Don’t be So Proud

Chapter 5


Before He Zhizhou fully woke up, he felt that the surroundings were noisy. In addition, he felt very uncomfortable, as if he was being hugged by someone, his body was forced to twist into an arc, his chest was pressed by something, and he couldn't breathe. Afterwards, he heard the voices of the monkey, Lin Yutang, and the strong man.

"Do you want to do artificial respiration?" This is the voice of a strong man.

The monkey said yes, and said, "If the third child doesn't come, then I will."

don't want!

He Zhizhou opened his eyes relying on this strong unwanted thought, and when he opened his eyes, he met Lin Yutang's eyes...

In fact, he felt that among the roommates, he and Lin Yutang had the shallowest friendship. He and he are both cold-tempered, and only when discussing knowledge, he and Lin Yutang have more topics to talk about.

This is the so-called friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.

But he never expected that Lin Yutang would care about him so much! Could it be that Lin Yutang belongs to the kind of Lei Feng-type roommate who hides his secrets... He Zhizhou thought about it according to this idea, and explained the strange feeling he felt after waking up. Just this kind of lame reason can't make him let go of the weirdness that is full of heart.

In addition, he has a strong sense of insecurity.

He Zhizhou didn't know how to react to the sudden situation, but the first thing he did when he woke up was to push Lin Yutang away—he was a big man being hugged by another man, what did he look like!

Just the next second, he was carried into Lin Yutang's arms again! Lin Yutang touched his forehead, looked at him tiredly and tenderly and said, "I'm sorry..."


He Zhizhou looked at Lin Yutang warily, Lin Yutang rubbed his hair, He Zhizhou felt something was wrong. He looked coldly at the two bystanders not far away, the monkey and the strong man.

The brawny man spoke up, but he was speaking to Lin Yutang: "Third son, I guess Xixi is angry with you. Now that he is awake, please comfort him quickly and calm down Xixi."

Xixi? Shen Xi? He Zhizhou wondered if he was dreaming.

The monkey also said, "Okay, I'm going to see the boss." After finishing speaking, the monkey gave him a bright smile, "Shen Meiren, what do you want to eat?"

Is the monkey talking to him? He Zhizhou frowned and said nothing, he was thinking about a question, is he crazy, or are they crazy? There was a hole in his heart, the hole was getting bigger and bigger, and the strong sense of insecurity began to evolve into something like despair and fear.

The fear that he didn't have since he was a child is about to explode at this moment.

"what time is it now?"

He Zhizhou opened his mouth to ask, and he spoke. When he heard his own voice, he went crazy! Who can tell him why his voice is so similar to Shen Xi's? !

Is he not awake yet

Shen Xi rolled her eyes, feeling that the ceiling above her head was a little strange, she remembered that she fell into the sea yesterday, she was not considered a landlubber, she could still splash a few times in the water, but what happened after that? It seems that He Zhizhou came down and rescued her...

Shen Xi turned over on the bed, her body didn't feel any discomfort from being soaked in sea water, not only did she feel extra energetic, even her brain was extremely clear.

It's a very special feeling, as if there is inexhaustible strength all over the body.

She lay on the bed humming and singing the wake-up song, and practiced her dance skills casually. She first took a deep breath to expel all the exhaust gas from her body, then raised her hands high, raised her legs at the same time, stretched her knees, and activated the meridians of the whole body...


Why does she feel that her legs have grown a lot, and her feet have also grown a lot...

Are you dazzled? When Shen Xi rolled on the bed again, the door opened, and Zhang Ran came over with a smile on his face, "Are you awake? Do you want some water?"

Today's Zhang Ran is very beautiful, and his voice is crisp.

Shen Xi rested his chin with both hands and shook his head. She thought that she fell into the sea at least last night, why wasn't Lin Yutang by her side to accompany her? Shen Xi was very angry about the fact that she didn't see Lin Yutang when she woke up. She looked at Zhang Ran and asked her one thing: "Hi, but..."

But... Zhang Ran's hand holding the cup trembled.

But... then... Shen Xi was also stunned.

