Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 178: [178] Kiss you


178 I'm Sorry

Xiao Moye really enjoyed Chu Huan's acting like a baby, with a smile on his lips, "Well, you can hold it for as long as you want."

Chu Huan buried his face in Xiao Moye's arms and held it, thinking of Wu Shao's words in his heart. If he wanted to reassure him, should he behave himself? Use some actions to tell him that she likes him, likes him very much.

Chu Huan thought so, his hands slowly became restless, and he touched Xiao Moye's waist east and west, and finally put his hands on his chest and pushed him towards the bed. .

He raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything, but let her push him to the side of the bed with soft strength, and then pushed him to the ground.

Well, that's all for the beautiful man lying down!

His long body was trapped in a beige bedding, and the military uniform that lined his body became more obvious. The black hair, because of the relationship between lying down, the bangs were separated on both sides, revealing a full forehead, long eyebrows and star eyes. From her point of view, the thick black eyelashes are even more curled. With every blink, it looks like the wings of a butterfly trembling lightly, blurred and confusing. Under the straight bridge of the nose, there was a slight smile on his lips, as if he was waiting for her to move on.

She couldn't help but swallowed, kicked on her shoes, and climbed to her body, to be precise, she climbed onto his body. Her posture was completely irrelevant to Aestheticism, but it was like an octopus.

"Mo Ye." She blushed and whispered his name softly, "I like you." Even though she had said this to him several times, the citizen still couldn't help being shy.

"Well, I love you." He responded.

Uh... She paused, "I like you very much."

"I love you very much."

Chu Huan was embarrassed, and suddenly felt that it would be better not to say anything. So, he closed his mouth obediently, and changed his words to a dear. The tender little hand held his face, she lowered her head, like a chicken pecking rice, kissed his face, once, twice, three times...

Although the dear was a little clumsy and a bit messy, this was the most practical way she could think of at the moment to express how she liked him.

I don't know what language to use to express the like, and I don't know how to make him understand that her like is actually not that shallow.

I want to reassure him, I want to let him know that he is the first man she likes so much. The liking for Du Hai is a hazy stage, but the liking for him is already real, including getting along, including kissing, including hugging, including more... more...

He quietly allowed her to kiss him, and only his hands that tremble and clenched into fists trapped in the bedding revealed the throbbing in his heart. It wasn't until she kissed that she was panting, and her cheeks stopped flushing, he opened his mouth gently, and asked with a trace of hoarseness, "Why are you so close?" Her initiative today is less than in the past. some.

She cheeked and replied, "I want you to know how much I like you."

His eyes became more and more blurred, flashing with a strangely gorgeous light, "But this alone is not enough for me." He slowly raised his right hand, and the pad of his thumb pressed against her lips. Rubbing gently, "I want more kisses to prove that you like me."

It means that just kissing the face is not enough? Chu Huan only felt that the place he rubbed on his lips was hot, and he couldn't tell whether his hands were hot or her lips were hot.

"Do you think I am greedy?" he asked.

She shook her head, it was just his anxiety. and so…

As if making up her mind, she opened her mouth suddenly, put his fingers in her mouth, whirled the tip of her tongue, licked his fingertips, the knuckles of his fingers...

His body trembled suddenly, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, as if something exploded in his chest, a rush of heat filled his limbs, and then concentrated to a certain place.

She licked very intently, as if she was doing a very important thing, all the attention was in her mouth and between his fingers.

He panted slightly, his eyes darkened.

After a while, she felt that she was almost licking, and then gently spit out his fingers, blushing and said, "Do you like it? You... You taught me to lick like this before."

"Like it." His voice became even more hoarse. Her licking easily aroused his lust. Make him want to press her under him and penetrate her fiercely.

When Xiao Moye said that he liked it, Chu Huan felt that it was right to do so. Physical contact and active performance should eliminate his anxiety and let him understand that he doesn't need to worry about anything at all.

So, frightened by this thought, the claws of Chu Huan's children's shoes began to pick up Xiao Moye's military uniform, and he unbuttoned his buttons automatically, one, two, three...

Then, she automatically unbuttoned the shirt button in his military uniform. It was still one, two, three...

All the buttons were unbuttoned, her head lowered again, and kissed his neck, his Adam’s apple, his collarbone, the redness on his chest...

Every place, every point...

Her movements are not fast, very serious, and there is a kind of compliment and obsession in her eyes when she kisses.

His body is beautiful, a beauty that combines strength and lines, more beautiful than the body of any model she has ever seen.

She was obsessed with kissing his body lightly, feeling him with her lips, so she naturally never saw his fingers trembling lightly and clenched into a fist, naturally she would not know how much he would need to spend Only with her restraint can her impulse be restrained and she didn't turn over to press her under her.

She kissed him wholeheartedly, trying to make him aware of her likes, but forgot the man's desire, when her lips kissed his abdomen, she suddenly found that there was a high bulge.

God, he... he...

With round apricot eyes staring at those words, Chu Huan felt that he hadn't thought of this for so long. At any rate, I have read a lot of comics, and I haven't read it secretly in the H episode. She should have thought of the physiological reaction of a man long ago.

Turning her head again, she looked at Xiao Moye awkwardly, bit her lip and asked, "Is it uncomfortable?"

He still smiled lightly, "A little bit." But he didn't force her to do anything.

He is restraining his desire/hope, and the handsome face is full of abstinence/fascination.