Don’t Discriminate Against Species

Chapter 115: congratulations


Hearing this sentence, Nian Beast's reaction was even more violent than the whip just now. He opened his mouth and roared at Fu Li: "Ignorant human beings, how could the mere sound of firecrackers in your human world scare me?"

The angry Nian Beast didn't even bother to use the word "I".

"Nian Beast is not afraid of firecrackers?" Fu Li really didn't know about this, he turned his head to Zhuang Qing slightly, "Legends of the human world, lied to me?"

Zhuang Qing: "..."

"Forget it, this kind of thing is not important. You go and rescue those humans first. It seems that you still have a few breaths of life. I have caught this Nian Beast." It is not difficult for Fu Li to clean up a Nian Beast. The Nian Beast was bound firmly by the whip in his hand, and there was no other way but to scold people.

"As a dragon clan, you are actually in the same stream as a human being. You really lose all the face of the demon clan!" Nian Beast saw Fu Li and ignored him, and turned his head and started scolding Zhuang Qing, "If you are willing to kill this human being, I am willing to kill this human being. The most delicate heart and liver of human beings will be given to you."

Nian Beast rarely contacts the dragon clan, but he has heard the legend of the dragon clan. It is said that thousands of years ago, a demon cultivator presented the human heart and liver born on the seventh day of the seventh month to the Dragon King, and the Dragon King was delighted and gave him a very profound cultivation method.

Dragons have always looked down on humans. Why does this powerful dragon stay with humans

"Which country idiot is this from?" The crested ibis, who was already safe, shook the blood-stained hair on his body, "In this world, the world has long been in harmony, and you still want to eat people and monsters, why don't you eat yourself? "

"Ignorance bird, I'm talking to Long Jun, how can you interrupt me?" Although Nian Beast looks disgusting, he is still very sensible when he wants to please someone.

"I'm a national treasure!" The crested ibis fanned its wings, and several blood-stained wings fell on the snow.

"Eat this." Fu Li took out an elixir and threw it at the crested ibis. The crested ibis caught it with its claws and looked at Fu Li suspiciously, "What kind of medicine is this?"

"Don't worry, even though I'm from the countryside, this medicine won't kill you." Fu Li raised his eyebrows, his tone a bit light.

"Wocao, you rabbit is too careful, I'm scolding Nian Beast, not you." The crested ibis smelled the fragrance of the medicinal pill, swallowed it, and swallowed the medicinal pill into its belly.

Who would have thought that just after the medicinal pill entered his stomach, not only did most of his internal injuries heal, but even his cultivation began to improve. He couldn't help but ask, "What kind of medicine is this?"

"Qi-boosting pill." Fu Li didn't have time to deal with the crested ibis, so he was busy cleaning up the New Year beast so that he could go home to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

In the past few years, although he often hid in the house to watch the news broadcast, but because the year is very important to human beings, when the New Year comes, he will consciously avoid the time of human reunion.

This year was the first time he watched the Spring Festival Gala. After lunch, he took Uncle Feng and the king to Zhuang Qing's villa, and watched the TV until the party started. Now a beast of the Year appeared to disturb him, and he was in a good mood. Not so wonderful.

The fluttering three words "Qi-tonifying pill" scared the crested ibis so much that it almost didn't grab the branch and fell directly into the snow. He actually ate an expensive Qi-boosting pill just now.

He finally understood why so many human beings like to cry and beg to recognize their godfather. This unearned joy is simply too great.

No no no, as a national treasure, how can you have such a depraved and corrupt idea.

Hard work, self-reliance!

"You are not human?" Nian Beast found clues from the conversation between the two. He looked at Fu Li in horror, as if he was looking at a monster. How terrifying is the cultivation of a powerful monster without any demonic aura

"Does it matter if I'm human?" Fu Li took out the demon lock that was uniformly distributed by the management office and fastened it.

"Sorry, I'm late." A woman with long hair reaching her waist and a gentle expression walked out of the barrier. This woman's appearance is not gorgeous, and her eyes seem to be filled with the whole spring, warm and tolerant.

"Who are you?" Fu Li smelled a strong spiritual energy on this woman. She didn't look like a demon, but was closer to the "God" in human mouth.

