Don’t Be Jealous, I Will Bend Myself

Chapter 82: Spring in the Dungeon (8)


Broken by her

The ambiguous words of the ghostly mother-in-law attracted Xin Tu's attention. She was really playing Ke Li these days. To be precise, it was torture, and it was physical and mental torture.

For anyone else, to be forced to call the bed in person, that would be no less shameful than Han Xin being forced to drill under the crotch.

Xin Tu originally thought that Ke Li would be unable to stand it sooner or later, and then apologized to herself, but she did not expect that not only did she not open her mouth to beg for mercy, but she also screamed resignedly, very realistically.

The reason why the sect is called a sect is because there are many people who are not in the same view as those who are in the right way. Among them, there are many people with eccentric temperaments and different people, such as the ghost mother-in-law. She is very masculine, and the older she is, the more she likes it. Young man, this is undoubtedly shameful and shameful in the eyes of people in the right way, but in teaching it is just their own hobbies.

Xin Tu also knew that in addition to the ghost mother-in-law, there are other people who are extremely obsessed with bed affairs. Some people even think that double cultivation can strengthen the body and enhance the skills. Therefore, she used to hear lewd screams. The sound of bed can even be said at any time. Anywhere is possible.

But since Xin Tu became the leader, he began to rectify these customs, and many things that were on the bright side gradually began to turn to the background.

But those called. Beds are mostly summed up in one word: false.

However, Ke Li shouted very well, as if he was very experienced. He knew where and how to cadence and how to stop. In fact, nothing happened.

Xin Tu is like checking her homework. While listening to Ke Li's red-faced humming every day, she also enjoys the humiliation on seeing Ke Li's cry. and a sense of accomplishment, so…

"She can't die." This was the first sentence Xin Tu said after a long silence.

The ghost mother is not sure what this means. There is a transition period in the wind and cold. Now Ke Li is obviously in a critical period. It is a matter of life and death. Of course, there is no shortage of doctors with high medical skills in the teaching. It's easy, but...

"She has a fever now, and her whole body is hot. It's easy to save her life, but if you don't get emergency treatment, it's very likely that she will be burnt stupid." When they met each other, they were jealous, but they suddenly changed their sex a few days ago, and they sang songs together every night, but now they are indifferent to each other.

Young people are trouble, how easy it is to go directly! If you can't conquer it for a while, then keep conquering it, and after all, you will be able to hold the beauty back.

"Let Sun You see it, be sure to look at it." Xin Tu was not in a hurry like the ghost mother-in-law at all, but she frowned slightly and said decisively, "Even if he knows her identity, it doesn't matter, if he doesn't know the interest, he will be imprisoned together. Just fine."

"..." The ghost mother-in-law led the order to retreat and went to find Sun You.

Sun You is a doctor who directly obeys the leader. Not only is he skilled in medicine, but he is also young and handsome, so he has many targets, but he is a little cowardly.

After the ghostly mother-in-law stepped back, Xin Tu clenched her fingers tightly on the edge of the wheelchair, her face was serious, and her whole figure was as if she had just been frozen in the cold wind, freezing to the bone.

How could she let the enemy die so easily, all she wants is to slowly torture her, so even if Ke Li wants to die, she can only die at her hands!

Ke Li felt that after meeting Xin Tu, he had another nightmare. In the dream, she was in a cage, her hands and feet were bound, unable to move, surrounded by merciless flames, and she was in the very center. Can only be scorched and swallowed by flames.

She tried to swing her limbs to escape the scorching flames, but she couldn't escape. Instead, she vaguely heard someone talking, but the voice was too small and vague, and she could only hear a few voices clearly, such as her weak sense of survival.

Ke Li's mind gradually became confused, the voices she heard became smaller and smaller, and finally her brain was chaotic, but she knew that her heart was excited because she had always longed to leave here.

"Sect Master, I'm incompetent. She did have signs of waking up just now, but she suddenly disappeared. Now I'm afraid she's powerless." The person is the orphan of the former leader, so why should he take over this hot potato

Xin Tu didn't say a word, but his face became more and more gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He just sat in the wheelchair and looked at Ke Li, as if to see some traces of pretending to be sick.

