Don’t Discriminate Against Species

Chapter 83: fortunately


This kid is really handsome.

Withdrawing his gaze month by month, he said to Fu Li, "I'm going to clean up the kitchen. After you and your friends clean up, go back."

Fu Li moved the corners of his lips, but did not say anything against it.

The dining room of the Golden Dragon Palace is very clean. There are some ingredients on the shelf. There is a broken jade bowl in the corner. After two thousand years, no one has come to clean it up. With a flick of his sleeve every month, the broken jade bowl lay in the waste basket.

I walked around the pantry month by month and found a lot of strange places. The Golden Dragon Palace did not look like it was gradually declining, but more like the dragon living in it was suddenly severely damaged, so the entire palace still maintained its most glorious appearance. period furnishings.

"Aunt Zhuyue." Zhuang Qing stood at the door and looked at Yueyue calmly, "I don't know this palace, are you satisfied?"

"Your injury is just right, why did you come here?" Zhu Yueyue turned to look at Zhuang Qing with a smile on his face, "As expected of the place where the Golden Dragon Clan lives, it really does matter."

"If Auntie doesn't dislike it, you can stay here temporarily." Zhuang Qing observed the expression on Zhuyue's face, "I don't know what Auntie thinks."

"As an elder, I'm not going to take advantage of your younger generation. I appreciate your kindness." Month by month, he put away the herbs he put in the kitchen.

"In that case, as an elder, why should aunt lie to Fu Li?"

Zhuyue looked at Zhuang Qing in surprise, the other side was expressionless, which reminded her of the auspicious beast Canglong that had not yet disappeared. At that time, Canglong guarded the east of the earth and was worshipped by countless creatures. These creatures often used the image of Canglong as totems and worshipped Canglong every year.

Later, as Canglong appeared less and less in the world, gradually human beings passed down the divine beasts guarding the heaven and earth as Qinglong, White Tiger, Xuanwu, Suzaku. The dragons in the Dragon Palace are also embarrassed to proclaim themselves descendants of the divine beast Qinglong.

"What do you mean by that?" The smile on Zhuyue's face faded, and her eyebrows stood upright.

"In Fu Li, you are his most respected and closest elders. He believes everything you say." Zhuang Qing stepped over the threshold and stood five steps away from Yue Yue, "But you really didn't lie. him?"

From month to month, I can see that this golden dragon is not an impulsive character. She has a life-saving grace for him. With the character of the other party, she should not do such behaviors as running to the pantry to question her. The look in the other's eyes that saw through everything made Yueyue a little uncomfortable, and she looked away.

"You are still too young, there are some things, not knowing is better than knowing."

"Fu Li is not a child, he has the right to choose to know the truth." Zhuang Qing thought about Fu Li's stupid temper when he first came into contact with the human world, and felt wronged for him for no reason, "You gave him the simplest living environment, and then let him Accepting the difference from you without warning. Have you ever thought about what he would do if he did not hide in a cave and sleep in the past two thousand years, but encountered a human with a vicious mind?"

Possessing strange treasures, with a simple personality, it is still light to be deceived by others.

Thinking of these possibilities, Zhuang Qing couldn't hide the anger in his heart. He sneered: "Senior has a high cultivation base, and the junior dare not guess your real body for no reason, but are you really a pheasant?"

Zuyue said with a sullen face: "Junior, you are too rude."

The powerful pressure caused Zhuang Qing to sweat coldly on his forehead, as if his body was pressing down on a mountain, and he almost fell to his knees.

"It's not good for children to know too much about adults." Zhuyue smiled, "You are very smart, and you are very loyal to friends. I am happy for Xiaoli to make friends like you. But we still don’t need outsiders to intervene in our own affairs.”

She sighed and looked at this younger generation who had a pale face, but did not take a step back, and did not even show fear. Instead, she looked at him a little higher. Thousands of years ago, if she had resorted to this trick, she would not have known it. How many demon cultivators knelt down and called her king.

"There are some truths, it is for his own good not to let him know." Yueyue put away the pressure and put her hands behind her back, "I am relieved to see that Xiaoli is living a good life now."

"It is said that Lord Suzaku, who is stationed on the side of heaven and earth, carries the real fire of the five elements. She can dispel all grievances in heaven and earth and bring auspiciousness to the world." Zhuang Qing asked back, "I dare to ask Aunt Zhuyue, is this rumor true or false?"

The pantry became deadly silent.

"Five thousand years ago, it was true, but now it is false." Yue Yue was silent for a long time, looking at the small garden outside the window, "Heaven and earth no longer need the guard of Suzaku, so this world does not need the existence of Suzaku."

"Junior understands." Zhuang Qing took a step back and gave Zhu Yue a deep bow, "Junior retire."

He stepped back step by step until he left the pantry, then turned around and walked outside.

Standing on the threshold of Yue Yue, watching this young demon stride out of the yard, he suddenly laughed, Fu Xiaoli was lucky to be friends with this little boy. He clearly guessed her real body, and dared to come and question her, to feel injustice for Fu Xiaoli, this is a rare feeling.

"Have you found what you want?" Seeing Zhuang Qing coming back, Fu Li saw that he was empty-handed, thinking that he had put the things in the Qiankun bag, and said, "Is there anything else you want to take away?"

