Don’t Cry

Chapter 42


Luo Zhan lowered his head and saw that the four-point seat belt in front of him was firmly grasping his clothes. The taut arcs and the drawn folds seem to carry a certain kind of brilliance after victory.

Luo Zhan was expressionless.

For the first time, he hated this kind of safety device with higher safety and shorter moving distance designed to cancel the high-speed upper limit in supercars.

Just when Luo Zhan was at a standstill with the seat belt, the girl who was in his palm and buckled on the seat moved his hand.

Luo Zhan woke up and raised his eyes again.

The little girl who was close at hand closed her eyes, her slender and slightly curled eyelashes lay softly on her lower eyelid.

I don't know if it was because she felt uneasy because she waited too long, her eyelashes trembled slightly at this time, and there was some kind of uneasiness in her voice:

"Luo Luo?"

Although she was uneasy, her hand on the seat remained obedient and motionless, with a distressing obedience in her expression - she was afraid that her best friend would be angry and alienated, so she would hide it no matter how uneasy she was. Get up and "coax" him to be obedient no longer angry.

Before the "obedience" that she didn't know how to get used to, the little devil wielding a trident in Luo Zhan's heart fell into silence.

After a few seconds.

Tang Ran felt the grip on her wrist loosen, and then the man raised his hand and touched the top of her head: "Just kidding... don't be afraid."

Tang Ran recovered from the daze, and shook his head guiltily: "I'm not afraid."

The car is back on the road.

Tang Ran leaned in the wide seat and turned sideways towards the outside of the car. She pursed her lips and sat quietly in the wind for a while, secretly raised her hand, and touched the place on top of her head where the man had just touched.

She could actually feel that Luo Zhan wasn't just kidding her as he said.

But just now, what was he trying to do

In the darkness, the little girl fell into a troubled daze.

As soon as Luo Zhan got off the expressway from the expressway exit of K City, the phone rang in front of the car.

Luo Zhan glanced and frowned after seeing the caller ID. After two seconds of silence, Luo Zhan turned the steering wheel to the side, and the car pulled to the side of the road.

Tang Ran, who was leaning on the seat, straightened up and turned around.

Luo Zhan: "My grandpa's phone number, you..."

Tang Ran immediately understood and nodded: "I won't speak, you can take it."

Luo Zhan was originally thinking about what Jia Junxi said about the need for a guardian in the stage of surgical treatment - to be reasonable, Mr. Luo is more suitable than him to come forward to talk to Tang Shixin about performing eye surgery on Tang Ran.

So what he originally wanted to say when he opened his mouth was "Do you want to say hello?", but seeing that the little girl was obviously withdrawing, he had to swallow the words again.

Luo Zhan asked, "Are you afraid of my grandfather?"

Tang Ran hesitated, then nodded slowly: "A little bit."

Luo Zhan: "Why?"

Tang Ran: "I can't tell... Maybe it's because he's about the same age as my grandma, and they're both majestic?"

Luo Zhan laughed when he heard the words: "He's majestic? He's just pretending to be majestic. He's just an old man with a bad temper who likes to get angry and get angry."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Zhan "just happened" to be stuck in time, and connected the phone call a second before the phone was about to hang up when no one answered.

And his last words were impartially passed into the ears of Mr. Luo on the other side of the phone.

After Mr. Luo reacted for two seconds, he wondered who the little grandson was talking about—then he almost lost his temper: "You stinky boy, why are you talking bad about your grandfather behind your back!"

Luo Zhan leaned back and leaned back in the leather seat, smiling lazily and indifferently: "When did I say it behind my back, isn't it in person? I'm afraid you won't hear, so I deliberately drive hands-free."

This sentence is to remind Tang Ran.

Tang Ran immediately closed her mouth obediently, and her expression became serious - the voice that tried her best to keep her breath away would not pass.

It's a pity that my teammates don't cooperate...

After Luo Zhan finished speaking, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the little girl beside her who was holding her breath and waiting in a serious manner. She couldn't help but reach out and pinched the tip of the little girl's nose in a funny way: "Don't hold your breath, and then let yourself pass out."

Tang Ran: "..."

Tang Ran was pinched and shrank back, but he didn't dare to protest.

The old man opposite Luo suddenly turned off the fire and asked suspiciously, "Who are you talking to?"

Luo Zhan withdrew his hand, and was in a good mood because of Tang Ran's reaction. He clasped his fingers behind his head and smiled, "I'm with someone, you won't listen to the whistleblower from the Qian family."