Sun You saw that she didn't speak for a long time, looked at Ke Li lying on the bed, and continued to analyze: "She has been injured before, plus she is weak, and then she has too many things to worry about, and she has been living more tired. I have to think for a long time every time I say a word, and I will naturally become weak, and now I have a sudden high fever, I am afraid that the situation is not good."

"I only want you to save her." This is Xin Tu's only request, but the pressure on people is endless.

Sun You bit the bullet and replied, "The little one will do his best."

If it was just a common cold, he would still have confidence in his medical skills, but Ke Li didn't seem to want to wake up, and with Ke Li's identities a bit too much, he was a little constrained when it came to doing things.

Xin Tu was not satisfied with this answer, and said coldly, "If you can't save yourself, just kill yourself."

"..." After discussing with the ghost mother-in-law, Sun You realized that the Ke Li he wanted to save was not only the orphan of the former leader, but also the wife of the prospective leader. He could only work harder and use all his housekeeping skills.

In this way, for two consecutive days, Ke Li was in a coma, his body was hot and cold, and the fever was high and low. Stupidity to mind.

It wasn't until three days later that Ke Li finally woke up thanks to everyone's efforts. She opened her eyes dully, and the first person to catch her eyes was Xin Tu. Xin Tu's face was as cold as ever, and it was exactly the same as her own. In contrast, Ke Li was stunned for a moment and turned his back, not to look at this scumbag!

"How do you feel?" The ghost-grandmother asked kindly. She spent the most time with her on weekdays and was the orphan of the former leader, so she naturally cared more.

Ke Li opened her mouth and was about to speak, but found that because of the doctor's rejuvenation, her throat was swollen and she couldn't speak at all. She nodded to indicate that everything was fine, then pulled the quilt over her head and went to sleep if she disagreed. .

There is no doubt that she and Mute are not afraid of provoking Xin Tu. The big deal is death. Even if the task of death is a failure, she also escapes Xin Tu.

As soon as Ke Li woke up, he pulled the quilt to sleep, and Xin Tu ignored her and just sat beside her.

The ghost mother-in-law looked at the two of them like a cold war, but they really looked like young couples, but according to her understanding of Xin Tu, it was impossible to like the enemy, but it was not ruled out that it was precisely because they were enemies that she had sex with her. Possibility of stuffing sauce.

Ke Li was just waking up from a serious illness, and he didn't have much energy at all. He just stayed in the bed for a while, then fell into a deep sleep, and when he woke up, he saw Xin Tu again.

This time, her throat was basically healed, and she was able to speak freely. Ke Li said with a cold face, "Don't worry, even if you kill me this time, I won't call you again."

"..." Xin Tu's eyes sharpened: "Just want to die like this? I don't want you to die so easily."

"Is it interesting?" Ke Li is not a little white rabbit who can be slaughtered, and immediately retorted: "You said that I am your enemy, and I am your enemy? Don't you know that everything is the current emperor, the former sixth prince. Yes, why don't you kill him, what does it mean to hold on to me as a scumbag? You can kill if you want, you don't have to pretend to be compassionate here, and you don't have to worry about other things. What master's will is your own thought , I never admitted it."

After Ke Li finished speaking, she closed her eyes. At this moment, she was not afraid of Xin Tu at all, but she was afraid that she would not be able to explain the call clearly, but this time she was not affected by the accident.

She was not Ke Chen at first, but a scapegoat. In the previous worlds, she chose to work hard to integrate into the original characters, and then let the heroine accept the most real self, but this world can only be like That way, say what should be said most clearly, and then... that's it.

Ke Li had just closed her eyes, and there was a cold hand around her neck. The hand was so tight that it seemed to crush her neck. She gritted her teeth and grinned, "You can only To be able to do this, cowardly overpower the small, bullying the weak and afraid... afraid of the hard, scum... scum!"

Xin Tu seemed to have been caught up in what she was saying, and her hands were getting stronger and stronger... so big that Ke Li felt that he was about to return to the real world, like seeing Shen Qing and Shi Jin.

The author has something to say: I actually feel sad, unless we Ke Shou shakes m, the heroine shakes s... and... The reader shakes m, the author shakes s_(:з」∠)_

Anyway, the plot is based on the characters...