Don’t Be Jealous, I Will Bend Myself

Chapter 86: Spring in the Dungeon (12)


Xin Tu has always been thin, and after this accident, her already thin face has not much flesh, plus the numerous scars on her body, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is not human now, but her eyes are still bright and energetic, staring up. People are very deterrent, but it's a pity that Ke Li doesn't want to do this.

"Don't you like listening to it? It's okay to call yourself. I don't mind being forced to be your audience." Ke Li continued to speak in a high-sounding manner, wanting to see Xin Tu embarrassed.

Xin Tu: "… "

After a short period of anger, Xin Tu suddenly thought of something. She directly ignored Ke Li's obvious question, and said in a hoarse voice, "Why are you still alive?"

At the beginning, she also reacted from the fact that Ke Li was dead after she was shocked at the beginning, but now the fact is that the person who was obviously poisoned and died in front of her eyes is still alive, but she has turned her feng shui and become imprisoned by others.

Ke Li snorted coldly, as if she didn't want to talk to Xin Tu, but Xin Tu didn't speak for a long time, as if she wasn't curious at all, she had to say, "Guess? Maybe this is the Yama Temple, we just happened by chance. When we meet, we are just talking about old times here.”

"..." Xin Tu still didn't speak, just looked at Ke Li quietly, her throat hurt as soon as she spoke, and she didn't have much strength after lying down for so long.

She moved her hands and tried to close the front of her clothes, leaving her skin so exposed in the air that would make her feel embarrassed, and at the same time feel insecure.

However, Ke Li stretched out his hand to stop Xin Tu and prevent her from getting what she wanted, because as long as she saw Xin Tu's casual appearance, she was very annoyed.

She smiled wickedly, and poked the skin around Xin Tu's wound with her fingertips, until she heard a suppressed moan of pain, and then she was satisfied: "Thank you so much for being so ruthless at that time, and giving it to me. What the hell, or else I'll never see you, a bad woman again."

insanity? After Xin Tu was stabbed, she was in no mood to care about what Ke Li said. Although she couldn't see the condition of the wound, she knew from this feeling that the situation was not good.

She bit her lip as hard as she could to prevent herself from making any more painful noises. The rosy lips that used to be turned white because of this, but when she released it, her lower lip was still covered with clear tooth marks, which looked a bit pitiful.

Ke Li was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "So you are a shiver, and you are only willing to scream when you are being abused."

Although he knew that this was just wishful thinking, Ke Li was still happy to humiliate Xin Tu like this and pay back all the sins he had suffered.

Xin Tu's wound was still hurting, so she had to continue biting her lip, listening to Ke Li saying in front of him the words that he didn't understand, but understood the general meaning.

"Not cooperating at all, it's really boring." Ke Li sighed and suddenly discovered an Achilles heel of her.

That is, compared to a weak woman, she can't help but feel soft-hearted. For example, now, she has a little sympathy for Xin Tu, sympathizing with her not only her life is not going well, but also being tortured by herself.

Ke Li bored back the fingers that were messing around Xin Tu's wound.

Xin Tu's frowning brows were obviously relieved a lot. With just a little thought, she could figure out how Ke Li survived. She couldn't help but sigh that the world is impermanent. She clearly wanted to kill Ke Li and feed her. Gu just wanted to better control Ke Li, but now he has saved people by accident.

She gasped and said with difficulty: "Since this is the case, if you want to kill now, kill it, or I will kill you in the future!"

"..." Ke Li really doesn't know when Xin Tu's obsession came about, and he doesn't know how to work around this stinky temper. He's already at the point of death, and he's still stubborn.

She mocked: "How could I kill you? I'm your savior now, and I'm still waiting for you to repay your kindness. Of course, you won't kill me. I'm your master's daughter, and you won't betray master if you come. Doomed."

This time Xin Tu was very determined: "If there is a chance, I will definitely kill you!"

"..." Ke Li rolled his eyes and looked up at Xin Tu's open clothes, only to realize that they had been chatting awkwardly for a long time. It seemed that she really didn't have feelings for the heroine of this world. Yes, not to mention the heroine who has become a clothespin, she is a serious face control.

The two faced each other in silence like this, and even the surrounding air was frozen. Ke Li suddenly picked up a white porcelain bottle from the table next to him, and said to Xin Tu expressionlessly, "Flip it over."

"Huh?" Xin Tu was a little stunned for a while, her expression was a little dumb at first, and then she became vigilant again.

"Do you think your wounds are all in the front? The back is equally serious. Did you really get pierced through the pipa bone?" After she groaned, she couldn't help but soften her movements.

Xin Tu was almost turned over from the bed, but fortunately, Ke Li supported her body in time. In a hurry, she grabbed the front of Ke Li's chest and said with a pale face, "No."

Ke Li breathed a sigh of relief, moved Xin Tu to the middle of the bed, then pulled her clothes to her waist, and gently disinfected her.

Compared to the front, Xin Tu's back injury was more serious, and Ke Li heard Xin Tu's gasping sound so low that she could barely hear it from time to time. Suddenly, her movements became lighter, and her eyes became more focused, for fear of making a mistake. Location.

After finishing these things, Ke Li stared blankly at Xin Tu's back. Although Xin Tu's back had scars in the past, his skin was creamy and he looked like a fine jade, but now it is a big one. Large and small wounds and bruises cover it, which is very unsightly.

Ke Li's fingertips lightly touched it, and suddenly wanted to ask Xin Tu how these wounds came from, does it hurt

Xin Tu's body froze the moment Ke Li touched it. She seemed to feel the tenderness of Ke Li's fingertips, and then she thought it was a big joke.

What kind of tenderness can a femme fatale woman who wears men's clothes and pretends to be a man every day? Xin Tu's face was tense, and she said vigilantly in a hoarse voice: "What are you going to do?"

