Don’t Be Jealous, I Will Bend Myself

Chapter 60: Fire, theft, and girlfriends (5)


Ji Linxi's movements stopped, and he turned his head to look at Ke Li's body. There was no special expression on his face, but Ke Li looked a little hairy and anxious.

She knew that she was about to speak, but the words had already been said, and they couldn't be taken back. Just in time, she could check Ji Linxi's attitude. She raised her chin and said proudly, "Are you afraid?"

Ji Linxi didn't make a statement, and got closer, squinting his eyes and said, "You mean you want to fuck me?"

Why doesn't it feel right? Ke Li stepped back subconsciously and said, "No... can't you?"

"..." Ji Linxi didn't hold back, she just laughed, put her hands on Ke Li's shoulders, and said, "You still want to fuck me like you are? Hurry up and go to bed, so that you don't do anything stupid. Daydream, besides, it depends on whether I agree or not if you want to."

"..." Ke Li felt a little weak in his legs, why did she talk about this, and the heroine didn't think about that

Could it be that their friendship is really so pure? Or is it that Ke Yu was used to teasing before, and Ji Linxi is used to it? It's like taking too many drugs, and resistance will develop

But since the heroine doesn't believe it herself, Ke Li doesn't have to make her believe it, so as not to have to guard herself later, she has already reminded her in advance, don't blame her for bending people, after all It was the hostess who teased her first.

"Hmph, just wait and see." Ke Li got into the bathroom with his pajamas.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you." Ji Linxi didn't really care about Ke Li's words. Although they didn't call her husband and wife like other girlfriends, they were still able to make such a joke.

Besides, Ke Yu is usually the most indecent, this kind of joke is really not worth mentioning.

Ke Li was not as calm as Ji Linxi, who was able to strip naked outside. She only came out after finishing everything in the bathroom, and then she saw Ji Linxi sitting on the bed with headphones on, reading a book.

Ke Li wiped his hair and joked, "Ji Linxi, you really don't give us such scumbags a way to survive. Your grades are so good, and you still work so hard."

People are more popular than dead people, that's the truth. Fortunately, she is in a virtual world. If this is the case in reality, then she really has to work hard to hug her thighs.

"Then come over and work hard together." Ji Linxi turned down the sound of the earphones, put down the book, got out of bed and took the hair dryer, and hooked her fingers to Ke Li.

"Forget it, no matter how hard you try, you can't compare to you. Why don't you support me." Ke Li moved closer and asked Ji Linxi to blow her hair.

This is a hard-core bestie. If she has such a bestie in real life, even if she doesn't develop into a girlfriend, she can live together for a lifetime.

"Are you raising a pig? But pigs can still be slaughtered and eaten during the Chinese New Year. What else can you do besides watching?" Ji Linxi said rudely, "By the way, you can still warm the bed in winter."

"..." Although Ke Li said that, but her overall three views are positive, naturally she won't let herself be like a rice bug, she only knows how to rely on others to support her.

For example, now, she should be respectful, serve Ji Linxi, and do better, so that Ji Linxi can get used to her goodness, and it will be difficult to get used to others.

This is really a good way.

Ke Li enjoyed the warm air above his head and the comfortable feeling of Ji Linxi's fingers running through his hair.

"I've wiped it, and I won't blow it today. Too much blowing hurts my hair." Ji Linxi looked at Ke Li's smooth hair and said nonsense with her eyes open, "You see that your hair is not very good. , it is not as smooth as before, Chinese medicine says that the growth of hair is closely related to kidney function, it seems that you have to nourish the kidney well."

Ke Li: "..."

Thank goodness as long as you're not bald, and smooth? But when did her kidney function go wrong? The hostess is all bullshit.

Ji Linxi became interested and continued, "As for nourishing the kidneys, apart from getting a good night's sleep, the other thing is diet... By the way, you haven't watched those restricted-level things recently, have you?"

Ke Yu was originally quite informal, not only in her liking for various entertainment activities, but also in the fact that she hoarded a lot of small videos and watched them when she was bored, and then she wanted Amway to give Ji Linxi, In the end, Ji Linxi was not interested at all, so those small videos could only be placed in a corner to "pile ashes".

After being mentioned by Ji Linxi like this, Ke Li suddenly remembered that she still had this thing in her mobile phone. She could take a look at it secretly in her spare time. She denied it righteously, "Of course I didn't."

"It's better if you don't watch any more. Teenagers must maintain physical and mental health, starting with you and me." Ji Linxi was talking nonsense seriously.

She was originally pure, but she had such an impure best friend as Ke Yu, so when she was just in high school, she knew a lot of dirty jokes and memes, and her thoughts naturally would not be very pure.

Ke Li: "..."

When Ke Li's hair was almost dry, Ji Linxi started to read again and dragged Ke Li together, saying, "Come and work hard together, we will go to a university in the future, and then we will be best friends for life."

