Don’t Discriminate Against Species

Chapter 25: Peace Branch


Seeing that it was Fu Li who opened the door, Zhang Ke desperately winked at him and told him not to come in at this time. This is the benefactor who rescued him and gave him the demon whip. At this moment of tension, don't pull him into this kind of chaotic battle.

However, Fu Li didn't seem to understand the meaning of the corners of his twitching eyes. He pushed open the door and walked in, ignoring several Qinglongs who were constantly holding Longwei, and said to Zhang Ke, "I'll get the registration form."

"What, what registration form?" When Zhang Ke opened his mouth, he felt that all the creatures in the room were looking at him.

"It's the new recruiting registration form from your management office." Fu Li wanted to get closer to the desk, but when he saw an old dragon standing in front of him, he said, "Old man, move to the side, you are blocking my way. "

Chu Yu, who came in behind Fu Li, shrank his neck, tried his best to hide himself behind Xu Yuan, and whispered, "Benefactor, come to me."

Although I don't know how high the benefactor's cultivation is, it is unwise to think of one enemy against four dragons.

Qing Yuan raised his head and glanced at Fu Li, without speaking or moving. Fu Li looked down at him, waiting for him to move his chair away.

Qingyuan didn't move, and Fuli didn't move either. Four eyes met, it was a wordless confrontation.

Suddenly, Zhuang Qing, who was standing beside him, moved. He stretched out his arm and pulled Fu Li behind him at a very fast speed. With the other hand, he spread his fist into the palm, and took the Arctic ice that suddenly hit Qingyuan. palm. Where the palms are opposite, the ice exudes a faint blue light.

What the hell!

Zhang Ke was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and the Qinglong people were too insidious.

"Elder Qingyuan's habit has not changed for many years." Zhuang Qing put Fu Li behind him and did not give in, "It's admirable."

"Junior is rude, I teach him some rules, you also want to protect it?" Qing Yuan withdrew his hand when he saw that he missed a hit, "Your management office is really incompetent, even this kind of little monster is recruited to protect it. Now, it seems that you didn't have a good time without our Dragon Clan."

Damn, this map cannon is a bit big. Zhang Ke cursed inwardly, and turned to look at Chu Yu, Lin Gui and other aquatic monster cultivators, and their expressions didn't seem very good.

"Whether it's a human or a monster, as long as they live on this land, I will protect them." Zhuang Qing seemed to be standing casually, but he was actually guarding the few blue dragons present, "I have never belonged to the dragon clan, I just Not to mention the words of leaving the dragon clan, the blood of the dragon clan is noble, and I, Zhuang Qing, can't stand tall."

Standing behind Zhuang Qing, Fu Li, who was guarded by Zhuang Qing, showed a bit of sympathy. It seems that this half-blood dragon was bullied by his fellow clan in the early years, and he was bullied badly.

"How can Zhuang Qinglong say that, although your bloodline is not pure, you can be regarded as a member of my Dragon Clan." Qing Yan smiled, "It stands to reason that you are the only descendant of the Golden Dragon Clan, I shouldn't say more, but Jin You are the only one left in the dragon clan now, I am the same generation as you, and I am a thousand years older than you, so I have to replace the elders of the golden dragon clan and ask you to teach the elders and youngest of the dragon clan."

"Dragon has seven colors, and the golden dragon is respected. You have a green dragon, how can you teach the rules of the golden dragon." Fu Li stuck out a head from behind Zhuang Qing, like a little demon who had Zhuang Qing's backing and made a big deal." Jin Chi Zi Bai Xuan Lan Qing, you are the last in line. The last one in the class teaches how to solve the problem, isn't this a joke?"

The creatures in the room were amazed, the dragons still have such ranking rules, why haven't they heard of it? Ren Xiu peeked at the only ocean-type monster in the room, Xiu Xiu Lin Gui. Lin Gui shook his head slightly. He didn't know the seniority of the dragon clan.

"Nonsense!" A relatively young Qinglong said angrily, "In the entire dragon clan, only my Qinglong clan has the most descendants, and most of the entire Shenzhou water system is in charge of my Qinglong clan. You actually say that my Qinglong clan is the last?!"

Fu Li couldn't believe it, he pulled the shirt on La Zhuangqing's back: "Is what he said true?"

Zhuang Qing nodded silently.

Fu Li: "That's really three thousand years of Hedong and three thousand years of Hexi. Thousands of years ago, your Jinlong family was the most beautiful and most beautiful, and was worshiped by generations of emperors. King Ganghya often told us that the golden dragons are iron-beaten, and the emperors are like flowing water. , you guys have a good hand, how did you get mixed up like this?"

Zhuang Qing: …

Is it time to despise the low fertility rate of their Golden Dragons

The two young Qinglongs were furious, but the expressions of Qingyuan and Qingyan showed a bit of solemnity. Thousands of years ago, it was indeed the Golden Dragon Clan that was the most beautiful.

However, due to a huge submarine catastrophe more than 2,000 years ago, many dragons were buried under the sea, and the weakest Qinglongs survived the most. So even though the Qinglong clan suffered a huge blow 1,900 years ago, which caused several elders to die in depression, the only one who survived was hiding in the Dragon Palace all these years and never saw him again. They had been outsiders, but no one used it to laugh at them.

Relying on the power of dragons, their Qinglong family has gradually mastered the right to speak of the dragon family over the years. Not many cultivators know that Qinglong was once the bottom of the dragon family, and the monsters who knew it could not escape from the world, and would not care about it. kind of idle business.

