Don’t Cry

Chapter 1


The bedroom is empty.

Passing through the tall buildings, the raindrops wrapped in the wind crackled on the floor-to-ceiling windows on this floor.

In the corner of the floor-to-ceiling window was a girl in a thin white nightdress.

She tilted her head slightly against the corner of the wall, her long black hair with a little curl hung down, covering the small half of her delicate slap face, her eyelashes resting quietly on her lower eyelid.

Exposed outside the white nightdress, the girl is thin and beautiful from the calf to the ankle.

It's just that her fair complexion, which rarely sees light, makes her more delicate, as if it can be broken by the wind.

The rain knocked on the window for a moment and then gradually eased. An empty silence returned to the bedroom.

Until the screen of the mobile phone lying there on the floor next to the girl's hand lit up, and then a cold and lazy male voice cut through the silence:

"Hey, there's a call."

With a little mechanical change of voice, it is easy to wake up the girl who was sleeping lightly.

Tang Ran opened her eyes, her vision blurred as if she was in the middle of the night, she subconsciously raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, then froze.

... ah, forgot again.

How come so many years have passed since the accident, she still forgets to adapt to her current eye condition.

Tang Ran bent the corner of her mouth lightly, "Luo Luo," she whispered into the air, "whose phone number?"

"From the address book, note 'grandmother'." The lazy and pleasant male voice responded on the phone.

"Turn on, remember to put it out."

"… "

No voice answered this time. After a buzzing vibration, the call was connected, and the voice on the other side of the phone was released:

"Little dye?"

"Grandma, I'm here."

"I'm sorry, Xiaoran. Grandma's flight was delayed due to thunderstorms. Why don't you go to that store today? Wait for Grandma to accompany you tomorrow, okay?"

"It's okay, grandma, I can do it myself."

"Ah? How can that be done!"

"and… "

Tang Ran thought of something and raised his head slightly. The girl's slender neck stretched into a fragile and easily broken arc.

"Tomorrow," she whispered softly, leaning against the huge window and the lonely wind outside the tall building behind her, "Tomorrow I should go to Tang's house."

It's like hitting a restricted area.

There was a sudden silence on the other side of the phone.

After a long time, the woman's guilty voice picked up, "How could I forget about this? They told you to go back because of Tang Luo... Because your sister is going to be engaged to the young master of the Luo family, right? "

"Seems to be."

"Your father and grandmother are really partial, aren't you a child of the Tang family? Just take care of Tang Luoqian, it will be your 16th birthday in a few days, and they still don't— "

"Grandma." The girl's voice softened.

"Okay, okay... Grandma doesn't say anything." The woman endured, "Then I'll accompany you to that store when you come back from the Tang family?"

"… "

Tang Ran's dazed consciousness was pulled back, and she smiled lightly.

"But I've already made an appointment with the store manager for today. It's not good to change the time temporarily. And don't worry, I'll wait for the rain to stop before leaving."

"but… "

"Grandma, I am very capable of taking care of myself, have you forgotten?"

"… "

Tang Ran patiently rubbed the person on the phone for a while before finally getting the other party's consent.

The woman asked worriedly: "Then you must be careful on the road, remember to ask for help if you have anything, don't be embarrassed!"

"Well, don't worry, grandma." Tang Ran remembered something and smiled lightly, "Isn't there Luo Luo with me?"

"Luo Luo?" The woman was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, "Oh, that's the name of the smart voice app recommended to you by the manager of that store, right? It's weird, every time you say it, I can't respond. ."

Tang Ran touched the phone, and while he got up from the corner, he chuckled, "The manager said it was the name of the leader of the development team. I think it sounds good."

"What leader, isn't it a failed product that has never been promoted to the market?"

"The store manager said that the team was just developing for fun, so it didn't promote it." Tang Ran thought for a while, "And I think Luo Luo is smarter than many smart assistants in the market."

"It's so good, why not promote it?" The woman was helpless, "I think they use it to coax a foolishly believing child like you. Besides—no matter how good the voice is, it's just an artificial intelligence, and it can't do anything wrong. Fly down from the sky to help you."

"… "

Probably because of the service industry, the woman on the other side of the phone has always had a lot of prejudice against these artificial intelligences, which are claimed to "completely replace service industry personnel in the future".

