Don’t Cry

Chapter 83


call ended.

Under the disdainful eyes of Old Man Luo, Luo Zhan calmly walked back to his position, put the long coat back where it was, and sat down by himself.

Then Luo Zhan calmly picked up the knife and fork and continued to use his lunch.

Mr. Luo couldn't be more angry, and looked back at Butler Lin: "Lin Yi."

Lin Yi took a step forward and leaned down slightly: "Old sir?"

Mr. Luo snorted and asked, "I ask you, are young people now so shameless when it comes to falling in love?"

Lin Yi was stunned. Then he looked up at Luo Zhan with a subtle expression.

In the corner of the restaurant, the two servants standing with red wine looked at each other and almost couldn't help laughing.

Luo Zhan didn't seem to feel Luo Jingyuan's scolding and scolding Huai at all, and he seemed to be particularly attentive even during the meal, without saying a word.

Finally, Luo Zhan took a sip of red wine and put down the red wine glass. After signaling the servant to withdraw the order, he turned to the host and asked calmly, "Grandpa, do you suggest me to take a call here?"

Luo Jingyuan took a knife and fork in his hand and raised his eyes: "Where can't you talk on the phone, it must be in the restaurant? ... What bad idea are you holding up?"

"It's just that after this call, I may need to ask you a question."

Luo Jingyuan glanced at Luo Zhan suspiciously, but did not judge anything. He frowned and looked back: "Whatever you want."

Luo Zhan immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call to go out.

Luo Zhan waited for thirty or forty seconds, but there was no connection on the other side. He frowned and glanced at the phone, hung up and dialed again.

Luo Jingyuan pretended to ask casually, "Who did you call?"

Luo Zhan put the phone back to his ear, and replied nonchalantly, "A servant of the Tang family."


The steak knife in Luo Jingyuan's hand used too much force, making a piercing sound on the porcelain-white plate.

Two seconds later, Luo Jingyuan raised his head and gritted his teeth angrily: "What kind of mess are you dealing with now?"

Luo Zhan didn't raise his eyes lazily: "Grandpa in the 21st century, is your old antique still so classist?"

"..." Luo Jingyuan choked.

"Besides, this isn't my friend either." Luo Zhan put his right hand on the edge of the table, his slender knuckles tapping an unconscious rhythm.

Mr. Luo's expression was slightly relaxed, but he still frowned: "Who are you, and have you left your contact information?"

Luo Zhan knocked on the table and laughed softly: "I stayed with my little girl, eyeliner."

Mr. Luo: "..."

Luo Zhan's voice just fell, and the other side of the phone was connected. Duan Qingyan's voice sounded cautiously: "Luo, Young Master Luo?"

"Did you just deliver lunch to Ran Ran?"

"Yes, yes."

"When did you leave?"

"Just gone, not long after."

"Then you should have met Tang Luoqian too?"

"Hey? How do you know..." Duan Qingyan noticed that her tone was a little too close, she quickly stopped her voice, and only answered Luo Zhan's question, "I met her, and she just left the side house not long ago."

"What did she say?"


"I asked… "

The languid mood on Luo Zhan's face faded, and the knuckles that tapped gently on the edge of the long table in a certain rhythm also slowed down a little bit.

When he spoke again, the young man's voice was low and cold: "Tang Luoqian, what did she say to Ranran?"

The chilling tone in her bones brought back Duan Qingyan's memory of being "threatened" once again. After a jolt in her heart, she spoke quickly.

"After Tang Luoqian came, he told Xiaoran that Mr. Luo had agreed to the marriage contract, yes, she won Xiaoran, and said that no one would want to marry Xiaoran... and also said that you, you love Xiaoran..."

Duan Qingyan's voice gradually decreased.

Luo Zhan's brows and eyes are cold: "What else did you say?"

Duan Qingyan gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and dared to repeat: "It's just for fun with Xiaoran, it's impossible to really fancy a blind man!"


Luojia Restaurant.

The servant in the corner, Mr. Luo in the main seat, and Lin Yi standing beside Mr. Luo - no one in the restaurant spoke, and all eyes were on Luo Zhan's right hand.

Two seconds ago, the slowly tapping knuckles stopped suddenly, making a surprising sound on the long table.

After the servant standing in the corner looked at each other, his breathing became lighter.

