Don’t Discriminate Against Species

Chapter 91: power failure


The first time he appeared on this occasion, when Fu Li got out of the car, he heard constant clicking noises everywhere. If it wasn't for the talent of monsters, he might have been blinded by the flash of the spotlight.

Zhuang Qing glanced back at Fu Li, turned to help Fu Li cover half of the lights, and walked side by side on the red carpet with him after he got used to the atmosphere of the scene. This red carpet is very long and wide. Outside the cordon on both sides, it is crowded with reporters from domestic and foreign media. A little further away are fans who have bought viewing tickets. They hold light signs and make a show for their beloved idols. The attitude is more than a few hundred. Believers who believed in gods and Buddhas a few years ago should still be devout.

Although Fu Li and Zhuang Qing are not figures in the entertainment industry, their appearance still caused many girls to scream in amazement and friendly manner, for no other reason, because the proportions of their bodies are so good that they grow out of a golden ratio. The general appearance is also different, especially Zhuang Qing's face, for a woman, it is simply killing.

"The two distinguished guests who are coming to us now are Mr. Zhuang Qing, chairman of Chimelong Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and his special assistant, Mr. Fu Li." The host introduced the team donated by Chimelong with high emotion. With the donation, the sound of taking pictures at the scene is more.

Rich, handsome and young successful people are really rare treasures. A reporter who is more sensitive to information can write dozens of ups and downs manuscripts with a few handsome photos. Who wants to miss this rare opportunity?

The point is that this young and handsome chairman is not taking the usual path. Not only did he not bring a female companion, but he also brought his own special assistant to walk the red carpet together. There are too many articles that can be done here.

Listening to the screams all around, Fu Li kept a smile and whispered to Zhuang Qing: "These human beings are really polite, and they even warmed up for fear of us being embarrassed."

Looking at the corners of his moist lips, Zhuang Qing felt that he shouldn't let a rabbit's aesthetics resemble that of a human being. Wanting to understand this, he smiled and nodded: "Well, these humans are very friendly."

The smile on Fu Li's face became even brighter.

"Chairman, please stop and take a picture with Mr. Assistant." The bold reporter roared.

Zhuang Qing paused at his feet, and took Fu Li's shoulder quite naturally, and stopped to let the reporter here slap him.

The reporters did not expect the high-level chairman of Chimelong to be so cooperative. When taking pictures, his hands were shaking. With his strong professionalism, he captured a few interesting photos.

For example, the picture of Zhuang Dong and Assistant Fu looking at each other, and the action of Zhuang Dong reaching out to block the strong light for Assistant Fu, there are too many articles to do.

The reporters at the scene were very excited, and the netizens watching the live broadcast had already turned the sky over.

Netizen 1: I go go go go go, this is the chairman of Chimelong! Does it look thirty years old? Sister, I am 30 years old this year. I eat dirt and drink wind just to buy a set of Chimelong skin care products. As a result, the owner of the family is younger than me.

Netizen 2: This is exactly the perfect character of a romantic and domineering president. He is handsome, rich, and young. With this face, I can eat three more bowls of rice every day. How can there be such a handsome rich man in the world? This is unscientific.

Netizen 3: Don't get excited upstairs, you can see that there must be an indescribable relationship between this rich and handsome man and his assistant. Therefore, he is not the general character of romance tyrants, but the general character of pure love tyrants.

Netizen 4: The assistant is also very handsome. With that waist, legs and face, I want to sleep.

Netizen 5: I don't know why, but the two of them were walking on the red carpet, but I could see the excitement of entering the bridal chamber.

On the tens of meters of red carpet, Zhuang Qing and Fu Li did not walk slowly, but the reporters' attention was all on the two of them. Detail photo.

Clothes, jewelry, watches, and shoes were all photographed, and then sent back to their own company to ask them to find out the brand. If the chairman and assistant all used the same brand, it would be even more topical.

