Don’t be So Proud

Chapter 9


No teacher would reject a student who wanted to answer questions proactively. Professor Wang looked at Lin Yutang with relief and gave him an encouraging and expectant smile.


And Lin Yutang just glanced at the people around him with incredible eyes, and he realized for the first time that people can be so shameless.

What was he so tempted to stand up and answer? Lin Yutang was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while.

He just won't get up.

Shen Xi glanced at Lin Yutang who was motionless, how could he fail the professor and her. Shen Xi thought for a while, and planned to give Tangtang a little applause. She clapped her hands and took the lead in applauding. With the appeal of "He Zhizhou", the applause of the whole class quickly rang out and lasted for a long time.

So cheap! In order to calm the thunderous applause, Lin Yutang could only stand up.

Shen Xi tilted his head while propping his chin. you are welcome!

Lin Yutang was forced to stand up, his brain was buzzing, even if he was very angry, he had to calm down and think about the topic. He re-read the questions on the PPT, adjusted his thinking, and began to answer the professor's question about non-equilibrium carriers. This question is indeed very troublesome and involves new knowledge. Lin Yutang answered while thinking, from the recombination rate to the additional carrier density in stability, and finally to the complex resistivity...

"Very good, Lin Yutang... and He Zhizhou have a very good idea." After Lin Yutang finished answering, Professor Wang praised him and added "He Zhizhou".

Shen Xi's face was bright, but Lin Yutang was not. She pushed him with her elbow: "Good performance!"

Lin Yutang sneered, and asked lightly, "When did I say I wanted to stand up and answer?"

Shen Xi nonsense said: "I can see it from your eyes."

For the whole class, Shen Xi talked to Lin Yutang, but he ignored her.

The third class and the fourth class were held consecutively, Shen Xi couldn't sit still anymore, she suddenly felt that dancing was pretty good too.

During class break, Shen Xi handed the oranges to Lin Yutang again, and Lin Yutang became irritable: "I won't eat it!"

Shen Xi pushed forward: "No, you peel it off for me, I don't have nails."

Lin Yutang was furious.

Lin Yutang has been a good student of Genzhengmiaohong since he was a child, until he grew into a promising young man under the earnest hope of his parents. He has ideals and aspirations in his heart, and he has excellent cultivation and moral sense cultivated under strict family education.

Recently, he has too much opinion on He Zhizhou, but he can't argue with others like a girl, so he can only try his best to keep out of sight. However, facing such an outright request from "He Zhizhou" at this moment, he was too shocked to refuse.

Shen Xi ate the oranges that Lin Yutang had peeled, and took notes for a while. In order to prevent Lin Yutang from seeing her writing, she covered the notebook with her hand when taking notes. A look to prevent people from peeping.

Lin Yutang glanced at it and got angry. He hadn't seen such a person since elementary school. He walked out of the classroom to get some air, and he threw the phone under the table.

Shen Xi continued to copy notes, she didn't know what the key points were, so she had to copy according to her feeling. Suddenly, the screen of the phone under Lin Yutang's desk lit up, and a message came in.

She stopped to take notes, glanced at the content of the message, and then felt her heart was slightly pulled, as if a bee flew on her heart and stinged at her suddenly.

—"I'm sick, it's so uncomfortable, but I'm going to take another exam, I'm afraid I'll fail it."

Shen Xi closed his textbook, his mood plummeted.

After a while, Lin Yutang came back. He saw the message and picked up his phone. He hadn't replied to the message yet, but another message came over there, it was a photo of the back of his hand with an IV drip, the soft light made his skin white and tender...

Shen Xi really wanted to see how Lin Yutang would reply, but she moved her head too far, but Lin Yutang pressed the phone off.

Lin Yutang suddenly turned his head to look at her.

Shen Xi blinked, and asked indifferently: "Who is this?"

"A friend," he said.

In the second half of the class, Shen Xi basically slept on the desk. Professor Wang didn't say anything when he saw it. He just thought that classmate He was probably too late to review the book last night. As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Shen Xi woke up immediately, and rushed out of the classroom with professional books and notebooks in his hands, so fast that Professor Wang couldn't even react.

