Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 126: [126] The waiting person


126 The Waiting Person

"Are you trying to tell me that your liking for Xiao Moye is true?" The beautiful Phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

She nodded seriously, and admitted his words, "I like Xiao Moye, and I plan to like it all the time, until this love really turns into love, and then I love it all the time."

He suddenly had the urge to choke him to death. Her words, every sentence, are like sharp swords, stinging his whole body. Xiao Moye... Xiao Moye... Every time she said this name in her mouth, it made him feel painful. Maybe this pain will disappear only if she disappears

Or maybe... The pain gets worse

"Love?" Duan Tang murmured, slowly moving his fingers from his cheeks, "Do you love Xiao Moye?"

"Yes." She said with certainty. Since she has fallen in love with Xiao Moye, why wouldn't she love it? It's just this feeling that may need to be settled, or perhaps she is still groping for it. How deep you like it, you can call it love, "But if I love one person, I will never go to bed with another person!" When the word "sleeping" was spoken, her face flushed again. "Maybe I have liked more than one person in my life, but the one I love must be one person!" A person who loves him and he also loves her, and then loves him until he grows old and he loves him to death.

She has dreamed and fantasized about the love she yearns for.

Hold your hand, grow old with you! There is no need for more fairy tales, but it can last a lifetime.

Duan Tang looked at Chu Huan dumbfounded. Perhaps she had never expected that she would say something like this. If she loves, then she must be alone

So-who will that person be? !

Is it Xiao Moye? Or... he? !

At this moment, there was something in his heart that he didn't understand. Maybe he doesn't know enough about women like creatures, or maybe... She is special

With his eyes down, Duan Tang drove the car silently, and Chu Huan lowered his head, sat down again, staring at his hand in a daze. She... really slapped Duan Tang. Not a dream, but a real slap.

I have lingering palpitations!

Thinking about it, I feel a little weird. When she had the opportunity to do this several times before, she was skillfully blocked by him, but this time, her hands really broke free from his restraint so "easy", and she was able to shake him like this. Ear scrapers!

Was it accidental, or Duan Tang deliberately? Chu Huan was also unsure.

It wasn't until Audi stopped at the door of the apartment where Chu Huan was renting that Duan Tang unfastened his seat belt and said, "I will send you in." Chu Huan came back to his senses.

"How do you know where I live?" She remembered that she never told him the address.

"It's easy to know where you live." As long as he wants to, there are ways to know.

"I, just go in by myself!" She hurriedly unfastened her seat belt, only feeling that the hands that had been licked by him still had the temperature of the tip of his tongue.

Hurrying out of the Audi car, she was embarrassed like a prey chased by a beast. The beautiful phoenix eyes fixedly looked at the back who had fled, Duan Tang raised his hand little by little and stroked his forehead, and the bursts of pain spread in his head again.

Pain, with a piercing pain!

He wanted to get someone, but he couldn't wait to run away from him. "Chu Huan, don't you really love me?" He slowly closed his eyes, his back leaned heavily on the back of the chair, his hands were holding his head, his fingers were deeply in his hair.

Why is it so painful, so painful? !

And this pain seems to be even more uncomfortable than before... It feels like the whole head is about to burst. As if something was rolling in his mind, if he didn't grab it, it would disappear.

But he doesn’t know how to catch...


Chu Huan ran all the way to the downstairs of the apartment. Turning around, he could no longer see Duan Tang's Audi, and he took a breath. For someone as proud as Duan Tang, in her opinion, if she really said clearly that she likes Xiao Mo Yehou, he should leave unrestrainedly.

But the situation was completely opposite to what she thought. Or is he so proud that he can't tolerate rejection from others

Her heart was a little overwhelming, but Duan Tang still held her secret. The things she didn't want Xiao Moye to know made her even less sure how she should face Duan Tang in the future.

While climbing the stairs, Chu Huan took out the room key from her bag. It was only after 6 o'clock. Usually at this time, Ting'er should have dinner outside with Du Hai. It is estimated that she would have to take instant noodles by herself.

Only when she found out the key, she looked up and saw a person standing in the shadow at the door of her apartment. Because of the shadows, from her angle, she couldn't see the other person, she could only see the two straight long legs and the pair of shiny black leather shoes.

Between the two of them, only half a floor of stairs, Chu Huan's heart jumped for no reason. The other person's body shape, and she will stand at the door of her house... The answer is ready to come out.

Step by step on the steps, the other side's appearance became more and more clearly exposed in her sight.

Beige plaid shirt, light gray trousers, black hair neatly combed, wide sunglasses, covering the part of the eyes, under the straight bridge of the nose, sexy thin lips are slightly pursed.

It really was Xiao Moye!

Chu Huan stared at the person in front of him in a daze, looking at him, it seemed that he should be waiting for her. His body was slightly sideways, his face facing her direction, even through the sunglasses, she could feel that he was staring straight at her at the moment.

"Why are you here?" She struck a few more steps before walking up to him and asked.

He put his hands in his trouser pockets, "When you are near your house, stop by and see if you are back."

"Why don't you call me?" She said a little nervously, always feeling a strange expression on his face.

"Anyway, it's a temporary motive. I just want to see if there is any fate between me and you. Waiting like this, will it wait for you." He smiled slightly and took off his sunglasses. The gentle look and elegant expression are the same as his usual, no difference.

Chu Huan felt that it was probably because of her own psychological effects, and Xiao Moye was wearing sunglasses just now, that's why she thought he was weird. Inserting the key into the keyhole, she opened the door of the apartment.