Don’t Cry

Chapter 41


Jia Junxi showed a shocked expression for the first time, and turned to Luo Zhan for confirmation: "Is what she said true?"

"… "

"So this is the relationship between the two of you, the prospective brother-in-law and the prospective sister-in-law?"

Young Master Luo finally recovered from this huge blow, he gritted his teeth slightly: "Of course not."

Jia Junxi watched the fun and was not afraid of big things: "Your sister-in-law has admitted it."

Luo Zhan: "… "

"I'll bring her over for a follow-up visit next month."

Abandoning the words, Luo Zhan carried away the innocent little girl standing there with a dark face.

Seeing the high and low contrasting figure disappear into the elevator, Jia Junxi smiled and looked back. He turned sideways and knocked on the front desk: "Have the backup of the inspection report I sent from them yesterday arrived?"

The secretary in charge at the front desk took out a stack of materials from the table: "Headmaster, this is it."

"Well, I'll take it back and study it again." Jia Junxi took it with one hand, flipped through two pages, and saw the little girl's blood routine test sheet.

The words [Blood Type: AB Type] are noted on the upper right corner.

Jia Junxi turned around with the materials, and walked in the direction of the office to himself: "It turns out to be an AB blood type, there is a 7% probability, which is very rare—"

The secretary in charge at the front desk stood behind the table, waiting to see Jia Junxi leave, but saw Jia Junxi who had walked a few steps suddenly stopped.

The voice stopped abruptly.

The secretary asked inexplicably, "The headmaster?"

However, Jia Junxi seemed to be frozen there, not responding for several seconds.

The secretary was worried about the accident, and was about to come out from behind the desk when he saw Jia Junxi suddenly turn around and jump back to the desk a few steps—

The face that usually wore a cold or mocking smile had a serious expression at this time, and there was still a bit of shock: "You check, check the Internet, Tang Shixin, the current head of the Tang family, is blood type O?"

The secretary in charge did not dare to delay, and immediately pulled over the office chair, sat down, opened the browser, and typed quickly on the keyboard.

When the page turned around, he could clearly see the words at the top, and the secretary in charge raised his head: "According to the x-degree encyclopedia, Mr. Tang Shixin is right with blood type O."

Jia Junxi's expression suddenly became more distorted.

The secretary in charge had never seen his reaction, and asked cautiously, "Headmaster, is something wrong?"

"… "

Jia Junxi froze for a while before he regained his senses, and asked in a sullen voice, "I remember that you also graduated from medical school with a bachelor's and master's degree, and then you turned to politics?"

Secretary: "Yes."

Jia Junxi: "Then I will test you, do you remember the blood type inheritance chart?"

Secretary: "Of course."

Jia Junxi: "Then you say, is it possible for parents with type O blood to have children with type AB blood?"

The secretary didn't even think about it: "Impossible. Both a and b in the abo blood type gene are dominant genes, and o is the recessive gene. Even if only one parent has type O blood, there are two recessive o genes. Under the premise of a normal separation, no matter what the blood type of the spouse is, it is only possible to produce a combination of ao, bo, and oo - unless the child has chromosomal genetic lesions, the ab type is absolutely impossible."

"Yeah, it's impossible..."

Jia Junxi sighed faintly: "Except for the acquired blindness of her eyes, the child's symptoms are the same as those of a normal person, so genetic mutation can be ruled out. So she must not be Tang Shixin's child."

After Jia Junxi finished speaking, he shook his head again, even more confused: "But she does look very much like the Tang brothers and sisters—"

Jia Junxi suddenly thought of something, and turned back: "Don't Tang Shixin have a sister, called Tang Shiyu, you can check her blood type again!"

"Oh, good." The secretary was puzzled, but did as he was told. After checking, she looked up and said, "Miss Tang Shiyu has blood type B."

Jia Junxi shook his head: "Then if the child has type AB blood, one parent is type B, and the other should be..."

The secretary habitually continued: "Type B or Type AB."

"Tang Shiyu's child, 16 years old, the other half of his genes come from the father of b or ab..." Jia Junxi stood there with a headache and stopped talking.

In the silence, Jia Junxi's expression alternated in a magical tangle. The secretary waited for nearly two minutes, and finally waited until their dean returned to normal.

Jia Junxi sighed: "Remember to delete all your search records and web history records just now. Don't mention this to anyone today, you know?"

Seeing the solemnity of Jia Junxi, the secretary nodded quickly: "I see, the head of the house."

Jia Junxi hesitated, leaned over, and whispered, "Tang Ran is coming for a follow-up visit next month. When arranging the examination, remember to leave something for her to test her DNA."

