Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 179: [179] Silent speech


179 Silent Words

What are you afraid of, Chu Huan! She said to herself from the bottom of her heart to help him relieve his desires. It's not that she has never done anything. What's more, she didn't reject or dislike it, on the contrary, there was a kind of very wonderful... rejoicing.

Yes, she can make him more comfortable, so that he doesn't have to be depressed so hard.

She covered his swollen/swollen area with her hands, blushed as if bleeding was coming, and her voice was as soft as a mosquito yelling, "I, I will help you."

However, he still heard clearly.

"All to tell me, do you like me?" His eyes fixedly stared at her, as if to see what she was really thinking from the expression on her face.

The little head nodded vigorously.

"Then why do you suddenly want to tell you how much you like me?" He continued to ask.

She raised her eyes slightly, her gaze was facing him, there was shyness, nostalgia, and hesitation in her eyes, but she didn't avoid it. Pursing her lips for a while, she said, "I don't want to be upset."

He suddenly stood up, looked at her, just looked at her, and then pressed her head to his chest, "Huan... Huan..." How could he not love her like this

So, today she took the initiative, so even though she was half-shy, she didn't back down. Just like this moment, her hand was pressed against his swelling/swelling, so soft, so soft.

During this period of time, the restlessness and anxiety that had been filled with her heart seemed to disappear one by one with her actions.

She lowered her head, moving up and down in the way he had taught her before, and his eyes were half-dangling, and her face was printed in the dark pupils.

"Huan, don't betray me. As long as you don't betray me, you always love me and stay by my side, I will feel at ease." Thin lips said silently, and she did not see or hear.

Chu Huan faintly felt that she and Xiao Mo seemed to be closer at night. This feeling is hard to say clearly, only two people can experience the Tao by themselves.

Because tomorrow is the graduation design exhibition, Chu Huan is also very busy today. He and the model have finalized the clothes to be worn tomorrow, the time for the stage, and the order of the clothes display. In addition, he has to be prepared for the series when the time comes. Introduction of works.

This kind of introduction should be concise and concise. It should not only explain the intent and concept of the design, but also explain the combination of clothing and accessories. It is really simple, but it is not good. It is easy to be rigid, but it has to be simple. With certain modifiers.

So Chu Huan finished writing and felt that her literary talent was not good enough, so she pulled Xiao Moye and asked him to help polish up.

Xiao Moye took the thin introduction and asked, "I will read it at the design exhibition tomorrow?"

She nodded, "You can help me see and add some adjectives."

"You won't add it yourself?"

"It's not good for me to write a small composition." From a young age, her composition, in the words of the teacher, is a top-notch account. If there is more water, there will be more water, which makes people seem to have no sex at all.

Xiao Moye carefully scanned the text on the paper, and then took the signature pen and began to make changes on it. After a while, Chu Huan took the modified introduction word and took a look. Hey, the literary talent is really much better than her. The words and sentences are all infectious, and they are very contagious when facing Xiao Moye. Padding smoothly, then kissed his cheek.

Now, Chu Huan had kissed more and more smoothly with regard to kissing. She didn't know if it was a natural habit, or because her face became thicker and thicker after this period of tempering.

"Are you free tomorrow?" After playing with his face, she asked again.

"Do you want me to see your graduation project?" he asked rhetorically.

"Yeah." After all, the graduation project once in a lifetime, especially her designs, was inspired by him. Of course, Chu Huan hoped Xiao Moye would look at it, but... "When you came, could it be like before? If you go to food stalls, change your look and don't let people recognize it." Otherwise, it is estimated that everyone's attention is not watching the graduation design exhibition, but watching him.

"Good." Xiao Moye agreed without any objection.

Early the next morning, Chu Huan and Fang Ting'er arrived at the school early. Although the design exhibition officially started at 9:30, there were a lot of preparations to do, so even if they were only 6 when they arrived at school. Point, time is also very tight.

"Won't Du Hai come today?" Chu Huan asked. From the day before yesterday, Du Hai was almost healed from the injury. He didn't need someone to take care of him, so he went back to his home.

"No." Fang Ting'er said, his face a little bit of silence, "He said that today the big boss of the brokerage company is going to attend a summit meeting. He wants to rush to the meeting place. He wants to try his luck and see if he can meet that. Big boss, let’s talk about the micro-film."

Chu Huan knew that Ting'er wanted Du Hai to watch it, but she could understand Du Hai's such anxious micro-film, so she could only pat her friend on the shoulder to show her comfort.

With the passage of time, more and more students came in the design class. The backstage venue is noisy here, and it is not much different from the vegetable market.

Several girls in the same class saw that Chu Huan was busy, and they stepped forward and said in a sour tone, "Chu Huan, why are you so serious?"

"Graduation design exhibition, of course, you have to be more serious." Chu Huan said, "Moreover, this time there are many famous teachers in the design industry coming to see it. It's a rare opportunity."

Several girls looked at the costumes worn by Chu Huan’s model, and then glanced at each other. One of them humanely said, "This kind of opportunity is very important for people like us who have no backing, but you find them all. Backing, there is no need to be so serious."

"Yes, yes! Leave more opportunities for us!"

After all, this time, Chu Huan’s design is considered good in the department, and it’s rumored that one of the people who came to watch this time is a designer from a famous fashion foreign company. He has 5 places for recruitment. Once in, you can enter a foreign company. This is what many students dream of.

If there is one less person to compete, you will have a better chance.

"Backing?" Chu Huan blinked inexplicably.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, you are all taken care of by rich people, there are often luxury cars to pick you up at the school gate, we have all seen it." The girls said.

Chu Huan wanted to take a bite of blood, to support your sister, and to support your whole family!