Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 131: [131] Being beaten


131 Beaten

Wang Shuishui wanted to push away the opponent for a while, but the opponent's hand was so tight that she couldn't get rid of it.

"Major Hong, I'm doing something right now, why don't I talk about it next time?" Although he was so disgusting in his heart, Wang Shui still squeezed a smile on the surface of the water. After all, she really can't afford to offend the person in front of her.

"Next time? When next time? You want to bluff me again?" The man named Major Hong hugged Wang Shuishui, and he was about to kiss him.

Wang Shuishui turned her head in embarrassment and struggled, Chu Huan stepped forward and squeezed Wang Shuishui to her side, "Sir, do you know your current behavior, I can call the police!" She stared at the other side.

Wang Shuishui was a little surprised. He didn't expect Chu Huan to stand up and help himself at this time. Seeing this one half a head shorter than himself, Wang Shuishui's heart was a little mixed when he stood in front of him hard, blocking the drunken man.

She was polite to Chu Huan, but it was because Chu Huan was Xiao Moye's girlfriend. People in the entertainment industry knew that one more friend had one more way. I just didn't expect...

"Call the police? I really haven't been afraid of the police!" The other party said arrogantly, "Little girl, there is nothing for you here. If you know you, get out of here."

Chu Huan bit her lip and didn't back away, but the other party was already impatient, pulling Wang Shuishui to the box on the other side.

Chu Huan was anxious, trying to hold Wang Shuishui, but instead was kicked by the drunk man.

With a petite body that almost flew out, Chu Huan lay on the ground, only feeling the pain in his stomach.

it hurts!

She really didn't expect that in a place like a cash drawer, someone would really say just do it. And that person's feet are so strong, at this moment, she only feels that her internal organs seem to have shifted.

"Hong Lei, why didn't he see him in the blink of an eye before he started working with a woman?" A tall man walked out of the box at one end, short hair and starry eyes, a little bit of scumbag in his delicate beauty.

"Wang Wei, you don't know, this woman is too ignorant." Hong Lei said, burping Wang Shuishui into the box as a gesture.

Wang Shuishui was anxious right now, "Let go, Hong Lei, let me go!" She struggled, trying to see Chu Huan's injury. Chu Huan's kick was purely for her. , And this time the cashier party was also suggested by her, and she paid for it. Suddenly, Wang Shuishui couldn't imagine how she would end up if Xiao Moye knew about it.

Tian Xiaoxiao's lessons learned from the past, she is still vividly remembered. Although she wasn't hurting Chu Huan now, she couldn't get rid of her relationship.

"Chu Huan, how are you doing? Does it matter?!" Wang Shuishui asked anxiously.

After hearing the name Chu Huan, Wang Wei, who was still leisurely, looked in a daze, looked down at the woman who was still curled up on the ground, hurried three steps and became two steps, walked over and pulled the man up. Take a look at the face.

Hey, it really is Chu Huan.

Now, not only Wang Shuishui was anxious, but Wang Wei was also anxious, "Hong Lei, do you know who you kicked!" Seeing the woman's face turned pale, Wang Wei thought that Hong Lei was in his heart. One kick should not be light.

Hong Lei shook his body and looked indifferent, "I don't care who she is! What's the matter, this woman is still golden? Can't kick it?"

Wang Wei frowned, "She is Xiao Moye's person!" Xiao Moye's person has always been the master who has revenge, and the kind of person who reports it is extremely vicious.

I thought that Hong Lei would be taboo when he said that, but he didn't expect him to laugh instead. Hitting the wine, Hong Lei let go of Wang Shuishui, and walked unsteadily to Chu Huan's footsteps, and after struggling to open his eyes for a long time, he said, "What about Xiao Moye's people? Are you afraid of him? So afraid that even his women dare not fight?"

Hong Lei yelled, seeing that he raised his hand and was about to call Chu Huan again, Wang Wei blocked Hong Lei's arm with one hand, "You are still so drunk."

"I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk... Xiao Moye is nothing, but for our plan, he will vote against it, damn it's not good, it's not good, the funding won't approve, fuck. /It’s like dying to practice, who can stand it!" With his drunkenness, Hong Lei vented the anger he usually received, "Xiao Moye, the bastard, also remembered me a big mistake. He went to City B, and I couldn't find him. It's unlucky for this woman, just to make Lao Tzu out of anger!"

Hong Lei became drunk and smashed with Wang Wei. Wang Shuishui took the opportunity to run to Chu Huan's side and asked apologetically, "How are you? Does it matter, why don't I take you to the hospital now?"

"It should be... not enough to go to the hospital." Chu Huan wrinkled her brows and pressed her hands on her stomach, "I will rub it and go back and get Yunnan Baiyao sprayed."

"But..." Wang Shuishui was still worried.

"It's really nothing. At most, there will be bruises." Chu Huan comforted.

Wang Shuishui supported Chu Huan and was about to take her away, but saw that Hong Lei somehow flung Wang Wei away and waved his fist towards Chu Huan.

too fast!

Wang Shuishui didn't even have time to shout, or to drag Chu Huan aside, the fist was already close at hand. Seeing that he was about to shake Chu Huan's face, a hand suddenly intercepted Hong Lei's fist.

The hand is slender and white, giving people a clean and elegant feeling. But with such a hand, Hong Lei's vigorous fist was easily intercepted in mid-air.

"Hong Lei, you are really enough man, pick a woman to fight?" The cold voice fell into the human bones.

This voice is... Chu Huan raised his head, and what was printed in his eyes was the delicate face like a crystal: slender sword eyebrows, black ink lotus eyes, straight nose and thin water-colored lips. Duan Tang.

When Hong Lei saw Duan Tang, Jiu seemed to wake up a little bit, but he still said viciously, "You know how Xiao Moye targeted you in the military department. Don't you want to teach him a lesson today? The woman who hits the door, why not just... Ah... Duan... Duan Tang... You let go!"

Hong Lei yelled, only to feel that the five fingers that wrapped his fist were slowly tightening, a strong force, squeezing the bones of his fingers squeezed pain-it was almost like crushing his hand Like!