Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 175: [175] Fell asleep


175 Asleep

A group of people with blue noses and swollen faces, a few with blood on their faces, and a few joints in their arms and legs that were obviously a bit twisted. Everyone gritted their teeth and walked through the pain, and they lined up in a line.

Fang Ting'er was stunned, and she could hardly believe that this group of people had scared herself to death before.

Chu Huan looked at this group of people, and finally he was no worse than Hong Lei last time, and he was relieved. Although the other party returned 200,000 yuan, the best friend didn't have to pay back the money, but Chu Huan boldly asked the other party whether he needed to compensate for the medical expenses? After all, they were hurt so badly, but Xiao Moye didn't hurt much.

A group of gangsters shook their heads in shock, and Brother Lu was crying bitterly and wanted to post money to Chu Huan again, saying it was a scare fee.

Chu Huan is a little embarrassed, what's going on here.

After Doctor Fang handled Du Hai's injury, Wu Shao drove a car and drove a group of five people to the apartment where Chu Huan and the others were renting. Xiao Moye sat in the passenger seat, while Ting'er Chu Huan and Du Hai sat in the back row.

Chu Huan and Fang Ting'er were busy taking care of Du Hai, Xiao Moye raised his eyes and looked at the rearview mirror, his expressions calm, no happiness or anger could be seen. Wu Shao glanced at the rearview mirror, and after looking at his friend, he could vaguely guess something in his heart.

He took Du Hai back to the apartment, Fang Ting'er stayed beside Du Hai, did not go to bed, Chu Huan hurried in and out, tossing for a while, boiled all the hot water, and sorted out all the medicines in the hospital. .

When Chu Huan was busy, Xiao Moye quietly leaned against the wall of the living room, not speaking, just watching. Being quiet is simply making people deliberately ignore his existence.

Wu Shao didn't leave either. He leaned on Xiao Moye's shoulders and smiled softly, "Why, are you eating?"

"Yeah." The sexy thin lips gently responded to the monosyllable words, Xiao Moye glanced at Wu Shao, "It's so delicious."

With this look, Wu Shao's eyes were sharp, and his pimp-like smile suddenly froze at the corner of his mouth. It was a dangerous look.

The name is-jealous!

Fang Ting'er took care of Du Hai intently. During the past two days, she basically stayed by Du Hai's side intently. On the contrary, Chu Huan became even busier. Help Fang Ting'er get the graduation design exhibition. After all, it will be the design exhibition in two days. These days, I have to finalize the makeup, hairstyle and try out exercises with the model. So that Chu Huan has been facing two sets of clothes and 6 models at the same time these days.

Chu Huan was too tired. When Xiao Moye came to pick her up, she slept directly in the car.

Parked the car downstairs in the apartment, Xiao Moye didn't go to wake Chu Huan, but fixedly looked sideways at her sleeping face, as if he wanted to see her for life. Her face was ruddy not a few days ago, and her eyebrows were full of fatigue, even in her sleep, her eyebrows were slightly twisted.

"Huan..." He murmured softly, raised his hand, his fingers were about to touch her cheek, but he stopped abruptly, as if he was afraid that his actions would wake her up. In the end, he just moved his fingers slowly in the air to outline the outline of her face, "Is it tired?" He asked, knowing that she could never answer his question in her sleep.

"You know, I'm very tired too." He leaned down, his lips, and her ears were only two centimeters away. "Every moment, I am worried, jealous, and thinking. It's so funny. Looking at you taking care of Du Hai so much, I should be scared. I'm afraid that you care about him more than me. I'm afraid that you treat him better than me." Warm sniff, spray On the side of her ears.

Her breathing was still steady, and he knew that she was really asleep, so... it is impossible to hear what he said.

"I don't want you to care about other people, and I don't want you to be nice to other people." He continued to whisper, his gorgeous voice, not the usual elegance, but a little hoarse, "Is this my request for you? Is it too harsh?"

He knew that she was different from him, he cared too little, and she cared too much. When he lost her, he desperately looked for her like crazy, and when he got her, he was always worried about losing her.

Even though, she was clearly by his side, even though, she clearly said that she liked him.

With slender fingers placed on the position of his heart, Xiao Moye felt the beating of his heart. Why are you so scared? Is it because he loves her too deeply, or because she has too shallow and too weak feelings for him? It's like the two ends of the sky, the longer the time, the deeper the feelings he puts down, and the farther the distance between him and her is.

He desperately wanted to shorten this distance, but only in exchange for more and more panic.

When Chu Huan woke up, the sky outside was completely dark. The carriage was exuding soft lights, and Xiao Moye sat beside her, leaning sideways and gazing at her tenderly.

"I slept for a long time?" Chu Huan asked hurriedly.

"Soon, only three hours." He raised his hand to help her smooth her messy long hair.

three hours? She was shocked, surprised that she actually slept for such a long time, "Why don't you wake me up?" she asked.

"I want you to have a good rest." His reason is simple.

She was startled, because he wanted her to rest well, so he sat in the car for three hours? ! Chu Huan suddenly hugged Xiao Moye and buried his head in his arms, "I know you are very good to me..." So good that she really is. I feel that in this world, no one will treat her better, "But if you encounter this kind of thing next time, you should wake me up instead of sitting in the car for three hours and waiting for me to wake up. "

Her little face was rubbed gently against his chest, and her hand was against his back, like a koala holding an eucalyptus tree.

"Huan." His hand gently clasped the back of her head, "Why do you say that I am sitting? For me, watching you sleep is a kind of enjoyment." It was like at that moment. , She is his, completely complete. I don't go anywhere, I don't think about anything.

"Enjoy?" She looked up puzzled.

"Yes, a kind of enjoyment, an extremely pleasant enjoyment." He held her face in his hand, "So even if you sleep for 5 hours, 8 hours, or even longer, I will wait." Keep waiting , Wait till she wakes up, wait till she falls in love with him!