Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 186: [186] Heavy rain


186 Heavy Rain

"When you come back from your hometown, will you look for a job again?" Fang Ting'er asked again.

"Otherwise, if I go back to my hometown and the company asks me to go for an interview, I won't be able to interview." Chu Huan said.

"Yes." Fang Ting'er murmured.

"By the way, didn't you mean that Du Hai went to talk to the big boss of the agency company about the micro-film on the day of the graduation exhibition? Did the talk get done?" She was very concerned about this.

"No." Fang Ting'er was discouraged when he said this. "Du Hai was stopped by a group of security guards. After shouting several times, the boss reluctantly said something to Du Hai."

"What are you talking about?"

"Why should I be considerate of your difficulties?" Fang Ting'er said what Du Hai relayed to her after returning.

Chu Huan was dumb.

Yes, to put it bluntly, Du Hai’s micro-films are nothing to such a big company. More than 2 million yuan, for ordinary people, is the foundation of a family, but for the rich, it is nothing more than a trip, a car or a shopping trip.

"Huanhuan, don't you think rich people like to put on this kind of air, do you think it is high?" Fang Ting'er asked unwillingly.

"It can't be generalized." After all, not all rich people are like this.

Fang Ting'er couldn't help but complained to Chu Huan. After all, she was really depressed during this period of time. She had always been optimistic, and was irritated by the micro-film. Du Hai was depressed, and now she graduated. Now, Fang Ting'er was a little breathless from the pressure of stepping into society.

Chu Huan listened quietly. In fact, she didn't understand Ting'er's feelings. It was just that Ting'er was unable to solve the problems she encountered, so she could only try her best to comfort her and persuade her buddies to think better.

The two chatted for a while, until they groaned hungry, Fang Ting'er checked the time display on the computer and found that it was already 6 o'clock in the evening.

"Time flies so fast!" Fang Ting'er was speechless.

"No." Chu Huan smiled, touching his stomach and feeling a little hungry, "I'll go down and buy some fast food, what do you want to eat?"

Fang Ting'er reported her menu. Chu Huan took her wallet and walked downstairs. It was not too dark at 6 o'clock. She was afraid that anyone would recognize her. He was very careful when he walked. Looking around, I ended up walking to a fast food shop near the community, and no one rushed to her to spit on her or warn her not to stay by Xiao Moye in the future.

Chu Huan Tong Xie breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had read too many gossip magazines, thinking that reality would really be what it was on TV.

In the apartment, Fang Ting'er suddenly heard the sound of Chu Huan's mobile phone, and the phone showed that it was Xiao Moye.

After hesitating, Fang Ting'er picked up the phone, "Is that Mr. Xiao? This is Fang Ting'er, Huanhuan is not here now, do you have anything to look for her?"

"Where did she go? Xiao Moye frowned.

"I'm going downstairs to buy fast food, and I'll be up soon." Fang Ting'er said.

"Well, she came back and talked to her, I'm here to look for her now."

Fang Ting'er opened her mouth and was about to say something more, only to find a beep from the phone, and the call was over. She could feel that even though she was Chu Huan's friend, Xiao Moye had always been indifferent to her.

Or, if she wasn't Chu Huan's friend, Xiao Moye probably wouldn't even bother to talk to her.

"People are better than people, you can't compare them!" Putting the phone on the table again, he sighed softly.

After buying two boxes of fast food in a small shop, Chu Huan was about to go back, but found that the sky had already started to rain, and it was getting bigger and bigger. In just a few moments, it turned from a light rain to a downpour.

In July, there was a lot of rain at first, but I don’t know if the rain is shower or not, and how long it will last.

Chu Huan was about to call Fang Ting'er and asked her to bring her umbrella over, touched her pocket, but didn't bring out her mobile phone. When she was frowning and wondering what to do, the shop owner kindly took out an old umbrella and said to Chu Huan, "Little girl, hold this umbrella back first. Just remember to return my umbrella tomorrow. "

Chu Huan often comes here to dine or buy fast food to take out. He is so familiar, the proprietress knows that she is a resident of the nearby community.

"Thank you Mrs. Boss!" Chu Huan thanked him, and took the umbrella without twisting, "I will return the umbrella tomorrow."

"Okay, OK!" The lady boss smiled.

Chu Huan held an umbrella and left the shop. Because of the rain, it was getting darker and there were fewer people on the street. Most people took shelter under the eaves on both sides of the road and walked into the community. , There are even fewer people, and occasionally I see one or two people, and they all rush home in a hurry.

The rain is very loud, and the sound of rain is also loud!

It fell on the umbrella, crackling like hail. Although Chu Huan had walked very carefully, the trousers and shoes at the bottom were wet from the rain, and even the plastic bag with the fast food box was covered with rain.

Rain water is like a curtain of crystal beads connecting the sky and the earth, washing the world under the gray and gloomy sky.

Chu Huan walked, suddenly, a white figure jumped into her eyes.

Her heart was suddenly startled, just because that figure stood far away. Although she could only see the vague figure in the rain curtain, it gave her a sense of familiarity.

That should be...

Her hand holding the umbrella trembled, and step by step stepped on the rain and walked forward.

Closer, closer...

The sound of rain seems to be getting louder and louder.

The pouring rain fell on the person's body and face. He did not hold an umbrella or stand in any place to block the rain. Instead, he stood outside her apartment building, allowing the rain to continuously drip through his body.

The rain made him feel embarrassed, but he couldn't hide his beauty in any way. The black hair is wet against the cheeks, with sword eyebrows and phoenix eyes, the thin water-colored lips under the straight bridge of the nose are covered with rain. His skin is pale and transparent, making him look like an exquisite crystal doll at the moment, pure, beautiful and fragile.

It really is Duan Tang!

Chu Huan thought and looked at it. When those phoenix eyes raised gently and looked at her firmly through the heavy rain, her heart seemed to be hit hard by a boulder.

There is an indescribable entanglement in his eyes. Is it rain water? still is…

So beautiful, so cold, but so desperate.

His eyelashes were stained with rainwater and trembling lightly. Then, he lifted his footsteps. This time, he became walking towards her step by step...