Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 197: [197] There is nothing in strength


197 There's Nothing in Strength

Chu Huan was thinking, suddenly her waist was tight, her body was suddenly tightly hugged by her strong arms, and a lazy voice sounded in her ears, "Thinking about something good. "

"You, you just pretended to be asleep!" she cried, not in doubt, but affirmative. Think about how he is a soldier! Even if I spent a lot of time last night... uh, energy, but there is always alertness

Yeah, it doesn't make sense that she woke up, and he hasn't woken up after groping around for so long.

He admitted frankly, "I woke up early, just like seeing, you will have any reaction."

Chu Huan was embarrassed. It seemed that her normal reaction at the moment should be to shrink under the covers and cry and shout that she was innocent, instead of staring at his body forever.

"Does my body look good?" His breath sprayed on her face, and his fingers squeezed her little hand that was outside the bedding.

"It looks good." Well, this is the truth, otherwise she wouldn't be able to see it. In the final analysis, his body was so beautiful that she completely forgot the normal response.

"Huan, what should I do, I want you again." He whispered.

She suddenly blushed, "You, you are so..." She stammered, and suddenly remembered a more serious fact-"You, you didn't take safety measures yesterday!!" Chu Huan yelled suddenly. .

Yesterday, he was all... Her body could still feel that hot, scorching...

"So what?" He raised his eyes and looked at her, chewing on her soft shoulders exposed outside the bedding. It’s not enough, even if I’ve asked her so many times, it’s still not enough, not enough.


His thoughts and desires over the years are like land that has dried up for a long time, requiring more and more rain to moisturize and fill.

His teeth were gently biting, and it didn't hurt, but as the lips sucked and the tip of the tongue licked, it seriously disturbed her thinking nerves.

"Hmm..." She bit her lower lip with her teeth, and the red tide on her face bursts, "Mo Ye, you, don't mess around first, listen to me first." God, if this goes on, she will...

"Okay, I won't mess around." He deserved it very well, but the movements on his hands and lips didn't stop, instead they got deeper and deeper. His lips were lowered and his fingers pulled apart easily

The bedding she wrapped around her body.

"Mo, Mo Ye..." She couldn't resist his deepening at all. Her body, after last night, became more sensitive, and his provocation easily made her breathless again and again, "I... I will be pregnant.

How to do? "Thinking of those unmarried mothers on the TV news, she felt scared. If a little life is really conceived in her belly, what should she do?!

"Then you will be pregnant." He chuckled lightly, his tongue stuck to her earlobe, sucking, and the tip of his tongue laps on her ear, causing her to tremble.

What... What does it mean to be pregnant... You're pregnant, you... You can say it easily..." She said intermittently, her little hand slamming his shoulder, and her voice sounded more like a sorrowful low.

Yin, "You don't know how hard it is to be an unmarried mother, if... if my parents knew about it... they... they would break my leg... Um... Mo Ye... "

Her body was getting softer and softer, and her tender and white skin was already full of red tide. At this moment, Chu Huan was like a cooked shrimp, constantly wriggling/moving in Xiao Moye's arms.

He picked her up gently, his ears rubbed against his temples, his thin lips were light, but he uttered three words very solemnly, "I will marry you."

For an instant, Chu Huan was shocked. These three words were so clear that they knocked into her heart, "Married?" She was surprised, and he didn't expect him to say this suddenly.

"Why, don't you want it?" His face rubbed her cheek lightly, and his fingers slowly moved down her waist...

"Ah!" she exclaimed, pursing her lips, staring at him with her round apricot eyes stained with mist.

"Huan, you really want you." His voice, with a teasing scent, was like the best drug, dazzling, and his graceful and noble face was close at hand, slightly daunting Hold her

Chu Huan bit his cheek, put his hand on Xiao Moye's shoulder, and squeezed his hard muscles fiercely.

Her strength is not painful to him.

"Huan, scream, OK? I want to hear you scream." His tongue licked her earlobe, and his charming voice teased her heart.

"Just, don't do it." Her eyes, moved by his movements, looked wet, her delicate lips pouted slightly, her two beautiful eyebrows half-twisted, her soft body trembling slightly...

"Did you know, the way you are now, I really want people to press you down hard, fucking hard... I want to watch you cry, watch you begging for mercy, want to fuck you Exhausted

Stop..." His breath was sprayed on her face, his body pressed against her, and his dark eyes looked at her steadily, as if he was trying to imprint the appearance of her in his eyes and heart.

"Hmm!" She snorted and was forced to endure his giving. It was the most wonderful sweetness, let her know how much he loved her...

He put his finger to her lips, "Try it?"

Her body was limp, she didn't have the strength to struggle, his fingers only used a little force to open her lips, pry open her teeth, and squeeze into her sandal mouth.

"Um... Um... Uh..." She was forced to lick, and the saliva from her mouth kept pouring out of the corners of her mouth, sliding down her chin onto her tender skin. The air was filled with an emotional breath. Strong to the extreme!

"Huan... Huan..." He clasped her waist, almost rubbing her into his body, "You are mine, you can only be mine, in this life... all..."

She's eaten up and wiped it out, and there are no bones left, which is probably her situation. This time, Chu Huan really didn't have the strength. She had known this a long time ago. When she woke up, she shouldn't have been staring at his body.

After a joyous love, it was so hard for her body to move her fingers sorely, so that when Xiao Moye beat her up and walked into the bathroom, Chu Huan didn't even bother to protest.

Anyway, even if she really protested, it would be useless. It would be better to save effort.