Don’t Cry

Chapter 99


The hotel owned by the Tang family has emergency doctors. As soon as the news of the side hall of the banquet hall came out, the manager in charge who received the call was in a hurry, and pulled out the emergency doctor who was still eating dinner at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

The doctor was so urged that his shoes almost ran away, so he hurried to the banquet hall.

The door to the moon hole in the side hall has been blocked by the Tang family's security personnel, and no guests are allowed to look or enter.

Of course no one can go out.

The original guests in the side hall were all frozen in their respective positions, their expressions were complicated, but their eyes were all cast in the same direction—

In the rest area on the left side of the center of the side hall, the "heroine" of the birthday banquet sat on a lonely high-back chair. The young man in the waiter uniform was half-squatting and half-kneeling in front of her, his eyes never taking his eyes off her for a moment. .

The appearance of that person is familiar to everyone present: the young master of the Luo family, Luo Zhan, who just refused to marry the Tang family not long ago.

The two young masters of the Luo family rarely appear on such occasions, and they don't have many chances to see this young master. But based on only a few sightings or hearings from afar, everyone is familiar with his languid disposition.

However, at this time, the corners of the man's eyes turned red due to his emotions, but his eyes were so cold that they were covered with frost - no one present had seen Young Master Luo so nervous and irritable, like a lion that was about to go mad.

This state continued until the emergency doctor at the hotel hurriedly arrived and checked Tang Ran.

When the inspection was over, the steward couldn't stand Luo Zhan's terrifying eyes, and wiped his sweat and asked, "Director Sun, how's Miss Tang Ran's eyes?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing major," the doctor said, "It should be caused by emotional agitation, and the basic photoreceptor and other reactions are very good - this is eye drops for sedation, and I will put it on her."

After the doctor gave Tang Ran eye drops, Luo Zhan hurriedly took his place and squatted down in front of the girl. He clenched Tang Ran's hand and asked carefully, "Ran Ran, how are you feeling now?"

Tang Ran's fingertips were cold, I don't know if she was scared or what. After hearing Luo Zhan's words, she turned towards him and nodded slowly: "It seems, much better."

Luo Zhan finally let out a breath that made his chest hurt.

Sanity returns.

Luo Zhan stood up, holding Tang Ran's hand without letting go. It's just that the gentleness and caution on Qing Jun's face had faded in the few seconds he got up, leaving only his eyes full of frost.

When they met Luo Zhan's gaze, the culprits who had retreated to the corner looked as if they had been electrocuted, and all of them turned pale and avoided their faces with a guilty conscience.

The person in charge of the hotel came to Luo Zhan cautiously at this time: "Luo Shao, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Zhan raised his hand: "Who are they?"

"Ah?" The person in charge was stunned, followed Luo Zhan's finger, and saw the young people with shrinking eyes, "They..."

"You don't need to tell me now." Luo Zhan looked back expressionlessly, "You just need to send the names of these five people to Lin Yi, the housekeeper of the Luo family. I won't embarrass you about the rest."

"Okay, okay." The person in charge dared not refuse, and Nuonuo nodded.

After Luo Zhan finished speaking, he turned his back to the person in charge. He lifted Tang Ran in front of the high-back chair, and his voice returned to a low and soft voice: "I'll take you away, okay?"

Tang Ran subconsciously clenched Luo Zhan's fingers.

When she spoke, her voice trembled slightly, but she tried to hide it: "I'll go with you... Will it be bad for you?"

Luo Zhan opened his mouth to speak.

Tang Ran: "You promised me, Luo Luo, you said you would never lie to me again."

Luo Zhan was silent. Then he lowered his eyes and smiled helplessly: "Yes."

Tang Ran froze while holding Luo Zhan's hand.

Luo Zhan clenched her fingers in distress: "But it doesn't matter. I came here after thinking about what to do and all the results, so I believe my choice is good, Ranran?"

Tang Ran was quiet for a few seconds, then nodded slowly: "Okay."

Tang Ran got off the chair, Luo Zhan took off his tuxedo coat and wrapped the girl inside. After dressing Tang Ran, Luo Zhan took her by the hand and walked out.

The person in charge of the hotel instinctively wanted to stop him, but unfortunately he didn't say anything and didn't extend his hand, and was restrained by Luo Zhan's cold, suppressed eyes that had accumulated all night's anger.

The person in charge quickly stopped in fright. Turned to the corner to make a phone call.

Luo Zhan and Tang Ran walked to the door of Yuedong, and the security personnel arranged by the hotel stopped in the middle of the door in embarrassment.

"Sorry, Young Master Luo, you can't take people away."