Tang Ran didn't argue with her, just lowered her eyes slightly, her expression soft and quiet.

When the call was over, the rain knocking on the window stopped.

Tang Ran walked slowly around this familiar house for a few times, then changed his clothes, took the blind stick, and walked out the door.

For the visually impaired with low vision or total blindness, the world beyond home is full of dangers: blind lanes filled with bicycles, leading to unknown sewer pipes, and bizarre designs. The loopback route…

Tang Ran remembered a statement made by his blind friend and complained about it: the blind roads in some cities are not used to solve the travel of the blind, but to solve the blind.

Beyond the blind road is their unknown land. Fortunately, there are times when you meet enthusiastic people.

Tang Ran walked to the nearest bus stop with a blind stick, took out his mobile phone and prepared to call "Luo Luo" to help.

At this time, a girl next to him stepped forward hesitantly: "Hello."

Tang Ran was slightly startled, and turned slowly in the direction of the voice. She closed her eyes slightly, her voice a little confused: "Hello?"

"You... do you want to take the bus?"


"Then how long do you have to take, I'll help you see if it's coming."

Tang Ran was a little surprised, but nodded, "I want to take the 936 road. Thank you."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." The other party seemed to finish speaking nervously, and then suddenly reacted, "Huh? Are you taking bus 936 too? I'm the same, I'm getting off at Qingyan Road, how about you?"

Tang Ran recalled, "Is it the one after two stops?"


"I'm there too."

"Ah, that's really a coincidence!" the girl said with a smile, "It seems that we have a lot of fate. Where are you going, I'll take you there!"

"… "

Despite the follow-up push and rejection, Tang Ran failed to reject the other party's kindness in the end.

After getting off the bus, Tang Ran put up the blind stick again.

"I've never heard of the store you're talking about, does it have an address?" the girl asked while holding her wrist.

Tang Ran: "I'll ask Luo Luo."


Without waiting for the girl to ask, a male voice that sounded extraordinarily lazy in the sun was called out:

"… here."

The girl looked at Tang Ran blankly - she was sure that the voice came from this beautiful blind girl.

Then she saw the girl take out her cell phone.

"Luo Luo, how do I get to the 'int Future Store'?"

"Follow my command."

After saying these four words lazily like an uncle, the nice voice started to navigate.

The girl stayed for a few seconds before she realized, "This is?"

"It's called Luo Luo." Tang Ran said, "It's an intelligent assistant app."

"I know there is such a thing, but, this voice..." The girl took a breath and finally said excitedly, "It's so good, woohoo, why haven't I heard of such a voice assistant? I want the next one! Its app name What's it called? Is it called Luoluo?"

Tang Ran said a little embarrassedly: "This one does not open the download channel to the outside world."


"It was recommended to me by the manager of the store I'm going to. It's an unauthorized commercial app."

"Hey? That's it..." The girl was disappointed, "Forget it, I'll take you there!"

"… "

However, after Tang Ran and the girl reached their destination, the shops with a few scribbled names of "int future" were closed.

Hearing what the girl said, Tang Ran was a little surprised: "It's indeed today that I made an appointment with the store manager..."

"Do you have his phone number? Call and ask?"


Tang Ran asked "Luo Luo" to dial the manager's cell phone number from the address book, and the phone on the other side rang not long after.

"Sister Tang?" A man on the other side of the phone who didn't wake up asked in a muffled voice, "Why did you suddenly call?"

"Manager, we have an appointment today..."

"Ah!" Before Tang Ran finished speaking, he exclaimed from the opposite side, "I forgot! You wait, wait, I'll be in a while—oh no, I can't get away, wait for me to find someone for you , it must be over in ten minutes!"

"No, you can come next time..."

"What's the matter? How much risk do you take when you come out, how can you not let you run away in vain! Just wait, I'll find someone, within ten minutes, twenty minutes at the latest, I'll be there!"

"… "

Tang Ran didn't have time to respond, and the other side hung up the phone.

After a few minutes.

A special laboratory for the junior class of K major.

"Brother Zhan, the phone is ringing."

"… "

A pair of long legs lay lazily on the computer table, neither moving nor responding.

After a few seconds, the boy who was leaning on the chair and fell asleep finally frowned, and took out the phone from his trouser pocket with his eyes closed.

