Don’t Be Jealous, I Will Bend Myself

Chapter 54: Fairy Doll x Pretty Nun (19)


Weiming stood there trying to hold back her laughter, but she couldn't hold it back at all. It was really rare to see Ke Li's embarrassed appearance. After she gave a sincere smile, she tried her best to be serious.

I saw Ke Li covering her eyes with one hand and holding the other in front of her body. The girl's body was all in front of her eyes. Her skin was smooth and delicate, her waist was not full, and her face was full of blushes that climbed up because of her shyness. It looked very delicious. .

Wei Ming suddenly didn't dare to look directly at Ke Li like this, but she couldn't help but want to see it. Originally, she was looking at it openly, but after this crazy thought, her eyes became less magnanimous.

Wei Ming coughed twice, walked over and pulled Ke Li out of the tub.

As soon as the skin of the two people touched, it was scorching hot. Before he could stabilize his mind, he turned around and took a handkerchief for Ke Li. Without squinting, he said, "Wipe it dry before going to bed."

"En." Ke Li's voice was so low that she could barely hear her. Now, her body was wet, her face was burning and hot, and she was completely in a vulnerable state.

After Ke Li quickly took the veil, he casually pulled a monk's robe and put it on his body to cover his charming scenery. He stood with his back to Wei Ming to wipe his body, and then threw the veil and slipped into the bed.

"..." Wei Ming took the veil thrown by Lingkong and tried his best not to look at Ke Li.

Ke Li did a trick to dry her hair and pulled the quilt above her head. The shame finally dropped a lot. The breath between her nostrils was hot, and after a while she was sweating hot, but she still huddled under the quilt motionless. inside.

After a while, it was so hot that Ke Li quietly opened a corner of the quilt to let herself get some air. Then she heard the sound of Wei Ming mopping the floor with a mop, and she continued to hide under the quilt.

When he heard the sound of Wei Ming taking a bath, Ke Li immediately pricked up his ears, ready to listen to the movement.

As for not watching, she's not that wretched yet, anyway, she can watch it openly in the future.

After cleaning up the water stains in the house, she saw that Ke Li was still hiding under the covers, and it seemed that she would not come out for a while, so she simply took a bath in the tub first. For safety's sake, she faced Ke Li. After sitting for a while, I saw that the quilt on the opposite side was being lifted little by little.

"..." Wei Ming shrank back into the water, only letting the shoulders above the water surface, and then prepared to wait for the rabbit.

Ke Li couldn't hold back in the end, and then to give herself a reason to breathe, she gently lifted the quilt, anyway, she had been seen many times by Weiming, and now it's just a polite glance, but she didn't expect to bump into it directly. In the dimly lit eyes.

"..." Ke Li's blood surged, her face blushed like a hairy crab, she was guilty of being a thief, she didn't look at it any more, she just shrank back, and then lay in a daze and pretended to sleep.

Unclear "..." Is this the Ke Li who would take the initiative to get naked in her dreams

She didn't know if she would still be shy, especially after she understood her own feelings, she rubbed her hot earlobe, took a quick shower, and spent a lot of time wiping her body before crawling onto the bed.

Both of them held their breaths deliberately, and the atmosphere was a little subtle for a while.

Weiming is not the kind of person who just wants to escape. After lying down for a while, she still turned her body to face Ke Li. The candle in the room hadn't been extinguished, and the flames flickered, even with the flames under Ke Li's eyelashes. One side of the shadow also became dark and unclear.

Wei Ming looked at him and suddenly said, "Tu Tu, you have completely changed back."

She still likes this name the most, it is kind and easy to say, and the point is that she chose it.

Seeing that Weiming didn't make fun of himself, Ke Li opened his eyes and suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

She went to ask Doudou, and after hearing that Doudou promised that the kind of thing that happened today would not happen again, she felt at ease and said, "Well, it's changed back, I don't know, you can't bully me again in the future, do you feel sorry for it? "

As soon as the topic opened, the relaxed and peaceful atmosphere naturally returned, Wei Ming raised his eyebrows and asked, "When did I bully you?"

"For example, you've seen me out countless times." After taking the initiative to speak in his own hands, Ke Li turned into an uncompromising thick-skinned person.

Wei Ming gave a rather aftertaste, but said solemnly, "What's so beautiful about you having that body?"

Chubby is all meat.

"Why don't you look good at what you saw today?" Ke Li put on a vicious expression, "Master Weiming, since you've seen it, you must be responsible for me. It's the standard for scumbags to be scumbags."

Wei Ming said helplessly, "Well, I'm responsible for you."

"Then what I promised before is okay?" Ke Li smiled wickedly.

After going around, he still brought the topic to this topic, and without clearly answering "forget it", he leaned over to Ke Li, and went to sleep when he was ready, but Ke Li pressed his shoulders.

