Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 152: [152] Rumors


152 Rumor

Since Xiao Moye came back, Chu Huan worked on graduation project at school during the day, and had dinner with Xiao Moye in the evening, then watched movies or watched TV shows in his villa, and talked about various gossips. The little days have a good time.

Chu Huan found out that there would be two if there was one, and three if there were two, and then it slowly became a habit. Her toothbrush, her slippers, her accustomed pajamas... began to move into Xiao Moye's villa the same way.

Of course, Chu Huan did not spend the night in the villa every day. Most of the time, she would still go back to the small apartment, but sometimes it was too late or when Du Hai stayed overnight at Ting'er, Chu Huan would stay in Xiao. Mo Ye is here.

Speaking of Ting'er, in the past few days, Chu Huan learned that his best friend was officially ending work in the micro-movie, because he was so happy and excited that the date celebration with Du Hai developed into a two-person relationship. At that time, I stayed for a while.

After hesitating for a while, Chu Huan Tong Xie asked his best friend in a low voice, "Does it hurt for the first time?"

Fang Ting'er immediately used an example from the cartoon to say, "You use a stick to poke your nose, and then the pain from bleeding is almost the first time."

Chu Huan's hair stood up immediately. If that was the case, it would really be... It hurts!

By the end of June, Chu Huan's clothes were almost done, and the model was also selected. The instructor set the design graduation exhibition time on July 16. It is said that this time it was specially designed to be longer than usual. It was postponed for a few days because it was necessary to cooperate with a few famous designers in the country. It is said that these designers still sold the face of Chu Huan and their mentors, and the school feels that they also have a lot of face. If they can succeed, they can also increase the popularity of the school and increase the employment rate of design graduates by the way.

Since graduation, many people in the class have already started looking for jobs, or have already found jobs. Chu Huan saved a lot of living expenses by spending time with Xiao Moye during this period of time. Therefore, when Xiao Moye asked her about work, Chu Huan replied, “I want to wait until the graduation design exhibition. The resume may be bigger at that time." Chu Huan is still a little confident about her graduation project this time. If she can get praise from some professional designers at the exhibition, it will be a capital for her when she is looking for a job.

"Which company do you want to join?" Xiao Moye asked.

"I won't tell you, I want to try my strength!" Once I said it, don't wait for the graduation design exhibition to end, he can open the back door for her immediately.

Although Chu Huan's children's shoes felt that he was actually a type of eating and waiting to die, he still had some desires to be self-improving in his heart.

Xiao Moye heard what Chu Huan said, but she let her go. After all, in his opinion, Chu Huan's job search is for her to do something, and even if she can't find it, he can let her pay to open a fashion shop or simply raise her.

One day, Fang Ting'er said to Chu Huan, "Huanhuan, have you heard the rumors on campus recently?"

"What rumor?" Chu Huan really didn't know.

"It's about you."


Basically, in the four years of Chu Huan University, it has not been related to campus rumors for more than half a dime. From this, it can also be found that Chu Huan’s children’s shoes are not outstanding figures on campus, whether it is good or bad. .

"I don't know who passed it, saying that you got a big money and became the second wife of a rich man." Fang Ting'er leaned in Chu Huan's ear and muttered quietly.

At this moment, Chu Huan was drinking pearl milk tea from the school's small shop. Upon hearing this, a mouthful of milk tea was dangerously spurted out, "Second mistress?" Her voice was seriously out of tune. She had lived for 23 years, but she did not expect this word. Can use her.

"I guess I saw Xiao Moye's car often picking you up near the school." Fang Ting'er said why.

"Then you can't say that the person is a mistress. Didn't you think that you are in a relationship, the relationship between boy and girl friends?" Chu Huan was depressed.

"These days, there are a lot of bad thoughts. If you don’t see those female stars, just hitchhiking with the rich. You are said to have shaken the car. After eating, you say that you have opened a house. Even a little joke, you will It was said to be a hookup."


Well, what Bibi’s buddies said, maybe she was said to be the mistress, not the worst.

When school was over in the afternoon, Chu Huan went to Xiao Moye’s villa with almost all finished clothes. These clothes won’t be useful until the 16th. The 10th in the middle can be put in the closet of the villa. There are quite a lot of wardrobes here anyway.

"You said, do I look like the one who was kept?" she said as she sorted out the clothes and various accessories.

"Well, it's not like, I was raised by you." Xiao Moye walked to Chu Huan, hugged her and squeezed her bulging cheeks.

"Stop it, I'm serious!" She patted his "harassing" hand.

"I'm serious too." He turned her body slightly, and let her face him, "Between us, the person who was taken care of has always been me." It seemed that Zhai took the initiative to give it to him. , But it's actually her. And he just clings to her and constantly wants to ask for her love.

"Huan, would you love me?" Xiao Moye asked. He got her love, only to realize that he wanted her love more anxiously, and wanted to make sure that she would really be his.

His eyes stared at her intently, with a deep thirst. Every time she saw his eyes like this, she couldn't help but think of the way his hollow eyes were crying at that time.

She had sworn that she never wanted to see him show that look again.

"Yes." She nodded affirmatively, but suddenly fell silent again, her eyes drooping, her teeth biting her lips, as if thinking about something.

"what's happenin?"

"You..." She hesitated for a while, "You really didn't treat me as someone else?" The doubts in her heart are not without her, there always seems to be something she doesn't understand or understand between him and her.

He was startled, his fingers gently stroked the tooth marks on her lower lip, "Huan, you have never been a substitute for anyone." There will be no one who is qualified to be her substitute.

is it? So no matter how strange their understanding, no matter how abrupt his love for her, but what he loves is the real her

Chu Huan relaxed a little, "Then... Then I will continue to organize my clothes, you can loosen it first!" She couldn't tidy up anymore when he hugged him like this.