Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 177: [177] Hold


177 hug

Du Hai thought about it later, too, Xiao Moye's identity background was originally not linked to ordinary students like him. If it weren't for Chu Huan, why would Xiao Moye collect 200,000 yuan to rescue him? Not to mention the micro-movie matter, the other party also intends to use 50 million to pay liquidated damages.

Regarding the micro-movie, Du Hai also mentioned it to Xiao Moye once, "Mr. Xiao, I always wanted to thank you. I didn't expect that you would be willing to use 50 million to settle this matter. But after all, the amount of money is too much. It's too big, I really can't take it."

Xiao Moye smiled and said nothing.

Fang Ting'er took a break and asked Chu Huan what happened to Chu Huan's graduation exhibition. After hearing Chu Huan said that everything was done, she immediately hugged Chu Huan and said, "Huanhuan, you are my second-born parent!"

"By the way, how is your job search?" Chu Huan asked.

"How many resumes have been submitted. How about you?"

"Wait for the graduation exhibition before submitting your resume."

"Hey, it would be great if they could be favored by design masters at the graduation exhibition!" For people like them who graduated and are about to step into society, it would be a step up to the sky.

"How easy is it!" Chu Huan smiled.

After chatting and talking about the micro-movie, Chu Huan asked, "What is Du Hai's plan?"

"No plan, Duan Tang refused to agree to help, and the brokerage company did not let go, so he could only take one step and count one step. Fortunately, the cost of the filming was the family's money, at least not the loan shark." Otherwise, it's just that. Forcing debts can kill people.

Chu Huan thought for a while and said, "Mo Ye said he will come to think of a solution, don't worry." What he said, asking her to believe him, his words always have a convincing power.

Fang Ting'er suddenly looked at Chu Huan with admiration, "Huanhuan, you are so nice, you can be loved by a character like Xiao Moye, this is something that many people can't ask for. His background, plus him Your own ability will definitely come to the Central Committee in the future, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t look for a job."

Chu Huan didn’t even think about whether Xiao Moye would enter the central government, but Chu Huan insisted on finding a job. After studying fashion design for four years, it’s hard to read a university. I didn't even look for a job, and it was too wrong for the tuition.

Du Hai continued to nest in Fang Ting'er's room because the bruise on his face was a bit serious. Fang Ting'er took care of Du Hai, and Chu Huan continued to rush in. Wu Shao occasionally came up to sit and saw this situation, and took Chu Huan into the kitchen to chat alone.

"You are so happy to be the nanny?"

Chu Huan blinked, and didn't understand what Wu Shao meant when he came suddenly. Some words can be understood by some shrewd people, but for a small citizen like Chu Huan, it is better to explain the meaning directly than to make such a turn. So Wu Shao had to point out clearly, "Do you think you take care of Du Hai so hard, Mo Ye really doesn't care?"

Chu Huan was taken aback, and then immediately said, "Du Hai is my friend, he is like this now, I can't leave it alone."

"But he is your friend, not Mo Ye's friend." Wu Shao said, seeing Chu Huan frowning, and sighed, "Sister Chu Huan, let me tell you this. Where are the people in our circle? , I have been spoiled at home since I was a child, held by the people around me, the road of life is paved by the elders, as long as there is no big trouble, life can be said to be smooth sailing. Therefore, people like us, ten Eight of them are quite selfish, especially emotionally, because I have seen a lot, watched a lot, and have seen all the messy things, so I am less likely to give affection, and I want to really look at someone. , I would rather spend money to play around for a while than love someone out of my heart."

Chu Huan had also heard the word selfish from Xiao Moye's mouth before, and she pressed the corner of her lips as she listened to Wu Shao continuing to speak.

"Mo Ye's feelings are actually more selfish than anyone else. To be honest, I didn't expect him to fall into your hand at first, and he was so stubborn as to be replaced by me. I'm afraid I won't be so right in this life. A woman is desperate." Wu Shao's Zai refers to three years ago, but Chu Huan understands it is April this year. "Didn't you realize that Mo Ye was a little disturbed during this period of time?"

disturbed? Will he? That elegant and luxurious man, as if holding everything in his hands, would he be upset? "Because I helped take care of Du Hai?" she asked.

Wu Shao nodded slightly, "Before I, you said, the reason why Mo Ye didn't mind me getting close to you was because he knew that nothing could develop between you and me, but Du The sea is different."

"What's the difference?" Chu Huan's heart jumped sharply, and his voice became tense, for fear that Wu Shao knew something.

Fortunately, Wu Shao just said, "Mo Ye's understanding of Du Hai is far less than that of me, so he will be worried and will care that you pay too much attention to Du Hai.

"You mean, I shouldn't care about my friends?" Chu Huan said.

"That's not the case." Wu Shao smiled, "Everyone should have friends, but friends belong to friends, and lovers belong to lovers. Sister Chu Huan, in the final analysis, you are right because your feelings for Mo Ye are not deep enough. That’s why it makes him uneasy."

Chu Huan suffocated, thinking of what Xiao Moye said in the corridor of the apartment that day. Is it because of anxiety? So he would mind who is more important, so he would ask if he was sick, would she take care of him in the same way.

Wu Shao discovered this, but she didn't realize it herself!

Chu Huan was quite self-blaming, so at night, while Ting'er was taking care of Du Hai, Chu Huan dragged Xiao Moye into her room, and put her hands on Xiao Moye’s waist—she likes to hold it. His waist always feels that his waist is beautiful, thin and strong, and the feeling of embracing it makes him feel that this man belongs to him.


Chu Huan thought about it, and was stunned for a while. Once, she had always wanted to avoid him and resist him, but now she actually fell in love with the feeling that he belongs to her.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Moye was a little surprised at Chu Huan's sudden embrace. After all, she has rarely held him like this all the time.

"Nothing, it just feels like I haven't held you like this for a long time, and want to hug." She said a little coquettishly.

Chu Huan is very rare to act like a baby, mainly this baby might feel embarrassed.