Don’t Be a Kept Man

Chapter 191: Apocalypse Pei Ran x Qu Yan


Only after experiencing war will people know the meaning of peace. After the smoke of gunpowder, the endless plain outside the base is full of flowers

Duo, the light blue clusters are born, no matter how soft and beautiful, but it is like an invisible barrier, driving the vicious zombies away from this land, silent

Sound protects human beings.

This period of the end of the century may not last long, but a few years have also caused irreparable damage, whether it is economic or development.

The development of education has been forced to shelve.

Outside the base, a large area of land has been reclaimed to grow food, and strive to find a bumper harvest in the coming year.

In the temporary classroom, there were half-year-old children who had to suspend their studies when the virus broke out, and their eyes were still ignorant and immature.

The leaders of the base said that they will be the continuation of the bloodline of the next generation of human beings. When we are getting old, the times will also be supported by them.

Don't know, can't be ignorant.

Unlike in the past when they were struggling to survive, ordinary people can now have a job that satisfies food and clothing, or be a teacher, or follow the army to cultivate

Fields, paving roads, every one of them is trying to get the world back on track.

A military truck galloped into the base, jumped down from the top of the hunting team in twos and threes, and waited by the guard booth.

A salute to them: "Captain Tao, the commander is waiting for you in the conference hall, is the task going well?"

Since the end of the last battle, researchers spent half a year extracting zombie serum from that unknown blue flower and recuperating.

After that, the base dispatched a large number of troops and abilities to kill the zombies, but the only remaining high-level zombie king was still dormant in the dark, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Looking at it, they temporarily pulled out the high-level ability users of the fourth-order or above from each team to strangle them together.

Tao Xiran didn't speak, just shook a small bag in his hand - the crystal core of a sixth-order zombie.

The soldier breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but smile: "This is great, the commander can finally get a good night's sleep."

Zombies also need to devour human flesh and blood for food. If they are not supported for a long time, they will become bones and then weathered into powder.

After solving the most powerful wave, there are not many remaining low-level zombies left, and they will die on their own without even having to search for them deliberately.

Tao Xiran couldn't help but look at a man leaning on the side of the car. The other party's smiling face was like a rich and noble boy, but he kept bowing his head and talking to a man.

A fair-skinned, handsome boy spoke.

Tao Xiran asked, "Pei Ran, do you want to go to the conference hall?"

Pei Ran shook his head: "No."

After finishing speaking, he added: "Qu Yan is not going either."

Tao Xiran scratched his hair and muttered, "I knew you weren't going, and every time I had to write a combat report."

Pei Ran smiled and said, "If you don't know how to write, just go to class. Hey, the newly built high school classroom is right next to it. Let the teacher inside teach you to write.

Composition, I also go to join in the fun. "

After speaking, he actually dragged the teenager next to him and walked to the building of the high school. The classroom inside was filled with most of the people, but it was estimated that the class had not started yet.

Everything was quiet, Qu Yan glanced through the glass window, his face was next to Pei Ran's right shoulder, his eyelashes cast a dark shadow under his eyes: "You

Want to go in for a class? "

Pei Ran pinched his face: "I graduated from college, and I have nothing to do with a group of high school kids. When I cleaned up the space some time ago,

I found that there were college entrance examination papers in it, and I made an appointment with Tong Fei to give it to her today. "

Tong Fei is a teacher in the high school. She is chubby and smiling, and she can't keep her mouth shut. She likes to come to the small store opened by Pei Ran to buy snacks.


Qu Yan bit Pei Ran's shoulder through his clothes: "I didn't graduate from high school..."

He went to school a few years later than his peers. He finally managed to get through to the college entrance examination, and he caught up with the end of the world. On closer inspection, he was really a high school student.

Pei Ran said, "Then you're also a brat, do you want to keep a set of five-three for you later?"

The back door of the classroom was still open, and Pei Ran was tired from standing, so he pulled Qu Yan and slipped in. There happened to be an empty table behind them. They both had tender faces and pretended to be.

The high school students didn't have any sense of disobedience, they looked like they were at the same table from the left to the right.

A long-lost and unfamiliar feeling...

Qu Yan swept his gaze across the blackboard in front of him, and swept past the students around him who were silently memorizing the topic.

Jue curled up and leaned against the cold tiled wall.

However, within two seconds, he was pulled into a warm embrace, and Pei Ran hugged his shoulders. Seeing that no one noticed them, in Qu

The corner of Yan's lips kissed twice: "I'm here for a long time, what are you doing against the wall?"

Qu Yan was slightly startled, wanted to say something, but didn't say anything, Yi Yan leaned on Pei Ran's shoulder, and then smiled.

Pei Ran dug out a large stack of test papers from the space and quietly placed them at his feet, as high as his calf. He took out one and looked at it, and found a question.

