Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 54: [054] The rank of major general


054 The Level of Major General

"Oh." Chu Huan took a bite of the shrimp, "I'll do it myself, you eat yours." She has rarely received attention in her life, and the eyes of everyone made her feel particularly twisted.

"I have eaten almost." Xiao Moye seemed to be an okay person, pinching the crab legs into Chu Huan's bowl, and helping her pick the shrimp one by one.

She had no choice but to act like a little daughter-in-law, eating the vegetables he picked in the bowl.

"By the way, I don't know what Ms. Chu does?" Someone at the same table asked just as Chu Huan was gradually devoting herself to eating.

Chu Huan looked up and saw that the question was a middle-aged man with greasy hair, a face with Chinese characters, and a slight blessing, but his temperament was pretty good, with a refined taste.

"I haven't worked yet, and I'm in my senior year." Chu Huan replied. The more I look at the man in front of me, the more familiar I am, as if I have seen it somewhere before.

"From then on, if Ms. Chu is looking for a job after graduation, if I can help, just speak up." The other party smiled and said, not to mention more benevolent.

"Ms. Chu's face is so great that she can make Secretary Li speak up." The others at the same table said with a smile.

secretary? ! Chu Huan was taken aback, Xiao Moye had already politely said, "That's really thank you Secretary Li." After saying that, he turned to Chu Huan who was still in doubt and introduced, "This is Secretary Li, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of City Z. ."

Only then did Chu Huan discover why she felt that the other party was familiar, because when she was watching the news before, she had seen this Secretary Li in the news. Needless to say, those who can eat at the same table with Secretary Li are naturally...

"The other people..." Chu Huan looked at Xiao Moye.

Xiao Moye smiled faintly and introduced one by one, "This is Political Commissar Wang of the Fire Department, this is Director Han of the Public Security Bureau, and this is Director Jiang of the Industrial Zone..."

Chu Huan suddenly felt that the dishes he had just eaten were all stuck in his throat.

day! Who is she eating with? These people, she can only see them on the news network and online news, isn’t it

After a meal, Chu Huan felt that his brain was twitching. These big figures were chattering with each other in a pleasant mood, and from time to time there was a little bit of coldness and warmth, and there was even a director who asked about her homework with concern. That "flattered" is beyond words to describe.

Finally, when the meal was over, Xiao Moye took her away from the restaurant, and Chu Huan took a long breath.

"Do you usually eat with those secretaries, directors and directors?" she asked curiously.

"Fortunately, it's not very often. It's just that the fire inspection work happened today, so we ate together." Xiao Moye replied.

"Is the major general's rank high?"

"How to say?"

"I think those people treat you very much... uh, respect." She thought about it for a while before using the word "respect".

He smiled, "Major General's rank is not low." It's just that these people's attitudes towards him are probably more of his background besides himself. "Anyway, you can get to know a few more people when you are fine, and it will always be good for you in the future."

But the problem is that she is just a small citizen, what can she do if she knows so many officials