But there is no god in the world, the so-called god is just some kind of spiritual body formed by human thoughts and worship.

"I have seen fellow Daoist." The woman gave Fu Li a gentle smile. This smile reminded Fu Li of the word mother. He had seen this kind of smile on the faces of many human mothers.

"The next day is called the first day of the new year." The woman named the first day of the new year explained her origin, "Humans believe that the first day of the new year is the beginning of all good hopes, so in ancient times, some emperors named me the god of spring, and fellow Taoists called me The first day is good.”

"The first day of the first year?" Fu Li slept for nearly two thousand years. He didn't know there was such an "artificial god" in the human world. He turned to look at Zhuang Qing. Zhuang Qing had already sent the comatose humans out of the barrier, even those two A frightened and silly child, and his memory was also erased by him, and he was happily playing with adults outside the barrier with fireworks sticks.

"Lord Long Jun, we haven't seen you for hundreds of years, are you alright?" On the first day of the first year, seeing Zhuang Qing coming in from outside the barrier, he stepped forward and bowed to Yingying.

"Everything is fine." Zhuang Qing glanced at the Nian beast caught by Fu Li, "Are you here for him?"

"Yes." Chu nodded, "The meaning of my existence is to drive away the vicious Nian beast and bring a peaceful new year to mankind."

The Nian Beast will never die. He will die every year, but when the New Year comes, he will be resurrected again. Nian beasts are born out of human desires and fears, and in the first day of the new year, they are born out of human hope, wisdom and bravery.

On the first day of the new year, he walked to Fu Li and saluted Fu Li, "If you have Lao Daojun, help me catch the Nian Beast."

When Nian Beast saw the first day of the new year, his face showed endless ridicule: "Sad Spring God, what if you kill me, I will be reborn by this time next year. As long as human beings have greedy desires, I will forever be Immortal."

"Where there is desire, there is pursuit, and where there is pursuit, there is hope." On the first day of the first year, she was not provoked by Nian Beast's words. She put her hand on top of Nian Beast's head, and Nian Beast roared and dissipated in her hand.

The beam demon was locked on the ground, as if the Nian beast had never existed.

After doing all this, Chu Yi smiled and looked at Fu Li: "Although it is the first time, I smelled the same kind of smell on fellow Daoists."

She was born from the human mind, and this demon with a profound cultivation in front of her probably also had a body through some kind of secret. A few hundred years ago, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was so thin that Nian Beast could not condense and form, and she had been sleeping between heaven and earth. For some unknown reason this year, the Nian beast was born again, and she could only support her body with insufficient spiritual energy to hunt down the Nian beast everywhere.

Humans no longer rely on the salvation of gods, and perhaps soon, she will disappear into the world and never exist again.

This fellow Daoist is different. After taking shape, he will no longer rely on the thoughts of other creatures to live, which is really good.

Thinking of this, the smile on the face of the first day was even more gentle: "I made a mistake in my words, please don't mind. Now that the beast has been eliminated this year, it is time for me to go back."

"You haven't seen the human world for a long time. I'll show you around with Zhuang Qing." Seeing the smile on Chu Yi's face, Fu Xin moved his head and turned to look at Zhuang Qing, "Okay, okay? Zhuang Xiaolong?"

"No need." The first day shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I can only last for one hour at most..."

"You can see a lot of things in one hour." Zhuang Qing walked to Fu Li's side and said expressionlessly, "Let's go."

Looking at the bright lights on the side of the road on the first day of the first year, the corners of my mouth moved, and after a while, I said, "Thank you."

The bright street lamps, the towering buildings, the cars and pedestrians everywhere, and the happy children in thick clothes, let the first day see a new world in the world.

There was no killing, no starvation, no wailing in pain, the whole world was prosperous like a dream, and it only took a poke to wake up.

"Can everyone... have meat today?"

"Yeah, most of the human beings in this country are living well, eating well and dressing warmly, but they still have a lot of little troubles." Fu Li nodded.

"It's good, it's good to be able to eat and wear warm clothes." On the first day of the first year, when a child fell on the side of the road, they wanted to reach out to help them, but the child's parents moved faster and carefully carried the child into their arms.

