Don't mess with me, Major General

Chapter 98: [098] Go to the military district


098 Go to the Military District

He smiled softly and said to the lady boss, "Pack another mango ice." Then he turned his head and looked at Chu Huan, raising his eyebrows, "Like eating ice?"

"It's hot, so I just want to eat something cool," she said.

"Then next time I will take you to eat some special ice."


After a while, the proprietress handed the mango ice and the 80 yuan change she found to Chu Huan. Chu Huan took the mango ice by herself and returned the 80 yuan stuffed to Xiao Moye, "Hey, here is the money."

"I'll put it on you." He didn't take the money.

"I didn't have any money, or I forgot to bring it out." She insisted on returning the money to him, and then said goodbye to the boss.

Before leaving, the lady boss was still whispering in Chu Huan’s ear, “I look good to you as a boyfriend, and he looks good to you too, little girl, take good care of this, this kind of superb man is not just about meeting you. You can meet it in the first place."

Chu Huan sweated wildly and got into Xiao Moye's car. Only then did he rejoice and say, "Fortunately, the lady boss didn't recognize you."

Xiao Mo smiled at night, "Do you think everyone knows me?"

"But you are really famous. You are already an actor. I want you to go to our school and take a walk around, and keep a bunch of people asking for your signature." If you want the people in the school to know that Elder Xiao is dating her, I guess she Will be overwhelmed by spit stars.

"Why don't you turn around and scratch my face a few times, so that next time you and I are walking outside, you don't have to be so nervous." His tone was calm and smiled, without the slightest irony, Chu Huan felt that if it was this If she nodded, maybe he would really hand her a knife when he turned around.

"No, I'm just a little worried. Besides... sooner or later, others will know." She thought of the secret that he had promised to associate until she graduated from college.

Therefore, even though he would take her to see government officials or watch a cultural performance when he was okay, he said hello, so no news media reported about her.

Lowering his head, Chu Huan opened the lid of the shaved ice, took the disposable spoon and started to eat the shaved ice. This thing should be eaten as early as possible, and it will melt later.

Xiao Moye started the car and asked, "Where are you going now?"

She hadn't really thought about this question, she was taken aback, and asked, "Are you going back to the military district for a meeting later?"

"Yeah." This meeting is still a bit important, it's not easy to delay for an hour.

"Then..." She hesitated for a while before saying, "Can I go to the military area?"

"Why do you suddenly want to go to the military area?" He raised his eyebrows.

"It's vacant anyway, so I want to see it. If you have a meeting for a while, I can just find a place outside the meeting room and wait for you."

"The meeting takes two hours, can you wait?"

"I can wait. Are there any books in your place, just give me a copy and look at it. Reading time passes very quickly."

Xiao Moye didn't have any comments, so he turned the steering wheel and drove towards the military area.

Chu Huan ate the shaved ice and looked at the scenery along the way. The air-conditioned car was driving and it was cool. After eating all the mangoes on the shaved ice, she heard him ask, "The first time you performed in front of the camera today, have you been called for a card?"

The feeling of coolness faded suddenly, and Chu Huan suddenly thought of the way Du Hai taught her to relax in front of the camera, as well as the words Duan Tang said after uncovering her secret... "I was called out several times." She lowered her head.

"Has the last passed?"


"It's fine after that." He smiled, "How long will you have to shoot this micro movie?"

"I have to shoot for two months." Chu Huan counted the days, "but I will finish filming two more times for my film, and then I will help organize the props and costumes in the agency."

At the red light ahead, Xiao Moye stopped the car, turned his head to look at Chu Huan, and leaned forward slightly, "I really want to see how you are acting in front of the camera."

"Don't come!" she said quickly, and when she saw his frowning brows, she quickly said again, "When you come, everyone is not thinking about filming. Besides, when the film is finished, you can just watch the film. it is good."

His eyelashes quivered, and he leaned back against the seat again, "Yes."

When the car drove to the gate of the military area, and looking at the sentry standing guard at the gate, Chu Huan felt the difference between this place and other places. At the entrance, Xiao Moye gave Chu Huan a temporary pass and drove to the military area. Along the way, there are green shades and lush greenery, and from time to time you can see military vehicles driving; there are trains neatly and uniformly; there are also red banners hung in the middle of two tree branches...

It's really like those shots in military TV series.

Chu Huan looked around curiously, "This military area is quite big." Xiao Moye's car came in from the door of the military area, and it had been driving for ten minutes.

"Well, it is the second largest military area in the country." Xiao Moye replied.

"Where is the number one?" she curiously asked.

"The Military District of City B."

Got it, from the capital! No wonder it is the largest. When Xiao Moye parked his car in a parking lot, he took Chu Huan to the office building.

The office building in the military area is quite simple from the outside, but when you enter it inside, it is quite technological. I met several people in military uniforms along the way, and I saw Xiao Moye one by one, saying, "Major General Xiao is good!" Then he looked at Chu Huan strangely.

Anyway, it was not the first time someone else looked at it with such strange eyes, and Chu Huan was a little used to it. Following Xiao Moye on the third floor, he entered a room with two compartments inside and outside. Outside this compartment, a young man in military uniform was sitting. He saw his boss bring a woman in. , Dumbfounded.

"Xiao Zhang, this is Chu Huan, I will stay inside for a while, and you can take care of it." Xiao Moye ordered.

"Yes!" The soldier named Xiao Zhang immediately stood at attention and replied loudly.

Xiao Moye led Chu Huan into the compartment inside, "This is where I usually work. If you want to sleep, you can lie down on the sofa for a while. If you are bored, just play on the computer. There are two computers on the table. Taiwan intranet, an external network, I will help you turn on the external network machine for a while, if you want to eat, let Xiao Zhang buy it for you."

With that said, he turned on one of the computers and told her a few more words before leaving the office with the meeting materials.

When Xiao Moye left, the soldier from Xiao Zhang looked at her, "Comrade Chu Huan, if you have any needs for a while, just say it."