"..." Ke Li tilted her head and glanced at it. It was all chemical equations, and then looked at all kinds of chemical reasoning questions. It was really bald. She whispered, "Who wants to be your best friend for life?"

She's the one to do big things.

"Could it be that you still want to be in-law with me?" Ji Linxi thought of something and said something, then frowned, "This kind of relationship is too vulgar, and I don't like children."

"..." Ke Li felt that even if he made it clear that he only likes women, Ji Linxi's thoughts would not change. At most, he would be curious and avoid suspicion.

"Then let's be best friends for now, and wait for me to put on a mask." Ke Li really didn't want to read those troublesome books at the moment.

She was lying on the reclining chair with the mask on. She had to say that her concentration was still good, at least she was able to put on the mask expressionlessly while watching the short video.

There are a lot of resources in Ke Yu's mobile phone, but after a few glances, Ke Li has no interest. She chose a normal movie to watch, and after 20 minutes, she washed her face and went to lie down on the bed.

Ji Linxi said strangely, "Are you going to sleep?"

"Well, I'm so sleepy. I can finally lie in bed, but I have to get up early tomorrow." Ke Li burrowed into the bed with resentment, but he wasn't so sleepy as soon as he entered the bed.

Ji Linxi reached out and probed Ke Li's forehead: "Aren't you smearing skin care on your face today?"

Although Ke Yu didn't stay with her every day, he had to smear it on his face before going to bed and after waking up. He used makeup during the day and skin care at night, but today he just put on a mask, which was a bit abnormal.

The drowsiness from touching Ke Li was gone, she sat up, leaned her face, and said, "Is my skin bad?"

Ji Linxi looked at Ke Li's smooth and smooth skin, shook his head and said, "It's good enough to be advertised, but it's better to rub less, some things will hurt your skin if you rub too much, so natural is better. "

"That's good." Ke Li was still very satisfied with this face.

Ji Linxi looked at it and said, "But you are really different today, you didn't even go out and fool around."

Suddenly not doing things that you are used to will attract attention. Ke Yu used to like to go out for a while after school, while Ji Linxi only likes to stay at home. Although the two people's lifestyles are not the same, they have always respected each other.

Ke Li said, "I'm good."

Ji Linxi didn't believe it at all, pointed to the book, and said, "Have you finished the homework to be written tomorrow?"

Ke Li: "..." Not really.

Ke Li shamelessly said: "Let's discuss one thing, you show me a question, I will let you kiss for free, and so on."

She didn't believe that a straight girl could remain indifferent under the repeated bombardment of kisses. Anyway, as a normal woman, it was definitely not acceptable.

Ji Linxi rolled his eyes and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it. I'll go to bed as soon as I finish copying, and I'll write my own homework in the future."

"You're the best." Ke Li leaned over and took a sip, then jumped out of bed to copy the homework before Ji Linxi could react.

Almost every subject has homework, and some have to do materials and papers. When Ke Li finished copying the questions, Ji Linxi was already asleep, and he slept with headphones on.

Ke Li helped Ji Linxi take off the earphones, and said to himself, "I feel like I copied countless questions, I'm afraid I'm going to promise myself."

[Host, you can take advantage of the danger.]Doudou does not hesitate to instigate it, [I just happen to be short of materials recently.]

Ke Li turned off all the lights in the room, leaving only the bedside lamp, and said, "Is that what I should do? It was done by a villain. I am a gentleman. As the saying goes, a gentleman loves money and gets what he has. Dao, it must be the same for chasing people.”

Doudou: [… ] Can’t tell.

Ke Li said: "By the way, what materials are you missing?"

[Uh... Although it was blocked by Mosaic, but at least I have been immersed in so many boat scenes, even if I have never eaten pork, I have seen pigs run away. ] Doudou said earnestly: [I secretly write something with color and save it, so that I can satisfy my cravings when there is no task in the future, host, please don't complain.]

Ke Li: "..." Soybeans with dregs!

The next day, another busy day, Ke Li managed to get out of the quilt's seal. After cleaning up, the two of them left early for a while, Ji Lin said, "I'll talk to the head teacher in a while. When it comes to changing positions, remember to act good."

Ke Li said: "... oh."

After the early self-study get out of class, Ji Linxi and Ke Li went to the head teacher and talked about the change of positions.

"You want to change positions?" The head teacher is a woman in her thirties who teaches Chinese. "I also thought that after you and Mo Qi sat together, I would be able to bring the students who were not so good with good grades."

"Learning is your own, you can't rely on others." Ji Linxi has always disagreed with this statement, learning and life are his own, so why rely on others.

"In that case, let's tune in." The head teacher warned Ke Li after speaking, "Ke Yu, after you become the same table, you are not allowed to bring down classmate Ji Linxi."

Ke Li: "..."

It has to be said that this is the difference between a good student and a bad student in the teacher's mind.

