Don’t be So Proud

Chapter 45


At four or five in the morning, Lin Yutang and Ye Suying were no longer in the box. The strong man and the monkey woke up one by one, picked up the microphone in a daze and continued to sing. At this time, not only no one will grab the mic with them, but you can also sing your favorite songs as you like.

The strong man and the monkey are people with different attributes, but they both have the same dream. They both dream of finding the girl they love to sing "Today You Will Marry Me" with them. From the freshman year to the end of the junior year, the dream has never changed, especially seeing the eldest brother and Shen Meiren who are embracing and sleeping on the opposite sofa.

Finally, the strong man clicked the song and said to the monkey: "How about, let's practice first."

Monkey is also a proud rich second generation, he asked: "Then who sings the girl?"

Strong man: "You?"

The monkey shook his head: "Then I won't sing."

The two of them fisted to decide who would sing the female voice. After settling down in a fair way, they sweetly sang "You Will Marry Me Today". Waiting for the golden chorus.

The sky outside the KTV is still dim, and the morning light is faint.

Lin Yutang gave Ye Suying a walk. Ye Suying was in good health, and she could walk fast after walking out all night. After walking for a while, she refused to let Lin Yutang continue to send it off, and said, "Don't give it away, even if you meet bad people, the bad people will suffer."

Lin Yutang pursed his lips and smiled, standing on the side of the road to stop Ye Suying's car.

Ye Suying patted Lin Yutang on the shoulder: "Tang, can I give you a suggestion?"

Lin Yutang turned around: "Say it."

Ye Suying paused, and said: "Actually, I discovered this problem during my freshman military training. I was not familiar with you at the time, so I never pointed it out to you. Now I'm not being polite—I think you have a very cold personality. But sometimes it’s nice to girls, which makes us girls easy to misunderstand, especially easy to think about it.”

Lin Yutang was really surprised, but he didn't understand: "Am I nice to girls?"

Ye Suying saw that Lin Yutang was still in disbelief, so she gave him an example: "Let's talk about freshman military training, as long as you get up and pour water, there will be girls behind you who will help you pour water, right?"

Lin Yutang couldn't accept such an excuse, so he didn't speak, which indirectly showed his dissatisfaction.

Ye Suying gave another example: "Then there was a girl who suffered from heat stroke, and you only knew her for a few days, so you bought medicine and sent it to her? Then I went to the girls' dormitory to give condolences, and they were discussing whether you like her."

Fuck! Lin Yutang vomited blood even more: "He Zhizhou asked me to bring it! I..."

The facts are already like this, it is useless for Lin Yutang to "fuck you". Ye Suying spread her hands and looked understanding: "That's right, I obviously called He Zhizhou at that time, why didn't he help? He Zhizhou knows how to put aside the ambiguity between men and women!"

Lin Yutang: "..." He was speechless.

Lin Yutang choked with anger. When he was just in the military training in his freshman year, not to mention that he was not familiar with the girls in the class, he was not familiar with the three people in the dormitory. There are two psychopaths in the whole dormitory, and one is even more indifferent. There was no water in the four men's dormitory, so he went out to buy water in the afternoon. On the way, he received a call from He Zhizhou, what He Zhizhou said on the phone - "Lin Yutang, when you go to the West Campus to buy water, stop by the school infirmary to buy some medicine, there is a girl in the class who has a serious heatstroke , you buy it and send it directly, don't waste time, I just sent a message to Instructor Ye... "

I'm just passing on a message!

Ha ha. Knowing the truth after three years, Lin Yutang just thought hehe.

In the box, on the sofa on the left is a love song duet between the monkey and the strong man. On the right is a very quiet scene, He Zhizhou is leaning on the sofa and hugging Shen Xi. One was sleeping deeply in the comfortable arms, and the other was propping up half asleep, half awake, trying to make the person in the arms sleep more comfortably.

He Zhizhou's whole body was numb, and he hardly fell asleep that night. When he thought he could squint his eyes, the strong man and the monkey started singing again, and were devastated. When he was bored in the middle, he lowered his head to give Shen Xi the eye droppings formed from tears.

He felt that he was about to become a psychopath, and he could actually buttonhole his girlfriend's eye feces to make his heart soft and moist.

Another thing is to hope that Shen Xi wakes up and forgets some words from last night.

Shen Xi fell asleep last night with something on his mind. How could she forget the big question of whether she and He Zhizhou were compatible? What's worse, she also had a nightmare, dreaming that a demon was gouging out her eyeballs. Fortunately, her eyeballs were strong and the demon didn't succeed...

What a terrible dream! When Shen Xi woke up in a daze, he saw He Zhizhou stretching out his hand towards her eyes. With lingering fears in her heart, she lost her voice, and asked pitifully, "He Zhizhou, are you trying to gouge my eyeballs..."