More than ten seconds of dead silence passed.

Luo Zhan withdrew his right hand and lowered his eyes to look at the redness that came out of his fingers with too much force. His expression was as cold as ice and snow.

"… I see."

The phone hangs up, and the phone is silently and slowly retracted into the coat pocket.

Seeing that their young master completely took off his usual lazy look and became inexplicably gloomy and cold, the servants were even more afraid to come out.

At this time, only Lin Yi could speak, and he said half-jokingly: "Master, are you practicing Finger Meditation on the table at home? Then be merciful. This is the one I flew to Northern Europe the year before last. Bringing it back can't stand the toss."

The coldness in Luo Zhan's eyes subsided a little bit.

After sitting quietly for a few seconds, he took the hot towel handed over by the servant who stepped forward, and wiped it on the bleeding fingertips at will: "Grandpa, tell me Tang Luoqian's contact information."

Old Man Luo's eyelids jumped: "What do you want to do?"

Luo Zhan lowered his eyes and sneered in a hoarse voice: "It's never going to hit her."

"Think about Tang Ran's surgery, don't be impulsive at a critical time."

"I have my measure."

"..." Mr. Luo thought for two seconds before he shook his head at Lin Yi, "Let's find it for him."

"Yes, old gentleman."

Half a minute later, Lin Yi got Tang Luoqian's personal mobile phone number. He walked to the high-back chair where Luo Zhan was sitting, bowed down and handed the phone to Luo Zhan.

Luo Zhan glanced at the dial interface, raised his eyelids and looked at Lin Yi: "?"

Lin Yi smiled: "Young master probably doesn't want the eldest lady of the Tang family to appear on his mobile phone, so use my phone to dial. If there is any problem in the future, I will also deal with it."

Luo Zhan was silent for a few seconds, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "No wonder my grandfather relies on you so much, Steward Lin?"

"It is the duty of a housekeeper to solve the problems that have occurred and have not yet occurred for the employer, and the young master is too honored."

"Thanks then." Luo Zhan picked up the phone from Lin Yi, got up and walked to the rose window beside the restaurant. He stopped with one hand in his pocket and dialed the phone.


"I'm Luo Zhan."

"...Ah," the opposite side seemed to stay for a few seconds before responding, and the voice immediately became excited, "Did you come looking for me? Did you know that Grandpa Luo came to my house this morning, we—"

"Eight o'clock tonight."

Luo Zhan interrupted her lazily.

He raised his hand in his trouser pocket and stopped at the height in front of him. Looking at the watch, Luo Zhan's voice was cold and cold: "Let's meet."

The person on the other side was short of breath for a few seconds, and after a long while, he held back his excitement and asked, "Okay. What restaurant are you meeting at?"

"Restaurant?" Luo Zhan sneered, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't invite you out for dinner or anything."


"I just want to prove a problem to you."

"what is the problem?"

"You'll know when the time comes—at 8 o'clock tonight, the Tang family's house. Remember to be there on time."

After saying the last sentence, Luo Zhan hung up the phone. He walked back to Lin Yi and handed over the phone. When Lin Yi took it, Luo Zhan patted him on the shoulder: "Thanks."

"Young master has already thanked him once, so you don't have to be so polite."

"Well, it's not the same." Luo Zhan lowered his hand and inserted it back into his trouser pocket lazily, "Didn't you solve the problems that have happened and haven't happened yet?"

Lin Yi: "Of course."

"So the first sentence thank you for your mobile phone, the second sentence—" Luo Zhan twitched his mouth, turned and walked out of the restaurant, and returned with a lazy smile, "Friendly advice, pull Tang Luoqian's phone after tonight. on the blacklist."

"… "

Lin Yi watched the back disappear outside the closed double doors of the restaurant, he lowered his head helplessly: "Sir, the young master will probably be out of line tonight, should I send someone to stop me?"

"Don't worry about him." The old man Luo snorted coldly, "It's better to let him cause some trouble, so as not to be so lawless in the future, no one will pay attention to it."

Lin Yi smiled bitterly: "Yes."


In the open space in front of the Tang family's side house, the loading truck of the int laboratory was parked alone.

There were no lights in the car, it was pitch black, but it wasn't quiet—a tiny snoring sounded up and down in the front compartment.