"What's wrong?" I don't understand

"Let me come." Ke Li felt that the unknown kiss was definitely not erotic, and even if there was, it would only be a little bit at most, and then it might be a flash of water again.

"Okay, I'll let you come." Wei Ming couldn't help but treat Ke Li as a child, and then wanted to pamper her.

She looked at Ke Li motionless, until she saw Ke Li slowly approaching her, her heart was tightened little by little, nervousness, anticipation, panic and all kinds of inexplicable emotions gathered together, but it seemed so Of course.

Ke Li blocked Weiming's lips as he wished, and the soft lips pressed against each other. The two of them absorbed each other's fragrance. It was not until Weiming was exhausted that Ke Li stopped and looked at Weiming with pride.

"..." Wei Ming pursed her lips tightly, her chest heaving violently, until the numbness on the tip of her tongue subsided, and her breathing slowly normalized. She reached out to touch Ke Li's bald head, but she touched the hair that was covered with hair. , She was stunned, panting and scolding lightly, "Don't kiss for so long next time."

"I have good physical strength and will take good care of you." Ke Li has never been so fortunate that he is a child of the gods, and his physical strength and lung capacity are definitely leveraged.

She stretched out her hand and wanted to hug Wei Ming into her arms, and then found that her body was relatively petite and suitable for being the one to be hugged, and she retracted into Wei Ming's arms with peace of mind.

"..." Wei Ming put his arms around Ke Li's waist, resting his chin on top of her head, instead of continuing the rude topic, he said, "Tu Tu, is there any place you want to go?"

Ke Li said without thinking, "I just want to go to a place with you."

Wei Ming rolled his eyes playfully, thought for a while and said cautiously, "Then have you thought about what to do in the future?"

Ke Li raised his head strangely and said, "What do you do?"

Wei Ming smelled the disturbing fragrance again. It was the fragrance of Ke Li's body. She swallowed her saliva subconsciously and said, "Didn't you say you want me to return to the vulgarity? What are you going to do to support me after returning to the vulgarity?"

Ke Li also became serious, "You can tell me where you want to stay first, and then I will decide how to support you."

After thinking about it for a while, I deliberately said, "What if I want to stay here to cultivate Buddha?"

Ke Li put on a vicious expression again and said, "Then I will tempt you to break your precepts every day until you are expelled from your teacher's door, and in the end you can only follow me."

"..." Wei Ming said, "What if I want to stay in the capital?"

Ke Li "Then I'll open a shop and let you be the proprietress."

Unclear continues "What if it's in the countryside?"

Ke Li, "Then I'll buy a few acres of land and let you be the renter."

unknown"… "

In short, the question of having settled with her is still up for discussion. Weiming didn't deliberately tease Ke Li any more. The two of them were intimate on the bed for a while and slept together.

When she woke up, she still looked like a girl, which was something she never dared to think about before, because Ke Li always liked to be a demon, and as long as she was in bed, she would be restless. , Ke Li on the bed is still Ke Li, because Ke Li has not appeared during the day, so the loose hair needs to be taken care of.

Ke Li has experience, but I didn't know she had it, so she offered to brush Ke Li's hair, but she, who has been bald for 20 years, didn't know how to deal with her hair so that she could look better.

Wei Ming angrily put down the comb that he had finally found, "You can do it yourself, it looks good just scattered like this."

Ke Li casually made a refreshing hairstyle for himself, stood up on tiptoe and touched the top of Weiming's head, comforting, "Weiming, you should keep your hair in the future, otherwise it will be cold in winter."

"..." Weiming touched her hair that had grown a small half, it was hard, and it didn't feel soft to the touch. She used to say that Ke Li didn't even have a pile of hair on top of her head, but now it's Ke Li who told her. .

If she hadn't known that sooner or later she would be reincarnated, she would have wanted to shave that bit of hair too.

Afterwards, those who should be healed will be healed, and those who should be prepared should be prepared. During this period, intimacy is indispensable, but it is all done.

Ke Li was sure that she would never become a milk baby again, and was happy, but she also blamed herself because she often saw different emotions on Wei Ming's face. She didn't ask more, giving Wei Ming a buffer time.

Half a month later, Ke Li became lively again, not even a single scar was left on his skin, and Wei Ming also stepped into the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, which is the favorite place of Master Wu Nian.

"Master, this disciple has something to say." Weiming knelt on the ground and lowered her head, daring not to look at Master Wu Nian. She has always regarded Master Wu Nian as her family, but she will continue to stay here. , she will only endure more self-blame brought about by breaking the precepts, her heart has already risen, and staying here will affect the cultivation of others.

Wu Nian Shitai's eyes were calm and unwavering, as if she had known what she was going to say, and said lightly, "Go ahead."

Wei Ming said, "If the disciple wants to return to the secular world, I beg the master to grant it."

"If you're thinking about Hongchen, it's useless for me to stop you." Master Wu Nian didn't know what to think, "Unclear, have you already decided?"