"… "

Outside the door of the Moon Cave is the main hall of the banquet hall. All the guests have already quieted down. Except for the whispers, any sound in the huge banquet hall can be clearly heard.

Hearing the names of the security guards, the guests exchanged surprised glances.

"I read it right before, it turned out to be Luo Zhan. What did he just forcefully break into the side hall for?"

"He's wearing the clothes of a waiter. He sneaked in? But even if the Luo family and the Tang family had a feud over the marriage rejection, the Tang family wouldn't even give the Luo family the face of sending an invitation letter. what."

"Look, the girl behind him is Tang Ran?"

"Really are."

"Looks so close - doesn't it??"

Those eyes and discussions came blatantly.

Luo Zhan's brows and eyes became colder, he held the girl's wrist instead and hid the person behind him.

Luo Zhan asked coldly, "This is her birthday party. She wants to leave by herself, why can't I take her away?"

The bodyguard lowered his head: "The old lady told me that Miss Tang Ran is the daughter of the Tang family, and today is also an important day to officially introduce her to the family friends of the Tang family. Miss Tang Ran cannot be absent."

Luo Zhan protected Tang Ran with his right hand, and slowly clenched his fist with his left hand. He couldn't bear to break up with the other party: "What if I have to take her away?"

Before the bodyguard could speak, a slow old female voice sounded outside the Moon Cave door—

"Then I'll ask Young Master Luo, under what status and relationship are you taking her away?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone inside and outside the banquet hall was stunned.

The bodyguards who stopped in front of the Moon Cave reacted and immediately let go. The figure of Mrs. Hang, who was leaning on crutches, was revealed.

She walked unhurriedly in front of the two of them and stopped.

Luo Zhan looked at her coldly.

Hang Wei's eyes were as stagnant as water: "you haven't answered the question I asked Young Master Luo. I sent someone an invitation letter to the Luo family, but you wanted to come in in disguise. The daughter of the Tang family was taken away from the Tang family's territory..."

Mrs. Hang held the corner of her mouth without smiling: "Even if the Tang family and the Luo family have been friends for ten years, is it still too reckless and criticized by Young Master Luo to act like this?"

Luo Zhan didn't say a word, just looked at Hang Wei coldly. Until the banquet hall was quiet and then moved, and then the discussion calmed down, he finally moved.

Luo Zhan took a half step forward, lowered his eyes and stared at the old lady emotionlessly: "I know what you want."

"… "

Looking at Luo Zhan for two seconds, Mrs. Hang's face changed slightly.

She saw a little unplanned emotion in the eyes of this young man - it was a little bit of madness after getting out of anger.

Crazy people don't care how much blood they bleed after stabbing someone, so they can never predict or calculate.

Luo Zhan in front of him was already close to that edge.

Luo Zhan: "What you think is right, my grandfather cares about the Luo family, and he also cares about those false reputations. He will sacrifice a lot for the family's interests and reputation, and will seek benefits and avoid disadvantages - but I am different, I am not a businessman, I never cared about those things."

Hang Wei's eyes shook: "you..."


Luo Zhan suddenly spoke.

He didn't look back, just looked at old lady Hang gloomily and coldly.

Tang Ran stood behind Luo Zhan and raised his face. She clenched Luo Zhan's hand, her voice was very soft, and there was some trembling that lingered in fear, but she was firm: "I'm here."

Luo Zhan's eyes softened slightly.

He turned his head, looked the girl in the eyes and asked, "Would you like to be with me, then get engaged, get married, and grow old together?"


Tang Ran was stunned suddenly.

This sentence also spread to countless ears inside and outside the banquet hall.

Even though the guests had already made some guesses, when they suddenly heard such words at this time, they couldn't help but be shocked and started talking.

In those little noises, Tang Ran came back to his senses. She nodded slowly.

"Of course," the girl's eyes were slightly red and wet, "I want to be with Luo Luo forever, forever."

"Okay." Luo Zhan slowly leaned over and took the girl into his arms. He gently kissed her ear: "this time, I will never leave, never forget, Ran Ran."

The deep meaning in this sentence made Tang Ran's eyes tremble slightly.

Luo Zhan backed away and lowered his hand to hold Tang Ran tightly. He turned to look at the complicated old lady Hang.

"As you expected, I love Tang Ran, and I can do everything for her." Luo Zhan smiled coldly, "But because of this, I can't stand what the Tang family did to her."

"… "

Hang Wei's expression changed completely.

Luo Zhan's voice rose, and every corner of the banquet hall could clearly hear it: "I will marry Tang Ran, but the Luo family and the Tang family will no longer have any contact - the Luo family will fully withdraw from all the Tang family's properties."

