Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 185: [185] Headache is splitting


185 I'm Sorry

Wang Wei looked at Duan Tang who was still running around the big playground, and couldn't help muttering about the opponent's physical strength in his heart. After 10,000 meters of training, he was half tired, but Duan Tang insisted that he still had enough energy to continue running. , And there is no meaning to stop at this time.

Looking from a distance, the running posture is still upright and vigorous, without showing exhaustion. Wang Wei admires Duan Tang, naturally not only Duan Tang's identity background.

In the same circle, Wang Wei's background is Bibi Duantang. His parents are important provincial-level cadres. His grandfather used to be a veteran cadre of the central government. Now he retires, but his influence is still there. What Wang Wei really admired was Duan Tang's ability to handle affairs and his brain and physical strength.

For example, when it comes to fighting, Wang Wei admits that he is not Duan Tang's opponent, and in terms of his brain, if this paragraph of Tang intends to torture a person, there are so many ways to dazzle.

Wang Wei has not known Duan Tang for a long time, it only took more than two years. Being able to get together to become good friends is nothing more than having in common with his interests and hobbies. Of course, he also actively wanted to win over Duan Tang. In terms of multiple friends, there are always multiple paths.

For a long time, Wang Wei always felt that Duan Tang was cold and cold. No woman could really tie him up. It was as if a woman was just a toy to him. After a little play, he would lose interest and he could be merciless. Turn around and leave. Therefore, in Wang Wei's concept, the woman who can trap Duan Tang is either intelligent and independent, or extremely beautiful. I really didn't expect that she would be an ordinary girl.

To be honest, Wang Wei really didn't think Chu Huan had anything good. If he left the road on the road when he didn't know him, Wang Wei wouldn't take a second look.

But it was so strange, the woman happened to meet Duan Tang's eyes, and it happened to be Xiao Moye's girlfriend again.

Since the beginning of military exercise training, Wang Wei felt that Duan Tang was a bit strange. The amount of training was getting bigger and bigger every day, it seemed like a life-threatening one.

When Duan Tang finally stopped running like exhausted, Wang Wei estimated that he had run more than 20,000 meters at least. Passing water and a towel to the other party, Wang Wei said, "You ran too hard, didn't you think it was because of the news that was said on the Internet yesterday?"

"What news?" Duan Tang asked, panting, wiping the sweat from his face.

"Why, don't you know?" Wang Wei was surprised. After all, this was the hottest news on the Internet yesterday.

Duan Tang squinted his eyes, "What the hell is it?"

When Wang Wei told Duan Tang about the news about Xiao Moye and Chu Huan yesterday, he saw that beautiful face suddenly turned green, and turned around, Duan Tang had already ran towards the nearest computer room. .

"Hey, Duan Tang, where are you going, wait!" Wang Wei hurriedly followed, but Duan Tang ran so fast that Wang Wei couldn't believe it at all. Two minutes ago, this man had just gone from 20,000 yuan. Dormy's long run stopped.

When Wang Wei ran into the computer room, he saw Duan Tang already sitting in front of a computer, pressing his left hand on the keyboard and his right hand on the mouse. He was looking at news reports on major forums. .

The computer screen is full of photos of a man and a woman embracing each other. There are men holding women’s waists, men holding women in their arms, and more often men holding women upside down while women’s faces are full. He shyly circled the man's neck.

The man is Xiao Moye, and the woman is Chu Huan.

If Duan Tang weren't right in front of him, Wang Wei might still tease that these photos were taken pretty well, and Chu Huan, this woman, seemed to look better than he had seen before. but…

Wang Wei looked at Duan Tang and swallowed all these words back into his stomach.

The dark phoenix eyes fixedly stared at the computer screen, Duan Tang's face that was flushed from running now became blue and white, and on the back of the mouse's hand, the veins violently rose, almost as if he was about to crush the life. general.

They... together.

So close and so upright!

On the woman's face, there is panic, helplessness, and shyness, but... but there is also a strong attachment.

Chu Huan! Chu Huan!

Is she telling him that she is attached to Xiao Moye? Looking at the other man with that kind of eyes, it was like putting herself completely in the hands of that man.

Pain... Pain... Head, I started to have pain again...

As if countless fine and dense needles were constantly piercing, stabbing his head, his heart, and his limbs.

The tingling sensation is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that I can't breathe.

"Hmm..." Duan Tang held his head tightly with both hands, staggered to the side, and was about to fall off the chair.

When Wang Wei saw something wrong, he hurriedly stepped forward to support his friend, "Duan Tang, what's the matter with you? I have a headache again?"

"It hurts... my head hurts..." He groaned in pain, and there were scenes flashing in his mind.

That is... Chu Huan! That was Chu Huan's figure, Chu Huan's face.

Laughing at him, crying at him, whispering something to him...

But unable to hear, he could only see her mouth open and close, but could not hear any sound.

Pain, more pain!

The whole head almost wanted to explode, "Huan... Chu Huan... My head hurts... It hurts..." But she won't know, she won't know, there is a man who is suffering from a headache for her .

At this moment, Chu Huan was also online, but instead of reading the posts on the forum, he looked at the fare of the train ticket back to his hometown on the Internet. At the end of the design exhibition, the graduation certificate was obtained, and it was finally complete and graduated. Although she is planning to find a job in Z City, she should go back to her hometown no matter what, to take a good look at her parents who haven't seen her in a semester.

"Why, Huanhuan, do you want to go back to your hometown?" Fang Ting'er leaned in front of Chu Huan's computer, and asked after looking at the train timetable displayed on the computer.

"Yeah." Chu Huan nodded, "but I haven't figured out the specific day and how long I will go back." And the time arrangement must also be vocalized with Mo Ye. In addition, when I go back this time, she mainly wants to first Tell me about having a boyfriend.

Although my parents shouldn't know until now, it's hard to guarantee that the relatives and neighbors around me will tell my parents after reading the news on the forums or listening to others. Rather than being questioned by Xingshi later, it's not that she should confess and be lenient.