Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 138: [138] This is called a god horse matter


138 It's a God's Horse

In the car, one of the two men wearing black Ts is driving the car, the other is holding a photo, and carefully comparing the person in the photo with Chu Huan who is walking ahead, "Hei Zai, look, don’t you? Just this woman?"

The black boy who drove the car contrasted and said, "It should be."

"You said that this woman is not good for offending people, to offend people like Master Hong, the old man in his family, but even our boss is going to sell a bit of thin face."

"Who knows, Master Hong has always held grudges. Last time there was no chick in Huantang who didn't know each other, and he saved his face on the spot. As a result, Shao Hong had five teeth knocked out on the spot and forced the woman. He played a reality show in Huantang. What can that woman do, she doesn’t even dare to say a fart." Huantang is a famous red light spot in Z City. There are all kinds of messy things. Have.

"In these days, I really would rather offend the rich, don't offend the background."

"No, haha!"

The two of them talked and laughed, as if they were chatting with each other, and they didn't think there was anything wrong with such a thing.

Chu Huan took the bus and walked into the community. The streets in the community were not wide, just two positions. It was time for dinner now, and there were very few people walking on the street. Chu Huan was walking. When the black car passed by her, it stood up suddenly, and a man pushed the car door, blocking her way.

"Is this classmate Chu Huan?" the man asked with a smile, seeming to feel unkind.

Chu Huan looked at the person warily, flashing in his mind about the various scams mentioned on the news network recently, wondering what kind of scams it looked like, "Who are you?" She didn't respond directly. Acknowledge or deny, but instead ask the other party, then consider how to answer.

The man scratched his head, but the man driving in the car said impatiently, "Daqiang, why do you tell her so much? Just grab it and take the photo right away!"

That big power slapped his forehead, too! He immediately dragged Chu Huan into the back seat of the car. He didn't even give a chance to shout. It was clean and neat, it was definitely professional!

The whole person was left in the back seat in a daze, Chu Huan was also dumbfounded, just thinking about getting up, but his shoulder was held tightly by the strong man, the doors and windows were locked, and people outside couldn't see it at all. What happened in the car.

Heizi turned the front of the car and drove out of the community. Da Qiang took out the photo from his pocket and looked at Chu Huan's face.

"You're not Chu Huan! Little girl, people are not stupid, but the movements are too slow, why don't they know how to run!" Daqiang said with a smile, "I didn't want to be anything to you, but who told you If you offend someone who shouldn’t be offended, admit yourself to bad luck."

Is this... a kidnapping

The citizen Chu Huan had never experienced such a situation before, and he was so scared that he couldn't help shaking. But in her head, she desperately recalled the examples of tactfully dealing with kidnappers that she had seen in the news in the past.

These two people are not kind, and they are indeed aimed at her. The person named Daqiang even has a photo of her—a photo that was obviously taken secretly.

"Who did I offend?" Basically, she didn't have to deliberately pretend to be scared, because she was really scared right now. The expression looked like a rabbit with horror, but her mind was not muddled yet, she was still thinking about how to save herself.

Daqiang and Hei Zai both laughed, "Really a silly girl, who doesn't even know how to offend." But neither of them planned to tell Chu Huan specifically.

Daqiang is very simple, "Little girl, if you are more acquainted, brother will not make it difficult for you, anyway, brother is also ordered to do things. If you don’t know each other to play tricks, let brother find out, don’t blame me for being a vulgar person. Don't give me face to the ladies!"

This warning threatened, with Da Qiang's fierce gaze, Chu Huan couldn't help but shiver.

Well, trying not to anger the kidnappers is also a principle of self-help.

As a meat ticket, Chu Huan's situation right now is not too bad, at least the other party didn't tie her up with a rope, didn't stun her with Luo Fang, let alone those cruel and indecent assaults.

Of course, it may also be that the two kidnappers are used to seeing beautiful women, and they really didn't look at the little cabbage Chu Huan.

Suddenly, the black boy driving in front yelled, "Fuck, I was followed!"

Daqiang looked behind, and sure enough, a car was following their car. He immediately stared at Chu Huan fiercely, bowed left and right, and hit Chu Huan's ears, "Is there a helper?"

Da Qiang was originally a gangster, he was a ruthless person. The strength of this ear scraping was naturally not comparable to that of Tian Xiaoxiao before, and Chu Huan's cheeks swelled immediately.

"I don't know." She replied reluctantly, because she really didn't know.

"Hei, dump the car behind!" Da Qiang said.

Heizi responded, stepping on the accelerator, and the car shuttled in the traffic like an off-string arrow.

On the other side, Wu Shaozheng was talking on the phone with the bodyguards of the gang who used to protect Chu Huan. Wu Shao was on the other side of the phone, so angry that he wanted to jump his feet. That's right, the person who followed Hei Zai and their car was the bodyguard sent by Wu Shao.

"How could such a thing happen? You didn't stop the car?" Wu Shao said in a big way.

"The other party moved too fast. We are following that car now." The bodyguard hurriedly said, "The other party's license plate, we have checked it here. It is a fake license plate. Ms. Chu is in the other party's car. The situation is unknown. Do you want to call the police? ?"

This situation was unexpected by Wu Shao. Although Xiao Moye asked him to send someone to protect Chu Huan, according to Wu Shao's idea, Chu Huan was only a student and had no enemies, so he didn't need any special protection at all. , So I took 4 bodyguards, divided into shifts, two people at a time, secretly protecting them.

And the main thing of "protection" is to see who Chu Huan is in contact with on weekdays, whether he is particularly intimate with any man, etc. In short, it is all related to the emotional aspect. Who can think of it, it is Chu. If you like this girl, you can also provoke someone to kidnap her into the car.

Wu Shao didn't know if he was possessed by the Decaying God himself or Chu Huan was possessed by the Decaying God. In this few days Xiao Moye walked away, he could have accidents one after another.

Let the bodyguards continue to stare at the car that robbed Chu Huan, Wu Shao hurriedly called the chief of the police, said the matter in a long story, and finally replied, "You have to be careful about this matter. That Chu Huan is the cusp of Xiao Moye's heart, so don't be surprised."