What did she just say? No, what happened to her voice just now? Shen Xi opened his mouth, and uttered two more voices, his voice was deep and clear with a touch of magnetism, it was a standard baritone voice.

Nima! Who stole her voice!

Shen Xi jolted up from the bed, for a moment she thought He Zhizhou was in her room, she poked her head around to look around, but there was only Zhang Ran in the room.

What's going on here! ? Shen Xi's heart trembled, she was about to cry, she looked down at her hands, her fingers were long and slender, with distinct joints.

Hands are beautiful, but they are men's hands.

She spread out her palms, and a lot of fine sweat broke out from the palms with clear lines, all of which were sweated out just now.

Shen Xi took a deep breath, and ran into the bathroom in a panic. When she saw the man's face in the mirror, she finally screamed.

This face belongs to a man, it belongs to He Zhizhou.

He Zhizhou has a calm personality since he was a child, young and mature. In the words of his grandfather, it is "respectful, self-improvement, not surprised by changes", and he also believes that as a man, one must be "stable".

Only now, facing the face in the mirror, he couldn't hold himself still.

In the mirror is Shen Xi's face, including his current figure, legs, hands, etc. are all Shen Xi's. Because of being frightened, his face in the mirror was a little pale, his lips were tightly pursed, his brows were almost connected into a line, and his pretty eyes were full of gloom...

He Zhizhou deeply felt a sense of hopelessness that he could not resist. He could hardly breathe. He suspected that his breathing was not smooth enough because of the extra flesh on his chest.

He thought for a while in the bathroom until he heard a scream—a scream in his voice.

He Zhizhou probably guessed a little bit of the truth, he rushed out the door.

Lin Yutang was still standing outside the room, holding his hand, and asked worriedly: "Xixi..."

He Zhizhou didn't have time to pay attention to Lin Yutang, and at the same time he was caught by Lin Yutang and couldn't move. Finally, he threw off Lin Yutang's hand in a hurry, and hurried to find Shen Xi.

He saw Zhang Ran in Shen Xi's room, and Zhang Ran greeted him: "Xi Xi."

He Zhizhou let Zhang Ran go out directly.

Zhang Ran's expression was displeased, and he was about to speak, when there was a loud "snap", He Zhizhou had already closed the door.

At the same time, besides Zhang Ran, there were Lin Yutang, Hou Zi and the strong man outside the door.

Lin Yutang knocked on the door: "Xixi!"

The strong man held Lin Yutang back and comforted him and said, "Xixi was rescued by the boss. Xixi must be the most worried about the boss. It is not too much for her to rush to see the boss. Don't worry about the third brother."

Lin Yutang: "..."

The monkey also patted Lin Yutang on the shoulder, saying nothing. He thought about it for a while: Lin Yutang and He Zhizhou are both his brothers, and the palms and backs of their hands are full of flesh. If there is a bloody drama where brothers win love in the future. He is so embarrassed!

He Zhizhou found Shen Xi in the bathroom of the room, no, it should be said that he found "his" body. He pushed open the white glass door and went in, Shen Xihong looked at him intently.

God, it really is like this! Really going crazy.

"you… "

"you… "


"us… "

Looking at each other without words, only a thousand lines of tears.

" could this be..." Shen Xi hid her feet, covered her face with her hands, and walked back and forth in the cramped bathroom.

He Zhizhou also had a headache, especially when he saw his body being trampled by Shen Xi like this, he reminded her with a sullen face: "Can you stop stomping your feet!"

Shen Xi bit her lower lip and squatted down. She rested her chin with her hands and stared at He Zhizhou aggrievedly. Finally, because of the unbearable visual impact, she turned her head stiffly.

He Zhizhou also looked at Shen Xi, she was really a little sunflower squatting in the corner. But at this time, can you stop being cute! If you want to be cute, don't use his body, okay? Now that she looks like this, she might as well stomp her feet!

He Zhizhou rubbed his forehead, his headache was about to split.

There was an accident during the trip, and everyone wanted to return to S City as soon as possible. At noon, everyone decided to have their last meal in Qingdao, and then fly back to City S after lunch.