"It's been one night until noon the next day, and you're still with that little girl?" The old man almost fainted. "Are you really crazy, kidnapping an underage girl? If it was spread out by someone with a heart, would you still want to get a foothold in the circle?!"

Luo Zhan casually said, "Whatever others say, I don't care."


Mr. Luo felt that his blood pressure was high, and there seemed to be a housekeeper beside him who warmly persuaded him.

Ten seconds later, I heard the old man say gruffly, "That's fine, you can bring that little girl to me now, and let me see what is holy and can confuse you. Not awake anymore!"

Luo Zhan laughed softly, without denying the old man's words, he turned his eyes to the little girl in the passenger seat: "Are you going to see him?"

Tang Ran was stunned and immediately shook his head.

Luo Zhan smiled lazily and turned back: "Grandpa, you have a bad temper. The little girl is afraid of you and doesn't want to see you."

The old man: "… "

Luo Zhan: "Since she doesn't want to see her, don't go check it out."

The old man sneered: "If I have to investigate, can you stop me?"

The smile in Luo Zhan's voice faded: "I haven't passed the rebellious mentality of adolescence, you know. If you go to investigate and frighten the little girl again, then I will commit a rebellious mentality and add more I was so fascinated by her that I lost my mind again, maybe I turned around and abducted her and ran away?"

"… "

The old man choked for a while, and finally got his voice back: "Are you threatening me for a little girl?"

Luo Zhan replied casually, "Yes."

The old man was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "Okay, Luo Zhan, if you have the ability, don't go back to Luo's house again."

When Luo Zhan heard this, he laughed lazily: "You don't have to go back to Luo's house? That's great."

"You are not afraid that I will cut off your financial resources!"

Luo Zhan snorted softly: "Butler Lin has been watching some messy idol dramas with you during this time, right? If you have time, why don't you listen to the chief accountant to report your income and expenditure bills to see how much my brother and I have? Years are useless for your old family."

The old man: "… "

Luo Zhan added: "Indeed, I can transfer the meal money that was brought home to the Luo family at any time in the past two years. The matter of filial piety will be handed over to my brother in the future. Don't miss me; the phone number has also been deleted, let's get in touch with the bottle."


The old man was too choked to speak.

A few seconds later, the other side of the phone rang softly and hung up.

The study in the main building of the Luo family was dead silent for a long time.

Butler Lin stood beside the desk, trying hard to hold back his smile, and had to steal his eyes to observe the dark face of the old man: "Old sir, you know the temper of the young master now, so don't go against him, right?"

"Don't go against it, do you continue to get used to him?" The old man reacted with a dark face, "Look at what he has become so used to over the years - his tail is almost up in the sky!"

Butler Lin smiled, "It is inevitable to be arrogant if you are talented, not to mention that the young master is not only talented?"

"That's right..." Old Man Luo nodded halfway through, and turned his head to stare at Lin Yi in anger, "You're the only one who gets used to him!"

Lin Yi smiled bitterly: "If you say this, then I can't blame it, I can only admit it."

The old man snorted coldly.

After a few seconds, he remembered something, turned his head and asked, "What is the connection to the drift bottle this brat said?"

The corners of Lin Yi's mouth turned up subconsciously. The old man glanced at him and quickly pressed it down. He lowered his head and said in a serious tone, "Drift bottle is a way of making friends online."

"How to make friends?"

"Yes." Butler Lin briefly introduced the drift bottle rules.

The more the old man listened and pondered, the less he felt.

When Lin Yi finished speaking, he frowned and asked, "Then what does this kid mean by saying this?"

"This," Butler Lin looked up at the old man, then lowered his head, "Do you really want to listen?"

"Nonsense. Why don't you listen to me?"

Butler Lin coughed lightly, holding back his smile: "It almost means that the two will not communicate in the future, and we will see each other by fate."

The old man: "..."

After dozens of seconds, the old man turned back expressionlessly: "Next Friday night, I will 'take' Luo Zhan to visit the Tang family as originally planned."

Lin Yi hesitated: "Would this be inappropriate?"

"What's wrong?" The old man snorted coldly, "I think he just needs to clean up, it's just right."

"… Yes."

After returning from M City, Luo Zhan called Tan Yunchang and Lin Qianhua to send Tang Ran back to the Tang family.

For almost a week after that, life went on as usual.

Luo Zhan lost the "harassing phone calls" from the Luo family who used to call him from time to time. At first, he wondered why the old man was so calm this time. After being alert that there was no movement for a few days, he was happy and comfortable.