Ke Li retracted his hand, turned Xin Tu over to face him, raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Come on, do you believe it?"

Xin Tu: "… "

Ever since she found out that Guan Lixian had ulterior motives for her, she wasn't surprised at all about the daughter-in-law. Hearing what Ke Li said, all kinds of emotions in her heart came alive again.

Xin Tu knew that Ke Li only hated her now, just like she just wanted revenge for her, and she still looked like she was going to die, so she probably wouldn't... But it didn't rule out Ke Li's previous humiliation. . And do something to yourself.

She narrowed her eyebrows, restrained the turbulence in her heart, and said calmly on her face: "How are you a woman?"

"Well, a good woman, especially a bad woman like you who says no with your mouth and is the most sincere in body." Ke Li said calmly, "Or maybe you're not guilty, I don't know. A bad woman who voluntarily surrenders."

As Xin Tu looked like now, she was worried that she would die even if she tortured her, but that didn't mean she couldn't be humiliated verbally. Back then, she was forced to cry out of bed and she didn't physically torture her.

Xin Tu turned her face away and said, "You'd better kill me."

"Not only will I not kill you, but I will try my best to save you." Ke Li decided to attack others first, "If you want revenge, I want to take revenge, and I am a good woman, I like to see you suffer under me. And happy." She deliberately said it in a wretched and erotic manner.

Xin Tu's chest heaved violently, obviously very angry: "You are sick!"

"It's you who is sick." Thinking that he is already twenty-six years old here, and Xin Tu is only twenty, Ke Li said without blushing and heartbeat: "And you asked for it yourself. , As the leader of the demon sect, you are too principled, and you don't look like a heinous big devil at all. From this point of view, Guan Lixian is more suitable to be the leader than you. Of course, in some things, You have no bottom line at all."

For example, let her call | bed.

As soon as Guan Lixian was mentioned, Xin Tu's face sank, as if he was recalling something bad, but this did not mean that Ke Li was wrong.

She was indeed bound by her own principles. Otherwise, if she ignored her master's order and killed Ke Li earlier, let alone the feelings of her sisters and sisters, she would get rid of Guan Lixian as soon as possible, where would there be such a thing as today

But that principle is the only thing she feels she is still alive, she has already killed too much, and the rumors outside are even more heinous, and she doesn't want to be the only one.

Xin Tu said in a rare calm tone, "You are right."

"..." Just as Ke Li was about to speak, he heard Xin Tu turn his body and turned his back to himself, "You will regret saving me."

"..." Ke Li was completely speechless, and suddenly wanted to know how Xin Tu escaped. Just now, her eyes looked like a pool of stagnant water, lifeless, completely inconsistent with her who always had a strong sense of survival.

Ke Li wanted to ask, but saw that Xin Tu was no longer in the mood to continue talking. Before leaving, her mind seemed to be short-circuited, and she said inexplicably: "Since I regret it, I will live now and try to live longer than me."

Ke Li said that the whole person was stunned. She just wanted to explain to Xin Tu that she didn't care about her when she heard Xin Tu say, "Don't worry, you, an old woman, must live shorter than me."

Ke Li: "..." Good intentions are not rewarded! The dog bites Lu Dongbin!

Ke Li angrily left the room and went outside to breathe. When she thought of Xin Tu, she wanted to be angry, she should be angry, and she was also angry with herself.

She shouldn't be soft-hearted just now, what does Xin Tu have to be soft-hearted? She will only be like a poisonous snake, treating herself as a farmer who saves her, not only ignoring her gratitude, but also fighting back.

Just when Ke Li had no time to regret and regretted that he should not have saved Xin Tu, Doudou suddenly jumped out and said, "This is love.]

Ke Li: "..."

Unless Xin Tu was so weak all his life, and stopped talking about revenge, and seriously reflected on his faults, it would be delusional to want to have feelings between them.

Doudou took out his own evidence: [Has the host found a phenomenon, the relationship between you is very like love, you are reluctant to kill the heroine, and you don't want to spoil it. Simply put, it is love and hate, and Sometimes she gets angry with her, like now.]

"..." Ke Li said in surprise, "Do you have any misunderstandings about love?"

She really doesn't have Stockholm Syndrome, and she doesn't have a tendency to shake m. Even if Xin Tu is willing to be m, she may not be willing to be m.

[No, our system still has a task, that is to know who the CP is in advance, and then try everything to make the CP come true, and the CP of this world is undoubtedly the heroine and the host, you, now... ]

Doudou took out the data and said: [Now the intimacy value between you is obviously rising, and the heroine's favorability value for the host has been very stable, which shows that the possibility of becoming a cp is still very large, the host must not be discouraged .]

Ke Li: "..."

Not to mention the intimacy value, the favorability value is very stable, do you want to say that stability is negative

No matter how unbelievable Ke Li is, Doudou is still full of confidence and said: [Host, you have to do your best, in return, our system can also consider assigning you a girlfriend in reality.]

In order to explain the authenticity of his words, Doudou specially added: [This is the original words of the Minister.]

"..." Ke Li felt that her expression was breaking little by little. Since the last mission, she had always had a conjecture in her heart, but the conjecture was too wild and unrealistic, so she never wanted to believe it. , and now hearing Doudou say this, that conjecture seems to have been verified...

Ke Li didn't want to believe it was true, so he said with a straight face, "I'm single and safe, I don't need a girlfriend, you can assign it to whoever you like."

[…But you can’t celebrate Valentine’s Day if you are single.] Doudou continues to instigate.

"Left hand leads right hand, everyone is a single dog." Ke Li raised his eyebrows slightly, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, "What can't you do?"

[… ] Doudou only felt that one of her matchmaker hearts had been hurt by 10,000 points.