Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 164: [164] Rub the belly


164 I'm Sorry

"Does your stomach hurt?" Xiao Moye asked.

Chu Huan blushed, but he nodded and said, "Well, it hurts a bit."

"Is it coming to the moon/menstruation?" He asked again, Junya's face, that was so easy, there was no blushing or embarrassment at all.

On the contrary, when Chu Huan heard this, he suddenly became stammered, " did you know!" And wow, can't you just say it so bluntly!

"You will be uncomfortable for the past few days every month." He replied, then turned his head and ordered the servant to make a brown sugar ginger tea. In the summer, a woman basically knows what to drink this for.

Sure enough, after listening to the instructions, the maid glanced at Chu Huan for a few moments, then smiled ambiguously, and proceeded with the instructions.

Chu Huan's face was almost buried on the ground, and he felt that Great God Xiao really deserved to be a major general. She probably couldn't learn that kind of calm and unchanging demeanor.

"You... seem to know women well." She mumbled as she watched the servant leave, knowing what to drink even for menstrual cramps.

"I know a lot." He smiled softly.

"You have come into contact with a lot of women, right." She was a bit savory.

"Care?" He held her with both hands, picked her up and put her on his knees, "No matter how many women I had before, but from now on, Xiao Moye will only have you, Chu Huan. Death will not change."

His eyes fixedly looked at her, so serious, his words were more like an oath, an oath of endless death.

The emotion that was still eating just now was smoothed out because of his words.

His hand rested on her stomach again, "Does it hurt so much today?"

"I didn't pay attention to the days, I ate popsicles last night, and today..." She hadn't finished her words, and his hands had begun to gently rub her abdomen in circles.

Moderate strength and uniform speed rubbed the pain and gave her a comfortable feeling.

This technique... It's a shame not to be a masseur!

Although this move made her shy, but with the pain in Bibi’s belly, Chu Huan’s shoes immediately pushed her belly out of her belly very unscrupulously, and then said from time to time, “It’s also rubbed here, and it hurts... and There, click on it..."

When the maid came in with brown sugar and ginger tea, she saw their godlike master, rubbing her belly with a gentle expression on the little woman in her arms, while the little woman was holding her belly and looking satisfied. Enjoying, I still chant a few words from time to time.

For a moment, the maid felt as if she saw the owner of the beast giving the pet dog a cat.

With a light cough, the maid hinted that she was coming. A certain woman was aroused, and she immediately recovered from her enjoyment. She was about to jump off the thigh of a certain major general, but this waist was tightly held. So blushing, he took the cup of brown sugar ginger tea.

After the maid left, Chu Huan sipped the warm ginger tea, "Just now... I was seen by others."

"Let's see it, anyway, you are not here for a day or two." In other words, the intimate relationship between the two people is actually known to the people in this villa.

But she would be embarrassed! Of course, Chu Huan didn't say this, because it would be embarrassing to her that he didn't think there was anything at all. The standard point of the two is not the same level at all.

After drinking most of the ginger tea and rubbing his stomach for a while, Chu Huan felt that the pain in his abdomen was reduced a lot, not as painful as it was at the beginning.

"By the way, what happened to the micro-film breach of contract?" She asked, after all, this is the main purpose of her coming today. Ting'er and Du Hai have been half anxious these days.

"It's more difficult." Xiao Moye said truthfully, "The other company must do business in an official manner. For the sake of the present, if you want to release a micro film, you may re-shoot the actor's part."

"How can that work? Isn't that the equivalent of a remake!" If it's just a supporting role, it might be okay, but Fei Tian is the leading actor. In this movie, he is basically in 85% of the scenes!

"If you don't reshoot, then compensate 50 million in liquidated damages." He said the second plan.

Chu Huan's jaw dropped! 50 million, is that a small number? She, a petty citizen, has seen the most money, that is, when she paid her tuition in college, the old lady suddenly took out 20,000 people/min/coins from the bank. To her, that wad of banknotes was already a huge sum of money. Up.

"50 million, how can this be lost!" Chu Huan thought for a while.

"I will pay out the 50 million. You don't have to worry about the money." Xiao Moye said.

Chu Huan was startled, and stared at Xiao Moye blankly. Was it because he was too rich? That's why he doesn't worry about money at all. Unlike ordinary people, the biggest worry is often the issue of money.

"But even if you can pay the liquidated damages, Du Hai won't agree." After thinking about it, she said.

Sure enough, Du Hai would naturally not agree. As soon as he heard what Chu Huan said, Du Hai refused without even thinking about it, "Chu Huan, thank you Xiao Moye for my kindness, but the amount of 50 million is too big. This is the trouble caused by my carelessness. How can I let him pay the bill? What's more, the cost of this micro-film is only 2 million. "If you use 50 million for 2 million, everyone with a discerning eye Can figure out the gains outweigh the losses.

Moreover, Du Hai knew well that the reason why Xiao Moye was willing to put out 50 million, to put it bluntly, was because of Chu Huan's face.

Fang Ting'er was also surprised. She didn't expect to ask Xiao Moye for help, but the other party would come to help so generously. 50000000! A few more people are willing to help with 50 million for no reason.

"Du Hai!" Fang Ting'er looked at her boyfriend hesitantly, with a hint of expectation in her heart.

"Don't say it, this thing cannot be promised." If it is only a few hundred thousand, Du Hai may agree to let this micro-film be released first, because of the hundreds of thousands, he will work to make money in the future, and he is confident that he It can be done.

But 50 million, how many people can earn 50 million in a lifetime!

Fang Ting'er and Chu Huan both knew Du Hai's temper. Since he said so, it was so decided. In private, Ting'er pulled Chu Huan and said, "Is there really no other way? Xiao Moye has such a wide network of contacts..."

Chu Huan shook his head, "Mo Ye said that the other party had bitten very tightly and refused to let go of the contract."


These words don’t count as money: this chapter was written on Saturday evening. I went to vigil in the evening. On Sunday, my grandma had a funeral. It is estimated that I will be busy until around 8 pm to go home. The update may be at 8 or 9 o’clock.