The secretary looked at Jia Junxi in surprise. After a few seconds of silence, she nodded: "Okay, Dean, I remember."

"… "

The red supercar drove smoothly on the way back to K City. In the passenger seat, the petite little girl who was lined by the wide seat was quietly hugging the seat belt, her expression a little uneasy.

After coming out of the hospital, Luo Zhan never spoke to her.

Lead her to walk, help her get into the car, put on a lightly scented coat for her, fasten her seat belt... Everything went as usual, but the man just didn't speak.

After inflating and deflating several times, Tang Ran finally took advantage of a certain courage to reach a peak value before she fell. She turned to the driver's seat and asked softly, "Luo Luo, are you angry?"

Only the sound of the wind echoed in his ears.

The man in the driver's seat still didn't speak.

The courage of the little girl is only once, and only one sentence is enough. Especially in this kind of close relationship, which she has never been in contact with, she doesn't know what to do.

Tang Ran lowered her head in disappointment and sadness, and retracted herself into the seat. Just before she could do anything else, Tang Ran suddenly found that the sports car started to slow down and turned in the direction of the front of the car.

More than ten seconds later, the red supercar parked in the emergency parking belt of the expressway with its emergency lights on.

The wind stopped suddenly.

A few seconds later, a cold and slightly annoyed smile sounded in the car beside Tang Ran's ear: "I've been angry for half an hour, and you're only willing to coax me?"

Tang Ran was stunned and looked up: "You are angry because I said you are..."

"Don't mention that word again." Luo Zhan interrupted the girl with gritted teeth, "I didn't do these things for you to make you think of me as your future brother-in-law."

Tang Ran defended in a low voice: "I didn't take you as the future... It's just that the dean of the family asked you what family status you can take care of. I can only think of that as the reason."

Luo Zhan was silent for a few seconds, then lifted his eyelids: "Just as an excuse?"

"Yeah." The little girl nodded vigorously.

Only then did Luo Zhan feel that the haze in his heart that could twist out sleet and hail finally slowly dissipated.

He turned his head.

The little girl in the passenger seat was very well-behaved, and she tried her best to face him with her seat belt when she spoke. Probably because he was afraid that he would get angry again, his little face that couldn't hide his emotions was full of unease and worry. The eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and they came out like a flower.

So the last bit of annoyance in Luo Zhan's heart disappeared.

But he didn't rush to let go, but took advantage of the little girl's guilt towards him, and took the opportunity to ask: "In your heart, who is the most beautiful, my little bamboo horse and I?"


The topic changed suddenly, Tang Ran didn't keep up with the train of thought, and stayed in place blankly.

Luo Zhan narrowed his eyes: "When you were outside Junxi's office at home, did you forget what you said?"

[That means Luo Luo is very good-looking.]

[How beautiful?]

[what? The best looking, right.]

[The best looking? Isn't your little bamboo horse the 'best looking boy or girl you've ever seen'?]

Thinking of that conversation, Tang Ran lowered his head and asked hesitantly, "Can you look the best at the same level?"

Luo Zhan's expression gradually became dangerous: "No."

Tang Ran hesitated and whispered, "Then, Luo Luo is the best looking."

Young Master Luo immediately felt so bright that he heard that his brother took the initiative to inherit the family property, and his handsome face could hardly hold back a smile.

But the young master still held back with all his endurance, and asked in a serious voice deliberately, "Is it the truth? Isn't it to make me happy?"

"It's the truth." Tang Ran nodded, "Because Luo Luo is the best for me, so she looks the best, sounds the best, smells the best, and has the best personality to get along with."

Luo Zhan heard that the corners of his mouth were about to go to the sky.

"This is what you said. If I find your little bamboo horse in the future and you regret it, the consequences will be very serious."

Tang Ran was stunned: "How serious?"

Luo Zhan: "?"

Luo Zhan's smile froze: "Do you really want to be prepared to regret?"

Tang Ran immediately lowered his head and shook his head obediently: "No, I don't."

Luo Zhan said coldly: "It's too late. You just exposed your thoughts, and now I'm angry again."

Tang Ran: "..."

Tang Ran raised her head with a bitter face: "Then what should I do so that Luo Luo won't be angry?"

Luo Zhan was silent for a few seconds, then his eyes shifted.

The sun was just right in the afternoon, and it sprinkled a lot into the car, which made people feel warm and lazy, and even their reason was hidden under the instinct to secretly yawn.

Luo Zhan didn't speak, and the little girl quietly waited for him, holding her little hand. A beautiful little face was slightly raised, and the black hair blown by the wind was hooked on the chin, making the lips bright red.