I couldn't understand it, so I said softly against the sunlight outside the glass window, "Hey, does it feel like we're going to school?"

Pei Ran pointed at him: "We are at the same table."

Qu Yan used to sit at the back alone in class. He heard the words and glanced at the brand-new papers on the table, and then at the dryness on Pei Ran's body.

The pure white clothes had an illusion in a trance, as if the man with a hearty smile in front of him was really his tablemate.

Qu Yan nodded: "Well, we are at the same table."

Not long after, a fat woman walked into the classroom, wearing a pair of heavy black-rimmed glasses. She was rather stern. She probably didn't expect it.

Pei Ran and Qu Yan would sneak in, a little surprised, and while letting their classmates study by themselves, they went to the back to greet them: "Why are you here

, strange. "

Pei Ran patted the stack of papers beside his leg: "I'm here to send you the materials, I heard that Teacher Tong's lectures are good, let's experience being a student

a feeling of. "

Tong Fei slapped her head heavily: "Oh, I forgot, I'll ask you to send it here specially."

Qu Yan rarely interacts with others, so Pei Ran said, "Yes, just don't drive us away."

Tong Fei was very strong, she carried a stack of test papers with ease, and glanced at their holding hands: "Don't make trouble, you can't do it in class.

If you are in a relationship, if you want to experience classroom life, just follow my steps. "

Now paper resources are a little scarce, and productivity has not kept up. Each student has only a piece of A4-sized white paper, which is made of lead.

Write the question with a pen, wipe it after you finish it, wipe it and write it again, and then replace it with a new one when it becomes unusable.

There is more than one class in the high school. Tong Fei chose a relatively simple paper, copied the questions on the blackboard, and the students calculated the answers directly on the paper.

The case is enough, and Pei Ran and Qu Yan also sent a piece of paper.

Pei Ran looked at the questions on the blackboard, squinted, and felt that it was very simple, but in the end, he couldn't go on after half the calculation, and all the things he had learned were returned.

It was given to the teacher, Qu Yan held the pencil and swept the question, and turned it around with his fingertips, without even typing the draft, and after a while, he directly figured out the answer to the first question.


Pei Ran looked at him quietly... With the answer on the paper, his eyelids jumped: "How did you figure it out?"

Qu Yan raised his eyes: "Didn't you graduate from college?"

Pei Ran: "..."

During this period, Tong Fei came down to tour the hall, looked at Qu Yan's answer, and then looked at Pei Ran's empty paper, and smiled at him: "Oh, you go out.

Well, go out and turn right and then left. "

Pei Ran was still struggling with how the answer to the first question came from, and said without raising his head, "Why?"

Tong Fei said, "Let's go to the junior high school for further study."

Pei Ran almost broke the pencil: "This kind of question is too simple, I don't write it rarely."

Tong Fei remembered that she once asked Pei Ran to buy something, but the other party miscalculated: "Do you want to write or can't write?"

Pei Ran was furious.

He turned his head, seeing that Qu Yan was still counting, he had already written the fifth question, he held down his hand and said, "It's not really school, you really wrote it?"

Mathematics is very mysterious. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Once you do it, you can't stop. When Qu Yan heard the words, he stopped the pen half a beat.

: "Then I don't write anymore?"

Pei Ran glanced at Tong Fei on the podium and said in a low voice, "No, keep writing and copy it for me."

Pei Ran sometimes likes to be competitive. Qu Yan suppressed a smile and continued to calculate the answer obediently. As a result, the left hand on the table suddenly warmed, and then

Being gently held, he tilted his head and saw Pei Ran lying on the table, looking at himself intently.

The clear pupils reflected him completely, behind him were the glass light and shadow, and outside were lush green plants, intertwined with a long breath.

Pei Ran took his hand, brought it to his lips, and dropped a warm and delicate kiss. Although Qu Yan's body had begun to get used to his touch, every time he touched him

Still unable to control the throbbing, the tip of the pen tilted, and the originally focused mind suddenly became chaotic.

Seemingly afraid that Tong Fei would see it, Pei Ran quietly changed his position again and pulled Qu Yan's hand under the table, clasping his fingers together like a swing

Dangling, looking a little childish.

Qu Yan tried his best to finish the calculation, and then pushed Pei Ran gently: "Copy it."

Pei Ran sat up and pushed his own paper towards him, "You help me copy it."

Qu Yan smiled: "Did you go to school like this before?"

Pei Ran doesn't look like a scholar. Naturally, he can do whatever he wants with his homework. The memory of the time he was in school has long since become blurred.

He said to Qu Yan, "If you catch up with the exam, you will definitely get into a good university."

Qu Yan's memory was suddenly pulled away: "I used to study hard for university in order to have a good life..."

Pei Ran asked, "What counts as a good life?"

Qu Yan turned his eyes away, remembering the wish he longed most when he was weak: "No one will bully him."

