Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 189: [189] Misunderstanding~


189 Misunderstanding~

Because she loves too much, so as long as she has the slightest initiative, he can get rid of all doubts.

Because of love, he even instinctively didn't want to think about the possibility of others in her heart!

Because he loves too much, his keenness and calculation are almost nothing in front of her.

This was true three years ago, and it is still true!

His laughter was like a big hammer, pounding her chest hard, one after another, and it was so painful and heavy that she almost couldn't breathe, "No... No..." She trembled With her lips pressed, she wanted to tell him that it was not what he thought, she used to like Du Hai, but now, this love has faded away with the passage of time, and no longer exists.

I want to tell him that the reason why he cares about micro movies is just because he envy Du Hai can be so persistent for his dreams.

I want to tell him that I care about Du Hai’s injury. Although I am friends with Du Hai, I love Ting'er more!

She wanted to say too much, but all the words, still stuck in her throat, were severely interrupted by him.

"No, or do you want to say, you didn't deceive me at all?" His voice almost seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth.

In front of him, she was wet and trembling slightly, her pale face looked so pitiful. This is a person he takes care of and cherishes extremely. A word of her love can make him ecstatic, such as setting heaven, and her deception can also make him suddenly cold, like falling to the bottom of hell.

Huan, Huan, his joy...

How can you easily let him live and let him die

Chu Huan opened her mouth, but in response to his question, she couldn't give an affirmative answer, "Mo Ye, listen to me, I can explain Du Hai's matter..."

He put his hand in her mouth suddenly, and stopped all her words, "I only want you to tell me that a few days ago, you took the initiative to get close to me, so take the initiative to say that you like me, and that you want to eliminate me. Is the anxiety in my heart because of Du Hai?"

His question made her stiff, and her pale face flashed uneasy.

The slender fingers creaked the handle of the umbrella pinched, and her expression made his heart sore to the extreme.

Du Hai, Du Hai, it turned out to be because of Du Hai!

His arrogance, his pride, and his various calculations would have been defeated by a man he even dismissed.

Xiao Moye's eyes crossed Chu Huan and looked at Duan Tang who was still standing in the rain not far away. The opponent he once thought was the biggest, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, as if watching a good scene.

Isn't it a good show

Xiao Moye sneered in his heart, only to feel that all his sanity was being eaten and torn wildly by the jealousy that rose sharply in his heart...

It turns out that it's not just Duan Tang! It turns out that there is Du Hai!

It turned out that even though she had said that she liked him so many times, it was still far from enough. It's not enough that he can ignore her deception, it's not enough that he can restrain the impulse in his heart, and it's not enough that he can maintain his sanity...

Envy, so strong! It is so strong that even the flow of blood has become a pain.

His eyes looked coldly at her lips moved gently, and she looked at her as if she wanted to say something to him. but-

"Huan, don't say anything anymore, no more words!"


With a crisp sound, the wooden umbrella handle in his hand was completely crushed by him. The umbrella with the broken handle fell on the ground, and the sharp wood dregs pierced his palm, and the red blood spread along the wood thorns. In the palm of the hand, the rain mixed with this downpour.

Chu Huan was stunned, his lips trembling fiercely. How much strength should I have to crush the umbrella handle? Is the hatred to the extreme? Hurt to the extreme? Or disgust to the extreme

"Mo Ye, your hand..." she said tremblingly, so distressed, so distressed! "Does it hurt? You go upstairs with me first, and I will help you bandage!" She nervously wanted to pull him upstairs, but his body flashed aside, and the bloody hand blocked her eyes.

"It doesn't hurt at all, so don't stop me from what I'm going to do next." He smiled, beautiful and unparalleled, the rain soaked his whole body, and the blood on his hand was washed by the rain. , Dropped to the ground, like a pool of blood.

Her heart squeezed suddenly, hurting, hurting, because of his smile, it was like crying. The eye sockets are so hot, as if something is pouring out.

It's warm, but it melts with the rain.

He turned around and left in the heavy rain, and she just stared at his back in a daze, and slowly climbed up her face with her hands. Doesn't his hand hurt? But why does her heart hurt so much

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh On her face, she couldn't tell which were tears and which were rain. Like a child, in the heavy rain, he kept twitching his shoulders, covering his face and crying.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Stepping on the sound of rain, she approached little by little, she raised her head hopefully, but turned to disappointment when she saw the person standing in front of her clearly.

Not Mo Ye, but Duan Tang!

The red eyes, red nose, and crying look are more ugly than usual. But her appearance made Duan Tang unable to look away.

She was crying, crying so sad that he had never seen it before!

"Chu Huan, who are you crying for? For Xiao Moye or Du Hai?" Hopefully, there is also for him in her tears! Even if there are only a few, it is good!

However, Duan Tang's words seemed to remind Chu Huan, her eyes suddenly looked towards Xiao Moye's departure direction, only to find that the familiar figure had long been gone in the heavy rain.

What resounded in her ears was the words Xiao Moye said when he left—"So, don't stop me from what I'm going to do next."

What's next? What will he do next? !

There was a certain possibility in her mind suddenly, her already pale face turned pale, she turned around abruptly, and was about to run towards the apartment.

"What's the matter?" Duan Tang asked, grabbing Chu Huan's arm.

"Let go of me!" she struggled, almost desperately trying to get rid of his hand.

"What's the matter?" he insisted.

"I'm going to find Ting'er, let me go!" She said dumbly, she was really anxious like that.

As soon as Duan Tang let go, Chu Huan desperately ran toward the apartment, one floor, two floors, and three floors... He pressed the doorbell desperately until Fang Ting'er came to open the door.

"Huan, didn't you bring your umbrella? How come back... What happened, how did you get this way?" Fang Ting'er was taken aback by Chu Huan's appearance.

"Where are Ting'er, Du Hai, and Du Hai now?" Chu Huan panted and asked.