Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 352: [352] What is the relationship?


352 What is the relationship

Chu Huan's footsteps stopped suddenly, and she understood the meaning of Xiao Moye's words. The descriptions and descriptions of this man by her colleagues made her clearly understand that this man may make you feel gentle and harmless in his face, but in his bones, it is dangerous and does not allow others to disobey.

Once she angered this person, maybe she didn't even want to leave City B peacefully.

There was a trace of regret in Chu Huan's heart. Maybe she shouldn't work at Shengjingxuan at all at first, or maybe she should have drunk that glass of wine just now, even if she was drunk.

Such a person is not something that ordinary people can afford to provoke her.

Taking a deep breath, she turned around. The pink lips were pressed tightly into a line, and there was a touch of unwilling submission on the round little face.

When she walked to the table, she picked up the wine glass she had filled on the table and poured it into her throat in one breath.

Guru! Guru!

The liquor ran down the throat and poured into the body. This kind of compulsion, this kind of aggrievedness, was something she had never experienced before. The care of her parents made her unable to experience the hardships of the society. Even though there would be some intrigue among the classmates in the school, she has always been big and never went. Participating in those small groups will naturally not understand the unpredictability of people's hearts.

But now, in Xiao Moye's body, she understands that she can eat and chat with you happily by herself, or force you to do things that you don't want to do ruthlessly.

She drank a glass of wine very quickly, swallowing as if she was drinking Chinese medicine. She couldn't experience the mellowness of the wine that others said. The only thing she could feel was bitterness, which was more bitter and harder than the traditional Chinese medicine that she had drunk before. .

The glass was empty, Chu Huan put it back on the table, wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and said with a choked voice, "I'm finished drinking, Mr. Xiao, now I can leave."

There was a layer of mist in those dark and bright apricot eyes, but she stubbornly did not let those tears fall.

Xiao Moye's heart throbbed, and he couldn't tell whether it was because of the mist in her eyes, or because of the way she looked at him—as if to keep him thousands of miles away. .

This feeling is terrible!

"Get out!" He said coldly, not wanting to see her now, it would only make his heartache worse.

Those cramps, so unfamiliar, made him feel a kind of horror.

What he said was something she couldn't ask for! Chu Huan walked out of the box quickly, while the manager laughed with him, said a few round words, and quickly left the box that was depressingly breathless.

The smile on Wu Shao's face long since he was watching a movie turned into a kind of worry. At least, how long hasn't he seen his friend angry? Even he can't remember it himself.

In Wu Shao's impression, even if Xiao Moye was angry, his face was still smiling, smiling and killing people invisible, which is the best word to describe Mo Ye. But now, the friend's anger is clearly revealed, and it is not concealed at all.

"Mo Ye, why did you suddenly get angry?" Wu Shao said.

Xiao Moye lowered his eyes, sat back on the chair, but did not speak, his expression seemed to be thinking of something.

Wu Shao looked at Lin Zixun and found that Lin Zixun's face was even more ugly. Did Zi Xun find any clues? Wu Shao thought to himself, and heard Lin Zixun's voice in his ear.

"Since this woman is so shameless, it's better for me to find a few people to teach her, lest she really takes herself seriously."

With pitch-black eyes raised, Xiao Moye stared at Lin Zixun and said, "No one is allowed to move her."

Her throat suddenly became extremely dry, and Lin Zixun couldn't believe it, "Why? She's just a waiter!"

"Because, I'm not allowed." This sentence seems to mean everything.

Lin Zixun's hand clenched into a fist for an instant under the table.

After Chu Huan drank the wine, almost half an hour later, she felt dizzy all over, and when she spoke, she stuttered even more.

The waiters in the restaurant, apparently many people probably also knew something about what happened in the box, and secretly began to spread that Chu Huan had offended Xiao Moye.

Rumors are always circulating quickly. Even Zhao Xiaotian, who was on duty, had heard about it, and came to Chu Huan when he was free.

Chu Huan nestled in the staff's lounge, swaying.

When Zhao Xiaotian saw this, he knew that Chu Huan was drunk, "Would you like me to ask for a leave and send you back to the dormitory?"

Chu Huan thinks that Zhao Xiaotian is really good for a buddy. In these years, there are a lot of people who fall into the wells, and there are few charcoal in the snow. "No... I... I'll be fine if I take a rest." She waved her hand.

Zhao Xiaotian was still worried, until Chu Huan said it several times, that he was fine, and only drank a glass of red wine before persuading Zhao Xiaotian to leave.

Of course, before leaving, Zhao Xiaotian still told several times, Chu Huan heard vaguely, but his head kept on.

After resting for a while, Chu Huan resisted the dizziness, got up to say hello to the foreman, and then staggered out of the restaurant.

The night breeze didn't make her feel awake, but she felt more pain in her head.

Reluctantly walking to the stop sign of the bus station, Chu Huan couldn't bear the headache, so he squatted down and covered his head with his hands, hoping to relieve the headache.

I don’t know how long I’ve been squatting, but in my ears, I can faintly hear the brakes and the sound of people talking—

"Mo Ye, what are you doing?"

"Wu Shao, give me the car key. You ride in the purple car."

"Will you go to'Jing Hua Shui Yue' at that moment?"

"No, you two go and play by yourself."

Suddenly, Chu Huan felt as if she was being picked up by someone. With her broad chest and bursts of warmth, she instinctively shrank her shoulders and leaned her head towards the warm place.

"Mo Ye, where are you going to take this woman? What is the relationship between you and this woman?"

The voice of a woman is aggressive, who is it... who is talking...

"Lin Zixun, it's none of your business." The cold voice said lightly.

"You—" Lin Zixun suffocated, yes, this is indeed none of her business, after all, she is just his childhood sweetheart. But... These years, she was the only woman beside him. Now suddenly there is a woman who makes him treat him special, how is she not nervous.