All he wants is not to be bullied.

Pei Ran wanted to hug him very much, so he gently opened the back door of the classroom and pulled Qu Yan out. The corner of the corridor was quiet and no one was around.

A young man leaned against the wall and kissed lingeringly under a clump of spring branches spewing out tender yellow buds.

Pei Ran stroked the teary mole under his eyes and gently licked his once scarred side face: "I can't change the past, but I think,

We can work hard to have a better tomorrow. "

There will always be some more or less regrets in life. It is regrettable that we meet in this bad world, and we are fortunate to meet in this world.

Qu Yan kissed him back, and after a while, muttered in a low voice: "It's okay, I already have what I want, now it's fine..."

With his fingertips still holding the paper full of topics, Pei Ran smiled, folded it into a plane, stood at the railing and threw it out, but seeing that

Zhang's paper plane carrying the answer flew away, with a blue sky in the background.

Tong Fei's angry voice sounded in the corridor: "Who is throwing garbage outside?!"

Pei Ran raised his eyebrows, pulled Qu Yan and quickly slipped away.

The plane formed a parabola. After passing the highest point, it began to fall slowly, and finally landed quietly on the grass, where there was light blue everywhere.

The flower of , but no longer nameless, the researchers named it—


The author has something to say:

The apocalypse chapter has been completed, and the book is officially over at this point. If you want, you can give a score when it is over.

Since the book was written, it was originally scheduled to be completed in 300,000 words, but it happened to encounter the epidemic situation and various complicated reasons, so it had to expand and expand again and again, stumbling and stumbling.

Written to this day, I feel a lot of emotion for a while.

It's a stressful society, everyone is more or less depressed, I'm often in a state of anxiety that causes me to rarely be flat

I finished writing an essay quietly, and I never experienced the feeling of writing from the beginning to the end, and it often collapsed in the middle. This book is very meaningful to me.

… In just a few months, I have written about the lives of eight people, and you have seen them all…

I had a lot of things I wanted to say to you, but when it came to the end, I didn’t know what to say. Thank you for your support along the way and for your comments.

, and also thank you for irrigation and tossing mines, which cost you money.

When this article was written, it was at the time of the outbreak of the epidemic. Thank you for being with me. I have gone through a period of time that is enough to go down in history. I will also work harder.

In the next time, I will bring you the best works.

The next plan is probably to rest for a few days, and then fill in the previous short stories of ancient sayings and the short stories of Zerg promised to everyone. It will not be very long, and it should be replaced.

I changed my mind. Originally, the next book was going to officially open "I am looking for a partner in a mental hospital", but Jinjiang suddenly issued a notice a few days ago, prohibiting suicide and other bloodshed.

It is related to bloody violence and has to overturn the original outline and make major changes. The specific situation is not yet clear.

Choose one of the two books.

One book and one river and lake, if there is a fate, maybe we will meet again in the next river and lake. I hope we will all become better at that time, the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever.

, I wish you all the best of luck, all get what you want, peace, happiness and joy, and thanks for the bunker.

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-07-07 18:18:04~2020-07-08 18:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who dropped the shallow bomb: so because of 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 3 idle; Mi Zheng, the warrior of love! 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the mines: 11 Xianxian; 6 Yihuan; 3 big hand warmers in the distance; Ye Ziye, cute ^ω^, pig

Zaizai, Furofura, Mu Xi, ZOZO, Ye Liao Dao, Qingmei Wine - Blackcurrant, Zhang San, Spring Tour, Peeping Dark, Aug, Lone Crane, Anonymous

YZ, 42877552, Xinyu Wish Cici, Nan Tuantuan, Shilu Range, Jvvvv, Muppets, fadespecter, Ayan 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 89 bottles of kitakawa; 45 bottles of Xiaoyi; 30 bottles of Peeping and Dreaming; 20 bottles of boy without tools; Yili,

Xing Yuhuan, Nini, Momo Momo, Mu Xi, Shi Qi, Lonely and cold place, One, the unknown, Yuan Xia, Cindy, ZOZO, Your Excellency is sick,

Upward, 10 bottles of Xia Yushang; 9 bottles of furfurfurfurfur; 8 bottles of strawberry-flavored milkshake, Alison, and meeting each other; 7 bottles of Xia Xiqing; cute ^ω^

, Qianzhuan, keda, Anonymous YZ 6 bottles; sound of wind and rain, reading sound, salt-shaking sturgeon, bunny bunny, silently eating a bun, the other side 5

bottle; 4 bottles of margin; 3 bottles of taro ice cream, Mu Jun, Yan Wu; 2 bottles of Jiuke; Gu Nancheng's fan girl, today will be full of vitality and the sound of chime is heavy

, Picking apples under the bayberry tree, lary is a stupid, Jvvvv, upright cmy, a cat who loves fruit, and slowly achieves his goals 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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