Originally it was the front and back tables, and then I talked to the previous tablemates about the situation at that time, and they quickly switched positions.

Ke Li finally became the same table with the heroine, Ke Li's mood was very turbulent, but the truth was that everything was the same. In the past, Ke Li could be woken up by Ji Linxi's pen when he was dozing off, but now she has no chance at all. Dozing off, before even closing your eyes, dozing was strangled in the cradle.

The worse thing is that the male protagonist Shao Yixuan appeared in the last class.

As a transfer student, Shao Yixuan is a handsome and handsome big boy. His facial features and figure are definitely at the level of a male god, but his family environment makes his three views a little crooked, and he has been very rebellious since he was a child.

These Ke Li are the clearest.

Shao Yixuan fell in love with the quiet Ji Linxi at first sight. At first, of course, he was thinking of playing tricks. He kept doing bad things to attract Ji Linxi's attention. Unfortunately, Ji Linxi ignored him at all. After that, he moved his heart. He stalked Ji Linxi, and finally won the return of the beauty with his handsomeness and sincerity.

While thinking about the plot, Ke Li held his face boredly, watching the head teacher introduce Shao Yixuan's identity on the podium, and let Shao Yixuan introduce himself, he just felt that the male protagonist in this world looked very high-quality on the surface, he was a rich family boy, but other Not in every way.

When Shao Yixuan introduced himself, he coolly didn't say a word, just whistled at Ji Linxi.

"… "

After a moment of silence, there were screams one after another in the class, mostly because of Shao Yixuan's good looks, and because of the whistle that meant it, the screams were silenced only by the teacher's suppression.

While the teacher was still talking about what happened just now, Ke Li secretly asked, "What do you think of him?"

Ji Linxi commented very pertinently: "Flight and boring, I have a good pair of skins..."

Ke Li replied, "It's scum inside."

Ji Linxi felt amused when she heard it, but thought that Ke Li wanted to compete with Shao Yixuan, and followed her wishes: "Yes, and you are much prettier than him."

"..." Ke Li decided to ignore Ji Linxi for now.

After class was over, it was the same boring noon time, Shao Yixuan came to Ji Linxi's side to play cool, but Ji Linxi ignored him coldly.

"I'm afraid he has a crush on you." Ke Li said sourly.

"I don't like such naive people, and I don't like sibling relationship." Ji Linxi is 18 years old this year. Ever since she didn't like her new-born brother, she felt that her future partner must be a mature and steady person. Considering the relationship between siblings, although she doesn't know how old Shao Yixuan is, she can feel that he is not a particularly mature person.

Ke Li can be considered a little relieved, the male protagonist is indeed relatively small, and it is not to Ji Linxi's appetite for the time being.

But Ji Linxi's words can only be listened to. You must know that the law of true fragrance exists anytime, anywhere, especially for Ji Linxi, if he says he doesn't like it now, he secretly likes it if he knows something. Anyway, in the original plot, Ji Linxi, who didn't fall in love before the college entrance examination, and didn't like the relationship between siblings, was slapped in the face.

After going to the cafeteria to eat, Ke Li and Ji Linxi took a walk on the playground to digest their food, and happened to see Shao Yixuan playing basketball.

"It's so hot here, let's go to the pavilion and stand." Ke Li turned a corner and led Ji Linxi to the pavilion on the other side.

Next to the pavilion is a pond, which is shaded by willow trees, and the breeze is coming, and behind it is a small wood, which is a holy place for couples to date.

"This place is suitable for reading, we'll be there tomorrow..." Ji Linxi said and stopped, tugging at Ke Li's sleeve, motioning her to look not far away.

I saw a couple playing under the tree openly.

Ke Li also didn't expect that someone would come to this place to play Boo'er without using an empty classroom at noon, and it was so open and aboveboard. Could it be that he didn't just want to play Boo'er

She found a shady place to sit down and said with interest: "What about them, we are here and we will never disturb them."

"..." Ji Linxi also sat down, but with her back to the grove, she said, "You are really in good spirits."

Ke Li was not interested in watching other people kiss, so he turned his back and leaned his chin on Ji Linxi's shoulder. After a while, she suddenly said, "Ji Linxi, are you curious about the feeling of kissing?"

"What are you curious about, isn't it..." Ji Linxi thought about it for a long time, but did not think of a suitable word to describe that wonderful feeling.

In fact, she hadn't kissed seriously, but based on her and Ke Li's experience of "applying lipstick", she felt that she should be able to imagine it by herself. In short, it was just lips touching lips, nothing special, just kissing herself His arms are the same, but Ke Li's lips are softer.

Ke Li looked expectantly and said, "What is it?"

She was going to bring Ji Linxi into the set, and then took the opportunity to say that it might be better to try it. After so many times, she didn't believe that Ji Linxi would still feel different.

"Forgot." Ji Linxi raised his eyebrows, "Why don't we try?"