In addition to soaking in the laboratory and going back to his residence to rest, the bionic robot "Luo Luo" still dutifully reports to the Tang family's partial house every night.

Friday, an ordinary evening.

According to the time, Luo Zhan is going to leave home and go to the laboratory to prepare for the preparatory work as the bionic robot "Luo Luo".

It's just that he took the elevator down from the building where he lived to the parking lot, and just as he was about to step out of the door of the elevator corridor, he was blocked by four figures in black suits.

"… "

Luo Zhan stopped in his footsteps and looked behind him.

Not surprisingly, four more figures came out of the fire escape door, blocking his retreat.

Luo Zhan narrowed his eyes lightly, and his gaze swept across the gait of the eight people in front and behind.

After making a simple judgment on their professional abilities, Luo Zhan frowned slightly: "That grumpy old man asked you to come?"

Several people looked at each other, and one of them smiled gently: "Sorry, young master. We must listen to the old gentleman's orders. If you don't cooperate today, then we can only offend."

Luo Zhan's eyes became lazy, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "How to cooperate?"

"The mission order we received is to take you to a place."

Luo Zhan: "Must be now?"

The man said, "It must be tonight."

Luo Zhan frowned: "But what if I have something to do after 8 o'clock tonight?"

"… "

The man didn't speak, his smile was more gentle.

He didn't move, but the other seven people he brought took one step each, blocking Luo Zhan's every possible escape direction.

Luo Zhan lowered his eyes and touched the phone: "Then I'll make a call."

The man's eyes signaled, and someone next to him stepped forward to stop him: "Sorry, young master. You can't make calls either."

"… "

Luo Zhan stopped.

He lowered his head, the tip of his tongue pressed against his upper jaw, and he let out a lazy laugh. The Qing Jun face was raised, and the corners of his lips curled into a cold and indifferent arc:

"Then congratulations, the talk has collapsed."


Pressing the end of the words, Luo Zhan's hand in his trousers pocket clenched his fist without warning and slammed it into the stomach of the person on his left side.

When he was hit at the vital point, the man didn't even have time to snort, he curled up and bent down.

The leader's smile disappeared, but it was not surprising. He shook his head towards the others: "Go on."

The six figures rushed forward in unison.

In a few seconds, the fist wind alternately tore apart the air.

five minutes later.

The leader who stood a few meters away frowned, and there was no gentle smile on his face, but a little dignified. At this moment, the phone vibrated in his arms.

After he took it out, he glanced at it and connected: "Butler Lin."

"How's it going?"

"It's still in a stalemate." It was difficult for this person to show a bit of embarrassment. "You only said that the young master has received combat training, but you never said that his ability is so tricky. And our people are also afraid to make a deadly attack. , it is inevitable to be tied.”

Lin Yi smiled: "Oh, something small happened at the time, the old man was frightened, and found a reason to toss the child into the mold of the fighting champion. Who would have thought that he would need to tie someone back in the future."

"..." The leader was helpless.

"Can't you take it off?"

The team leader's expression was serious: "It's just a matter of time - after all, he is alone, and fighting in close quarters consumes a lot of physical strength. I don't think he can last long."

"I don't think there is enough time. You tied someone and took him to meet near Tang's house."

Leader: "Tang family?"

"Yes, near the Tang Family Courtyard, I will send you the specific location of the meeting."

"Okay, Steward Lin."

The phone hangs up.

The leader put away his phone, frowned and unbuttoned his cufflinks—

It took so long for eight people to capture a pampered young master. He couldn't afford to lose this person, so he could only fight quickly...

"and many more."

In the middle of the battle group, the panting young master suddenly stopped.

Several people were stunned for a moment. Although the more they fought, the more bad their expressions became, they still stopped and looked at the leader in embarrassment.

The leader had a serious expression: "Little Master, don't think about delaying time at this time."

"You just said on the phone... where are you taking me?"

Several people were stunned and looked at the leader.

The team leader glared at them: "Seven people around one, can make people think about it, are you eating dry rice?"

The seven looked back in embarrassment.

The leader frowned and turned to Luo Zhan: "Little Master, we will take you to Tang's house as requested by Butler Lin."

"... the Tang family?"

Luo Zhan wiped the blood from the corner of his lips. He was nearly exhausted from the five-minute fight. He leaned down, resting on his knees, and slowly calmed down his rapid breathing and heartbeat.

When he finally calmed down, Luo Zhan looked up at the team leader and laughed angrily.

"It turned out to be going to Tang's house...then why didn't you tell me sooner?"