Looking at the happy smile on Fu Li's face, Zhuang Qing shook his head silently.


A vermilion bird came over with a letter in its mouth. Fu Li stretched out his hand, and the bird fell into his palm, turning into a red feather. Fu Li opened the letter, and after reading it, a bit of disappointment appeared on his face.

"What's the matter?" Zhuang Qing frowned when she saw that he was holding the envelope and holding the envelope and didn't speak.

"It's alright." Fu Li shook his head and said with his head lowered, "Sister Zhuyue left a letter saying that she has already left."

"You do not want… "

"I'm not sad." Fu Li guessed what Zhuang Qing was going to say, "I'm very happy to know that they are still alive."

"There is a saying in the human world that good deeds are rewarded with good deeds." Fu Li put away the feathers and letters, "After I go back, I will study hard, try to be admitted as a civil servant as soon as possible, serve the people, do more good deeds, accumulate more merits, maybe I'll be able to meet other elders soon."

Zhuang Qing felt that the persuasive words she had just thought were useless at all, because Fu Li, who cherished the dream of being a civil servant, had lofty and lofty goals. He was stunned for a while, then nodded and said, "You're right, come on."

"But we call Senior Zhuyue Auntie, and you call Senior Sister Sister, isn't it wrong?" Zhuang Qing felt that Fu Li was taking advantage of them.

"That's right." Fu Li said confidently, "I'm 2,200 years older than you and still a fraction of that, so you can call me uncle."

Zhuang Qing said with a small smile, "Really?"

Seeing Zhuang Qing's expression, Fu Li immediately changed his words: "Of course, since we have such a good relationship, we don't need to pay attention to those unflexible rules.

"Who has a good relationship with you?" Zhuang Qing's eyes fell on Fu Li's thin white neck, and she hurriedly retracted her gaze, her cheeks burning hot, "No matter how nice you say, I won't give the salary deducted this year. You send it back."

"I'm the kind of person who bends over for money?" Fu Li put his arms around Zhuang Qing's shoulders, looking like two brothers: "I know you guys are awkward, so I won't joke with you. However, this time things, thank you."

"Don't think too much, as long as you're an employee of the management office, I'll take good care of you." Zhuang Qing, who was lying on his shoulders by Fu Li, was stiff, like a big rock was tied around his waist, and he started with the same hands and feet. .

Fu Li just smiled, Zhuang Qing turned his head inadvertently, and suddenly felt that there was a star in Fu Li's eyes, it was very shining, and it was very beautiful.

Yutu was taken away month by month, but the waves he caused still affected Linhai City. The residents of the lower floors near the sea were notified by the relevant departments in the middle of the night and all avoided the higher ground. Fortunately, the relevant local departments responded quickly. Although the sudden high tide caused some property damage, there were no casualties.

For the security department, this is the best result they expected. Which natural disaster did not cause property damage, not to mention the crisis that happened this time, it almost caused the entire Linhai City to fall.

When the Linhai Meteorological Bureau received the notification from the superiors, they felt that the superiors were making trouble unreasonably. They checked the weather in Linhai every day, and there was no sign of a tsunami at all. However, their superiors also forced them to issue an emergency evacuation notice. They were both aggrieved and helpless. It took a long time for the two sides to argue before they sent the notice. Thinking of their colleagues who had been scolded by netizens in several other areas before, they can already imagine the horrific image of them being scolded tomorrow morning.

Unexpectedly, the tsunami happened in the middle of the night. Fortunately, all departments have already made emergency rescue preparations. Otherwise, with the sudden momentum of the tsunami, I don’t know how much the common people will suffer.

On the Internet, citizens of Linhai City have already praised the relevant local departments for timely disaster relief, and how the meteorological bureau predicted it. Officers and soldiers carried the citizens to safety in the middle of the night, the staff of the neighborhood committee knocked on the door one by one in the middle of the night, and the citizens spontaneously rescued their neighbors by kayaks. All kinds of touching photos were also posted on the Internet, which aroused praise.

Some netizens said that when he got off work at night, he saw many animals running away, saying that these animals must have sensed natural disasters and escaped in advance. Some people say that this is pseudoscience, and some people say that animals are better at sensing nature than humans. Netizens have debated this issue for a long time. In the end, other netizens felt that Linhai City suffered a natural disaster, but netizens are still arguing about these issues online. It was really immoral, and everyone died.

Peng Hang looked at some pictures on the Internet about animals running around in Linhai City, and felt his chin in thought. It seemed that he was not the only one who discovered this abnormality. He had read an article before, saying that the escape of animals is not necessarily a harbinger of natural disasters, so it is inaccurate and unscientific to use abnormal animal behavior to predict the weather.

He called the local weather bureau last night, when they said there was nothing unusual about the weather, and it was only in the middle of the night that they suddenly called to evacuate. There are also those officers and soldiers who seem to have been prepared for a long time, so when a disaster occurs, they will have such a quick response.

Walking out of the hotel, he helped the nearby residents to carry the garbage aside when he heard a familiar voice.

"Fortunately there were no casualties, this time it was too dangerous."

The author has something to say: Meteorological Bureau: It is not easy to get to where we are today.