She Weilong was blocked on the road for a while, and finally rushed to the outside of the court. Hearing the screams inside, She Weilong's manager's face was not very good-looking. Could it be which big player is in front? He felt a little regretful in his heart. He knew that he should have come earlier. They didn't dare to grab the finale, but they also didn't want to walk behind the big names. The media's attention was robbed by the big names, and those who walked behind would naturally be eclipsed.

Seeing that the staff in charge of on-site control were gesturing for their cars to enter the venue, the agent reminded in a low voice: "Weilong, don't be nervous when you wait, remember to be elegant, your temperament is good, and so are your clothes. Big-name sponsorship, don't be stage fright."

She Weilong nodded solemnly.

However, when he got out of the car and saw the two people walking on the first half of the red carpet, his knees almost softened and he knelt down.

My grandpa Sanqing, why is the big boss of the demon world here? The sensation at the scene just now was caused by the two of them? Thinking of the human appearances of Zhuang Qing and Fu Li, She Weilong took a deep breath and tried to make himself not look so cowardly. Fortunately, these two people do not eat the entertainment industry, otherwise they will suffer a lot of hate.

The real name of the cultivator cannot be signed out casually, because it has the effect of a certain contract, so when the cultivator signs on many occasions, it will be intentionally or unintentionally less horizontal or a little less.

Fu Li's simplified characters are not very good-looking, but his name is well practiced. He took the pen and wrote his name eloquently. Zhuang Qing glanced at his name, used a golden pearl pen to the left of his name, and signed it. on his own name.

The two names were placed side by side, as if they were meant to be together.

At this moment, the cameraman seemed to have opened up the eight channels of the gossip, and gave a close-up of the two's signatures. Netizens watching the live broadcast again screamed. This kind of ambiguity all the time is simply too romantic.

Taking the pen from Fu Li's hand, Zhuang Qing put the pen in the tray, turned around and put his hand on Fu Li's back, and walked down the steps with him.

Feeling a warm palm on his back, Fu Li turned his head and smiled at Zhuang Qing. Zhuang Xiaolong is always so hard-hearted and soft-hearted. He said in the car just now that he should not lose Changlong's face by showing his timidity. Now he is worried that he will not adapt to the unfamiliar environment and protects him everywhere.

How can there be such an awkward dragon in the world, it's quite cute.

Netizen 1: Ahhh! My young girl's heart is about to come alive. Chairman Zhuang is really doting on the little assistant everywhere, holding him a pen and hugging him when he goes down the steps.

Netizen 2: The little assistant also smiled so sweetly. The smile he showed when he turned his head to Director Zhuang was so soothing that one could not breathe. If I were Chairman Zhuang, I would definitely dote on him like that. As long as I have everything I have, I will give him everything.

Netizen 3: It's over, it's over, I'm a single dog, watching other people's interactions, I actually feel sweet, my brain is probably not very good.

Netizen 4: So the chairman of Chimelong came to the party in person this time, just to feed everyone dog food

Netizen 5: The way rich people show affection is so domineering. Chairman Zhuang looked at the little assistant's eyes, so gentle that it became a pool of spring water, full of love.

After entering the infield, Zhuang Qing and Fu Li were not seated together originally, but maybe the atmosphere when the two walked the red carpet made the organizers change their minds and decided to arrange their seats together.

This is the first time Chairman Chimelong has attended the party in person. Maybe this assistant is still his lover. They don't seek perfection, at least they can't make this big man feel neglected.

Zhuang Qing and Fu Li came late, so after the two of them sat down, the table was full. A table of eight people, all celebrities, took the initiative to greet Zhuang Qing.

Although Fu Li didn't know these people, Zhuang Qing should have dealt with them, so although the atmosphere at the table wasn't warm enough, it wasn't too embarrassing. Others here did not expect that Zhuang Qing would come to participate in this event in person, and brought a good-looking assistant. Seeing Zhuang Qing's respectful attitude towards Fu Li, they knew it in their hearts.

