Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 140: [140] Coming~


140 Coming~

The phone on her body had been searched, and the other party was very professional. As soon as she took her phone, she shut it down and pulled out the calling card. Chu Huan's original plan to contact the outside world with a mobile phone was completely shattered.

"It's because of you this woman that made me lie down in sex for several days!" Hong Lei squeezed Chu Huan's chin and looked from left to right. He didn't think there was anything about this woman worthy of Duan Tang's anger.

Chu Huan's chin was aching, and there was the redness and swelling on her face that had just been slapped by the powerful force. Hong Lei squeezed her chin's hand, which made her feel a kind of disgust in her heart.

"Are you Duan Tang's woman or Xiao Moye's woman?" Hong Lei frowned. He was wounded by Duan Tang. After a few days of training, I still haven't gotten well.

Chu Huan wanted to directly scold him back, because it was a matter for him. But at this moment, if the words are too violent, I am afraid that the victim will still be on their own. Trying to calm himself down, Chu Huan said, "Can you let go of your hand first? If you hold me like this, I have a hard time talking." As he said, he deliberately pretended to be a little strenuous.

Hong Lei was not afraid that Chu Huan would run away, so he let go, and at the same time let the other two people who were pressing on Chu Huan's arm let go, so that Chu Huan had time to rub his sore arm and sore cheek.

"College student, let's talk about it." Hong Lei asked impatiently with his arms around his chest.

"You arrested me because you wanted to threaten the two of them?" Instead of directly answering the other party's question, Chu Huan asked the question carefully.

"Haha, threat? Just your college students, what can I threaten them. Besides, I don't need money. Do you think people like you will pay millions of ransoms?" Hong Lei looked at Chu mockingly. Huan, that look is like looking at a silly hat.

"Then you want to..."

"Lao Tzu just wants to vent his anger. If it wasn't for you, could Lao Tzu suffer a whole body injury?" Hong Lei hummed coldly.

"Then I can pay you for medical expenses."

"Is Laozi short of your medical expenses?!" Hong Lei stared at Chu Huan fiercely, and suddenly smiled, "What did Duan Tang do to me that day? What do you do to you today."

Chu Huan was surprised. She could see clearly the process of Duan Tang's beating Hong Lei that day. Such a style of play, Hong Lei is too strong and physically strong, if it is used on her, I am afraid that he will be beaten and disabled directly.

Even if he had barely calmed himself down before, when he saw Hong Lei wave his hand and the men who had stood behind Hong Lei walked towards her with unceremonious smiles, Chu Huan was still completely panicked. .

She is just an ordinary student, without the ability to be quick and wise, she doesn't have any fist, at most she has only learned a few tricks to guard against perverts in military training, but in the current situation, it is almost of no use. If they want money, maybe she can still use small tricks to delay the past like those on TV news, but what the other party wants is just to vent their anger.

Instinctively, Chu Huan didn't even think, turned and ran in the opposite direction.

To escape, to escape, to escape anyway!

Even if you know that there may not be any hope, the body's instincts are doing this.

The men, like a cat and mouse, chased Chu Huan behind, laughing, looking like they were watching a good show. And Hong Lei drove his Mercedes-Benz and followed slowly. For him, the more embarrassed Chu Huan at this moment, the more he was relieved.

Chu Huan ran fiercely, and her abdomen began to ache again. The running motion was holding the muscles in the abdomen, and those muscles that had been kicked were all clamoring.

It hurts, it hurts!

There was mist in her eyes!

With absolute power, it turned out that I was so useless. Last time, Duan Tang came to rescue her, but this time... who, who...

Mo Ye... Mo Ye...

She kept yelling the name in her heart, was kicked with a force of strength on her waist, and her whole body fell forward with a bang.

It was a heavy fall, and it was painful!

The rough cement rubbed her skin, causing a fiery pain. But at this moment, she doesn't have the energy to take care of these at all.

Chu Huan hurriedly wanted to get up, but just halfway through his climb, his shoulders were already held by two hands, and then, several hands were holding her arms and pulling her hair.

"Don't... don't!" Fear exploded in her heart, she desperately wanted to push away the hands that pressed her, seeing that someone had already lifted her foot, and wanted to kick her hard, and Hong Lei in the Mercedes-Benz car was sitting in the driver's seat, across the window glass, with a leisurely expression. He kept saying, "Kick, kick! He/mum, I’m just because of this smelly The lady was beaten up, and today I have to make a good profit, and I have to get both legs of this woman..."

Hong Lei hadn't finished talking to himself, but suddenly there was a roar, and the whole car trembled. Hong Lei's upper body rushed forward, his head hit the steering wheel severely, and a few strands of blood slid down his forehead.

The violent sound made the group of people who were dealing with Chu Huan stopped their hands and looked towards the sound.

A silver Maybach slammed into Hong Lei’s Mercedes-Benz fart/stock. The Maybach’s headlights and Mercedes-Benz taillights were destroyed by a violent collision. Looking at it this way, it’s hard to see what the Maybach was sitting in. who.

However, the people who can afford to drive this kind of car are definitely not ordinary people.

Hong Lei got out of the car in desperation and ran towards the car that caused the accident, with blood dripping from the side, looking a little terrible.

Chu Huan stared at the Maybach not far away, and didn't even notice when the hands that pressed her were released.

The heart was beating wildly.

That car... She has seen that car, and she has seen it many times, that is...

The door opened, and the long figure stood out from the car. He was dressed in a green military uniform. He was straight and solemn, with a cold face. Under the straight bridge of the nose, his thin lips were pressed into a straight line. Those dark and deep eyes were facing Chu at this moment Hope come.

In my eyes, there is worry, anxiety, anxiety, and... Fortunately...

Fortunately, at least she didn't have any major incidents,

Fortunately, it is not too late for him to arrive at least.

Chu Huan looked at Xiao Moye in a daze, only feeling that his eyes were getting wetter and moist. He is here, he is really here! It’s like hearing the deepest call from the bottom of my heart. Under this circumstance, there appears...

You don’t need money for these words: because I have saved the manuscripts and used them up, so I’m now posting while coding. Today I will still work hard for 8,000 words, but everyone will have to wait a while, and there are 2 more words left today. ~