"What?" The eye-picking He Zhizhou couldn't keep up with Shen Xi's thinking, he thought of the importance of love words, and comforted him, "How can I give up such beautiful and big eyes."

Woooooo... Shen Xi immediately closed her eyes, she also had her own thoughts and said: "The devil always digs the beautiful and big ones, who digs the small and ugly ones!"

He Zhizhou couldn't continue the conversation. He stood up, poured a glass of warm water from the tea table and handed it to Shen Xi, his natural air-conditioning made his gentle expression cool down again: "Haven't you woke up from the wine last night? Drink a glass of water to wake me up."

Shen Xi did not take the water from He Zhizhou, but hummed politely.

Feeling guilty, He Zhizhou drank water by himself: "Huh?"

Shen Xi turned his head: "I don't like boyfriends who always make me angry."

He Zhizhou put down his water glass and let out a sigh. Since Shen Xi didn't say that sentence was inappropriate, all suggestions and criticisms have room for reversal. He looked at Shen Xi: "I accept your criticism, this problem will not appear in the future."

Hey... so easy to talk about! ? Then how can she say that this sentence is not suitable? Shen Xi was about to continue talking, but He Zhizhou turned around and said directly to the strong man, "Zhou Chen, order a song for me."

The strong man put down the microphone: "Okay, what song?"

"The song you sang with the monkey just now." He Zhizhou didn't know the title of the song at all, so he read out the lyrics, "Hand in hand, let's create a better life together..."

The strong man understood, and immediately pushed "You Will Marry Me Today" again. He Zhizhou handed Shen Xi a microphone: "Do you still have the strength to sing? Let's talk after singing first."


Shen Xi took the microphone, but was a little reluctant at first. When the music started, she immediately sat cross-legged on the sofa and sang a duet with He Zhizhou - the preferred background music for the wedding scene.

"...Hand in hand, let's walk together, give your life to me..."

"You're going to marry me today", He Zhizhou sang it for the first time, and he learned the melody from the strong man and the monkey, so where the monkey was out of tune just now, he imitated the monkey, and naturally he also got out of tune.

"I suddenly saw you at this moment... today you are going to marry me..." He Zhizhou sang this line out of tune, then turned to look at Shen Xi with serious and serious eyes.

Shen Xi blinked his eyes, his cheeks burned badly. Unexpectedly, He Zhizhou was so out of tune, she was still moved. How could it be like this? Ten minutes ago, she was still thinking about the big issue of whether she and He Zhizhou were compatible. At this moment, she wanted to marry him with great enthusiasm... Anyway, he would have an annual salary of 500,000 after graduation, wouldn't he

The love song duet between Shen Xi and He Zhizhou ended, and the monkey and the strong man hugged each other to comfort each other. At seven o'clock in the morning, the four of them had breakfast at KFC together.

In the middle, Shen Xi received two text messages, the first one - "Xi Xi, after you fell asleep last night, I chatted with He Zhizhou. To be honest, He Zhizhou is cold and arrogant, a bit difficult to get along with. The university In a few years, not to mention that girls can’t get close to her, boys are also difficult. He has his shortcomings, and he also has many advantages that you like. I believe you really like him, but I hope this love makes you happy, and It’s not that I’m sad. In addition, what happened last night was something I did wrong, I apologize to you, and what happened to Ling Chaoxi, even though it’s over, I’m still sorry.”

"Finally, if this relationship makes you unhappy, don't wrong yourself, you still have me."

Both text messages came with "Tangtang from the stars", which was Lin Yutang's notes on her mobile phone. Tangtang from the stars, childhood sweetheart from the stars.

Shen Xi put the phone back into his bag, and continued to bite the hamburger in his hand. He Zhizhou looked at her, and she stared at the hamburger in her hand, thinking that He Zhizhou wanted to eat it, she looked at him and said, "It doesn't taste good."

He Zhizhou didn't speak. Finally she handed it to him. He Zhizhou held back for a long time, and said, "Thank you."

Before going back to school, Shen Xi took He Zhizhou, Hou Zi and the strong man to buy costumes for the performance. She knows best where to buy this kind of performance costumes, and there shouldn't be too many on the sixth floor of the Service Trade Center from here.

Shen Xi took them up to the sixth floor of Fumao in high spirits, and the whole feeling was like walking a dog. When she came to a house she often visited, the boss brought out several sets of men's stage costumes: "These are the most suitable for dancing jazz."

Shen Xi picked up a small vest and compared it in front of He Zhizhou, and asked him: "Do you like it?"

He Zhizhou didn't express his opinion directly: "What do you think?"

Shen Xi: "Like it?"

He Zhizhou: "I don't like it."

Hmph, she must ask twice! Shen Xi returned the little vest to the boss, and then asked the strong man and the monkey for their opinions. The two had only one request: "Be handsome enough!"