Shen Xi rushed directly to the toilet at the end of the corridor, and then closed the door and took off his pants. Suddenly, a girl's voice came from the next door: "Is there anyone next door? Can you give me some paper? I waited for half a class, and finally someone it's..."

You can forget to bring paper when you go to the toilet, what kind of memory is this! Holding Lei Feng's spirit, Shen Xi took three fragrant tissues and handed them to the next door, saying: "Save some, I don't have many..."

As soon as the words fell, Shen Xi felt something was wrong.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, the women's toilet suddenly fell into a strange silence. After a long time, the girl next door asked weakly again: "Well... did you go wrong, or did I go wrong?"

woo woo...

Shen Xi covered his face, almost choked up, the girl was not wrong, it was her who went wrong, she habitually went into the women's toilet.

When she was very annoyed, there were two sounds of opening and closing the door next door, and the girl had already run away. Shen Xi put on his trousers, planning to leave the women's room quickly while no one was there, the women's room suddenly became more crowded, and the peak time for going to the toilet came.

Shen Xi hid in the private room and did not dare to go out, feeling the continuous flow of people outside, wanted to cry but did not cry. She waited for five minutes, but the flow of people in the toilet was only a lot. From this, it can be seen how much the teachers of S University like to procrastinate.

"What's going on here, I haven't come out for so long." A girl outside said so.

"Maybe the door is broken, you push it." Another girl suggested.

Shen Xi hurriedly pulled the door to prevent someone from really pushing the door in, and at the same time sent a message to He Zhizhou: "I entered the wrong women's toilet, and I can't get out now, I'm afraid of losing you, can you come and save me? Or should I just walk out?"

After Shen Xi sent a text message to He Zhizhou, she also felt that she was troublesome, but she didn't do it on purpose, and the habits of more than ten years can't be changed overnight.

After a while, He Zhizhou replied to her text message. Only one sentence - "You can go to die."

Shen Xi replied: "The problem is... even if I die in the toilet, I will still be found the next day."

As soon as He Zhizhou came back from the hospital, his eyelids jumped up, and then he received a text message from Shen Xi asking for help. When he saw the content of the text message, his hands could almost crush the phone. But what can be done, he still rode his bicycle into the teaching building of S University, and took Shen Xi out of the "women's restroom".

Neither of them had lunch, so Shen Xi jumped onto the back seat of He Zhizhou's bicycle. He Zhizhou drove her for a while, and felt that it was difficult, so he stopped and said, "How about you in the front?"

Shen Xi held "myself" by the slender waist: "I have never been able to ride a bicycle since I was a child."

He Zhizhou snorted coldly, stepped up his horsepower and rode directly out of S University. He bypassed the campus road and arrived at a western restaurant with few people.

This is a chain of semi-buffet western restaurants located in the new development zone. Now it is past lunch time, and there are very few people inside. Shen Xi quickly found a seat and started ordering food.

He Zhizhou ordered steak and pasta, plus an onion soup. Seeing that the heat was too high, Shen Xi persuaded He Zhizhou to replace the thick soup with whole wheat bread.

He Zhizhou raised his eyelids: "What about you, who are you going to order so much for?"

Shen Xi felt ashamed, she didn't expect He Zhizhou to care so much about her figure, she removed half of the food, and said: "I don't know, it's easy to get hungry after changing your body, I can only say that you have too much appetite. "

He Zhizhou hummed softly, and continued to eat slowly.

Shen Xi changed the subject and asked him: "Have you got your medical records yet?"

He Zhizhou took out the medical record and showed it to Shen Xi: "Take a look, is there any problem?"

Shen Xi carefully read the medical record and read it out: "The tailbone is protruding...but my tailbone is not protruding."

"I found an acquaintance, and I made it casually." He Zhizhou said, when the food came, he cut the steak gracefully and deftly, and said while cutting, "I can't prescribe endocrine disorders for you, can I?"

This person is really getting more and more venomous, Shen Xi didn't care about him, and asked directly: "Did you tell him the truth?"

"No, I sent him a message on my mobile phone when I went to the hospital, and then went directly to the hospital to get it back." He Zhizhou explained.