Hang Wei's eyes trembled: "You, are you crazy? This will only cause huge damage to the Luo family without any benefit! How dare you say that, did you have the consent of Luo Jingyuan! He is the Luo family's—"

Luo Zhan lowered his head and laughed lazily, interrupting Hang Wei's words.

When he looked up again, his smile was cold and mocking: "Unfortunately, Grandpa is already doing it."


"So from today onwards, the Luo family and the Tang family will no longer have anything to do - kindness, renunciation, righteousness, renunciation."

The old lady hang swayed and barely stopped. The person beside her quickly supported her, but she was pushed away fiercely.

"Luo, Zhan!" The old lady Hang's voice was hoarse, with the hatred that she wanted to peel people to their bones, she glared at Luo Zhan, "you-you-"

Luo Zhan stepped forward unhurriedly.

He inserted one hand into his trouser pocket, and the other hand still protected Tang Ran behind him.

The young man leaned over slightly, smiling unrestrainedly, with a gloomy madness hidden deep in his eyes: "Old woman, you have made two mistakes in this matter."

Hang Wei gritted her teeth and trembled: "what?"

"The first mistake, you don't know how many injuries I suffered and how long I lived in the icu in that kidnapping incident - from then on, my grandfather never slapped me even if he was mad with anger. "

Hang Wei's eyes trembled.

"Looks like you've thought about it. More than two months ago, I was beaten to the bone by that housekeeping, and there was a slight internal bleeding - so guess what my grandfather will refuse to do after this? "

"You, your bitter plan is not just for the Tang family and outsiders to see..." Hang Wei was angry and startled, her lips trembling.

"Of course. If I don't take advantage of the family law three times, am I going to suffer for nothing?"


"There's a second mistake..."

Luo Zhan stood up slowly, his smile subsided and faded: "You underestimate the influence of Ranran on me. I don't care what step others can do for her, but with me, I can't see her being wronged at all. ."

Luo Zhan's voice tightened, his jaw clenched and his cheekbones moved slightly, and the anger that had been suppressed all night surged in those dark eyes.

"So don't say it's for her to break the Luo family's arm, even if I have to lose the entire Luo family and myself-" Luo Zhan's voice suddenly sank, "You can try it and see if I dare!"

Hang Wei's face turned pale.

After Luo Zhan finished speaking, he held Tang Ran's hand tightly and walked straight towards the door of the banquet hall.

A few seconds later, Hang Wei snapped back to her senses, almost jumping with anger: "stop him, stop them!"


The bodyguard team immediately surrounded them, blocking Luo Zhan and Tang Ran's way.

Mrs. Hang pushed away the support of the people beside her, and walked over with trembling hands and knocking on the crutches.

She stopped in front of the besieged Luo Zhan and Tang Ran, her expression a little distorted: "I tell you, Luo Zhan, if you want to go crazy and destroy the Tang family, then you will also pay the price."

Before Luo Zhan could speak, she looked at Tang Ran viciously: "Tang Ran is the daughter of my Tang family, and you are now the feud of my Tang family - do you want to marry her or take her away? You are dreaming!"

The old lady Hang turned around and said fiercely to the bodyguard team: "keep your lady behind and drive this outsider out!"

Luo Zhan frowned, his eyes swept vigilantly, while protecting Tang Ran with his right hand, his left hand pressed the miniature earphone in his ear, his thin lips moved slightly: "Now come in..."

Before he could finish his words, the main door of the banquet hall suddenly banged and was pushed open.

Everyone was startled and turned around.

Luo Zhan also whispered unexpectedly: "Already come in?"

"Ah?" Tan Yunchang was surprised in the earphone, "No, the person we arranged is still waiting for your order."


Luo Zhan was stunned for a moment, he took Tang Ran's hand and turned to look at the main entrance that was not far away.

Between the double doors blocked by two tall white bodyguards, a woman in a bright red long trench coat and trousers and boots walked in with an imposing manner.

The heels clicked on the silent banquet hall floor.

Walking in two steps, the woman slowly stopped. Then he raised his slender hand, and took off the also compelling bright red leather gloves.

Fingers as white as snow unhurriedly hooked down the sunglasses.

The woman curled her red lips and opened her mouth.

"He can't take Tang Ran away, so I'll come."

Looking at the face that was seven or eight similar to Tang Ran, Mrs. Hang was suddenly startled.

A few seconds later, her eyes widened as if she had seen a ghost: "You, why are you back!"

The woman smiled slightly and ignored the question.

She only looked deeply at Tang Ran, and only looked back after a long time.

That voice also had the same arrogant and unscrupulous sense of fierceness as he was.

"I want to take my own daughter, do I also need your consent - mother, mother?"