Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 125: [125] Slap in the face


125 Slap

There are deep teeth marks on Chu Huan's lips. Lifting her eyes, she looked at the beautiful man in front of her. If she had met Duan Tang before Xiao Moye, she didn't know what the situation would become in front of her, but one thing was certain-"I think no one in this world will love me more than Mo Ye. "That's why she is willing to try hard to fall in love with that man.

He smiled coldly, with blue veins bursting out on the back of his hand, and the mockery in his eyes was undoubtedly revealed, "Chu Huan, you haven't compared it before, how do you know that I love you no deeper than Xiao Moye!"

Even he himself didn't know how deeply he could love her, so why could she say so with certainty that he was inferior to Xiao Moye!

At this moment, his voice was as cold as being twisted into a very thin and very thin wire, which pierced her cochlea directly to her heart, making her dazed not to say a word...

On the other side, a long figure walking in the hallway of the classroom, a peaked cap, big brown glasses, almost covering the entire face, and an ordinary dress that hides the man among the students.

Deliberately reducing one's sense of existence and blending into the crowd in a cross-dressing way is one of the most basic training courses for special forces.

Putting away the mobile phone in his hand, the man walked to the door of the sewing room step by step. The man unscrewed the doorknob and pushed in.

"Hey, who are you looking for?" a student inside asked aloud.

The man's gaze looked around, "Are you the only ones here today?" He asked, his voice pleasant to the ear.

"Yes, are you looking for a classmate in our class?" the other party asked again.

"No, I went to the wrong door." He smiled softly, and that smile was so charming for a moment that several students in the tailor room were all staring at it.

Although there is no way to see the true face of this man, it is certain that this is definitely a handsome guy.

It was not until the man exited the sewing room and closed the door that the students inside came back to their senses and talked a lot!

"That person's smile just now is very attractive!"

"Yeah, I bet he takes off his sunglasses, he is definitely not bad."

"I always feel that smile is a bit familiar!"

"Maybe he is also a student of our school, the teacher should not be as young as him, he should be a graduate student!"

Naturally, no one would have thought that the man they were talking about was today's major general, the actor-Xiao Moye three years ago.


How can I know if I haven't compared it before!

The words Duan Tang said were cold from the bottom of his bones. They were extremely angry and resentful.

He was mad at why he was tempted by her, and why she could like Du Hai and Xiao Moye, but refused to like him, and even complained about her face that made him so fascinated by her dreams, even if She rejected him so much, and he still couldn't bear to give up, and still had an unclear desire for her, it was simply a crime/cheap!

"Ha ha... Ha ha ha..." Duan Tang said with a self-deprecating laugh, and said to Chu Huan, who was afraid of avoiding him like a rabbit, "I really think he/mom is guilty/cheap, how can I like it? What about a woman like you?"

Please! How does she know! She stared, but he grabbed her hand suddenly.

"What!" She wanted to withdraw her hand.

He lowered his head, and the tip of his pink tongue licked her fingertips, causing her to tremble. He grasped her hands with great strength, and she was able to withdraw them at all.

His voice is clear and cold, like cold raindrops on the instrument, but it is beautiful but also with a trace of absolute determination, "I also recognize it. In this life, I will still guilty to you. !"

For an instant, Chu Huan only felt that the cold hairs all over her body stood up suddenly, as if Duan Tang had laid a net on her body, which wrapped her densely, making her almost breathless.

She didn't know where the courage came from, she actually took out her hand at this moment, and then without even thinking about it, she slapped his beautiful face severely.

A very loud slap, the sound is clear and crisp, especially in a closed car.

His face turned slightly to one side because of her slap, and a faint red mark appeared on his white face. With slender fingers, he stroked the hit cheek little by little, Duan Tang slowly turned his head, his dark phoenix eyes stared straight at the woman in front of him.

For the first time in his life, he slapped a woman like this.

And this woman, he still wanted to get it by any means.

But by the way, the assailant, his eyes were red right now, with a pair of apricot eyes staring at him, "I said, I like Xiao Moye, how can you... can you do such a thing? "The conservative citizen, with blood all over his face, said such things in a full condemnation tone.

"Why not!" He sneered, rubbing his bruised skin with his fingers, "You just love Xiao Moye. This love is neither deep nor strong. Why should I? Can’t you continue to pursue you? What's more, there are many women who love one person, but have sex with another person." He has seen so many women like this, so many that he thinks that maybe a woman like a creature should be like this. .

"You—" Her face was red as if bleeding was coming from her, her palms were burning.

"Why, do you want to slap me again?" He stared at her mockingly, his face a little closer, "If you want to fight, then you can be more cruel."

She took a deep breath and didn't do anything. Instead, she said with a certain tone, "Duan Tang, you must have never really liked someone! If you really like someone, it's impossible to say that. Come."

He was taken aback, and a slight surprise flashed in his phoenix eyes, "Why are you so sure?" He mocked, "Or you want to tell me that if you like someone, you will be destined for a lifetime? If that's the case. , Should you like Du Hai all your life instead of Xiao Moye now?"

She suffocated for a long time, then slowly said, "I...I loved Du Hai, but when Du Hai and Ting'er became boyfriends and girlfriends, I knew that this man is not something I can like, I can He is a buddy, a friend, and a mentor, but he is the only one to like. A person may encounter likes more than once in his life, but if such likes are true, then it is impossible to betray oneself. Things I like."