No wonder this Zhuang Dong has never had any romance with any man or woman. It turns out that he has a master for a long time. Everyone is a person with a head and a face, and they will not talk about personal affairs on such occasions. At most, they will talk about business.

After the charity gala opened, there was a hot spot for entertainers to perform, and then there was the auction of items. Most of the items auctioned at the beginning were brand-name bags and brand-name jewelry, which are the main battlefields of female artists.

All the money from the auction of these items is used for charity, so which artist spends how much to shoot what is also a charitable act worthy of publicity.

Every time a few items are auctioned, an artist will come on stage to perform a show. Fu Li drinks a drink with one hand on his chin, trying to make his boring expression less obvious. Seeing that he had drank a few drinks in a row, Zhuang Qing lowered her head and whispered in his ear, "Are you bored?"

Nodding slightly, Fu Li said with sound transmission: "A little bit."

"After the auction is over, I'll take you to a late night snack." Zhuang Qing frowned slightly and said in Fu Li's ear, "As a thank you gift for accompanying me to this boring event today."

"Okay." Fu Li nodded, and when Zhuang Qing wasn't paying attention, he patted his itchy ears.

When Zhuang Qing sat up straight, he saw the camera facing him not far away. He retracted his hand on the back of Fu Li's chair and turned his head to the stand.

Netizen: Hee hee hee, the appearance of Zhuang Dong pretending to be disguised is like there is no silver 300 taels here, so cute!

Worried that the boss's stinginess would happen, everyone in the management office who was unwilling to raise a placard during the auction was a little complicated watching the scenes on the live broadcast screen. Reason tells them that there is innocence between the boss and Brother Fu, but emotion tells them that there is absolutely no innocence between these two demons.

So in tonight's auction session, will the boss raise his placard

The auction went on round after round, and several wealthy businessmen who were at the same table as Fu Li and Zhuang Qing all took the same thing, but Zhuang Qing did not raise the card from beginning to end.

"This is the penultimate lot of this charity auction. This is the work of Mr. Liu, a famous sculptor. The double statue of the dragon and the rabbit." Together, they are obviously very different species, but they are strangely harmonious and warm.

"It took Mr. Liu a year to complete this statue, which happened to coincide with the Spring Festival when the Year of the Rabbit ends and the Year of the Dragon approaches, so the name of this statue is called blessing, which has a very auspicious meaning." The auctioneer glanced at the audience. , smiled and said, "The starting price of the work is 50,000, and the auction is now starting."

"200,000." A person held up the sign, Fu Li turned his head to look, it was the human whose false memory was implanted by the mirage, what is it called, Fu Si

Zhuang Qing also noticed the existence of Fu Si. He, who had never held a placard, raised the auction placard for the first time: "300,000."

Fu Si didn't expect that someone would bid for the tree carving with him. He tilted his head to look at Zhuang Qing and Fu Li with a friendly smile. Fu Li was stunned and nodded to Fu Si.

Fu Si smiled and raised his placard again: "500,000."

"Why are you staring at others?" Zhuang Qing asked softly in Fu Li's ear, gritted her teeth.

Fu Li turned his head and bumped his cheek against the corner of Zhuang Qing's mouth. He wiped his face: "This is an accident."

Zhuang Qing's eyes changed slightly, and then he snorted coldly: "Of course I know this is an accident."

"500,000 for the third time..."

"One million." Zhuang Qing continued to raise the placard with a blank face. Isn't it just some human currency? He has it.

Fu Si glanced at Zhuang Qing in surprise. He took this exhibit because he thought the rabbit on the statue was cute and cute, so he was a little interested. However, a gentleman does not win people's love. Zhuang Dong obviously likes this lot, so he will not join in the fun.

In the end, the lot was won by Zhuang Qing at a high price of one million. Fu Li whispered to Zhuang Qing, "Do you like tree carvings?"

Zhuang Qing nodded solemnly.

Fu Li nodded suddenly, and then patted his shoulder: "I will also carve this, and I will carve a few for you to play when I go back."

