Don’t Discriminate Against Species

Chapter 75: Misunderstand


"Why don't you two run quickly?" An aunt with vegetables pointed to the entrance of the alley, "Be careful that the city officials will catch you."

Only then did Fu Li know that stalls are not allowed here. When he saw the crowd here, he thought it was a free trade market. Wasn't it

He picked up two buckets with one hand, grabbed Zhuang Qing with the other, and ran wild. Under the watchful eyes of the public, you really can't use any tricks to hide your eyes, otherwise it may not be worse than being haunted.

"Oh, young people are really good physically." The aunt looked at the backs of the two fleeing frantically, and turned to her daughter, who accompanies her to the street to buy food. In order to save a few dollars in market management fees, the stalls sell vegetables, and they have to hide from the city management.”

"However, the clothes on them are famous brands." The daughter felt that she should defend the two handsome guys, "Maybe they came to set up a stall just to experience life?"

"You can pull it down, who knows if it's the real thing or a fake." The aunt watched the city management officers chasing in the direction of the two handsome guys running away, "You don't watch some boring TV shows, there is no one in this world to be bored. Rich people, come to kill fish and sell them for money, don't you think fish is dirty?"

"The first two, stop!"

The chengguan tried his best to suck the milk, but he didn't catch up with Fu Li and Zhuang Qing, he panted against the wall and complained, "With such good physical strength, I don't go to the track and field team, I run here to set up a stall, my brain is sick. what."

The speed of running was too fast, the water in the bucket was scattered all over the ground, Fu Li turned his head and saw that the city management had been left far behind, pulled Zhuang Qing to hide behind the wall, looked down to see that the fish in the bucket were still there, and not yet. Died, he breathed a sigh of relief: "That's great."

Zhuang Qing did not speak with a sullen face, because he was speechless. For so many years, he has traveled from south to north to the sky and into the sea. He has never seen anything, and has never experienced any crisis, but this is the first time he has been chased by the city management in such an embarrassing manner.

"It turns out that there is no stall there, let's change the place." Fu Li conjured a few leaves and threw them into the bucket of fish, "This time there will be absolutely no problem."



Zhuang Qing pulled out her hand and said with a stern face, "What does it look like when two men hold hands?"

His palms were hot and sweaty. Uncomfortably twisting his face, he felt very embarrassed by how he looked at the moment, although he didn't know why he had such strange thoughts.

"I forgot about this." Fu Li smiled, "I saw you stunned and didn't respond, so I dragged you away."

"Let's go."

"where to?"

"Take you to a place where you can set up a stall."

From some remote corner of the Free Farmers Market, every now and then there is a roar of applause.

In the flickering silver light, the fat and tender fish turned into fish fillets in the blink of an eye, and automatically flew into the plastic food bag containing the fish. Fish scales and fish entrails piled up into a hill in the corner, showing the booming business.

"Your fish." Zhuang Qing put down the knife, wiped his hand on the cloth, and handed the fish to the elder brother who was buying the vegetables.

"Handsome guy, you can become a professional chef as a knife worker. It's too unprofessional to kill fish in the market." The elder brother took the pocket and glanced at Fu Li who was clumsily weighing the fish next to him, "This kind of thing, you alone People can do it, and there is no need for a partner.”

"Chenghui, a total of eighty-nine yuan and five." Zhuang Qing was expressionless.

"Forget the five cents at the back."

After weighing, Fu Li was about to nod when he was interrupted by Zhuang Qing: "It's not easy to make some money for a small business."

"Hey, how can you do this kind of business, I won't come to you to buy it next time." The elder brother who bought fish reluctantly took out a hundred yuan, and Zhuang Qing got ten yuan and fifty cents back.

When the man was gone, Fu Li handed the weighed fish to Zhuang Qing: "It's not that good, I don't have to accept fifty cents."

"Others can do it, but he can't." Zhuang Qing removed scales, and the clean and tidy fingers were stained with dirty fish blood and scales.

"He doesn't suit you?"

Zhuang Qing lowered his head and said nothing.

"That really shouldn't be saved." Fu Li nodded, "We're not used to him."

The two of them are outstanding in appearance, the fish they sell is fat and tender, and the price is fair. In addition, Zhuang Qing's superb knife skills have attracted the attention of too many passers-by, and the fish sold out quickly. Fu Li squatted on the ground and counted the money several times, and happily said to Zhuang Qing, "We made a lot of money."

Zhuang Qing just came back from washing her hands when she saw Fu Li smiling so much that her eyes narrowed: "So happy?"

"Of course, let's go, let's eat crayfish." Fu Li took out a few big tickets, "We donate this."

"Who to donate to?"

"There is a nutritious meal for children in poverty-stricken mountainous areas now, and we will donate it there." Fu Li put the money roll bar into his coat pocket, "What do you think?"

Zhuang Qing nodded.

At the rescue station, Zhuang Qing looked at the pictures of the children on the wall. Many children have big eyes, thin faces, and bright smiles.

While Fu Li was going to the toilet, Zhuang Qing found the person in charge and gave him a check for two million. Only then did a few people in charge recognize that this was the boss of Chimelong Biotechnology Company. The other party was full of fishy smells and dressed casually. They would not be able to connect him with the usual elite appearance in suits and leather shoes for a while. .

