Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 165: [165] Those things to help


165 Those who helped

Chu Huan thought that the micro-movie matter might really become pornographic, but who knew that the next day, Fang Ting'er suddenly ran over to her with a look of excitement and said, "Huanhuan, do you know? I just got a piece of news. Said that the big boss of Feitian Brokerage Company has a close relationship with Lieutenant Colonel Duan!"

Chu Huan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt that this world is really small, and many things, no matter how you bump into it, can bump into people you know.

Fang Ting’er’s face was full of excitement, as if seeing the dawn of hope, “When we were making micro movies, wasn’t Lieutenant Colonel Duan also very interested in micro movies? It also helped us a lot. If we If you ask him, he should help to set up a thread and intercede with the big boss. When the micro-film is released, the profit can also be distributed to the other company in proportion."

"Well, he should help." Chu Huan said, regardless of her relationship with Duan Tang, but for Ting'er and Du Hai, this is a hope.

Because he planned to use Duan Tang to find a way, Fang Ting'er still took Chu Huan to buy some gifts and so on, saying that he was asking for help, so he couldn't be empty-handed.

"Huanhuan, what do you want to give?" Fang Ting'er was in the supermarket looking at various nutrition and health products, various gift boxes of tobacco and alcohol, but she couldn't choose exactly what to give.

After all, too expensive wines and cigarettes can be bought for tens of thousands, and they can't afford to give them away, but if the gift is too cheap, they are afraid that the other party will feel that they are not sincere. So Fang Ting'er can be said to be in a dilemma right now.

Fang Ting'er humbly asked Chu Huan for advice, but Chu Huan had no experience in gift giving at all, so she had to say, "In fact, gift giving is more important than love."

"That's how it is said, but if your gift is not right, who knows what you want." Fang Ting'er looked at the prices of the high-end products, and felt that the budget he originally planned to buy gifts was not enough." By the way, Chu Huan, do you know what Lieutenant Colonel Duan likes?"

Ting'er's question really made Chu Huan stunned. Strictly speaking, she didn't know what Duan Tang liked, or she knew little about Duan Tang.

"I don't know too much," she replied.

"It seems that I can only buy it casually. I only hope that the blind cat will encounter dead mice. He just likes the gift we gave!" Fang Ting'er pondered the budget, and then took a few bottles of red wine, high-end honey, Two Chinese cigarettes, said to Chu Huan again, "Huanhuan, you also help choose them."

Chu Huan thought for a while and brought a unicorn melon over, "The weather is hot, and the watermelon is cooler to relieve the heat."

"Lieutenant Colonel Duan likes to eat watermelon?" Fang Ting'er asked.

Chu Huan returned the look in her eyes like Mo Zaiyang, Fang Ting'er was sweating, thinking about it, there are quite a lot of people who like to eat watermelon on a hot day, maybe Duan Tang also called it! Watermelon was not expensive anyway, so Chu Huan put it in the shopping cart.

At the end of the checkout, a total of more than 3,000 yuan was spent, and Fang Ting'er was paying the bill through his teeth. Naturally, Chu Huan knew that the best friends and Du Hai were frugal in making the micro-movies. Now that they have the money, it is estimated that they will use it from the living expenses in the future, so he said, "If the money is not enough, I still have some living expenses that I haven’t used up here, or else..."

"Don't!" Fang Ting'er interrupted, "I can still pay now. When I really don't have any money, don't refuse to ask you to borrow money!"

"Of course." Chu Huan smiled.

Fang Ting'er and Du Hai can be said to have looked for Duan Tang with hope, but when they came back, they looked bad, and they also carried the gifts they bought from the supermarket yesterday.

"What's wrong? He refused to help?" Chu Huan asked hurriedly.

"Lieutenant Colonel Duan didn't say anything about it, he just said that he needed to think about it." Du Hai said, recalling the scene of seeing Duan Tang before, his heart was full of depression.

When filming the micro-film before, because of Duan Tang’s active help, because of the kindness that always existed, Du Hai always believed that although Duan Tang is a member of the rich and powerful circle, he is still the kind of talker in the end. people.

It was only when I saw him today that he suddenly realized that he was still too naive. It turned out that the other party can talk very well, or it can be difficult to talk, depending on what the other party thinks. Duan Tang's few words sealed all his requests, but on his face, he still smiled pleasantly, giving people a particularly candid feeling.

"Then what about these gifts?" Chu Huan asked.

"I don't know, just put it aside, you can also use it later." Fang Ting'er said, can only comfort himself, 3,000 yuan is not completely a waste.

In the evening, Chu Huan thought that since the gift was returned, he would simply eat the watermelon he chose yesterday. But after looking for the watermelon for a while, I didn’t find it. When I asked Fang Ting'er, I realized that Duan Tang was alone. The watermelon was left.

"Do you think Lieutenant Colonel Duan likes to eat watermelon?" Fang Ting'er said, "When he gave other gifts, he didn't respond much. Later I said that this watermelon was chosen by you and me yesterday. He said that this melon was good, and he was thinking about eating melon, so he stayed."

Chu Huan's heart suddenly faltered, and there was a faint anxiety in his heart.

"You said, if I send more watermelons to Lieutenant Colonel Duan, will this happen?" Fang Ting'er asked.


But the next day, when Fang Ting'er bought several watermelons and sent them to Duan Tang in one go, they were all returned. Fang Ting'er said bluntly that Duan Tang's preferences became too fast. Up.

After a few days, Du Hai Fang Ting'er went to Duan Tang more than once, and people from the Film and Television Research Agency also went to look for it several times. It is said that Duan Tang received politely every time, but he never agreed. I kept pushing that I would consider it for a few days.

Chu Huan could faintly feel what Duan Tang was waiting for. But, is she going to ask for it? Even if you really ask, why do you think Duan Tang will agree? After all, she had shattered his pride and rejected him time and time again.

Because I have been thinking about it all the time, so many times I get distracted.

On the computer screen, "Detective Conan", which Chu Huan usually loves to watch, was displayed, but at this moment, she was stunned that she did not take these reasoning dialogues into her mind. Although the animation was playing, her eyes were Staring at the computer screen, but I didn't know where to turn.

When Xiao Moye walked into Chu Huan's bedroom, she saw her in a daze. The twenty-minute cartoon had already been played, and what was displayed on the computer screen was the final END screen.