The lack of childhood demon cultivation is pitiful, I am afraid there are no interesting toys. As a good brother, he wants to carve more interesting gadgets to help Zhuang Qing make up for his childhood.

At the end of the auction, Zhuang Qing took the talisman and left the backstage to swipe the card to pick up the auction items.

Looking closer, Fu Li realized that the rabbit and the dragon were not sitting side by side, but opposite each other. The rabbit's front paws and the dragon's front paws overlapped together, which looked very cute.

Fu Li held the statue in his hands, touched the plump face of the dragon head, and suddenly thought of his and Zhuang Qing's original appearance, and said with a smile, "Do you think this looks like us?"

"It turns out that Mr. Zhuang and Mr. Fu belong to the dragon and the rabbit." The staff in charge of the handover process laughed, "Then this work is really related to the two of you."

"Well, that's quite a fate." Fu Xin thought, how could he know what he was.

The corners of Zhuang Qing's lips curved, but after seeing another person walking in, the degree of curvature straightened again.

"Director Zhuang." Fu Si walked in and shook hands with Zhuang Qing and Fu Li. Concerned that Zhuang Qing and Fu Li might have a romantic relationship, he did not specifically talk to Fu Li, but just said a word of congratulations.

"Congratulations to Mr. Zhuang for his love." He glanced at the statue in Fu Li's arms and smiled gently.

Fu Li thought that although he was not the pet he used to be, his gentle appearance was like a pet.

Zhuang Qing glanced at Fu Li and put her hand on Fu Li's shoulder: "Thank you Mr. Fu for your blessing."

"I'm going to pick up the lot, don't disturb the two of you." Fu Si asked to leave when he saw Zhuang Qing's hand on Fu Li's shoulder.

The corners of Zhuang Qing's mouth straightened back up again, "Walk slowly."

Fu Si left with a smile. When he swiped his card, he felt that miracles really existed in the world. This Zhuang Dong, who rarely participates in public activities, did not expect to bring his assistant to such a high-profile live broadcast of the charity gala.

But the assistant made him feel very comfortable, as if he had seen it countless times before.

His mind flickered, and then he felt absurd about what he had just thought. How much intersection could he have with that assistant

"Mr. Fu, this is your auction item." The staff handed the brocade box to Fu Si. As soon as Fu Si received it, he suddenly heard a squeak from the top of his head, and the whole room was plunged into darkness.

"what happened?"

"power cut?"

"What about the emergency backup system?"

"Is there a problem with the previous live broadcast?"

"There is no problem at the front desk, but the background is all stopped."

"What's going on here, does the backup system work?"

"There is no problem with the line, the line..."

Hearing these conversations, Fu Si faintly felt that there was something wrong with this matter. At an event like this, the electrical equipment was not foolproof. At least a lot of relevant preparations were made.

"Everyone, don't walk around, don't make noise." The person in charge turned on his mobile phone, found the nobles who came to the backstage to pick up the lot, and arranged for security to protect them in a large lounge. From the backstage to the front, there is still a long way to go, and they dare not take any risks.

It's shameful to hear about the power outage, but if something happened to these big men, it's not just shameful.

As soon as Fu Si sat down on the sofa, he heard two security guards leading two people in. With the dim light of his mobile phone, he could see who the two were.

Zhuang Qing and Fu Li.

"Hey, what a coincidence, we met." Fu Li seemed to take out some kind of circular flashlight that could glow from his bag, but was quickly pressed back by Zhuang Qing.

Noticing Fu Si's gaze, Zhuang Qing said, "This kind of toy lamp is not very safe, and there is a danger of explosion if it is used for a long time."

Fu Si couldn't help but think, Zhuang Dong's assistant is really weird, does he still carry a fist-sized toy lamp with him? These two people didn't go out just now, why did they come back

What about the tree carving held by Assistant Fu in his arms, because there was no light, and he was afraid of wrestling, so he threw it away

The author has something to say: Toy lamp: I also have a noble and glamorous name called Pure Natural Night Pearl, thank you.