Shen Xi turned on the phone, and sure enough there was a text message from He Zhizhou. It should be the text message he sent when lover Po exchanged mobile phones.

Sure enough, Xueba has a plan in doing things.

Shen Xi suddenly thought of one thing, in order to meet the fourth and sixth grades, the college will hold a mock exam for the fourth and sixth grades in the afternoon. Shen Xi lowered his head and then raised his head, looking at He Zhizhou with a little more tenderness.

"That... predestined person." Shen Xi suddenly called He Zhizhou like this.

He Zhizhou reminded her: "Can you call people by their names normally?"

Shen Xi clasped his hands together: "He Zhizhou... Well, I have a mock exam this afternoon, the mock exam for CET 4 and 6..."

He Zhizhou didn't make things difficult for her: "What time?"

Shen Xi thought about the time and said, "It starts at two o'clock."

"I have to take a nap at two o'clock." He Zhizhou refused again.

Shen Xi looked at He Zhizhou: "I don't have the habit of taking a nap in my body, and I can't fall asleep even after taking a nap in kindergarten..."

He Zhizhou was really convinced by this Shen Xi, he settled his lunch, thinking that it would not take much time for the CET-4 mock exam, so he nodded and agreed.

Shen Xi bowed to He Zhizhou again and again, thanked him again and again, and then showed him the notes he made this morning as if asking for credit. He Zhizhou took the notebook, looked at the symbols and formulas in it, and said directly to Shen Xi: "You don't need to copy in the future."

Shen Xi was a little hurt and didn't say a word.

He Zhizhou closed the notebook: "Don't copy it, because I know everything about it."

"Oh." Shen Xi's self-esteem returned a bit.

After lunch, I paid the bill and came out, passing by a tobacco and alcohol supermarket. He Zhizhou rubbed his sleepy forehead, he didn't expect to be addicted to cigarettes after changing his body. He turned his head and asked Shen Xi, his tone was somewhat negotiable: "Can I have a cigarette?"

Shen Xi was stunned for a moment, thinking of He Zhizhou's "dire situation" in the past two days, he agreed: "You smoke it, and remember to rinse your mouth when you turn around."

He Zhizhou nodded without feeling angry, he took a few steps towards the supermarket, turned back, and said to Shen Xi behind him, "Go and buy."

Shen Xi thought about it, buying cigarettes is indeed more suitable for her as a "man". Speaking of which, she has never bought cigarettes yet. Thinking of this, she walked into the supermarket handsomely, and said to the cashier inside: "A pack of Zhonghua, a lighter."

Shen Xi thought of all kinds of exams, and his whole person became incomparable. Although she didn't feel that she was flattering, she was still very accommodating to He Zhizhou in words. For example, after she bought cigarettes and lighters, she immediately gave them to He Zhizhou: "You smoke this brand, I don't know if it suits your taste .”

He Zhizhou smiled, and the corners of his lips raised in a slight arc. It was the first time Shen Xi saw He Zhizhou smile, which was a little strange. He Zhizhou took the cigarette and lighter from her hand, unwrapped the package smoothly, took out one, held it in his mouth, lowered his head to light it, and took a deep breath, white smoke overflowed from his mouth and nose in an instant.

Shen Xi withdrew her gaze and walked forward with her bicycle. She and He Zhizhou were walking on a deserted path. On the left was the new development zone, on the right was the old city of S city. The small flowers grow against the wall and flourish.

He Zhizhou stopped and stood by the wall to smoke while she sat beside the bicycle and looked at him boredly. The weather is neither bad nor bad, but the sky above is very blue, blue and blue.

There was a wind blowing from the intersection, and she smelled the smell of tobacco wafting downwind.

He Zhizhou raised his eyes and glanced at her, his eyes were clear and a little noble.

Shen Xi sat on the bicycle and played with the ringtone on it, He Zhizhou's eyes made her a little unnatural, she smiled and said: "I used to look at myself in photos and mirrors, but I didn't expect to look at myself face to face, it's more beautiful. "

"Hehe." He Zhizhou choked on his cigarette, swept towards her, and replied, "Each to each other."

Shen Xi thinks that with some skills, He Zhizhou is not difficult to get along with.