Wei Ming nodded, "It's decided."

Master Wu Nian "Who is that person?"

After thinking about it for a while, some wondered if "I can't say it."

"That's all." Master Wu Nian took out an envelope from his arms, "This is what Jing Xuan left for you before he left, you should keep it well, I will never have your apprentice from now on."

I didn't receive the envelope, and my voice was a little choked, "Yes."

"If you miss it, come back and see my old man." Master Wu Nian pointed out, "Remember to bring that person with you."

"Yes." Wei Ming's eyes blushed, and finally, he kowtowed to Master Wu Nian a few times, and said goodbye to the junior sisters in the monastery before leaving the Jingxin Nunnery.

Without relatives, there is nowhere to go.

Ke Li was walking on the road, thinking about a better place to live. She didn't worry about money, but Wei Ming was originally an orphan, like duckweed. After leaving Jingxin Nunnery, she had no roots. What she wanted now was a long-term one. Home.

"I don't know, the last time I made a decision, is I want to stay in the capital, or I want to go outside. We can also live in the mountains and be living gods in the mountains and fields."

"..." Wei Ming took out the envelope expressionlessly and looked at it, "Jing Xuan said let's find them."

"Okay." Ke Li also feels that it is very troublesome to find a place to live now. It is better to go directly to Jingxuan, at least without having to find a suitable place to live, and she is not an ordinary person, if there is another demon that covets her, She and Yan Huo add up to many helpers.

Because Wei Ming's hair was pitifully short, he and Ke Li pretended to be husband and wife along the way. Wei Ming saw all the things that he had never seen in the Jingxin Nunnery before, and Ke Li was able to satisfy his appetite once. When people came to Jing Xuan's residence, half a month had passed.

Jingxuan lives in a small village at the foot of the mountain. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has a beautiful environment. It is just in line with Yan Hu, a fox who has grown up in the mountains for many years, and is also suitable for Weiming who likes a quiet life.

"Senior sister, Tu Tu." This time Jing Xuan changed into the clothes of an ordinary farmer, still wearing a hat on his head, and still holding a little fox in his arms.

She didn't know what Yanju's body looked like, just like she was curious about what she looked like as a milk doll, she said "Uncle Jingxuan", and ran over and stretched out her hand to tease the little fox.

The little fox's fur is extremely pure, without a trace of impurities. At first, she nestled lazily in Jing Xuan's arms, but after being touched by Ke Li, the fur all over her body exploded.

"..." Ke Li immediately retreated to the unknown side, and said curiously, "Foxes can also fry their hair."

Yan Huo's tone was cold, and said, "What's weird about this, some older baby dolls still wet the bed."

Ke Li "… "

Jing Xuan smoothed Yan Hu's hair and said with a blushing face, "She's in a bad mood recently, Tu Tu, don't provoke her, by the way, call me Ninglang in the future, this is my common name before I became a monk."

"Okay, Master Ninglang, hello."

Four people live in a yard. The yard is not big. It is located at the very edge of the village. There are no neighbors around. Living in the room on the left, Ke Li and Weiming live in the room on the right, separated by a hall.

These days, Ke Li and Wei Ming are sleeping in the same bed every day. There is intimacy, but there is no further progress. Most of it is because Ke Li doesn't want to give Wei Ming the impression of a slut, and Wei Ming has never been there. that means.

Ke Li lazily nestled in Weiming's arms, thinking about how to make it seem so natural. Suddenly, she heard some movement in her ears. She arched in Weiming's arms, took a deep breath, and kissed her. Kissing the unknown chin, he said, "Isn't Yan Hu still a little fox?"

Wei Ming's body temperature soared due to Ke Li's action, she reached out and pushed Ke Li's head, her voice was slightly distorted and said, "Well, it's still a little fox, Tu Tu, what do you want to say?"

Ke Li cast a spell to make the surroundings completely quiet, and said mysteriously, "Listen carefully."

From the other room came the familiar gasp and moan.

"..." Wei Ming hurriedly covered Ke Li's ears and said, "Don't listen indiscriminately, it's really not ashamed that you still listen indiscriminately after such a long distance."

"My hearing is good." For Ke Li, covering her ears is useless. She was about to use her divine sense to check it out, but found that Yan Hu had set up a barrier in her busy schedule, and it seemed that she had just set.

Ke Li "… "

The voice was no longer audible, the world was quiet, and Weiming knew what Ke Li was going to do next.

Ke Li moved his body up, looked at Wei Ming, blinked his eyes, and said, "Wei Ming, do you think I can still grow up?"

unknown"… "

You have always been small, and you can't hold it when you grow up.

Ke Li didn't care about Weiming's reaction, and got closer. It wasn't until he was almost face to face with Weiming that she said sincerely, "Master, can you save me by drinking milk now?"

unknown"… "