A bit of a ghost, when Luo Zhan woke up, he found that he had unconsciously leaned over in the direction of the girl.

At such a closer and closer distance, his eyes swept across the girl's eyebrows, the corners of her eyes, the tip of her nose, and finally landed on her lips.

The sound of breathing, I don't know whose it is, slowly amplifies in my ears.

At the same time, Luo Zhan heard his own heartbeat. One fell quickly and one fell, and there was a heavy sound, like a trapped beast who couldn't hold back and was about to break free, eager to jump out of his chest.

I don't know if I heard it, but the girl raised her head and asked inexplicably, "Luo Luo?"

Lips open and close slightly.

Luo Zhan felt his temple jump suddenly. After a while, he opened his mouth and said in a low voice, "Do you know how angry I am just now?"

The little girl nodded slowly: "I know."

"Then do you know how to coax me well?"

The little girl hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice embarrassedly, "I don't know."

"It's very simple," Luo Zhan couldn't hold back when he heard the beast face that was inappropriate in his heart. Only the low hoarse voice that was abducted and bewitched gave a warning: "As long as you don't move, then I won't be angry."

Tang Ran: "Really?"


The corner of the little girl's eyes rolled down, and a soft dimple appeared on her cheek: "Okay, then I won't move. Luo Luo don't get angry." After a second pause, she asked curiously, "But Luo Luo has to do it. what?"

"doing what?"

In Luo Zhan's mind, a familiar and dangerous scene from a dream not long ago went to-

From the very beginning of that dream, he already knew that he was in a dream, so he didn't need to hide it or worry about it. Even so, he regretted countless times, only those pictures that could not hear the sound.

So no matter how many times he thought about it, he still had no way of knowing what kind of soft and seductive whimper escaped from his lips when the little girl was kissed by him on the table until the corners of her eyes were wet and red.

The voice he wanted to hear the most, he really wanted to know what it felt like to hear it in his heart.

With such a strong and unstoppable thought, Luo Zhan heard his voice hoarse: "If you don't move, you know what I'm going to do."

"… "

In a few seconds of hesitation, Tang Ran's complete trust in Luo Zhan defeated the uneasy premonition that secretly came out of her heart.

The little girl nodded slowly: "Well, I'm not moving."

So in the dark, that breath is getting closer.

Until a certain moment, it stopped abruptly.

"… crazy."

The low, hoarse voice with a slight mocking smile rang in the darkness not far above Tang Ran's head.

Tang Ran looked up blankly: "Luo Luo?"

Luo Zhan was hoarse, and his tone was filled with impatience: "Next time I make such a request, don't put on such a look that I can bully me at will - just tell me to get out of here."

When speaking, Luo Zhan lowered his eyes and looked at the little girl who was not even ten centimeters away from him.

Tang Ran stayed for two seconds: "Will this be bad?"

Luo Zhan: "It would be even worse if it wasn't."

Tang Ran couldn't understand, so he had no choice but to nod: "Oh."

"… "

"But Luo Luo."


"Why is your voice hoarse?"

Luo Zhan: "… "

Luo Zhan turned his eyes away awkwardly, and said nonsense: "The wind is strong, and my throat is cold."

"Ah?" Tang Ran judged the direction of the voice and raised his hand, "Then, let me cover it for you."


Just now someone had a beast heart, which caused the two of them to be too close at this time. So before Luo Zhan had time to refuse or avoid it, the little girl's hand was already covered.

Buckle firmly on the Adam's apple.

Luo Zhan suddenly froze.

Tang Ran paused for a second and said in surprise: "You also have Adam's apples, do boys really have Adam's apples? It's the same as what the robot Luo Luo said." She instinctively touched her curiosity, "And it's the same as the robot Luo Luo's. It also seems to be…”

Before he could finish speaking, the little girl's wrist was grabbed.

The voice above his head carried the danger of gnashing his teeth: "This is your first move."

Tang Ran: "...?"

In the bottom of Luo Zhan's heart, the angel Luo, who had just turned over to call the shots, was kicked into the dark abyss by the horned demon Luo who climbed back. The little devil waved his trident high and said with peace of mind, "It wasn't me who moved first", and then regained command of Luo Zhan's brain and body—

Luo Zhan slowly pressed the little girl's wrist back onto the leather seat and resisted it.

Then he lowered his head and kissed the soft lips on the girl's blankly raised face.

The last distance is getting closer and closer, and the breath begins to become entangled.

ten centimeters,

five centimeters,

three centimeters,

two males…


The seat belt has reached the limit.

He grabbed the figure of Luo Zhan, who had unruly intentions.

He was forced to stop two centimeters in front of the little girl.

Luo Zhan: "...?"