn't scold you like a dog, didn't he come up to scold you? Okay, don't bother you, I'll find someone else. ."

Shen You hung up the phone, threw the phone on the bed, and put on his shirt. When he was buttoning up, he habitually looked in the mirror at the back of his neck, where there were large burn scars, occupying most of his back, looking very terrifying. .

He quietly looked at himself in the mirror. After looking at himself for a long time, he suddenly felt an unrecognizable feeling. His fingertips gently brushed the unevenness on the back of his neck, which always produced an illusion of phantom pain, as if there were still flames licking. The skin was tormenting him day and night.

This place was so ugly that he didn't want to see it himself, Shen You closed his eyes, slowly retracted his hand, put on his clothes and went out the door, the huge room fell silent for a while.

Moving bricks is not a long-term occupation. If you have work, you can do it. If you don't have it, you can only rest. The project on the construction site has come to an end. In other words, Gu Lai will have to lose his job after a while. He can only temporarily put his career first. In my spare time at noon, I occasionally drive around and look for part-time information.

Gu Lai rarely takes the initiative to talk to his co-workers. He has a handsome face and is gentle and polite. He will not sit with them in a pile of bricks, and he will not drink low-quality white wine and eat peanuts with them, and then laugh and spit. Heng Fei, evaluating which woman has big breasts and fat buttocks, more often, she just washes her hands and faces, sits silently in one place, and strays from the crowd.

Not a man of the world, nor a man of this world.

Gu Lai really wanted to make friends, but he didn't know how to fit in. He didn't like the smell of low-quality liquor, nor did he like to sit around with people in the sweltering season with stinky sweat and listen to them fuck off. Fucking swearing swear words, so he worked at the construction site for a few months, except for the contractor, he hardly knew anyone.

I lost my diary yesterday, but Gu Lai didn't plan to make it up. If you miss it, you miss it, and it won't be the same day if you make it up again. He sat on a roadside bench not far from the construction site, away from the crowd, put the notebook on his knees, and wrote down standard italic characters one by one.

Sunny Wednesday, June 17

It was very hot today. The foreman said that the project would be completed in one month, and the wages for this period would be settled together. He patted me on the shoulder and said that I could get a lot.

Moving bricks is a bit dirty, and I have to go back to wash my hair and take a bath every day after get off work, which is not very good. I think this job may come to an end. Human life is short, the average lifespan is sixty years old, and I have passed half of it and need to learn more things before getting old.

A pastry chef might be a good choice, and I will work towards that goal.

Yang Mian cried easily, but I didn't know how to comfort him, my memory bank was empty, and I didn't know anything about him.

Shen You has a serious stomach problem, because he doesn't eat on time, and he drinks and smokes desperately, which is not good.

Yu Xi has another boyfriend. Day and night are reversed. Last night, she was complained by the owner when she listened to the song, but I think she is very smart and can always live happily.

There is a bus stop not far from the bench. The No. 7 bus slowly passed by the side of the road. A girl sitting by the window glanced at the corner of her eye, and suddenly slapped the man beside her, whispering: " Hey, is that person your ex, how... "

Hearing the sound, Yang Mian looked out the glass window, and found a man sitting on the side of the road and writing something with his head down. His clothes were mottled with gray stains. He looked like a nearby worker with a little embarrassment. His face was unbelievably handsome.

"You read it wrong..."

Yang Mian looked away awkwardly from the plaster on the man's shoulders.

The girl said to herself, "Maybe, Gu Lai was originally from Colonel Z, so he shouldn't mix it up like this, but it does look quite similar."

Gu Lai, who was well-dressed at the time, may only exist in his memory. Yang Mian subconsciously looked down at his phone. He sent Gu Lai a lot of messages yesterday, but the other party only replied "Good night" in the early morning, simple outrageous.

When Gu Lai got off work in the evening, he first went home to take a shower and changed into clean clothes. Then he drove to the supermarket. He pushed the shopping cart and flipped through the list of ingredients posted by the food blogger on his mobile phone, while searching the shelves for what he wanted. The things you want will be full in no time.

When he was about to go to checkout, his phone vibrated twice and looked down. It turned out that Shen You had used WeChat to invite him to call him. Gu Lai had to stop and find an open place to connect. He tilted his head slightly, and there was something in his eyes. A little doubt: "Hello?"

His voice is nice, deep and magnetic, a bit high-pitched when listening carefully, but always with concern.

Shen You just came back from a meeting in the company, sat on the bedside, hesitated for a long time before dialing the phone, but when he heard his voice, he didn't know what to say, he unconsciously frowned, and his emotions began to become anxious.

Gu Lai took the initiative to ask questions, and unconsciously handed a step: "Is it Shen You?"

Shen You lay on the bed, rolled the sheets into a ball, heaved a sigh of relief, and replied, "Well..."

Then I don't know what to say.

Gu Lai searched the shelves, took a can of grape juice drink, and carefully checked the production date. Surrounded by a bunch of aunts and aunts, he, a handsome young man, looked a little abrupt: "Is your stomach better?"

Shen You's parents didn't care about this kind of problem, only the doctor who saw the doctor asked. He wiped his face and fell directly from the bed onto the carpet, but this time he was not anxious, but at a loss, he wasn't sure. Wrinkling his brows, he said dryly, "Maybe, well... it's better."

After he finished speaking, he buried his face in his knees embarrassedly, and added quickly, "Thank you for the porridge."

After Shen You finished speaking, he slapped himself in his heart, hammering the pillow, why should he thank him? ! Is this guy better than himself? ! Buying a medicine and sending a bowl of porridge will soften your heart? !

Gu Lai heard the words and said, "How does it taste, does it suit your taste?"

Shen You immediately stopped pinching the pillow and said in a calm tone, "En."

It was true, it tasted really good, and he even wondered if Gu Lai ordered the meal from some high-end restaurant.

Gu Lai is very talkative. He plans to practice cooking recently: "Then I'll give it to you tomorrow."

Shen You leaned his head against the wall, closed his eyes and bumped lightly twice, telling himself to learn to say no, but in the end he said something inexplicable: "You... come over, and I'll return the thermos to you."

"It doesn't matter, I still have one at my house. You can put it in the security booth. I'll pick it up tomorrow morning."

The supermarket was crowded and it was not suitable for talking on the phone. Gu Lai saw that there was a vacancy at the cashier in front of him, and said sorry in a low voice, then hung up the phone.

Shen You stared at the phone screen, squinted slightly, then covered his face with a pillow and rolled on the bed.

What the hell!