"The day I fell into a deep sleep, many children couldn't eat." On the first day of the school, he watched the family of three walk away with a smile, and the slight smile at the corners of his eyes couldn't be concealed. "It's so good now."

A beggar in dirty clothes stood at the door. Several young people stuffed a big bag of food into his hands. The beggar smiled and said Happy New Year.

Brightly dressed young man, laughing and running away.

"Are they the children of nobles?"

"No, they are just a few of many ordinary young people." Fu Li shook his head. "There are many young people like this in this country. Of course, there are also not so good children."

At the beginning, she just smiled, almost reluctant to blink. She wanted to see more of the world, even if it was just one more glance, it would be good.

Fu Li and Zhuang Qing brought the first day of the first year to the main square. People came and went in the square. Boys and girls walked together holding hands, and they were very affectionate.

"Can they do this?" On the first day of the first year, he looked at a couple hugging in the distance, with shock but no curiosity in his eyes.

"Freedom of love does not require the words of a matchmaker ordered by your parents." Zhuang Qing turned to look at Fu Li, who was staring at the big screen beside him. "Most people have the opportunity to choose their own path."

On the first day of the first day, I remembered that a long, long time ago, there was a little girl over ten years old who was married by her parents to a man she did not love. After marriage, she was beaten and scolded by the man, and finally jumped into the cold lake on the eve of the night.

She had no choice but to endure or die.

"That's good." Chu nodded, "It's really good."

This night, she seemed to have nothing else to say except to say yes. This world is not perfect, but many of them are very good. They are well fed and warmly dressed. Whether they are women or men, they have the freedom to choose.

She stayed in the square for a long time on the first day of the new year. She was interested in the sculptures on the square and the neon lights on the books. Even the big screen was novel in her eyes.

"Try these." Fu Li brought a lot of bags over with a lot of snacks. Roasted sweet potatoes, marshmallows, candied chestnuts, cookies, chocolate, melon seeds, peanuts, and more.

"Thank you." The first day of the first day took over the snacks, with a warm smile.

An hour is equal to two hours, and two hours is a long time, but a very short time. When the hour hand was about to point to eight, the first day of the first year stood up from the public chair and said with a smile, "This year, I can't accompany humans to keep the year old."

Fu Li took out an elixir from the Qiankun bag and handed it to the first day of the first day: "I have a soul congealing pill here, you may be able to last a while after eating it."

"No need." The first day smiled and shook his head, "The land in this country is too big, and I want to see too much. But I know that this country is no longer starved, and the wars continue, so I feel at ease. I will wait until next year, next year. When you come out, you can accompany me to see other places, okay?"

Zhuang Qing nodded silently.

Fu Li read the address of Zhuang Qing's villa, "We live here. When you wake up next year, you must come to us."

The first day smiled and nodded, if she could wake up.

"Longjun and fellow Daoists have such a good relationship." She spread out her palm on the first day, and a transparent ice-like object lay in her palm, "This is Chunyu, a gadget condensed with human hopes and blessings, although it's nothing. Useful, but better than looks."

She put Chunyu in Fu Li's palm and winked playfully at him: "This is your reward for inviting me to eat snacks."

At this moment, Fu Li saw the vitality and vitality of spring in her.

Fu Li didn't know whether to accept this gift or not, so he glanced at Zhuang Qing secretly. Zhuang Qing's expression was a little complicated, and she nodded slightly to Fu Li.

"Thank you." Holding Chunyu tightly, Fu Li got up and said, "I'll take you home. Welcome to our house next year."

On the first day of the first year, her body has gradually become transparent, and even human beings have passed through her body, but no one can see her and do not know that spring has come.

On the first day of the first year, I knew that this was not going home, but falling asleep because of lack of spiritual energy. But this kind of gentle statement made her laugh happily, "Okay, I'll definitely come when I have a chance. I'm just going home. Please stay here, you don't have to send it any more."

Her figure was getting thinner and lighter, but within a few minutes, only a vague outline remained, and Fu Li could vaguely see that she was smiling.

"When I met Long Jun back then, Long Jun was still alone. It's really fortunate to see Long Jun like this now. When I meet the two Jun in the next year, it will be spring blossoms and golden autumn fruits."