Lunch was held at Qingdao Jiulong Restaurant. The environment inside is elegant, and the online reviews of food taste are quite good. But He Zhizhou really didn't have much appetite, he leaned back in his chair when ordering food, his eyes swept over Shen Xi from time to time.

This kind of eyes, falling into the eyes of other people, will have a different feeling, especially Lin Yutang, his heart seems to have sunk into the sea and never returned.

There is a famous "National Football" stinky tofu in Qingdao. Shen Xi wanted to eat it when she came from S City, so after lunch, when everyone was going back to S City, she forgot her appearance for a moment and told Lin Yutang : "But I still want to eat the stinky tofu here..."

Woolen cloth…

Lin Yutang ignored her.

Shen Xi realized that she is a man now, and men don't have the right to act like a baby. Shen Xi looked at He Zhizhou, He Zhizhou turned his head away, obviously not wanting to look at her.

After a while, he still said: "I'll go with you." Then he said to everyone: "Let's meet at the airport."

this this...

What the hell is going on! Lin Yutang was angry, he frowned and looked at He Zhizhou, his tone was very stiff: "Shen Xi, do you want to go with me?"

He Zhizhou pretended not to hear, Shen Xi decided to eat stinky tofu first.

Life is so dramatic, the direction changes as soon as it is said, and the green hat is worn as soon as it is said. When Shen Xi and He Zhizhou left, the monkey patted Lin Yutang, whose face was darkened, and smoothed things over with a smile: "Did Beauty Shen provoke you on purpose?"

Lin Yutang didn't speak, he just wanted to find someone to fight with now.

Shen Xi really ate the nationally famous "National Football" stinky tofu. There was a long queue at the door of the store, and the people lining up inside were mostly young couples. Shen Xi bought two copies, she was eating one, and He Zhizhou helped to hold the other.

Shen Xi actually bought the other one for He Zhizhou, seeing that he didn't eat it, she asked, "You really don't want to eat it?"

He Zhizhou looked at Shen Xi, because of the height difference between the two, he now needs to raise his head to speak, and he squeezed out a sentence: "I don't have your good mood."

Of course, Shen Xi wasn't in a good mood, but this matter couldn't be resolved by getting angry, and in the hotel before, didn't he discuss it with her? Don't tell anyone for now.

Shen Xi sighed, suddenly thought of a certain problem, and became a little happier, she laughed "hehe" twice: "Then I'll eat an extra portion."

In fact, she has always loved food very much, and her appetite is not small. Although her body is not very fleshy, she is a dancer after all. Body and face are as important to her as test scores.

So in the past, she had to control how she liked to eat.

But now... Shen Xi's mood became better when he thought about it, an indescribable beauty. From the inexplicable change of body to the present, her mood has also been ups and downs. This feeling is a bit like she fell into a big pit unluckily. When she was helpless and desperate, she dug gold in the pit again.

Shen Xi became happy, but He Zhizhou still had a cold face. She reached out and squeezed He Zhizhou's shoulder, and said: "The boat will naturally be straight when it reaches the bridge. Since it is like this now, let's think about something better."

"For example?" He Zhizhou was still cold.

Shen Xi thought for a while, and quickly helped He Zhizhou think of a good one. She didn't know if He Zhizhou would like it, but any man would like it. She looked at He Zhizhou, and said cautiously: "Well... our dormitory is full of beauties..."

"Oh, is that so?" He Zhizhou laughed twice, obviously this wasn't his sincere smile, it was more like an angry smile. He looked at Shen Xi motionlessly, and said through his teeth: "Thank you for reminding me."

After eating the famous stinky tofu in the country, Shen Xi and He Zhizhou took a taxi directly to the airport to meet Lin Yutang. When Shen Xi saw Lin Yutang, he still habitually went to his side, but he was stopped by the monkey before he sat down. up. The monkey winked at her: "Boss, that's Shen Meiren's seat, let's sit on the other side."

Shen Xi had no choice but to change seats.

The flight from Qingdao to S City was delayed for two hours because of a problem with the security check. Shen Xi was a little bored, when He Zhizhou came over, he ordered her not to talk too much. She can't talk, so all she can drink is water.

Drinking and drinking, she belatedly discovered a serious problem - she wanted to pee...