Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 220: [220] Please be thankful that you love me forever


220 Please thank you for loving me forever

She was taken aback and stopped, he half turned around and looked at her, "The other half, which belongs to the acting part, is because I want to please your parents. They might like this. People, be your boyfriend."

"Please?" She would have heard such an answer unexpectedly from his mouth.

"Yes." He raised his chin slightly and looked at her like that, "Worry about what to do if they are not satisfied with me, and worry about what to do if they object to you being with me. I worry about a lot of things, so I I will want to please your parents, just want them to give you to me without objection." Because he loves her so deeply...

She had never thought of these at all, and she had never felt that in comparison with each other, she had climbed Xiao Moye high. She should be worried about this kind of problem, and she didn't expect that he would have such uneasy thoughts.

Pursing her lips, she said seriously, "Mo Ye, although the possibility you said does not exist at all. But... I still want to say that even if my parents object, I will be with you."

Her tone was so firm, and in her eyes, there was love for him. His joy... love him!

He raised his hand, clasped her head, and slowly pulled her face down, touching each other's foreheads lightly, "Yes, we are destined to be together!" He smiled lowly. , The uneasy heart slowly became calm.

After Chu Huan dried Xiao Moye's hair, he found that he still had no intention of leaving.

"Aren't you going to bed?" It's already past 4 o'clock, and he will have to drive back to City Z tomorrow morning.

"Leave that room to Wu Shao to sleep." He replied, naturally sitting in her pussy.

Chu Huan was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Xiao Moye's appearance, a kind of speculation flashed in his mind, " are not planning to sleep with me at night, right?"

"There is such a plan," he admitted openly.

She was embarrassed and shouted in a low voice, "This is my house. My parents are sleeping in the next room. If you want to sleep in my room, if my parents find out, you will lose all good impressions before." If she doesn't do well, she will probably be fined to kneel on her washboard that has a history of more than 20 years.

"Don't worry, you won't let your parents find out. Tomorrow morning, I will go back to Wu Shao's room before your parents wake up." He got up, took her to her arms, and put his hands on the bed. , Naturally pressed her under her body.

She put her hands on his chest, her teeth biting her lower lip, "But..."

"Don't worry, I can't do anything, I just want to hug you to sleep with." The voice whispered softly, a kind of begging.

Her struggling hesitation gradually weakened, and her little head finally nodded slightly. To be on the safe side, Chu Huan got up and locked the door of her room, and then slowly climbed back to the **.

Her bed is relatively small, just the kind of single bed. When two people lie on it, it will be slightly crowded. Therefore, almost all of Chu Huan is trapped in Xiao Moye’s arms, with his head resting on his arm and the tip of his nose. It's his breath.

In the darkness, only a small window shined through some moonlight, which spilled on her, so that she could vaguely see his face.

"Mo Ye, are you uncomfortable sleeping like this?" she asked.

"It's not uncomfortable." As long as there is her by his side, he is too late to be happy, so how can he be uncomfortable, "How about you?"

"It's okay." She smiled softly, stretched out a hand, and put it on his waist, "What do you think of my parents?"

"Very good," he replied.

"My parents are very conservative, if they know we have been'that', they will definitely be very angry."

"Which is that?"

His words made her wrinkle her nose. Please! He knew exactly what she was talking about. Lifting her foot, she wanted to kick him, but when she lifted her foot, she was caught by his legs.

She moved, did not break away, and heard his soft warning in her ears, "Huan, if you continue to move like this, I'm really not sure that I will just sleep with you."

She obediently didn't dare to move.

He then caressed her forehead in time, "I want me not to mention that you are already mine in front of your parents, right."

"That's right." Fortunately, it was dark now, even if she blushed, he couldn't look at it.

"But Huan, this is not a matter of being ashamed to meet people. Since I love you and you love me, it is only natural to do this kind of thing."

"I know, but everyone's growth environment is different, and their concepts are different!" Her hand shook his waist, "Mo Ye, okay..." She whispered softly, carrying a piece of coquettishness.

He smiled faintly, she seemed to be more and more aware of his weakness, and he agreed to her request, it almost became a matter of course, "Huan, you know, I can't refuse you."

She pursed her lower lip. Yes, because too many times, as long as it is her request, he will eventually do it, so she knows it, as long as she mentions it, as long as she persists, he will agree.

"Mo Ye." She raised her head slightly, facing his faint face in the darkness, "I am actually very lucky that you love me so much."

He was silent for a while, and then the elegant voice rang in her ears, "Really?"

"Yeah." Her lips lightly pressed against his chin, and she kissed carefully little by little, with attachment, lingering, and rich sweetness.

He sniffed her scent, and the five fingers of his hands were slightly closed, "Huan, remember what you are saying now, and be so lucky forever."


What a wonderful word.

So always be fortunate, and never regret having said this, forever...forever...

Chu Huan slept very deeply. When he woke up the next morning, Xiao Moye and Wu Shao had already left. After brushing his teeth and washing his face, it will usher in a new round of interrogation from parents.

Therefore, after repeated affirmations, Chu Huan's shoes finally convinced his parents that Xiao Moye's was indeed her boyfriend.

Then again, Chu's father and Chu's mother began to look at his daughter carefully, thinking about the shining points of his daughter that would be appreciated by such a person.

Chu Huan looked embarrassed at the eyes of his father and mother. She is not too bad, although... Xiao Moye is too perfect.