Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 147: [147] The sound of the water monster


147 The Sound of the Water Monster

"Is uncomfortable again?" Wang Wei asked, leaning over.

Feng's eyes slowly opened, Duan Tang looked at each other, and said lightly, "My head hurts a bit, I just took two pills."

"Shall I call Qu Feizhuo to come over and show you?" Qu Feizhuo is Duan Tang's attending doctor, and Wang Wei is naturally familiar with it.

"That's the way he comes." He waved his hand. Sometimes, he even wondered whether his headache could not be cured in his whole life? "How do you know I'm here in Huantang?"

"Ask Daqi and a few of them, and say you are here." Daqi is also a fox-dog party in their circle, and often plays together on weekdays. When Wang Wei said this, he suddenly remembered the purpose of his coming here, "Something happened to Hong Lei."

"What can happen to him?" Duan Tang didn't care much about it.

"I heard that he was troubled by Chu Huan, but Xiao Moye was beaten into the hospital. Several bones were broken and he was in shock." Wang Wei said what he had heard.

Duan Tang narrowed his eyes abruptly, "Hong Lei is tired of his/mother's work, so he played Chu Huan's idea? How is Chu Huan now?"

"It's okay, at least I didn't go to the hospital." In fact, Wang Wei hoped that Chu Huan would go to the hospital and suffer a bit. After all, if it weren't for her, I'm afraid Duan Tang wouldn't be the way he is now.

Duan Tang breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and raked his hair irritably, "Xiao Moye is back today?"

"No, it's a coincidence to come back one day earlier, but Chu Huan had an accident today and was rescued by Xiao Moye." Wang Wei tut was amazed.

The beautiful phoenix eyes dimmed, is this a coincidence, or is it a hit... doomed

Leaving his seat, Duan Tang strode towards the exit.

"Hey, wait!" Wang Wei hurriedly pursued, "Duan Tang, where are you going?"

"Go to the hospital."

"Hospital, didn't you just say that you don't need Qu Feizhuo to see the headache? Have you changed your mind now?"

"No." He turned his head, the corners of his lips pursed, with a cold and cruel taste, "Go and see Hong Lei, how can I say that everyone usually has a little friendship, it's not good not to go at this time."

Wang Wei couldn't help shivering, and began to sympathize with Hong Lei in his heart.

It seems that the good days of Hong Lei's idiot have really come to an end!

It was not the first time that Chu Huan spent the night in Xiao Moye's villa. During the days when Xiao Moye was imprisoned, she stayed in this villa. This time, she still slept in the previous room, and in the closet in the room, she still kept the ones he had bought for her before.

The bed was soft and comfortable, much better than the wooden bed in Chu Huan's small apartment. But maybe there are so many things that happened today, and the impact was so great that she lay in sex and did not sleep for a long time.

Facing Hong Lei and the gangster who easily dragged her into the car, Chu Huan found for the first time that she seemed really too weak. At that moment, her destiny seemed to be manipulated in the hands of others, and she couldn't be the master at all.

After sitting up, Chu Huan looked at the wall clock hung on the wall through the moonlight coming in through the window. The time indicated that it was already 2:15 in the morning.

She was a little hungry, but she didn't want to disturb other people's sleep in the villa at this time. After thinking about it, Chu Huan got up and walked downstairs wearing slippers.

Having been here N times, she is naturally familiar with every part of the villa, knowing where the kitchen is and where the refrigerator is.

Only when I walked out of the room, I heard the melodious music in my ears. Who is listening to the music? The music, the music played on the piano, and the hanging is... She likes "Water Monster"!

Chu Huan didn’t have much research on piano. Some of the piano pieces she knew were "For Alice", "The Blue Danube", "Symphony of Destiny" and the like, while the water monster is one of her favorites. song.

Following the music, she walked forward until she reached the stairs. Her room is on the second floor, and now the piano sound is clearly coming from the first floor.

By the way, the first floor!

She suddenly remembered that there was a piano in the living room on the first floor. Who was playing the piano? Or…

With her feet on the stairs, she walked down step by step. The living room is surrounded by long floor-to-ceiling windows, and the endless moonlight casts in the living room, staggered with various shadows.

In front of the black piano, there was a figure sitting, slender fingers, fluently jumping and dancing on the keys of the piano. One by one, the notes flowed out from his fingertips and gathered into a beautiful music.

Can Mo Ye play the piano? !

Chu Huan was surprised, because before that, she had never seen him play the piano, nor did she see anyone in the Internet gossip that he could play the piano.

And judging from his fingering, he is definitely a very skilled veteran.

The tune he played was the "Water Monster" she liked. Is this a coincidence? Or is there any other reason

He was playing the piano, his eyes half-closed, and his elegant expression showed a few strands of indifference and a few strands of intoxication, but the contradictions were fascinating.

As if he had noticed her gaze, his chin was slightly raised, and his gaze came towards her.

She was startled, and was about to explain why she was here now, but saw that he only smiled, and he didn't stop playing.

Once "Water Monster" had been played, but he did not stop, but continued to play it a second time, as if he was not tired.

Chu Huan stepped down the stairs and walked to Xiao Moye's side, quietly listening to his playing.

The whole piano piece is filled with a weird and magical atmosphere. This piece requires very strong skills, but Xiao Moye’s performance is so easy to use. The tone presented by his fingertips, Transparent but complicated, it makes people seem to really see the sad love of the water elves...

When he finished playing the second time, he started playing again for the third time.

"Aren't you tired?" She couldn't help asking, some wondering why he played the same tune repeatedly.

The sound of the piano came to an end. He sat on the piano chair, half-turned his head, fixedly looking at her, "Have you heard enough?" The magnetic sound, like a net, was soft and thin.

"Enough listening." She nodded, "I just knew that you can play the piano."

"Well, it's been several years." He got up and took her by the hand. "Why don't you go to bed so late?"

"Can't sleep, just because I was hungry again, I wanted to come down and find something to eat."