Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 170: [170] About military exercises


170 About military exercises

Duan Tang ignored the end of the whistle. He fought the gun back, took off his military cap and raked his hair, and walked to the assembly area.

From a distance, Duan Tang looked at Xiao Moye's figure and walked over with pace. Xiao Moye naturally noticed Duan Tang. He stood still and didn't move until the two of them stood only two steps away. He said lightly, "Lieutenant Colonel Duan did a good job today. I hope I can see it tomorrow. Performance."

"If you can do it, I will do it naturally." Duan Tang said leisurely, "Major General Xiao, you, I heard that you were very busy with a micro movie recently."

Xiao Moye smiled casually, "It's very busy." As for what they were up to, the two of them knew well.

"It's better to be busy than not to be busy." Duan Tang raised his eyebrows, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on the corners of his lips. "But it also depends on what is busy."

Xiao Moye's black eyes narrowed slightly, and Duan Tang continued, "I really want to know how Major General Xiao solves the troubles of the micro film, and... in the future, will I regret helping this."

After speaking, without waiting for Xiao Moye to say anything, he said hello and turned to leave.

"Regret?" Seeing Duan Tang's back gradually walking away, Xiao Moye pressed her thin lips slightly. As long as Huan continues to like him, he will do it no matter what she asks.

Because he wanted to guard her so much under his wings, let her smile at him forever and ever.

So, I won’t regret...

On the other hand, Duan Tang had just changed his clothes in the locker room, and the phone rang suddenly, and the caller ID was Qu Feizhuo.

"Feizhuo, what can you do with me?" He picked up the phone and asked.

"I have already contacted the brain authority mentioned last time for you. When you are free, make an appointment and let him do a detailed examination for you." Qu Feizhuo said.

"Then tomorrow." Duan Tang said. I want to know what is the real cause of his headache, and I want to know the rhetoric in Lin Zixun's remarks, and what is hidden.

What's the matter with his headache, and why should he rub his forehead like Chu Huan when he has a headache, the pain will fade away like a tide.

After thinking about it, Duan Tang only felt that his temples seemed to be faintly painful again, but this time, Chu Huan would not help him relieve the pain.

So is he destined to live in pain to old and to death

When Xiao Moye went to see Chu Huan, Chu Huan was packing up her things at the Film and Television Research Agency. When she came out with a large bag and a small bag, Xiao Moye's car had already stopped at the school gate.

A military uniform, wide shoulders and narrow waist, a pair of sunglasses on the tall nose bridge, full of fan taste. Seeing that Chu Huan was carrying so many things like a strong female King Kong, Xiao Moye got out of the car, walked quickly to her, and naturally carried all the bags from her hand.

Because it was already summer vacation, there was no one at the school gate, and there was an old man sitting in the reception room at the gate. He was originally looking at the newspaper. When he saw Xiao Moye got out of the car, his eyes went up and down. Look up.

You know, it's really rare to see this kind of soldier at the school gate, who has such a temperament.

Chu Huan sweated profusely while mentioning these things, but Xiao Moye relaxed. He opened the trunk of the car and put a few packs in. Then he said, "Why did you mention so many things?"

"I have graduated, so I have to take away the things left in school, otherwise, after school starts, it is estimated that they will be cleaned up as rubbish." Chu Huan wiped his sweat. It was too hot today, even if it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. Yes, but the sun is still scorching hot, and the sweat on my body is flowing layer by layer.

Xiao Moye pulled Chu Huan into the car. The air conditioner in the car was whizzing. He took out his handkerchief and wiped her sweaty head very carefully. Finally, he took out a bottle of drink and The lid was unscrewed before handing it to her, "Drink first to quench your thirst."

Chu Huan took a sip of a drink and finally felt that he had recovered. He looked at the military uniform on Xiao Moye and asked, "You just came from the military area?"

"Yeah. There is a military exercise recently. I have been training these days." He said, starting the car.

Military exercises! Chu Huan's eyes lit up, "Is it like the one shown on TV, with all the aircraft and cannons deployed?"

"Almost." Xiao Moye said.

Chu Huan felt quite shocked. She always sees that kind of military exercise on TV or in the news. She always feels that she lives far away from her, but she does not want the people around her, but will participate in the military exercise.

"Is your military exercise open to the outside world?" She would really like to buy tickets to watch it.

"At best, it should be open to reporters and media. Why, want to see it?" he asked.

"Very thoughtful." She nodded.

"Looking back, when the official military exercise is in progress, let you follow the people from the city government to watch it." There are so many ways for Xiao Moye to watch the military exercise by yourself.

When Chu Huan heard it, he was excited. Then I put forward more requirements, such as whether I can take a photo with the tank, and when I can take the photo, I can also borrow her military uniform to wear it...

Until Xiao Moye took him to the place to eat, he was still expressing various thoughts. Xiao Moye smiled, quite like Chu Huan. Choosing a table on the third floor of the restaurant, Xiao Moye directly asked the waiter to give the menu to Chu Huan.

Now every time I eat out, Chu Huan orders food and Xiao Moye makes supplements.

At the very beginning, Chu Huan looked at the prices on the menu and was quite frightened, but he ordered too many, which became numb, so he didn't look at the price anymore, and ordered whatever he wanted.

Halfway through the meal, a group of people came up on the third floor. For a while, the originally quiet third floor became a little noisy.

Chu Huan looked back and saw that all of the people in that group were dressed in style, a few in suits and leather shoes, and a few in shirts and trousers. What they said was all official words. Someone from the institution came to eat.

The one standing in the front, ho, Chu Huan still knew him. It was Deputy Chief Jiang of the police station. Chu Huan only met this person when he entered the police station.

Chu Huan whispered to Xiao Moye, "Deputy Director Jiang is among those who came."

Xiao Moye gave a faint hum. He didn't even mean to get up to say hello. Instead, Chu Huan said, "Listen to Wu Shao, when I was kidnapped by Hong Lei last time, the police station was also Deputy Chief Jiang. The task force established, do you think I have to say thank you?"