On the first day of the Spring God, the people in the square were laughing and making noise. No one knew that she had come and disappeared quietly.

"It's snowing again!"

A child shouted, Fu Li raised his head, and the snowflakes fluttered and fell silently.

"Let's go." Zhuang Qing looked at Fu Li.

"Where to?" Fu Li stood blankly, his eyes a little blank.

"Don't you want to go to the Spring Festival Gala?" Zhuang Qing grabbed his hand, "It's only eight o'clock, so you can still watch it for a long time."

Fu Li's tone was a little dull: "But I don't want to go back right away."

Zhuang Qing paused, "Then I'll walk with you." She just held Fu Li's hand, but did not let go.

"Okay." Fu Li nodded and grabbed Zhuang Qing's hand, without the slightest discomfort. Anyway, Zhuang Qing is already his dragon, it doesn't matter how you hold hands.

Zhuang Qing looked back at Fu Li, who was unaware, and frowned slightly.

He is willing to let him hold, does it mean that he is not disgusted with his approach? Does it mean that one day, he will become his Taoist companion

"The snow falls all over the head, and the white head is brought together." A girl pushed away the umbrella that the boy held for her, "No umbrella."

"Even if it doesn't snow, we can still reach Baishou. But if you get sick, I will be worried." The boy hurriedly covered his umbrella and whispered to his girlfriend, "Don't be like the two buddies next to you, they are strong and strong. , antifreeze."

The two buddies next to me. Fu Li and Zhuang Qing:…

"Are they a couple?" The girl's voice was even lower. "But they look so good together."

The boy wanted to turn his head to look a few more times, but his girlfriend turned his head back: "Don't look too much, it's not good to embarrass others."

"I just want to see what kind of man dares to stand under pressure, not be afraid of people's words outside, and walk hand in hand." The boy whispered, but he didn't look back, maybe because he was afraid of his girlfriend Angry, I still don't want to embarrass Zhuang Qing and Fu Li.

Their voices were indeed very small, but they didn't know that the two buddies who followed were not humans, but demons, and their hearing was much better than that of ordinary humans.

Watching the couple go away, Fu Li was thoughtful. It seemed that he and Zhuang Xiaolong were a natural match. When they walked outside casually, some people said they were a good match.

However, Zhuang Qing's cultivation base is so high, the weather is cold today, and his palms are still sweating. Could it be that the time for successful transformation is too short, and the spiritual energy in the body is still a little unstable

"Ah!" In the crowd next to him, a girl suddenly screamed, "Zhuang Dong and the little assistant!"

"Where?" The companions turned around one after another, and after seeing Zhuang Qing and Fu Li, they covered their mouths, some couldn't believe their eyes.

Do rich people like them when they go out for a walk

The screaming girl realized how rude she was screaming just now. She blushed and apologized to Fu Li and Zhuang Qing: "Yes, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Fu Li said with a smile, "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year." Seeing that Fu Li didn't blame her, the blushing girl stammered, "You and Zhuang Dong are both happy."

"Thank you for your blessing." Fu Li was amused by the girl's actions.

"That..." Fu Li's easy-going attitude gave the girl stronger courage and asked a question that many netizens wanted to ask themselves, "Are you and Zhuang Dong really together?"

Zhuang Qing's palm tightened, and she turned to look at Fu Li, the expression on her face as stiff as a stone carving.

Fu Li raised his hands with Zhuang Qing: "Yes, we are together."

"Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations." The small shop on the street played old songs on shabby stereos. The sound was so loud, so loud, that Zhuang Qing's ears rumbled.

"It's really good news once winter is over."

Is there something wrong with him

"Haohao's ice and snow melt, and I can see the plum blossoms spit."

Zhuang Qing blinked, snowflakes drifted into his eyes, a little painful, a little cold, and a little astringent.

"Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations."

Holding hands, warm and strong, this is about... Is it true

Zhuang Qing stared blankly at Fu Li, and listened blankly to the strange human girl congratulating him.

What did he seem to say, what did he say


He just didn't know who to thank.

The author has something to say: The world is singing congratulations for you.