When he came out of the toilet, Fu Li found that Zhuang Qing was gone. After walking around the hall, he saw a few people walking out of a small room with a smile on their faces and accompanying Zhuang Qing.

Zhuang Qing made a gesture of no more sending to the people in charge, and strode in front of Fu Li: "What are you doing standing there, don't you want to eat lobster?"

"You know them?" Fu Li and Zhuang Qing walked side by side, "Does our business really make money?"

"If you don't make money, how can there be so many welfare and assistance policies in the cultivation world?" Zhuang Qing put his hand in his trouser pocket, "There is such a balance between the cultivation world and the human world now. Apart from everyone's desire for peace, another point is that Our cultivation world can do things that humans cannot."

Fu Li recalled that when he was working at Yuanyue Hotel, many girls liked the skin care products and cosmetics produced by Chimelong, but because the products were relatively expensive, they often just said a few words to make them addicted, and occasionally bought one or two pieces.

No wonder it is so highly regarded, this is the maintenance experience of countless demon repairers and ghost repairers for countless years, and the product effect is of course satisfactory.

When the two were still eating lobster in the store, a video streamed on the Internet, and the name of the video was taken as "The Most Handsome Killing Fish".

In the video, the man who kills the fish is arrogant and handsome, with handsome facial features, and the action of killing the fish is neat and neat. In the current era of male sex consumption, videos are quickly being reposted in large numbers online.

When the information management department of the management office saw this video, the first reaction was that there are people in the world who look so similar to the boss. But when they saw that the man next to him looked exactly like Fu Li, they knew that this was not a coincidence, this was the boss.

I really didn't expect the boss to save to such a degree that he still sells fish to make money during the holidays. But if you sell fish to make money by yourself, why should you take Brother Fu as a coolie? You can't treat others as free labor just because Brother Fu is good at talking, right

They didn't know what to do with this video, so they had to report to their superiors, and the report was transferred to Zhang Ke. After Zhang Ke secretly scolded Zhuang Qing for being Ge Langtai, he pushed the report to Chu Yu.

Chu Yu watched the entire video, and the three views of the whole fish were shattered. The boss is really doing anything for money now. He goes to sell fish during the holidays. This is good. The demon has been thrown into the entire network, and I don’t know if other cultivators have seen it.

He thought about it for a while, and declared to the public that the boss and Brother Fu were lurking in the free trade market by pretending to be selling fish in order to catch a team of thieves. For this reason, they don't believe it inside the management office, but the outside world still likes it.

Who would have thought that the boss of Tangtang's management office would go out to sell fish to make extra money.

The Cultivation World had just ordered a solution, but the Internet in the Human World exploded first, because some netizens discovered that the fish-seller with lightning-fast knife skills was the boss of Chimelong Company, a world-famous company.

At first, some netizens thought it was nonsense, but after a professional face comparison of netizens, it was found that the one who was squatting in the vegetable market to kill fish was really the boss of Chimelong Company, and the one who sold fish with him seemed to be an employee of his company.

Netizen A: The boss is more skilled than the employees in killing fish. An employee who cannot kill fish is not a good employee.

Netizen B: I thought that the fish-related hobby of rich people was fishing, but I didn’t expect that I still had too little knowledge. It turns out that the real rich people’s hobby is killing and selling fish.

Netizen C: The netizens who eat melons at the scene said that some customers discussed with Boss Zhuang whether they can erase the fraction. Boss Zhuang also said that there is no small business, and it can't be less. The dignified boss of Chimelong is so down-to-earth. I think he can make a lot of money just by selling fish even if he is not the boss of Chimelong.

Netizen Ding: Only I think that the clumsy buddy next to me who calls me fish is more like a boss? Killing fish was the dirtiest and most tiring job, and the boss did it.

Netizen B: Maybe the owner of Zhuang likes to kill and sell fish. After seeing that knife technique, he has practiced it.

"People use swords, of course they have practiced." Zhang Ke threw his phone on the table, looked at his junior brother practicing boxing outside the yard, leaned on the window and said, "Junior brother, does every tiger monster roar? Shanlin's trick?"

"Of course." Wei Cang put away his fists and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "For example, the fox's charm, the tiger's roar, the dragon's might, etc. are all innate."

"Is there a tiger demon that can't roar in the mountains and forests?"

"Impossible." Wei Cang said decisively, "unless he is not a tiger at all."

In a dense forest in the north, a huge piebald tiger jumped out of the cave. He shook the fur on his body and let out a majestic roar. He practiced for nearly three hundred years and finally succeeded.

When he goes to the world, there will definitely be an endless supply of suckling pigs, cattle and sheep!

But when he finally ran out of the jungle, he was frightened by the speeding iron box on the road. What is this

Some of the drivers who were driving seemed to have seen him as well, and soon someone called the police, saying that a tiger had been found somewhere.

Three hours later, a tiger who believed that his cultivation was strong and could go to the human world to eat cows, sheep and even boys and girls was successfully brought down by anesthesia.