So who is this little demon who is being guarded by Zhuang Qing to know such an old thing

They are not afraid of offending this kind of little monster, but they are afraid that they will beat the young and the old, and offend the big monster who can't escape the world. The Qinglong tribe left an ancestral motto two thousand years ago, not to easily provoke a monster who looks ordinary but has a lot of courage.

Qing Yan smiled and bowed his hands to Fuli: "I don't know which senior your teacher is from, but if you are a junior, you should go to meet him."

Fu Li ignored the beautifully smiling Qinglong, and retracted his head back to Zhuang Qing's back. His posture was clearly, "I'll come when I'm addicted to my mouth, and let Zhuang Qing go to the fight."

"Stand back." Zhuang Qing noticed that the four-headed blue dragons had already stood in four directions, he transmitted his voice to Fu Lidao, "I'll lead them out of the management office later, you stay with Chu Yu. Chu Yu With the blessing of Taoist luck on his body, the cultivator dare not take his life."

"No, isn't it a society governed by the rule of law now? Why would a fight start if there is a disagreement?" Fu Li asked, "Is it illegal to fight with an ordinary demon like me?"

"What time is it, you still have the time to tell me this, hide away. If you have a good demon certificate on your body, our management office will protect you for a day." Zhuang Qing picked up Fu Li with his backhand and threw him to the side. Beside Chu Yu, he turned his head to the four-headed Qinglong and said, "This is not the place to talk, how about you talk to me in another place?"

Qing Yuan didn't speak, he just looked at Qing Yan.

Qing Yan, who smiled like a spring breeze, turned his head to look at Fu Li, who was standing with Chu Yu, raised his hand and made a please gesture: "Zhuang Qinglong, please."

At four o'clock in the afternoon, passers-by took shelter because of the thunderstorm, and the supermarket was crowded with people taking shelter from the rain. Everyone was talking about the recent weather.

"I don't know what's going on recently. When it says thunder, it's thunder, and when it says hail, it's hail."

"The weather forecast is never accurate."

"Maybe it was the Dragon King fighting, and we all suffered together."

"If there really is a dragon, we don't hurry to make a wish, maybe the wish will come true."

In the heavy rain, a beautiful woman in a red dress and stiletto heels walked slowly with an antique umbrella of a lady's figure. The man walking beside her was wearing a black t-shirt, and even the umbrella was a black-gray plaid cloth umbrella that had no aesthetics at all. The two were like people from two worlds, but standing together, it seemed that they would not let her go. People are so surprised.

"The rain is a little heavy." Chaoyun stretched out his hand to pick up a few drops of rain, and the crystal rain fell down her fingers. She shook it: "It seems that a master has opened the barrier."

Sometimes when practitioners rely on force to solve problems, they are afraid of being discovered by ordinary humans, so they open the barrier and go to the sky to fight.

"En." Ning Xuan raised his head and glanced, but suddenly he stopped and looked around, "I seem to sense something."

"What?" Chaoyun was a little interested.

Ning Xuan didn't answer her, turned around and walked towards a community that looked a little old. Chaoyun hesitated for a moment, then turned around and followed.

There was no popularity in the cold room. There was a cat lying on the sofa in the living room. When he saw them coming in, he barked.

"Shh." Chaoyun said to the cat, "We are from the Cultivation Management Office, and there is no malicious intent."

Although this cat can't be transformed into a human form, it has cultivated spiritual consciousness and knows the existence of the management office, so it cannot be regarded as an ordinary animal. Sure enough, after she said those words, the cat didn't meow anymore, just stared at them with round eyes, monitoring their every move.

"I found it." Ning Xuan found something about the size of a fingernail from under the table. It looked like a piece of garbage that fell on the ground at random.

"What's this?" Chaoyun smelled the stuff on the fingernail, and there was a very magical smell, which seemed to be able to calm the mind and wash away the depression from the body.

But soon this piece of thing turned into nothingness in Ning Xuan's hands, and in the end there was not even a trace of ashes left.

"I once heard a rumor that some people learned the art of slaughtering dragons, and then killed evil dragons in the West Sea, and made incense with the dragon's horns, which can ward off evil spirits and relieve pain, but when they meet metal, they will be transformed." Ning Xuan is a famous sword in ancient times. He succeeded, so this kind of thing was quickly melted into his hands. "This kind of thing was originally called Longjiaoxiang, but for some reason, maybe it didn't want to arouse the dissatisfaction of the Dragon Clan, so it was renamed Heianzhi."

"Pulverize the dragon horns to make incense?" Chaoyun thought this was a bit absurd. The dragon horns were so strong, how could someone grind them into powder.

"There is also a saying that using dragon horns and dragon scales as a guide, making incense, after burning incense, can illuminate the way to life for the souls that have not been reincarnated for a long time, and bless the souls of safe and smooth future lives, so it is called Ping'an Branch."

Chaoyun was stunned by this statement, and asked after a long time, "How did you know such a secret thing?"

"I saw it in a fairy tale novel." Ning Xuan clapped his hands, his serious face didn't look like someone who was addicted to novels at all, "This fragrance is very special, maybe it's this Ping An branch. Woolen cloth."

"Haha." Chaoyun sneered, she knew it was all nonsense.

Knowing that Chaoyun was despising his whims, Ning Xuan coughed dryly, "Let's take this cat to register with the Demon League, lest he be accepted as an evil demon."

The author has something to say:

Fu Li: I can only talk, come on, Picaron!