Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 229: [229] It's not yours, you can't take it away


229 It's not yours, can't take it away

After a pause, Xiao Moye didn't look back, his calm and elegant voice could not hide a trace of abnormal coldness, "What a coincidence, me too!"

If you are robbed, you will get it from whoever, if you can’t get it back, you will use looting, use looting...

It was night, in the quiet study room, Xiao Moye was sitting on the sofa chair in front of the desk, staring coldly at the beating numbers on the computer screen. After a while, his finger pressed the Enter key on the keyboard. Suddenly, the screen A turn of the page...

Suddenly, the phone rang, which seemed particularly harsh in this silent space.

Xiao Moye picked up the phone, "Wu Shao, what's the matter?"

"I really guessed it for you. During the period when Duan Tang was hospitalized, he was diagnosed by American head authority doct Brown. The specific medical records and diagnosis documents cannot be seen, but what we can know is that two days ago, Duan Tang I checked his hospitalization data three years ago at the First Hospital of Z City." Wu Shao's voice came from the other end of the phone, without the usual ridicule tone, his voice at the moment sounded a little low.

Dark eyes squinted suddenly, and his slender fingers tapped gently on the log tabletop. Duan Tang... Has he started to look up what happened three years ago? "The hospitalization data he checked also included the list of visitors?" Xiao Moye asked.

"Yes." Wu Shao gave an affirmative answer.

So... Is Duan Tang doubting it? That's why he said those things to him during the day today.

"He has the ability, so let him check it, as long as he can really check it out." Xiao Moye said lightly.

"Mo Ye, are you not afraid of what really reminds Duan Tang?" Wu Shao said with some worry.

Xiao Moye smiled lightly, but the corners of his lips were filled with haze, "That's what he can think of, not to mention that even if he can really think of something, it's too late." Huan... it's his! It can only be his Xiao Moye!

After finishing the call, Xiao Moye stood up and walked to the bed, staring at the night outside the window, as if thinking about something. After a while, he walked to the innermost part of the study, and his slender fingers pressed a hidden place. The switch, where the original wall was, slowly moved away, and an inner room appeared.

Duan Tang, you said that if someone takes you something, you will definitely take it back. But there are some things that do not belong to you in the first place, so you are destined to not get them back.

If it is not yours, it is not yours.

And it was destined to be his Xiao Moye's, then... even after a long period of time, it's his!

In the inner room, the walls are covered with format-sized picture frames, and each picture frame is a picture of the same woman. He has medium hair, dark apricot eyes, goose-egg cheeks, small nose and pink lips, all driving him crazy.

The woman in the photo is standing, sitting, or lying down. The background of each picture is indoors. Her expression may be timid, bewildered, silly, or crying...

Xiao Moye stood in front of the largest frame. It was a photo of the size of a real person. The person in the photo was covered only with a thin quilt, with bare shoulders and calves, and black hair. Scattered on the pure white sheets, her eyes were misty, as if she was looking at the camera, but also as if she was not looking at anything. Her lips were slightly open, as if she was saying something, her soft hands were just pulling on the bedding, and her face and body were covered with red tide.

So pitiful, so pitiful, yet so pitiful...

"Huan, Huan..." His left hand stroked her eyebrows, delicate shoulders, and lips in the frame, and he couldn't help but put it on her lips in the photo, with a cold feeling.

How many times has he done this kind of kiss after tossing around? In the years when she could not be found, she vented her crazy desires over and over to her photos, just like a person hungry and thirsty in the desert. And his right hand stroked the swelling under his body...

I miss her so much, I feel swollen and painful when I think, as if I'm about to explode.

With his body attached to the frame, the handsome man breathed heavily, staring fixedly at the face in the photo, while his fingers fiddled with him again and again...

Chu Huan stayed in his hometown for three weeks. Except when Xiao Moye came here, he was with Xiao Moye. At other times, he basically read comics, watched TV shows, eat and drink and chatted with his classmates online. Rice bug career.

After consciously resting almost, Chu Huan's children's shoes finally began to pick up the baggage and plan to return to City Z.

"Huanhuan, won't you let Xiao Xiao pick you up?" Mother Chu asked while helping her daughter organize the clothes she was going to take.

"If he comes to pick me up, it will take me too much time!" It takes 4 or 5 hours to drive between City W and City Z. It takes almost 10 hours to go back and forth. of."

"Yes." Mother Chu nodded, then looked at her daughter again, and an unknown emotion suddenly appeared in her eyes, seemingly relieved and worried. He just walked up to Chu Huan and touched her hair, but said nothing.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Chu Huan felt that his mother was a little weird.

"Do you still remember..." Mother Chu said a few words, then paused and didn't say any more.

"Remember what?" Chu Huan urged.

Mother Chu looked at her daughter's questioning eyes and smiled gently, "It's nothing, Mom just wanted to say, I remember that when I get to City Z, I need to call back to report safety."

"I see." Chu Huan replied.

"Also, do you want to know Xiao Xiao well! Mom can tell that he loves you very much. It's very difficult for a woman to make a man love you so much." Mother Chu exhorted.

"Mom, doesn't Dad love you very much too!" Chu Huan testified.

"Your dad loves me very much, but this kind of love is different from Xiao Xiao's. Mom can see that Xiao Xiao hurt you to the bone. Everything you say is good, and if you want it, he will accept it. It’s you. When you watch TV, all those drinks, tea, etc., are all put on your hands by him. Your hands are sore. She rubs your hands for you. Your feet are sore. He holds you back to the room. Such a character, those officials who saw him bowed and bowed. Mom never thought that he could treat you like this." Mother Chu said that and had eaten salt for nearly 50 years, even though she was just an ordinary woman. The knowledge is limited, but the heart is not confused. She could see through the little things that Xiao Moye was in Chu's house.