"… Hey?"

If Tang Ran was present, he would have been surprised to find that the person's lazy and pleasant voice was eight or nine points similar to the "Luo Luo" in her mobile phone.

And at this moment, the anxious voice exploded from the cell phone held by the boy's slender fingers: "You finally answered the phone - Jianghu emergency, ancestor!!"

"Dead, no help."

The boy closed his eyes and cut off the call indifferently.

After a few seconds, his phone vibrated again.

"… "

A few seconds later, Luo Zhan opened his eyes unbearably, took his long legs off the table, and he picked up the phone irritably, "... said."

"Please, ancestor! Just go to the int store and help me open the door to get something. The customer made an appointment with me for half a month in advance and picked it up today, but I forgot! Then I am here in the middle As for the defense, I really can't get away!"

"Can he die by letting him go tomorrow?"

Luo Zhan's dark eyes were gloomy.

He gave birth to a pair of very beautiful peach blossom eyes, the inner corners of the eyes are deep and sunken, the ends of the eyes are slightly upturned, and the peach blossom arc is full and beautiful. At this time, she was so cold that no one looked at him, and she still had a bit of lazy and indifferent desire.

The store manager cried on the opposite side, "It's a blind girl. It's not easy to go to the store. I don't have the heart to speak."

"… "

Stalemate for a few seconds.

The boy in the chair put aside the scourged face and made a low "tsk" sound.

"Understood, let her wait."

After speaking, he stood up from his chair and threw his phone on the table. Then he picked up the coat hanging on the back of the chair, flicked it on his shoulder, and walked out with sullen brows.

When they got to the outside of the laboratory, other people noticed and asked strangely, "Brother Zhan, didn't you just run the algorithm all night and just fell asleep last night? What are you going to do?"

Luo Zhan walked out coldly and lazily, and stopped when he heard the words.

After a low snort, he stretched out his long legs, rubbed his sore shoulders and neck, and walked away with an expressionless face—

"Donate love and do charity."


At this time, the phone that Luo Zhan had just hung up on was there.

The int store manager breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay, Luo Zhan still has some humanity left."

Meng Xueyu next to him was anxious for a long time, "You asked Luo Zhan to open a store for sister Tang Ran to pick up the goods? Just his scourge face, then... Then sister Tang Ran went to his place, not like meat buns and dogs. I'm back!"

"Who are you calling a dog?" The store manager slanted him, "And are you stupid? What's the use of Luo Zhan's scourge? Can Sister Tang see what he looks like?"

"Ah, that's right." Meng Xueyu was taken aback and touched the back of his head, "I forgot."

Meng Xueyu was relieved for a few seconds, and then began to frown again, "Then what if Luo Zhan sees that sister Tang Ran looks good and gets angry?"

The store manager pouted, "Do you think Luo Zhan is you? How many beauties he has seen since he was a child, and which one have you seen him deal with?"

"It seems that his eyes are too high."

"He's not only high-minded, he's already perverted."


Seeing Meng Xueyu's confused expression, the store manager smiled: "Don't you know? Luo Zhan has a very unique hobby - he only loves beautiful eyes."

"Beautiful eyes?"

"Yes, otherwise based on his family background and appearance, the girls who chased him from childhood to adulthood can circle around K three times, how can there be no one standing beside him. Didn't someone in their laboratory say it before? The beautiful eyes that Luo Zhan can see is hard to compare to the sky."

"Tan Yunchang, it's your turn."

The teaching assistant in the next room suddenly came out and called out.

"Hey, here we are."

The int store manager, that is, Tan Yunchang, responded quickly, getting up and speaking.

"So don't worry. No matter how good-looking Tang Ran is, she is also a blind blind girl who has no ordinary eyes, let alone beautiful eyes. How could Luo Zhan like her?"

Before leaving, Tan Yunchang patted Meng Xueyu on the shoulder and lowered his voice mysteriously:

"And I'll tell you secretly, I heard that his family arranged an engagement, and the target is a wealthy eldest lady. Coincidentally, she also seems to be surnamed Tang - so people will be waiting at home like a beautiful family in the future, and they won't rob your sister Tang Ran. of."

"… "

Looking at Tan Yunchang's back, Meng Xueyu frowned blankly.

Having said that...

But why was he so uneasy.

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