Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 210: [210] Coax me


210 Coax Me

Whenever Xiao Moye squinted his deep eyes, he would give people a sense of oppression, just like at this moment, he is looking at you, examining you, weighing you, and guessing what you think in your heart. all. It makes you feel that there is nowhere to hide in front of him.

Chu Huan couldn't help trembling in her heart, and nodded.

"The reason?" His head lowered again, and he took a punitive bite on her lips.

She squatted her mouth, but this time she didn’t call any pain. She knew that it was not good for her to refuse his company like this. "We are dating... Actually, it doesn’t take long. I never told my parents that I had a boyfriend. If I take you back suddenly, I guess they will be shocked, so I thought it would be better for me to go back and talk to them before arranging for an official meeting with you."

"Just for this?" He raised his eyebrows.

The little head hurriedly nodded.

"Am I so shameless?"

The little head shook his head quickly. It was too familiar, and her parents were shocked, "You also know that you are so good-looking, you are a major general, and your family background. You want to appear suddenly. In my house, if it was my boyfriend, I guess my mother could faint.” Of course, what Chu Huan didn’t say was that her father also bought a book of "The Atlas of Chinese Generals", which included Xiao Moye’s grandfather Xiao Zucheng Photos of it. If she knew that her boyfriend was Xiao Zucheng's grandson, dad's expression wouldn't know what to do! Maybe he would directly pull Xiao Moye to sign. Of course, it was not Xiao Moye's signature, but his grandfather's signature.

In short, Chu Huan felt that in order to avoid the exaggerated reaction of her parents, the best way to deal with it was to go back and say something, so that the two elders would have a bottom line before meeting.

"Really." Xiao Moye murmured softly, "Even if I can't bear to see you for more than ten days, you still forbid me to accompany you back?"

She choked, she could only shake his arm and said coquettishly, "Mo Ye..."

"So coax me, Huan, make me happy, okay?" He shook her hand and licked her fingertips gently.

coax? She was shocked, how should she coax

As if seeing her doubts, he took her hand to his body, let her hand through the bathrobe, and walked along his body from top to bottom, until it made a blushing heartbeat. The place…

His eyes fixedly looked at her, his lips half-opened, exhaling blue, "coax me, just like I do to you."

Her face blushed, and for a moment, she understood what he meant.

Like he usually does to her? In the bed/affair of the two of them, Xiao Moye had always been in the active position, while Chu Huan had only passively endured it.

And now... Does he mean to let her take the initiative

But... take the initiative...

Her heart was a little timid, but looking at his eyes that were as dark as black jade, the soul seemed to be drawn in. She wanted to do what he wanted, wanted to satisfy him, and wanted to make him happier. …

With her fingers, she couldn't help pulling away his bathrobe little by little, looking at his perfect body, exposed to her sight.

"You, you lie down first." She blushed and bit her lip. The way he was sitting half sitting right in front of her made her nervously sweaty on the palms of her hands.

"Okay." The corners of his lips hooked, and he lay down cooperatively.

Most of the bathrobe on his body has been opened, the large chest and thin waistline are all exposed outside the bathrobe, and a pair of long legs are looming under the bathrobe...

Healthy wheat-colored skin, pure white bathrobe, dark hair, deep eyes, long curly eyelashes and sexy thin lips... It's like a queen in comics!

Well, in fact, Chu Huan’s shoes have always felt that if Xiao Moye was really in the world of Tanmei, how could he be of aggressive type, but when he was lying in front of her like this, she realized that the former can also become a queen. Suffer.

In an instant, Chu Huan had the urge to spray a nosebleed, but her palms were sweating more intensely. The so-called dual sky of ice and fire, I guess this is the feeling.

His eyelashes moved, and he looked at her scorchingly, as if waiting for her to continue.

She looked at him condescendingly, took a deep breath, and finally lifted her foot as if she was determined, and straddled his waist first. In my mind, although there were many scenes of how he had been "at the mercy" of her before, but if she really wanted her to do it, it was still... very unaccustomed.

"You close your eyes first, I, I will be embarrassed!" she said.

"Okay." He closed his eyes cooperatively.

Chu Huan thought about it again, not forgetting the lesson of taking a bath in the bathroom last time, so he raised his right hand again to cover his eyes. When she felt everything was in order, she lowered her head, lips, and gently kissed his cheek, along his chin, and landed on his Adam's apple. She had kissed his Adam's apple before, but at that time, his low moan made her feel like a natural sound.

Unable to help, she stuck out the tip of her tongue again and licked his apple.

His body suddenly stiffened. Although it was short-lived, she still felt it. So, she once again increased her strength, licked long or short, rubbed gently with her teeth, feeling him A slight tremor of the body.

His lips finally escaped with a low groan, and there was a sudden excitement in her heart. At this moment, she was manipulating his body, she was making him react.

Her lips continued to "work hard" on his Adam's apple, listening to his low groan, listening to his breathing that gradually became heavier, until his voice was slightly hoarse and chuckled, "It's really tricked by love. "

She stopped, and suddenly thought of a certain professional term, so she asked humbly, "This, is your sensitive point?"

He hummed.

By the way, just like her body has sensitive points, he also has them, and there should be more than one. As a result, Chu Huan suddenly surged with great enthusiasm, and found sensitive points on Xiao Moye's body.

Her fingers tried to imitate his usual kneading and touching on her body. Her lips and tongue kissed an inch of his skin. Whenever she felt his body tremble, she would be delighted.

I want to see him like her, full of red tides, I want to hear him let out an intoxicating groan, I want to see his emotional and impatience clearly.

This thought even overwhelmed her shyness. The hand that originally covered his eyes slowly moved away. She saw his eyelashes trembling slightly, slowly raising them, and her dark eyes were extremely charming. Guanghua, looking at her surgingly.

And she was so silly.