Lin Qianhua, who was in the stance, leaned against the door, his eyes always staring at the rearview mirror outside the car. At a certain moment, his vision caught something, and suddenly a jerky sat up straight and pushed the person beside him: "Senior Tan, Senior Tan! Here we come!"

The snoring stopped abruptly.

A few seconds later, Tan Yunchang wiped his face and turned over mutteringly: "What's going on?"

"Tang Luoqian. Did you forget what Brother Zhan explained?"

"Tang Luoqian? Oh... oh, I remember." Tan Yunchang yawned and sighed, "It's still dark at night. I've suffered so much to listen to this ancestor's order. My life is hard."

Lin Qianhua smiled: "Senior Tan, you want to open up. Although Brother Zhan explained this matter, it's still for sister Tang Ran. Who is sister Tang Ran? That's the daughter of your goddess."

"It makes sense." Tan Yunchang gave Lin Qianhua a thumbs up, then pushed open the car door and jumped out of the car.

Tang Luoqian, who was passing by, was obviously startled by the movement, and turned her head to look in panic.

Tan Yunchang walked up to the light and smiled, "Miss Tang, good evening."

When Tan Yunchang came closer, Tang Luo took a closer look, and her ugly face returned to a little arrogance: "Why are you? What are you doing here? What about Luo Zhan and others?"

Tan Yunchang smiled: "Miss Tang, you asked me three questions in a row, but I have a long mouth. Which one do you want me to answer?"

Tang Luoqian really thought about it after hearing the words, and then looked at Tan Yunchang with disgust: "I'm not interested in you, the third one."

Tan Yunchang: "..."

Tan Yunchang sighed: "Yes, let me answer one by one. First of all, I come here every night to give sister Tang Ran her bionic robot, which is in charge of our laboratory - you should have heard of it?"

Tang Luo raised her chin with a light expression: "I see."

"Then, I'm staying here tonight to wait for you."

"...?" Tang Luo turned around suspiciously, "What do you mean? Obviously Luo Zhan invited me here."

"He made an appointment, and he asked me to come and wait for you."

"What about Luo Zhan??"

"Don't worry, isn't this the last question?" Tan Yunchang waved to Tang Luoqian with a treacherous smile, "Come with me and you can see him outside the house."

After Tan Yunchang finished speaking, he turned around and left, without the gentleman's principle of waiting for the ladies first.

Tang Luo was stunned for a few seconds before quickly catching up and asking in a bad tone, "Why are you taking me to the side house?"

"Look at the Luo Zhan you want to see?"

"..." Tang Luo's pale face suddenly became ugly, "You mean, Luo Zhan is with Tang Ran now?"

"Yes and no."

"What exactly do you mean, you clarify!"

"Tsk tsk, I've never seen a young lady with such a bad temper." Tan Yunchang sighed and kept walking, "I'll say it for the last time, don't talk in the past, and when you see it, you will naturally know that Luo Zhan asked you to come out. The reason - of course, if you don't want to know now, you can turn around as soon as possible and go home."

Tang Luo was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but she could only follow.

Before arriving at the side house, Tang Luoqian wanted to say something until she suddenly saw the half-open door.

She paused for a moment: "Why isn't the door closed?"

"Specially reserved for us, this scene can't be disturbed." Tan Yunchang lowered his voice and raised his index finger to his lips, "For your and others' viewing experience, please do not make noise."

Tang Luoqian only felt inexplicable and had a feeling of irritability, so she glared at Tan Yunchang fiercely.

Tan Yunchang lowered his head, swiped his finger on the phone, and sent a message that had been prepared earlier.

Two seconds later, he silently opened the door, smiled at Tang Luo, and whispered, "Miss Tang, please watch carefully."

Tang Luoqian frowned and was about to speak when she heard the sound of a mechanical door opening in the room.

Directly opposite the entrance, the girl who also heard the movement raised her head in a certain direction:

"... Luo Luo?"

"I am here."

The magnetic sound of the mechanical texture spread unobstructed from the room to the door.

A familiar silhouette entered Tang Luoqian's field of vision.

In Tang Luoqian's stunned gaze, the man stopped.

After two seconds.

As the thin lips parted slightly, the mechanical voice was low and gentle—

"Good evening, master."