Shen Xi thought and thought, and asked the boss: "Boss, do you have any suits with sequins?" She wanted them all to look so handsome and shiny!

A sequined suit? Yeah! The burly man and the monkey each imagined and clapped excitedly—they love sequins!

When the monkey and the strong man were immersed in the YY world where they put on a sequined suit and went to the pinnacle of life, only He Zhizhou had a headache because these glittering sequins were not as good as the little vest just now.

Shen Xi took He Zhizhou's hand and assured him: "I'm your girlfriend, will I cheat you?"

He Zhizhou took a deep breath: "It's up to you."

The strong man likes red, the monkey likes blue, and the two quickly choose the color. Shen Xi picked up a yellow one, and asked He Zhizhou: "Do you want this piece of rich gold?"

He Zhizhou shook his head coldly, his eyes fell on this pile of plastic pieces, and finally chose a black one with disgust.

Well, I didn't expect to be pretentious on stage. Then, Shen Xi chose two hats for the monkey and the strong man, as well as He Zhizhou's king mask. At the end of the payment, it added up to a total of 495 oceans.

He Zhizhou paid the money, the boss returned 5 yuan, and he stuffed it into her hand casually.

Five yuan... Shen Xi looked up at He Zhizhou, He Zhizhou looked back at her, his black eyes rolled unnaturally, as if deliberately trying to make her happy: "I'll buy you candy."

With only five dollars, you can’t buy a car or a house! However, He Zhizhou expressed the aura of nurturing. Shen Xi silently put the money into his pocket, and Shen Jianguo worked so hard to raise her, but ended up raising a five yuan

Shen Xi lowered his head, comforted himself after self-criticism: she must be a good girl who doesn't pay attention to material things! Only because of the five dollars is it sweet.

After the work was done, he returned home beaming. Shen Xi couldn't wait to see He Zhizhou in a sequined suit, but He Zhizhou refused, so Shen Xi leaned over and kissed him on the cheek: "Is this okay?"

"...I will send you a photo later." He Zhizhou compromised, and then walked forward without looking back.

In the afternoon, Shen Xi received a photo from He Zhizhou in the dance room. It was his first bathroom selfie. Shen Xi secretly showed it to Doudou, and Doudou begged her: "Pass me one, pass me one!"

Shen Xi raised his eyebrows: "What do you want my boyfriend's photo for?"

"What can you do!" Doudou shook Shen Xi's arm, "If you can't eat swan meat, you can just watch it!"

All right. Shen Xi passed his family's "Swan" photo to Doudou, and then solemnly instructed: "You can only look at it twice a day, more than three times, I'm afraid you will fall in love with him..."

Doudou nodded again and again, and raised her hand to swear that she would only look twice a day.

Shen Xi and Doudou were sitting and playing together, and on the other side were Chen Han and Xia Weiye. Suddenly, Chen Han in the corner picked up a button and asked, "Why is there a man's button here!"

Men's buttons! ! !

Shen Xi immediately thought of the sound of He Zhizhou's shirt buttons falling that night. She looked at Chen Han, and then stood up in a dignified way: "Chen Han, give me the buttons, and I will hand them over to the counselor."

It's just a button, so what? Chen Han handed the button to Shen Xi in disbelief, and at the same time Xia Weiye snorted softly: "Love to show!"

Shen Xi raised her chin, she just loves to show off, she will show off with He Zhizhou later!

He Zhizhou sent her a photo, and Shen Xi also took a selfie and sent it to He Zhizhou. The dance clothes on her body are close to the flesh, with a very low neckline, and accidentally took pictures of the scenery on her chest.

Shen Xi's photo was sent, and He Zhizhou was surfing the Internet in the library. He opened the photo, and in the photo, Shen Xi was smiling Yan Yan, and he set the photo as a phone screen saver.

Then, being manly, he looked at the beautiful curve again, but... she sponged her bodice again

He Zhizhou couldn't laugh or cry, he held the mouse, and a certain consciousness appeared in his mind. His palms were facing upwards, and his five slender fingers were slightly curved into a bowl-like shape—like this size

He Zhizhou rubbed his forehead, he has no emotional work anymore!

The author has something to say: I sent points to everyone, did you receive it? Leave a message of 25 characters per point~~ Sincerely encourage hard work

To be honest, the recent comments are so cruel, I dare not read them, and I can’t help but not read them~, the pain and sweetness of being an author~ Is it made by you

This article is not long~ Dazhu seems to have said before that the theme of the story is waking up from a dream and love comes. like this~

Some thoughts about Lin Yutang~Many comments on children’s shoes are well written~ Dazhu cut a paragraph before~ You have a look~ But I don’t want to affect your judgment, everyone has different understanding~ It’s normal, but Lin Yutang is cold But he is kind~ It can be seen from the medicine he brought to the female classmate. Of course, He Zhizhou has to say that he is not kind, and he is more afraid of trouble.